9 research outputs found

    Innate theories as a basis for autonomous mental development

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    technical reportSloman (in robotics), Chomsky and Pinker (in natural language), and others, e.g., Rosenberg (in human cooperative behavior) have proposed that some abstract theories relevant to cognitive activity are encoded genetically in humans. The biological advantages of this are (1) to reduce the learning time for acquisition of speci c contextual models (e.g., from a language community; appropriate physics, etc.), and (2) to allow the determination of true statements about the world beyond those immediately available from direct experience. We believe that this hypothesis is a strong paradigm for the autonomous mental development of arti cial cognitive agents and we give speci c examples and propose a theoretical and experimental framework for this. In particular, we show that knowledge and exploitation of symmetry can lead to greatly reduced reinforcement learning times on a selected set of problems

    Symmetry as an organizational principle in cognitive sensor networks

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    technical reportCognitive sensor networks are able to perceive, learn, reason and act by means of a distributed, sensor/actuator, computation and communication system. In animals, cognitive capabilities do not arise from a tabula rasa, but are due in large part to the intrinsic architecture (genetics) of the animal which has been evolved over a long period of time and depends on a combination of constraints: e.g., ingest nutrients, avoid toxins, etc. We have previously shown how organism morphology arises from genetic algorithms responding to such constraints[6]. Recently, it has been suggested that abstract theories relevant to speci c cognitive domains are likewise genetically coded in humans (e.g., language, physics of motion, logic, etc.); thus, these theories and models are abstracted from experience over time. We call this the Domain Theory Hypothesis, and other proponents include Chomsky [2] and Pinker [11] (universal language), Sloman [16, 17] (arti cial intelligence), and Rosenberg [13] (cooperative behavior). Some advantages of such embedded theories are that they (1) make learning more ef cient, (2) allow generalization across models, and (3) allow determination of true statements about the world beyond those available from direct experience. We have shown in previous work how theories of symmetry can dramatically improve representational ef ciency and aid reinforcement learning on various problems [14]. However, it remains to be shown sensory data can be organized into appropriate elements so as to produce a model of a given theory. We address this here by showing how symmetric elements can be perceived by a sensor network and the role this plays in a cognitive system's ability to discover knowledge about its own structure as well as about the surrounding physical world. Our view is that cognitive sensor networks which can learn these things will not need to be pre-programmed in detail for specific tasks


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    of virtual machinery with “physically indefinable ” functions What’s Meta-Morphogenesis? A partial answer: Evolution, individual development, learning, and cultural change producing new mechanisms of evolution, individual development, learning, and cultural chang

    The Well-designed Young Mathematician

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    AbstractThis paper complements McCarthy's “The well designed child”, in part by putting it in a broader context, a space of sets of requirements and a space of designs, and in part by relating design features to development of mathematical competences. I moved into AI hoping to understand myself, especially hoping to understand how I could do mathematics. Over the ensuing four decades, my interactions with AI and other disciplines led to: design-based, cross-disciplinary investigations of requirements, especial those arising from interactions with a complex environment; a draft partial ontology for describing spaces of possible architectures, especially virtual machine architectures; investigations of how different forms of representation relate to different functions; analysis of biological nature/nurture tradeoffs and their relevance to machines; studies of control issues in a complex architecture; and showing how what can occur in such an architecture relates to our intuitive concepts of motivation, feeling, preferences, emotions, attitudes, values, moods, consciousness, etc. I conjecture that working models of human vision can lead to models of spatial reasoning that would help to support Kant's view of mathematics by showing that human mathematical abilities are a natural extension of abilities produced by biological evolution that are not yet properly understood, and have barely been noticed by psychologists and neuroscientists. Some requirements for such models, are described, including aspects of our ability to interact with complex 3-D structures and processes that extend Gibson's ideas concerning action affordances, to include proto-affordances, epistemic affordances and deliberative affordances. Some of what a child learns about structures and processes starts as empirical then, as a result of reflective processes, can be recognised as necessary (e.g., mathematical) truths. These processes normally develop unnoticed in young children, but provide the basis for much creativity in behaviour, as well as leading, in some, to development of an interest in mathematics. We still need to understand what sort of self-monitoring and self-extending architecture, and what forms of representation, are required to make this possible. This paper does not presuppose that all mathematical learners can do logic, though some fairly general form of reasoning seems to be required