13 research outputs found

    Recent Development in Information Science: Implications for Information Systems Research

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    Over past several decades, the management information systems (MIS) community has adopted theories, methodologies, philosophical bases, and assumptions from sister disciplines. This paper reports the changing nature of information science (IS) towards multi-disciplinarity and its development over the past decade. It also examines the contribution of informetrics to MIS research in delineating the intellectual structure of information systems, comparing cumulative research traditions, demonstrating theoretical differences between competing approaches, tracing a paradigm shift. Development in IS provides MIS researchers with ample opportunities for cross-disciplinary research, new research tools, new theories to understand information systems phenomena, etc

    Measuring Growth and Impact of Neuroscience Researches in India: A Scientometric analysis based on Scopus

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    Present study focuses on growth of neuroscience research in India and its impact on scholarly world. Total 4812 data were collected from Scopus database for the period of 2004-2018. Analysis of the data revealed considerable increase in Annual Growth Rate in neuroscience research with 10.52% CAGR for the entire period. Relative Growth Rate (RGR) was increasing with minor fluctuations i.e. growth in Neuroscience research is not exponential ratio rather than it is arithmetic ratio and Doubling Time is similar to RGR. Trend (Least Square) of the neuroscience publications showed an increase trend during the study period. But the prediction of the trend up to the year 2023 has indicated the downward trend in the growth. Articles were the major form of publication followed by letters. Collaborative Index (CI) ranges from 4.22 to 5.02 with an average of 4.75 per joint authored papers. Degree of collaboration for total publications of the neuroscience was 0.93 i.e. team research, which is confirmed by the value of Collaboration coefficient. Mega-authored papers received highest 24657 (49.88%) citations, whereas single authored papers received lowest 861(1.74%) citations. Author Shukla, D. is the most productive author contributing 42 articles.1934 (40.19%) of total publications did not have any institutional collaboration, 1063 (22.09%) publications were co-authored with other institutes/universities/colleges of India, 764 (15.88%) were collaborated within their own organization/institute/university/college in which they are affiliated and 1051 (21.84%) publications were collaborated with foreign authors

    Changing Scholarly Trends of LIS Research in Asia: A Scientometric Study based on Scopus

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    Scientometric studies can be of great help not only for researchers and academicians but also for the government officials in setting funds for development as well as policy setting and decision making. Various scientometric studies are being done to assess the publication output of the researchers in the various disciplines, to know their collaboration as well as interdisciplinarity. This present study is furthering the level of the study by assessing the LIS research trend in the Asian countries, using AGR, RCI, CC and PEI etc. as indicators

    The Mutualistic Relationship between Information Systems and the Humanities

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    The paper explores the nature of the relationship between the study fields of Information Systems and the humanities. Although literature on Humanities Computing states in principle that there is a bi-directional, beneficial symbiotic relationship, most studies and reflections investigate only the application of information technology in the humanities. This implies that the relation is commensalistic rather that mutualistic. However, studies do exist that implement theoretical constructs borrowed from the humanities in various aspects of Information Systems. Therefore, the author pleads that more recognition be given to the pre-discipline of Humanities-enriched Information Systems and proposes theoretical and practical ways to make the field more independent. The paper uses an interpretive research approach and explores the issue at hand on a meta-theoretical level. It suggests that, by building on the foundations of existing, pre-disciplinary enrichment endeavors, a new paradigm of Information Systems research may be acknowledged and nursed in order to facilitate further growth of the discipline

    Examining Doctoral Student Education for Collaborative Authorship in LIS

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    Doctoral students in Library and Information Science (LIS) are encouraged to publish formally by themselves, but also with faculty and peer collaborators. Ethical practices for evaluating authorship contribution in collaborative research projects are not, however, generally included as a formal aspect of doctoral education. How, then, can LIS doctoral students best learn about the ethical enactment of co-authorship? This paper presents and synthesizes literature and standards on authorship collaborations relevant to doctoral students and their mentors, and makes three recommendations to supplement authorship education in the curriculum of LIS doctoral programs. Special attention is devoted to interdisciplinary collaborations

    Knowledge inflow in Library and Information Science in India: a case study of Library Herald

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    This study determined the knowledge inflow in library and information science publications in Indian. Citation analysis and co-author(s) academic background study was done by the authors to analyzed articles published in Library Herald during 2005-2014. Total 220 articles contributed by 371 scholars with 2662 references were studied and it was found that journals were most referred documents, 33 major disciplines has influenced on LIS, education was the most influencing discipline on LIS based on co-authorship study and citation counting analysi

    Formale wissenschaftliche Kommunikation

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    Taubert NC. Formale wissenschaftliche Kommunikation. In: Bonfadelli H, Fähnrich B, Lüthje C, Milde J, Rhombert M, Schäfer M, eds. Forschungsfeld Wissenschaftskommunikation. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag; 2017: 1

    Mapping information research in Canada = Cartographier la recherche en science de l’information au Canada

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    This study examines the Canadian information research landscape through the lens of the eight academic units hosting ALA-accredited programs. We created a citation-based network utilizing the scholarly articles published by the faculty members and PhD students at each academic unit to identify and characterize distinct research clusters within the field. Then we determined how the publications and researchers from each unit are distributed across the clusters to describe their area of specialization. Our findings emphasize how the inter-, multi-, and transdisciplinary nature of the Canadian information research landscape forms a rich mosaic of information scholarship.Cet article examine le paysage canadien de la recherche en sciences de l’information à travers le prisme des huit unités universitaires offrant des programmes d’études accrédités par l'ALA. Nous avons réalisé un réseau basé sur les citations en utilisant les articles scientifiques publiés par les membres du corps professoral et les doctorants de chaque unité universitaire pour identifier et caractériser des grappes de recherche distinctes dans le domaine. Ensuite, nous avons déterminé comment les publications et les chercheurs de chaque unité sont répartis dans les grappes de recherche pour décrire leur domaine de spécialisation. Nos résultats soulignent comment la nature inter-, multi- et transdisciplinaire du paysage canadien de la recherche en sciences de l’information forme une riche mosaïque de travaux dans le domaine de l’information

    Cross-disciplinary collaboration versus coexistence in LIS serials: analysis of authorship affiliations in four European countries

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    The interdisciplinary nature of library and information science (LIS) research has been highlighted for some time now. The term 'interdisciplinary' is used primarily in the LIS literature as a general concept with different meanings that refer either to the coexistence of researchers from different scientific fields or to cross-disciplinary collaboration expressed in the form of coauthorship. This study analyses the disciplinary profile of LIS researchers with a view to ascertaining the actual level of cross-disciplinary collaboration and identifying all fields involved. Because of the complexity of identifying accurate affiliations at knowledge area level, the study was limited to authors from France, Germany, Spain and the UK. This analysis of authorship affiliation was performed based on research published in LIS serial titles indexed in Scopus during the 2010-2017 period. A rigorous and laborious process of identifying author affiliations was carried out. This involved checking the authorship of each paper and complementing this with information from websites, scientific social networks and other research endeavours whenever ambiguous situations arose. We observed that LIS departments produce barely a third of the research published in serial titles in the LIS subject category. Cross-disciplinary collaboration among all of the scientific fields involved is low, and even lower in LIS than in other fields. The low level of cross-disciplinary collaboration in LIS contradicts the interdisciplinary nature of LIS highlighted in the literature