34 research outputs found

    Beauty, elegance, grace, and sexiness compared

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    Beauty is the single most frequently and most broadly used aesthetic virtue term. The present study aimed at providing higher conceptual resolution to the broader notion of beauty by comparing it with three closely related aesthetically evaluative concepts which are likewise lexicalized across many languages: elegance, grace(fulness), and sexiness. We administered a variety of questionnaires that targeted perceptual qualia, cognitive and affective evaluations, as well as specific object properties that are associated with beauty, elegance, grace, and sexiness in personal looks, movements, objects of design, and other domains. This allowed us to reveal distinct and highly nuanced profiles of how a beautiful, elegant, graceful, and sexy appearance is subjectively perceived. As aesthetics is all about nuances, the fine-grained conceptual analysis of the four target concepts of our study provides crucial distinctions for future research

    A common neural scale for the subjective pleasantness of different primary rewards.

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    When an economic decision is taken, it is between goals with different values, and the values must be on the same scale. Here, we used functional MRI to search for a brain region that represents the subjective pleasantness of two different rewards on the same neural scale. We found activity in the ventral prefrontal cortex that correlated with the subjective pleasantness of two fundamentally different rewards, taste in the mouth and warmth on the hand. The evidence came from two different investigations, a between-group comparison of two independent fMRI studies, and from a within-subject study. In the latter, we showed that neural activity in the same voxels in the ventral prefrontal cortex correlated with the subjective pleasantness of the different rewards. Moreover, the slope and intercept for the regression lines describing the relationship between activations and subjective pleasantness were highly similar for the different rewards. We also provide evidence that the activations did not simply represent multisensory integration or the salience of the rewards. The findings demonstrate the existence of a specific region in the human brain where neural activity scales with the subjective pleasantness of qualitatively different primary rewards. This suggests a principle of brain processing of importance in reward valuation and decision-making

    Neural responses to intention and benefit appraisal are critical in distinguishing gratitude and joy

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    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31170973 and No. 31471001) and by the Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2019-010). We would like to thank Dongyan Wu for her technical support.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The Rewarding Nature of Provocation-Focused Rumination in Women with Borderline Personality Disorder: A Preliminary fMRI Investigation

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    Background: Understanding why individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) ruminate on prior provocations, despite its negative outcomes, is crucial to improving interventions. Provocation-focused rumination may be rewarding in the short term by amplifying anger and producing feelings of justification, validation, and increased energy, while reducing self-directed negative affect. If provocation-focused rumination is utilized regularly as a rewarding emotion regulation strategy, it could result in increased activation in reward-related neural regions. The present pilot study examined neural correlates of provocation-focused rumination, relative to other forms of thought, in BPD. Method: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was utilized to examine this theory in a pilot study of women diagnosed with BPD (n = 13) and healthy controls (n = 16). All participants received highly critical feedback on a previously written essay in the scanner, followed by prompts to engage in provocation-focused, self-focused, and neutral thought. Results: Whole-brain analyses showed that in response to the provocation, participants with BPD (compared to controls) demonstrated increased activation in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC). BPD participants also showed greater activation in the dorsomedial PFC during provocation-focused rumination (relative to neutral-focus). Subsequent ROI analyses revealed that provocation-focused rumination (compared to neutral-focus) increased activation in the nucleus accumbens for the BPD group only. Conclusions: These findings, while preliminary due to the small sample size and limitations of the protocol, provide initial data consistent with the proposed neurobiological mechanism promoting provocation-focused rumination in BPD. Directions for further research are discussed

    Neuroanatomical correlates of perceived usability

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    Usability has a distinct subjective component, yet surprisingly little is known about its neural basis and relation to the neuroanatomy of aesthetics. To begin closing this gap, we conducted two functional magnetic resonance imaging studies in which participants were shown static webpages (in the first study) and videos of interaction with webpages (in the second study). The webpages were controlled so as to exhibit high and low levels of perceived usability and perceived aesthetics. Our results show unique links between perceived usability and brain areas involved in functions such as emotional processing (left fusiform gyrus, superior frontal gyrus), anticipation of physical interaction (precentral gyrus), task intention (anterior cingulate cortex), and linguistic processing (medial and bilateral superior frontal gyri). We use these findings to discuss the brain correlates of perceived usability and the use of fMRI for usability evaluation and for generating new user experiences

    The living space: Psychological well-being and mental health in response to interiors presented in virtual reality

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    There has been a recent interest in how architecture affects mental health and psychological well-being, motivated by the fact that we spend the majority of our waking time inside and interacting with built environments. Some studies have investigated the psychological responses to indoor design parameters; for instance, contours, and proposed that curved interiors, when compared to angular ones, were aesthetically preferred and induced higher positive emotions. The present study aimed to systematically examine this hypothesis and further explore the impact of contrasting contours on affect, behavior, and cognition. We exposed 42 participants to four well-matched indoor living rooms under a free-exploration photorealistic virtual reality paradigm. We included style as an explorative second-level variable. Out of the 33 outcome variables measured, and after correcting for false discoveries, only two eventually confirmed differences in the contours analysis, in favor of angular rooms. Analysis of style primarily validated the contrast of our stimulus set, and showed significance in one other dependent variable. Results of additional analysis using the Bayesian framework were in line with those of the frequentist approach. The present results provide evidence against the hypothesis that curvature is preferred, suggesting that the psychological response to contours in a close-to-reality architectural setting could be more complex. This study, therefore, helps to communicate a more complete scientific view on the experience of interior spaces and proposes directions for necessary future research

    Distinct associations of insula and cingulate volume with the cognitive and affective dimensions of alexithymia

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    a b s t r a c t Alexithymia ("no words for feelings") is a major risk factor for psychosomatic and psychiatric conditions characterized by affect dysregulation. The alexithymia personality construct comprises an affective dimension, the level of subjective emotional experience (emotionalizing and fantasizing), and a cognitive dimension, referring to the cognitive control of emotions (identifying, analyzing, and verbalizing feelings). These two dimensions may differentially put individuals at risk for psychopathology, but their specific neural bases have rarely been investigated. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to find out whether the two alexithymia dimensions are associated with discriminable neural correlates. By means of voxelbased morphometry (VBM), differences in gray matter volumes were compared between 20 (10 male) high-scorers and 20 (9 male) low-scorers on the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), reflecting the cognitive alexithymia dimension. In a subset of 32 subjects, the impact of the affective alexithymia dimension was tested in addition, as assessed with the affective subscale of the Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire (BVAQ). Analysis 1 (cognitive alexithymia dimension) revealed significantly larger gray matter volumes in the right posterior insula in high-scorers compared to low-scorers on the TAS-20. Analysis 2 (affective alexithymia dimension) revealed that the affective alexithymia dimension, specifically the emotionalizing factor indicative of low emotional reactivity, was associated with larger gray matter volumes of the right cingulate cortex. These results suggest that the two alexithymia dimensions are associated with distinct structural correlates

    Processing of primary and secondary rewards: A quantitative meta-analysis and review of human functional neuroimaging studies

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    One fundamental question concerning brain reward mechanisms is to determine how reward-related activity is influenced by the nature of rewards. Here, we review the neuroimaging literature and explicitly assess to what extent the representations of primary and secondary rewards overlap in the human brain. To achieve this goal, we performed an activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta-analysis of 87 studies (1452 subjects) comparing the brain responses to monetary, erotic and food reward outcomes. Those three rewards robustly engaged a common brain network including the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, ventral striatum, amygdala, anterior insula and mediodorsal thalamus, although with some variations in the intensity and location of peak activity. Money-specific responses were further observed in the most anterior portion of the orbitofrontal cortex, supporting the idea that abstract secondary rewards are represented in evolutionary more recent brain regions. In contrast, food and erotic (i.e. primary) rewards were more strongly represented in the anterior insula, while erotic stimuli elicited particularly robust responses in the amygdala. Together, these results indicate that the computation of experienced reward value does not only recruit a core "reward system" but also reward type-dependent brain structures

    Photographer-guided attributes for underwater image aesthetics

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    Automated aesthetic assessment of photographs is an active research area with applications in image editing and retrieval. There are many suggestions on the various factors of importance in making an image ‘good’ or ‘aesthetically pleasing’. However, there is no consensus in the literature on a definitive set of attributes that contribute to image aesthetics for underwater images, which include features specific to an aquatic environment. In this research we interview underwater photographers and apply thematic analysis to their responses with the aim of determining which attributes are important for an aesthetically-pleasing underwater image. The results define a set of nine key attributes (i.e. Aesthetics, Aquatic features, Colour, Composition, Image precision, Lighting, Novelty, Subject(s), and Technical competence). These findings will guide future work in automated assessment of underwater image aesthetics