12 research outputs found

    Self instruction techniques recommends using the trend of student "smartphone addiction" to increase self-esteem

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    Smartphone addiction is a phenomenon that readily occurs in adolescents and harms physical and mental development. One of the factors that influence the occurrence of smartphone addiction in adolescents is low self-esteem. The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of group counseling using self-instruction techniques to increase students' self-esteem and make them vulnerable to smartphone addiction. This study used a pre-test and post-test design from a random control group, involving 7 XII students majoring in fashion at SMK Negeri 1 Takengon. The data analysis technique used is repeated measurement analysis of variance. The results showed that the self-instruction technique group counseling can effectively increase the self-esteem of students who tend to be addicted to smartphones in Takengon City, Ace

    Extraversion, Secure Attachment dan Perilaku Cyberbullying

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    Riset-riset sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan individual seperti kepribadian dan gaya attachment dapat memprediksi perilaku bullying dan cyberbullying. Meski demikian, masih ditemukan adanya inkonsistensi dalam temuan-temuan sebelumnya. Penelitian ini menguji apakah dimensi kepribadian extraversion dan secure attachment berperan dalam munculnya perilaku cyberbullying. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 199 siswa SMP.  Analisis regresi digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis yang diajukan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rendahnya skor extraversion memprediksi tingginya skor cyberbullying. Sementara itu rendahnya skor secure attachment memprediksi tingginya skor cyberbullying. Rekomendasi dan saran dijelaskan lebih lanjut dalam artikel ini

    Core self-evaluation and loneliness as predictors of internet addictions among undergraduate students

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    The study investigated core self-evaluation and loneliness as predictors of internet addiction among undergraduate students, two hundred and forty-seven (247) undergraduate students which comprised 139 females and 108 males with a mean age of 21.76 and SD of 5.07 were selected using multi-stage (cluster, simple random: by balloting and purposive) sampling techniques as participants from Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu. Young (1998a) internet addiction test (IAT), Judge et al., (2003) Core Self Evaluation Scale (CSES) and Russell, Peplau, and Ferguson, (1978) UCLA Loneliness Scale were used for the gathering of data, correlational design was adopted, while hierarchical multiple regression using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 25 was used for data analysis. Finding revealed that core self-evaluation did not predict internet addict at sig.= .836 which is higher than the threshold of at p< .05, loneliness also failed to predict internet addiction at sig. 556 which is higher than the value of at p< .05. The two independent variable shows no relationship with the dependent variable at r= .1(r= .079), both core self-evaluation and loneliness contributed 0% to the variation of internet addiction at r2= .006, both independent did not jointly predict internet addiction at sig. .752, which is higher than the threshold of at p< .05. Therefore, it is important to encourage students to develop a strong sense of core self-evaluation, as it can help them regulate their internet use and prevent addiction

    Relationship of Personality Traits and Level of Social Network Use: Five -Factor Model

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    Many studies have shown that personality affects the level and the way of using technologies especially internet. This study aimed to determine the relationship between personality traits and the amount of virtual social networks use. The research method was descriptive-correlational. The population of the study consisted of all 18 to 45 years old social networks users who lived in Tehran in1395 that 161 of them were selected through a convenient sampling method and answered to short form of NEO Personality Inventory and self-report questionnaire about the amount of hours using virtual networks. The data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and multivariate regression. The findings showed that among personality dimensions, only neuroticism has significant positive relationship with social network use (p<0.01) but extraversion, openness (p<0.05), and conscientiousness (p<0.01) had negative significant relationship with social network use. In addition, the results of multivariate regression showed that neuroticism (β = 0.169, p <0/05) and conscientiousness (β = -0.381, p <0/01) can predict level of social networks use in individuals. The findings of the research indicated that more neuroticism and less Conscientiousness are related to more level of virtual social networks us

    “Belonging without being”: Relationships between problematic gaming, internet use, and social group attachment in adolescence

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    ABSTRACT: Gaming and Internet use are positively associated with benefits for interpersonal relationships in adolescence, with these behaviors when excessive having been negatively linked with positive aspects of interpersonal connections, such as secure attachment. Using a representative sample of 7918 Portuguese adolescents, with ages ranging from 13 to 19 (Mage = 15.5, 53.3% females), and three self-report measures of problematic gaming, problematic Internet use, and social group attachment (secure, anxious, avoidant), this cross-sectional study aimed to examine the associations between problematic gaming, as well as problematic Internet use, and secure and insecure (anxious and avoidant) social group attachment styles, in the groups with and without these problems. In the groups without problematic gaming and without problematic Internet use, excessive gaming and involvement with the Internet were negatively associated with secure social group attachment and positively associated with anxious social group attachment; on the other hand, in the groups with severe levels of these problems, problematic gaming and Internet use were positively associated with secure social group attachment and negatively associated with anxious social group attachment. These results go against what had been initially hypothesized and suggest that in the case of adolescents with severe levels of these problems, they may serve as an effective compensatory mechanism for coping with the negative effects of insecure attachment styles, which in turn likely contributes to the maintenance of problematic gaming and Internet use.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pathologies associated with Problematic Internet Use. A systematic review and meta-analysis in WoS and Scopus

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    El uso problemático de internet (UPI) ha empezado a vincularse con la predisposición a padecer ciertas patologías que afectan la salud del ser humano. Este trabajo se propuso determinar las patologías asociadas al uso problemático de internet a partir de una revisión sistemática en Web of Science y Scopus, y analizar la incidencia del UPI en cada una de las patologías a través del metaanálisis. Así pues, se empleó una metodología de revisión sistemática con metaanálisis y se estableció una muestra final de 62 documentos. Entre los resultados destacan, como principales patologías asociadas al uso problemático de internet, el trastorno obsesivo- compulsivo, el abuso del alcohol, la depresión, el estrés, los trastornos del sueño, el déficit de atención y la hiperactividad y los trastornos alimenticios. Además, en la mayoría de estas patologías se estableció una significación estadística entre los grupos de control y los grupos con UPI. Finalmente, se muestra una panorámica general sobre los riesgos que conlleva el abuso de internet y la incidencia que presentan en la salud tanto física como mental.Problematic Internet Use (PIU) has begun to be linked to the predisposition to suffer certain pathologies that affect human health. It is proposed in this paper to determine the pathologies associated to PIU, with a systematic review in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, and to analyse the incidence of PIU in each of these pathologies through the meta-analysis. Therefore, a systematic methodology review has been used with meta-analysis, and a final sample of 62 documents was established. Among the results, stand out the following as main pathologies associated to PIU: obsessive-compulsive disorder; alcohol abuse; depression; stress; sleep disorder; attention deficit; hyperactivity disorder, and eating disorders. Additionally, in most pathologies, statistical significance is established between control groups and groups with PIU. Finally, a general overview of the risks associated with Internet abuse is presented, and their impact on both physical and mental health

    The relationship between personality traits, psychopathological symptoms, and problematic internet use: a complex mediation model

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    Background: There are many empirical studies that demonstrate the associations between problematic internet use, psychopathological symptoms, and personality traits. However, complex models are scarce. Objective: The aim of this study was to build and test a mediation model based on problematic internet use, psychopathological symptoms, and personality traits. Methods: Data were collected from a medical addiction center (43 internet addicts) and internet cafés (222 customers) in Beijing (Mean age = 22.45 years, SD = 4.96; 90.2% males). Path analysis was applied to test the mediation models using structural equation modelling. Results: Based on the preliminary analyses (correlations and linear regression), two different models were built. In the first model, low conscientiousness and depression had a direct significant influence on problematic internet use. The indirect effect of conscientiousness – via depression – was non-significant. Emotional stability only affected problematic internet use indirectly, via depressive symptoms. In the second model, low conscientiousness also had a direct influence on problematic internet use, while the indirect path via the Global Severity Index was again non-significant. Emotional stability impacted problematic internet use indirectly via the Global Severity Index, while it had no direct effect on it, as in the first model. Conclusion: Personality traits (i.e., conscientiousness as a protective factor and neuroticism as a risk factor) play a significant role in problematic internet use, both directly and indirectly (via distress level)