653 research outputs found

    Use of G\"odel Universe to Construct A New Zollfrei Metric with R2×S1R^2 \times S^1 Topology

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    A new example of (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional Zollfrei metric, with the topology R2×S1R^2 \times S^1 , is presented. This metric is readily obtained from the celebrated (3+1)(3+1)- dimensional rotating G\"odel universe G3,1G_{3,1}. This is because G3,1G_{3,1} has the interesting property that, the light rays which are confined to move on the plane perpendicular to the rotation axis, return to their origin after a time period T=2πω[2−1]T = \frac{2 \pi}{\omega}[\sqrt{2}-1] -where ω\omega is the angular velocity of the universe. Hence by - the topological identification of pairs of points on the time coordinate, seperated by the time interval TT. and droping the flat x3x_3 coordinate - which is directed along the rotation axis; one obtains the (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional Zollfrei metric with the R2×S1R^2 \times S^1 topology.Comment: 3 page

    Special Theory of Relativity in Curved Space Time

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    Space-time measurements, of gedanken experiments of special relativity need modification in curved spaces-times. It is found that in a space-time with metric gg, the special relativistic factor γ\gamma, has to be replaced by γg=1/gμνVμVν\gamma_g=1/\sqrt{g_{\mu \nu} V^\mu V^\nu}, where Vμ=(1,v,0,0)V_\mu=(1,v,0,0), is the 4-velocity, and vv the relative velocity between the two frames Examples are given for Schwarzschild metric, Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric, and the G\"{o}del metric. Among the novelties are paradoxical tachyonic states, with γg\gamma_g becoming imaginary, for velocities less than that of light, due to space-time curvature. Relativistic mass becomes a function of space-time curvature, m=gμνPμPνm=\sqrt{g_{\mu \nu}P^\mu P^\nu}, where Pμ=(E,p)P_\mu=(E,p) is the 4-momentum, signaling a new form of Mach's principle, in which a global object - namely the metric tensor, is effecting interia.Comment: 13 page

    Geometry of Time, Axiom of Choice and Neuro-Biological Quantum Zeno Effect

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    Role of axiom of choice in quantum measurement is highlighted by suggesting that the conscious observer chooses the outcome from a mixed state. Further, in a periodically repeating universe, these outcomes must be pre-recorded within the non-physical conscious observers, which precludes free will. Free will however exists in a universe with open time, It is suggested that psychology's binding problem is connected with Cantor's original definition of set. Influence of consciousness on material outcome through quantum processes is discussed and interesting constraints derived. For example, it is predicted that quantum mechanical brain states should get frozen if monitored at sufficiently small space-time intervals - a neuro-biological version of the so called quantum zeno effect, which has been verified in domain of micro-physics. Existence of a very small micro-mini-black-hole in brain is predicted as a space-time structural interface between consciousness and brain, whose vaporization explains mass-loss reported in weighing experiments, conducting during the moments of death.Comment: 13 page

    Epistemology in Cyclic Time

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    Consider the scenario, in which human civilization undergoes periodic eras of progression and regression, and consequently, changes in cosmological knowledge are cyclic. There exist solutions of general theory of relativity, such as the G\"{o}del universe, in which the cosmos is rotating. If the real universe is indeed rotating, than this would be a reversion to rotating universe models, used in ancient cosmological models. We argue that such reversions in physical models would be inevitable in a space-time in which time is having S1S^1 (circular) topology.Comment: Paper accepted for conference on philosophy of science, Kentucky State University, April 199

    Climate Control Using Nuclear Energy

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    We examine implications of anthropogenic low pressure regions, - created by injecting heat from nuclear reactors, into atmosphere. We suggest the possibility that such artificially generated low pressure regions, near hurricanes could disrupt their growth, path, and intensity. This method can also create controlled tropical stroms, which lead to substantial rainfall in arid areas, such as - (1)Sahara desert, (2) Australian interior desert, and (3) Indian Thar desert. A simple vortex suction model is developed to study, effect on atmospheric dynamics, by such a nuclear heat injection system.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Recurrence Metrics and Time Varying Light Cones

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    It is shown by explicit construction of new metrics, that General Relativity can solve the exact Poincaˊ\acute{a}re recurrence problem. In these solutions, the light cone, flips periodically between past and future, due to a periodically alternating arrow of the proper time. The geodesics in these universes show periodic Loschmidt's velocity reversion v→−vv \to -v, at critical points, which leads to recurrence. However, the matter tensors of some of these solutions exhibit unusual properties - such as, periodic variations in density and pressure. While this is to be expected in periodic models, the physical basis for such a variation is not clear. Present paper therefore can be regarded as an extension of Tipler's "no go theorem for recurrence in an expanding universe", to other space-time geometries

    Curvature effects in special relativity

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    Space-time measurements, of gedanken experiments of special relativity need modification in curved spaces-times. It is found that in a space-time with metric gg, the special relativistic factor γ\gamma, has to be replaced by \gamma_\g=1/sqrt{g{\mu \nu} V^\mu V^\nu}, where Vμ=(1,v,0,0)V_\mu=(1,v,0,0), is the 4-velocity, and vv the relative velocity between the two frames. Examples are given for Schwarzschild metric, Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric, and the G\"{o}del metric. Among the novelties are paradoxical tachyonic states, with \gamma_\g becoming imaginary, for velocities less than that of light, due to space-time curvature. Relativistic mass becomes a function of space-time curvature, m=gμνPμPνm=\sqrt{g_{\mu \nu}P^\mu P^\nu}, where Pμ=(E,p)P_\mu=(E,p) is the 4-momentum, signalling a new form of mach's principle, in which a global object - namely the metric tensor, is effecting interia.Comment: 13 pages (double spaced

    Interplay between the small and the large scale structure of spacetime

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    Existence of frame invariant, maximum, time interval TT, length LL, and mass MM is postulated. In the de Sitter universe - (1) the life span of universe, (2) the circumference of universe at the point of maximum expansion, and (3) the mass of the universe - are candidates for TT, LL and MM respectively. Impact of such invariant global parameters, on the definition of local physical quantities, such as velocity is discussed.Comment: 8 page

    Loschmidt's paradox, entropy and the topology of spacetime

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    The issue of the "eternal return" is examined from the perspective of the topology of spacetime. Constraints on dynamical laws for the periodic evolution of a system or universe are highlighted. Using a Fourier series expansion, an infinite set of simultaneous linear equations is formulated for the periodic evolution of a system/universe.Comment: 8 pages, v2: 2 references added, typos corrected, minor content chang

    Large Scale Weather Control Using Nuclear Reactors

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    It is pointed out that controlled release of thermal energy from fission type nuclear reactors can be used to alter weather patterns over significantly large geographical regions. (1) Nuclear heat creates a low pressure region, which can be used to draw moist air from oceans, onto deserts. (2) Creation of low pressure zones over oceans using Nuclear heat can lead to Controlled Cyclone Creation (CCC).(3) Nuclear heat can also be used to melt glaciers and control water flow in rivers.Comment: 7 pages, some typos correcte
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