145,860 research outputs found

    A pseudospectral matrix method for time-dependent tensor fields on a spherical shell

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    We construct a pseudospectral method for the solution of time-dependent, non-linear partial differential equations on a three-dimensional spherical shell. The problem we address is the treatment of tensor fields on the sphere. As a test case we consider the evolution of a single black hole in numerical general relativity. A natural strategy would be the expansion in tensor spherical harmonics in spherical coordinates. Instead, we consider the simpler and potentially more efficient possibility of a double Fourier expansion on the sphere for tensors in Cartesian coordinates. As usual for the double Fourier method, we employ a filter to address time-step limitations and certain stability issues. We find that a tensor filter based on spin-weighted spherical harmonics is successful, while two simplified, non-spin-weighted filters do not lead to stable evolutions. The derivatives and the filter are implemented by matrix multiplication for efficiency. A key technical point is the construction of a matrix multiplication method for the spin-weighted spherical harmonic filter. As example for the efficient parallelization of the double Fourier, spin-weighted filter method we discuss an implementation on a GPU, which achieves a speed-up of up to a factor of 20 compared to a single core CPU implementation.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figure

    Non-parametric PSF estimation from celestial transit solar images using blind deconvolution

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    Context: Characterization of instrumental effects in astronomical imaging is important in order to extract accurate physical information from the observations. The measured image in a real optical instrument is usually represented by the convolution of an ideal image with a Point Spread Function (PSF). Additionally, the image acquisition process is also contaminated by other sources of noise (read-out, photon-counting). The problem of estimating both the PSF and a denoised image is called blind deconvolution and is ill-posed. Aims: We propose a blind deconvolution scheme that relies on image regularization. Contrarily to most methods presented in the literature, our method does not assume a parametric model of the PSF and can thus be applied to any telescope. Methods: Our scheme uses a wavelet analysis prior model on the image and weak assumptions on the PSF. We use observations from a celestial transit, where the occulting body can be assumed to be a black disk. These constraints allow us to retain meaningful solutions for the filter and the image, eliminating trivial, translated and interchanged solutions. Under an additive Gaussian noise assumption, they also enforce noise canceling and avoid reconstruction artifacts by promoting the whiteness of the residual between the blurred observations and the cleaned data. Results: Our method is applied to synthetic and experimental data. The PSF is estimated for the SECCHI/EUVI instrument using the 2007 Lunar transit, and for SDO/AIA using the 2012 Venus transit. Results show that the proposed non-parametric blind deconvolution method is able to estimate the core of the PSF with a similar quality to parametric methods proposed in the literature. We also show that, if these parametric estimations are incorporated in the acquisition model, the resulting PSF outperforms both the parametric and non-parametric methods.Comment: 31 pages, 47 figure

    Introducing PHAEDRA: a new spectral code for simulations of relativistic magnetospheres

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    We describe a new scheme for evolving the equations of force-free electrodynamics, the vanishing-inertia limit of magnetohydrodynamics. This pseudospectral code uses global orthogonal basis function expansions to take accurate spatial derivatives, allowing the use of an unstaggered mesh and the complete force-free current density. The method has low numerical dissipation and diffusion outside of singular current sheets. We present a range of one- and two-dimensional tests, and demonstrate convergence to both smooth and discontinuous analytic solutions. As a first application, we revisit the aligned rotator problem, obtaining a steady solution with resistivity localised in the equatorial current sheet outside the light cylinder.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Basic Types of Coarse-Graining

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    We consider two basic types of coarse-graining: the Ehrenfests' coarse-graining and its extension to a general principle of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, and the coarse-graining based on uncertainty of dynamical models and Epsilon-motions (orbits). Non-technical discussion of basic notions and main coarse-graining theorems are presented: the theorem about entropy overproduction for the Ehrenfests' coarse-graining and its generalizations, both for conservative and for dissipative systems, and the theorems about stable properties and the Smale order for Epsilon-motions of general dynamical systems including structurally unstable systems. Computational kinetic models of macroscopic dynamics are considered. We construct a theoretical basis for these kinetic models using generalizations of the Ehrenfests' coarse-graining. General theory of reversible regularization and filtering semigroups in kinetics is presented, both for linear and non-linear filters. We obtain explicit expressions and entropic stability conditions for filtered equations. A brief discussion of coarse-graining by rounding and by small noise is also presented.Comment: 60 pgs, 11 figs., includes new analysis of coarse-graining by filtering. A talk given at the research workshop: "Model Reduction and Coarse-Graining Approaches for Multiscale Phenomena," University of Leicester, UK, August 24-26, 200
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