11 research outputs found

    Efficiency in education

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    Education is important at national, local and individual levels. Its benefits accrue both to society and to individuals, and as such provision of education in many countries is paid for at least in part from the public purse. With competing demands for government funding, it is important for education to be provided as efficiently as possible. Efficiency occurs when outputs from education (such as test results or value added) are produced at the lowest level of resource (be that financial or, for example, the innate ability of students). This special issue is devoted to the topic of efficiency in education, and is well-timed given that governments around the world struggle with public finances in the wake of the global financial crisis of 2008. In this paper, we explore and provide an overview of the themes of the special issue and introduce the papers contained therein


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    Various factors cause the low scores of students in practicum courses. If these factors cannot be identified, more and more students will drop out of the study due to low scores, especially Vocational College students who do not have the opportunity to improve their scores in the short semester. Students with the potential to drop out must be identified as soon as possible because the number of dropouts can have an impact on a university's accreditation value. In this study, the prediction of student academic performance was carried out using a framework consisting of imbalanced data handling using SMOTE and feature selection using Random Forest, as well as the application of Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) for the formation of a classification model. The MLP architecture consists of some neurons in the input layer, two hidden layers with five neurons each, and two neurons in the output layer. SMOTE succeeded in selecting ten significant parameters from 22 initial parameters, which produced the most accurate predictions. According to the test results, the proposed framework offers the best accuracy of 0.8889 and an F1-Score of 0.9032. These results prove that the proposed framework can be used as an alternative for the Department to take action to prevent students from dropping out

    The Relationships between Online Adult Student CLEP Transfer Credit Subject Types and Six-Year Graduation

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    College Level Examination Program exams are accepted at thousands of schools, but the question remains as to whether College Level Examination Program students are prepared to graduate and whether accepting College Level Examination Program students benefits higher education institutions. While research has been done on College Level Examination Program student success, further research is needed to know whether increased College Level Examination Program exams and College Level Examination Program credits in specific disciplines correlate to an increased likelihood in online adult student graduation. College Level Examination Program exams’ relation to graduation and online adult learners’ use of College Level Examination Program exams are both understudied in the research. To this purpose, in a quantitative study, a sample of 34,927 online adult learners (25 or older) who applied College Level Examination Program exams in four disciplines (English, math, history, and science) to a four-year, private university have been studied using a logistic regression analysis, and there was at least a small effect size but significant correlation between each College Level Examination Program discipline and six-year graduation. Of the four disciplines, English was the strongest predictor, history and math were moderately strong, and science was not significantly predictive. Recommendations for further research concern the skills necessary for graduation and the roles that the College Level Examination Program has in preparing students

    The interaction between dropout, graduation rates and quality ratings in universities The interaction between dropout, graduation rates and quality ratings in universities 1

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    Abstract This paper investigates in a non-parametric framework whether academic programs maximize their student graduation rates and program quality ratings given the first year student dropout rates. In addition, it explores what institutional and program characteristics explain this interaction. The results show that there exists a large variation in how academic programs are able to deal with the selective nature of first-year dropout. Nevertheless, we can accurately explain the variation among programs by program and institutional characteristics. It seems that universities can maximize the relation between first-year dropout, graduation rates and quality ratings in several ways: (1) by improving student program satisfaction, (2) by better preparing certain groups of students for higher education, (3) by supporting male students, (4) by supporting ethnic minority students, (5) by attracting older staff, and (6) by strengthening the selective nature of the first-year (i.e., increasing the academic dismissal policy threshold). JEL-Classification: C14, C61, I2

    Project Management and Strategy Alignment in Academia

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    This study analyzed the understanding of project and strategy alignment in higher education institutions. Literature revealed many projects fail because projects are not aligned to strategy. There is an abundance of project management literature in many industries; however, literature on project management in academia is deficient. This qualitative case study sought to close the gap of understanding project management and strategy alignment in academia. The researcher conducted a review of literature and interviews in order to gain insight in the understanding of project and strategy alignment in two higher education institutions. Three themes were developed based on these interviews: alignment, leadership and culture, and communication. The study revealed employees perceived more successful projects when they understood how projects are aligned with strategy. Recommendations for action and further study were suggested, along with the biblical foundations supporting project management and strategy alignment

    Engagement and STEM Degree Completion: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Time-To-Completion and Engagement and Pre-College Variables

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    This quantitative analysis explored measures influencing time to STEM-degree-completion in a correlational, non-experimental analysis of archival data (N = 745). FGCS represent a significant portion of individuals pursuing a post-secondary degree in the United States however, FGCS are less likely to persist to graduation as compared to their continuing-generation peers. FGCS are entering colleges and universities declaring STEM majors yet, are changing their major and or leaving college without a four-year degree (Chen, 2013). FGCS, who identify as female, face additional barriers, whether perceived or actual, in the pursuit of earning a STEM degree. FGCS choose to pursue STEM majors, yet they are less likely to graduate with a STEM degree. A multiple linear regression was performed, and results indicated that time-to-completion was significantly related (R2 = .12, p \u3c .001) to ACT score, Pell-eligibility, PSEO credit, learning community participation, and on-campus employment. For students who identified as female, (N = 209) time-to-completion was also significantly related (R2 = .26, p \u3c .001) to ACT score, Pell-eligibility, PSEO credit, and on-campus employment. For students who identified as female, (N = 209) time-to-completion was not significantly related (R2 = .07, p = .18) to the type of STEM major

    The interaction between dropout, graduation rates and quality ratings in universities

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    This paper investigates in a non-parametric framework whether academic programmes maximize their student graduation rates and programme quality ratings given the first-year student dropout rates. In addition, it explores what institutional and programme characteristics explain this interaction. The results show a large variation in how academic programmes are able to deal with the selective nature of first-year dropout. Nevertheless, we can accurately explain the variation among programmes by programme and institutional characteristics. It seems that universities can maximize the relation between first-year dropout, graduation rates and quality ratings in several ways: (1) by improving student programme satisfaction, (2) by better preparing certain groups of students for higher education, (3) by supporting male students, (4) by supporting ethnic minority students, (5) by attracting older staff, and (6) by strengthening the selective nature of the first year (ie, increasing the academic dismissal policy threshold)


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    ÜNİVERSİTE TERKİ: BİR DURUM ÇALIŞMASI Tahir YILMAZ Doktora Tezi, Eğitim Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Ruhi SARPKAYA 2020, XIII + 225 sayfa Bu çalışmanın amacı 2008-2018 yılları arasında, eğitim fakültesini diploma almadan terk eden bireylerin terk nedenlerinin ve terk sürecine ilişkin deneyimlerinin belirlenmesidir. Çalışma nitel araştırma desenlerinden durum çalışması ile desenlenmiştir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu amaçlı örnekleme tekniklerinden ölçüt örnekleme tekniği ile seçilen Ege bölgesindeki bir devlet üniversitesinin eğitim fakültesinden 2008-2018 yılları arasında diploma almadan ayrılan 10 birey ve aynı dönemde fakültede çalışan 8 öğretim elemanı oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın verileri araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formları ile toplanmış ve verilerin analizinde içerik analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgulara göre, bireylerin üniversiteye kayıt sürecinde yönlendirme etmenleri, kişisel etmenler, sistem etmenleri, ailevi etmenler, mesleki etmenler ve kent etmenleri üniversiteye kayıt öncesi etmenler (I) olarak önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu etmenler bireylerin üniversiteye kayıt öncesinde içsel ve dışsal güdülenme düzeylerini belirleyebilmektedir. Üniversiteye kayıt sonrasında, üniversite süreci etmenleri (II) kapsamında psikolojik durum, akademik durum, sosyal durum, kurumsal durum, atama durumu, askerlik durumu, ailevi durum ve maddi durum bireylerin içsel ve dışsal güdülenmeleri üzerinde belirleyici etmenler olarak bulunmuştur. Tüm bu etmenler bireylerin uyum etmenleri (III) olan akademik bütünleşme, sosyal bütünleşme ve kurumsal bağlılık etmenleri üzerinde etkili olarak bireyleri terk kararına yönlendirebilmektedir. Terk kararı sonrasında bireylerin sistemi terk etmek ve bölüm/kurum değişiklikleri seçenekleri doğrultusunda davranış gösterdikleri bulunmuştur. Çalışmada elde edilen bulgular çerçevesinde mesleki yönlendirme, eğitim fakültesine öğrenci seçimi, kurumlar arası ve programlar arası geçiş, kurumsal bağlılık, akademik ve sosyal bütünleşmeye dönük uygulamalar, öğretmen atama sistemi, üniversite-kent işbirliğine yönelik öneriler geliştirilmiştirİÇİNDEKİLER KABUL VE ONAY SAYFASI..............................................................................................iii BİLİMSEL ETİK BİLDİRİM SAYFASI...............................................................................iv ÖZET .......................................................................................................................................v ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................................................vi ÖNSÖZ..................................................................................................................................vii ŞEKİLLER DİZİNİ .................................................................................................................x ÇİZELGELER DİZİNİ...........................................................................................................xi EKLER DİZİNİ ....................................................................................................................xiii GİRİŞ.......................................................................................................................................1 1. BÖLÜM ............................................................................................................................10 1. KURAMSAL/KAVRAMSAL ÇERÇEVE .......................................................................10 1.1. Üniversite Terki Olgusu.............................................................................................10 1.2. Üniversite Terkini Açıklamaya Yönelik Olarak Kullanılan Modeller.......................12 1.2.1. Spady’nin Okul Terk Modeli...........................................................................13 1.2.2. Tinto’nun Öğrenci Uyum Modeli ....................................................................15 1.2.3. Bean’ın Terk Sendromu Modeli ......................................................................17 1.2.4. Kerby’nin Gönüllü Terk Kararına İlişkin Modeli............................................19 1.3. Üniversite Terkinin Nedenleri ...................................................................................21 1.4. Üniversite Terkine İlişkin Yapılmış Araştırmalar .....................................................25 2. BÖLÜM ............................................................................................................................32 2. YÖNTEM ..........................................................................................................................32 2.1. Araştırmanın Modeli..................................................................................................32 2.2. Çalışma Grubu ...........................................................................................................35 2.3. Veri Toplama Araçları ...............................................................................................40 2.4. Verilerin Toplanması ve Analizi................................................................................41 ix 2.5. Araştırmacının Rolü...................................................................................................45 2.6. Geçerlik ve Güvenilirlik ............................................................................................46 3. BÖLÜM ............................................................................................................................48 3. BULGULAR, TARTIŞMA VE YORUM.........................................................................48 3.1. Birinci Alt Problem: Bireylerin Üniversiteye Başlama Sürecine İlişkin Değerlendirmelerine Yönelik Bulgular...................................................................48 3.2. İkinci Alt Problem: Bireylerin Üniversite Dönemindeki Akademik, Sosyal, Ekonomik ve Psikolojik Durumlarına İlişkin Değerlendirmelerine Yönelik Bulgular...................................................................................................................60 3.2.1. Akademik Durum Temasına İlişkin Bulgular..................................................61 3.2.2. Sosyal Durum Temasına İlişkin Bulgular........................................................79 3.2.3. Psikolojik Durum Temasına İlişkin Bulgular ..................................................92 3.2.4. Ekonomik Durum Temasına İlişkin Bulgular..................................................95 3.3. Üçüncü Alt Problem: Bireylerin Üniversiteyi Terk Etme Nedenlerine Yönelik Bulgular.................................................................................................................100 3.4. Dördüncü Alt Problem: Bireylerin Üniversiteyi Terk Sürecindeki Deneyimlerine Yönelik Bulgular ...................................................................................................117 3.5. Beşinci Alt Problem: Bireylerin Ünicersiteyi Terk Ettikten Sonraki Ekonomik, Akademik, Sosyal ve Psikolojik Durumlarına Yönelik Bulgular .........................130 3.6. Altıncı Alt Problem: Bireylerin Üniversiteyi ve Üniversiteyi Terk Etmeyi Nasıl Anlamlandırdıklarına Yönelik Bulgular................................................................139 3.7. Yedinci Alt Problem: Öğretim Elemanlarının Üniversite Terkine İlişkin Değerlendirmelerine Yönelik Bulgular.................................................................150 3.8. Araştırma Bulgularının Alanyazındaki Modeller Çerçevesinde Değerlendirilmesi 184 3.8.1. Spady’nin Okul Terk Modeli ve Araştırma Bulgularının Karşılaştırılması...184 3.8.2. Tinto’nun Öğrenci Uyum Modeli ve Araştırma Bulgularının Karşılaştırılması..............................................................................................185 3.8.3. Bean’ın Terk Sendormu Modeli ve Araştırma Bulgularının Karşılaştırılması186 3.8.4. Kerby’nin Gönüllü Terk Kararına İlişkin Modeli ve Araştırma Bulgularının Karşılaştırılması..............................................................................................186 4. SONUÇ VE ÖNERİLER ..............................................................................................188 5. KAYNAKLAR ...............................................................................................................201 6. EKLER ...........................................................................................................................216 ÖZGEÇMİŞ .......................................................................................................................22

    3rd Central European Higher Education Cooperation (CEHEC) Conference Proceedings

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    3rd Central European Higher Education Cooperation (CEHEC) Conference Proceedings

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    In an atmosphere of declining enthusiasm and support for higher education, the 2017 Central European Higher Education Cooperation (CEHEC) conference proposes to scrutinize the chief reforms in higher education in the region over the past decade, identify the most important current trends and discuss possible future scenarios for the near future. Presentations will focus on the analysis and evaluation of institutional, national or regional policies, look into experiences and lessons learned from reform processes, or discuss current and forecast future trends