228,661 research outputs found

    The role of big data in smart city

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    The expansion of big data and the evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have played an important role in the feasibility of smart city initiatives. Big data offer the potential for cities to obtain valuable insights from a large amount of data collected through various sources, and the IoT allows the integration of sensors, radio-frequency identification, and Bluetooth in the real-world environment using highly networked services. The combination of the IoT and big data is an unexplored research area that has brought new and interesting challenges for achieving the goal of future smart cities. These new challenges focus primarily on problems related to business and technology that enable cities to actualize the vision, principles, and requirements of the applications of smart cities by realizing the main smart environment characteristics. In this paper, we describe the existing communication technologies and smart-based applications used within the context of smart cities. The visions of big data analytics to support smart cities are discussed by focusing on how big data can fundamentally change urban populations at different levels. Moreover, a future business model that can manage big data for smart cities is proposed, and the business and technological research challenges are identified. This study can serve as a benchmark for researchers and industries for the future progress and development of smart cities in the context of big data

    Analyzing Role of Big Data and IoT in Smart Cities

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    Big data and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have evolved and expanded tremendously and hence play a major role in building feasible initiatives for smart city development. IoT and big data form a perfect blend in bringing an interesting and novel challenge to attain futuristic smart cities. These new challenges mainly focus on business and technology related issues that help smart cities to formulate their principles, vision, requirements of smart city applications. In this paper, the role of big data and IoT technologies with respect to smart cities is analyzed. The benefits that smart cities will have from big data and IoT are also discussed. Various challenges faced by smart cities in general related to big data and IoT have also been described here. Moreover, the future statistics of IoT and big data with respect to smart cities is also deliberated

    A Framework for Integrating Transportation Into Smart Cities

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    In recent years, economic, environmental, and political forces have quickly given rise to “Smart Cities” -- an array of strategies that can transform transportation in cities. Using a multi-method approach to research and develop a framework for smart cities, this study provides a framework that can be employed to: Understand what a smart city is and how to replicate smart city successes; The role of pilot projects, metrics, and evaluations to test, implement, and replicate strategies; and Understand the role of shared micromobility, big data, and other key issues impacting communities. This research provides recommendations for policy and professional practice as it relates to integrating transportation into smart cities

    Big Data in Smart-Cities: Current Research and Challenges

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    Smart-cities are an emerging paradigm containing heterogeneous network infrastructure, ubiquitous sensing devices, big-data processing and intelligent control systems. Their primary aim is to improve the quality of life of the citizens by providing intelligent services in a wide variety of aspects like transportation, healthcare, entertainment, environment, and energy. In order to provide such services, the role of big-data and its analysis is extremely important as it enables to obtain valuable insights into the large data generated by the smart-cities.  In this article, we investigate the state-of-art research efforts directed towards big-data analytics in a smart-city context. Specifically, first we present a big-data centric taxonomy for the smart-cities to bring forth a generic overview of the importance of big-data paradigm in a smart-city environment. This is followed by the presentation of a top-level snapshot of the commonly used big-data analytical platforms. Due to the heterogeneity of data being collected by the smart-cities, often with conflicting processing requirements, suitable analytical techniques depending upon the data type are also suggested. In addition to this, a generic four-tier big-data framework comprising of the sensing hub, storage hub, processing hub and application hub is also proposed that can be applied in any smart-city context. This is complemented by providing the common big-data applications in a smart-city and presentation of ten selected case studies of smart-cities across the globe. Finally, the open challenges are highlighted in order to give future research directions

    Intelligent Technologies Supporting the Management of a Smart City. Qualitative Approach

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    Intelligent technologies such as Business Intelligence systems, big data, artificial intelligence including machine learning and cognitive technologies play crucial role in the process of a smart city management. The aim of the paper is to indicate the role of intelligent solutions in the management of a contemporary city, particularly focusing on the support of decision making process. The research methodology is based on a qualitative approach where six case studies were conducted in the selected big cities in Poland in 2021 year. The respondents belonged to the group of mainly managers of IT departments in the cities. The case study analyses showed that implemented intelligent solutions in the process of a smart city management positively and significantly affect efficacy, efficiency, quality, and acceleration of the decision-making process and also support the creation of a particular city development strategy. The paper puts also an emphasis on the review of AI applications within the concept of smart city in a big worldwide metropolies

    Big Data: The Engine to Future Cities—A Reflective Case Study in Urban Transport

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    In an era of smart cities, artificial intelligence and machine learning, data is purported to be the ‘new oil’, fuelling increasingly complex analytics and assisting us to craft and invent future cities. This paper outlines the role of what we know today as big data in understanding the city and includes a summary of its evolution. Through a critical reflective case study approach, the research examines the application of urban transport big data for informing planning of the city of Sydney. Specifically, transport smart card data, with its diverse constraints, was used to understand mobility patterns through the lens of the 30 min city concept. The paper concludes by offering reflections on the opportunities and challenges of big data and the promise it holds in supporting data-driven approaches to planning future cities

    The new role of citizens as co-creators of socio-digital innovations and urban development: A case-study of participation and co-creation in the smart city development of Barcelona.

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    Die vorliegende Masterarbeit untersucht aktuelle Trends in der Stadtplanung und Design, um zu analysieren, wie BĂŒrger an der Mitgestaltung von Smart Cities beteiligt werden können. Ziel ist es, ein ganzheitliches VerstĂ€ndnis der neueren Konzepte und Methoden von Co-Design und Co-creation zu entwickeln und diese mit den etablierteren Forschungsfeldern der BĂŒrgerbeteiligung und Koproduktion zu vergleichen. Koproduktion und Co-Creation können als verbesserte Partizipation oder Partnerschaft in Bezug auf die Partizipationsleiter verstanden werden, da beide Konzepte Beziehungen auf Augenhöhe zwischen BĂŒrger und Stadtverwaltung voraussetzen. In Ă€hnlicher Weise gesteht Co-Design, Designern und Usern die gleichen Rechte und Möglichkeiten im Gestaltungsprozess zu. Es wird eine ganzheitliche Definition des Co-Creation-Prozesses dargelegt, die Erkenntnisse aus Co-Design, Co-Produktion und Partizipation beinhaltet und Co-Creation als einen Prozess versteht, der aus Initiation, Design und Produktion besteht. Die Smart City als sich rasch entwickelndes Forschungsfeld, Definitionen und Charakteristika sowie populĂ€re imaginĂ€re und dominante Diskurse werden vorgestellt. Um die Rolle des BĂŒrgers zur Smart City zu verstehen, werden die unterschiedlichen VerstĂ€ndnisse von Smart Governance erlĂ€utert und Aspekte von Open Data, Big Data und Big Data Analytics sowie die Rolle von BĂŒrgern und Gefahren der Smart City diskutiert. In der Fallstudie zur BĂŒrgerbeteiligung werden Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Förderung der Mitgestaltung einer Smart City anhand Partizipationsleiter von (Arnstein 1969) diskutiert und analysiert. Die Smart City Entwicklung in Barcelona wird vor dem Hintergrund der gemeinschaftlichen Entwicklung sozialer Innovationen in Smart Cities analysiert. Die Fallstudie verweist auf MĂ€ngel im Hinblick auf BĂŒrgerbeteiligung an der Entscheidungsfindung und an der Verlagerung von MachtverhĂ€ltnissen in der Entwicklung der Smart City Barcelona, die dafĂŒr aber mit neuen Werkzeugen und Technologien fĂŒr partizipative Stadtentwicklung experimentiert und sich zu einem alternativen Smart City Modell entwickelt. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind abschließend im Methodenkatalog zusammengefasst, der Methoden und Tools aus Theorie und Fallstudie aufgreift um zu dem VerstĂ€ndnis beizutragen, wie Smart Cities gemeinsam gestaltet werden können.This thesis studies current trends in planning and design studies to analyse how citizens can participate in the co-creation of smart cities. It aims at developing a holistic understanding of the new concepts and methods of co-creation, and co-design and compares those with the more established research fields of citizen participation and co-production. Co-production and co-creation can be understood as instances of enhanced participation or as a partnership in participation, as both concepts require equal relationships among citizens and the city administration. Similarly, co-design requires designers and users to share the same rights and possibilities in the design process. A holistic definition of the co-creation process is provided that incorporates insights from co-design, co-production and participation and defines co-creation as a process consisting of initiation, design and production. The smart city as emerging research field, definitions and characteristics, as well as popular imaginary and dominant discourses, are presented. To grasp the role of the citizen in the smart city, the different understandings of smart governance are explained and aspects of to open data, big data and big data analytics, as well as the role of citizens and perils of the smart city are discussed. In the case-study of citizen participation methods and tools fostering the co-creation of a smart city are discussed and analysed with the introduced participation framework, which is based on the ladder of participation (Arnstein 1969). The smart city development in Barcelona is analysed against the backdrop of co-creating social innovations in smart cities. There might be a lack of citizen participation in decision-making and shifting power relations in the city, which experiments nonetheless with new tools and technologies for the participatory environment experiments with new formats and technologies for economic and urban development and evolves to become an alternative model of the smart city. The main findings are included in the toolbox based on methods and tools from theory and the case-study contributing to the knowledge of how to co-create of smart cities

    Peran Big Data dalam Membangun Smart City untuk Sistem Perpajakan Daerah

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    The Role of Big Data to Establish Smart City for Local Taxation System Purpose: This study aims to analyze the opportunities and challenges of big data in building smart cities, especially for local taxation systems. Method: The method used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Results: Big data is able to make the work of local governments as regulators more efficient and on target, especially in the field of taxation. This is because big data is able to provide data needed by the government in formulating and implementing policies, such as technology-based tax collection and supervision. Novelty: This research examines the opportunities and challenges of big data in building a smart city from the aspect of the local taxation system. Contribution: This research can be used as material for consideration for the City Government as a regulator in the local taxation system   Peran Big Data dalam Membangun Smart City untuk Sistem Perpajakan Daerah Tujuan: Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh peluang dan tantangan big data dalam membangun smart city khusus untuk sistem perpajakan daerah. Metode: Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Temuan: Big data mampu membuat kerja pemerintah daerah sebagai regulator menjadi lebih efisien dan tepat sasaran, khususnya di bidang perpajakan. Pasalnya, big data mampu menyediakan data yang dibutuhkan pemerintah dalam merumuskan dan melaksanakan kebijakan, seperti pemungutan dan pengawasan pajak berbasis teknologi. Kebaharuan: Penelitian ini mengkaji peluang dan tantangan big data dalam membangun smart city dari aspek sistem perpajakan daerah. Kontribusi: Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan bagi pemerintah kota sebagai regulator dalam sistem perpajakan daerah

    Dumb Cities: Spatial Media, Urban Communication, and the Right to the Smart City

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    A majority of the global population is now concentrated in cities, and the "smart city" model has emerged as the predominant paradigm for contemporary urban development. Employing networked infrastructures and big data for urban governance, the smart city promises innovative solutions for longstanding urban problems—using computer technologies to automate or monitor everything from traffic patterns to voting practices—while also posing new questions and dilemmas for city dwellers. The smart city model reworks traditional notions of urban rights, such as access to housing and public space, by implementing communication technologies that offer new possibilities for connection even as they create conditions for division and unequal access. How do the communication infrastructures deployed in smart city programs alter the communicative functions of urban spaces, and how might critical urban theory be updated in order to account for these emerging technologies? Focusing primarily on Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this project addresses these questions by investigating policies, practices, and infrastructures mediating civic engagement and urban communication in technologically-driven urban development. I survey several salient examples of smart city approaches including the use of “big data” approaches for urban governance, networked transportation infrastructures, and media interfaces for visualizing and interacting with space. This work focuses especially on how notions of citizenship and civic engagement are constructed in "smart" urban imaginaries, as well as the role of emergent technologies in mediating experiences of space and place. I advance the rhetorical skill and cunning intelligence of mĂȘtis as a conceptual lens for assessing and cultivating an engaged urban citizenship. I argue that rhetorics of “smart” urbanism discursively delegate ideals of civic engagement to technical infrastructures and processes, thereby occluding both longstanding and emergent disparities in urban communities
