44 research outputs found

    A critical reflection on the role of success criteria in peer assessment to facilitate pupil learning and performance

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    According to research, peer assessments in education can significantly contribute to the learning experience of pupils through establishing motivation, confidence and essentially dynamic higher order learning skills. This inquiry specifically focused on exploring the role of success criteria within peer assessment as an effective learning tool for pupils. The research comprised of a group of 30, year 7 science pupils from an Ofsted rated “outstanding” school. Research findings support the use of success criteria as an effective learning tool, so long as it is used correctly. It suggests that the efficacy of success criteria is dependent on its transparency, rigidity and explicitness. The findings from the study reveal that pupils are more likely to connect with their cognitive and intellectual processes to reach suitable judgements in the absence of rigid, explicit success criteria – and that the use of broader guidelines is more appropriate, to enhance and guide the learning of pupils


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    The study aims to discover students’ enhancement in their speaking skills through peer feedback technique and their response towards it. The study was done in order to strengthen the benefit of peer feedback technique in speaking skills for second grade of senior high school students. The study focuses on twenty two participants and employs qualitative case study design with Student Feedback Memo (SFM) and interview as the instruments. The analysis for SFM was based on close reading, understanding, and synchronizing. The analysis for interview was through correlating interviewees’ answers and SFM. It was found that peer feedback was new for students. Despite experiencing a new technique, students were able to enhance their speaking skills. Students also support the use of peer feedback technique in other classroom activity;---Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui peningkatan siswa dalam kempuan berbicara melalui teknik peer feedback dan respon siswa terhadap teknik tersebut. penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk memperkuatmanfaat teknik peer feedback dalam kemampuan berbicara untuk kelas menengah dari Sekolah Menengah Atas. Penelitian ini berfokus pada dua puluh dua peserta dan menggunakan desain qualitatif studi kasus dengan Student Feedback Memo (SFM) dan wawancara sebagai instrumen penelitian. Analisis dari SFM didasakan pada pembacaan cermat, pemahaman, dan menyamakan. Analisis dari wawancara didasarkan pada aktifitas menghubungkan jawaban para responden dan SFM. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa teknik peer feedback merupakan hal yang baru untuk siswa. Meskipun menghadapi suatu teknik yang baru, siswa dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbicaranya. Siswa pun mendukung penggunaan teknik peer feedback pada materi pembelajaran lainnya

    Deeper Learning by Putting Students in Charge of the Problem Lifecycle

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    Participatory Learning actively engages students in every stage of the problem lifecycle (including crafting problems for peers, providing solutions, peer grading, and disputes involving self-assessment). This brief motivates and describes the emerging Participatory Learning approach. The discussion then focuses on several issues concerning motivating students, guiding them in conducting the various problem lifecycle tasks, and evaluating participation and learning


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    In Second Language Writing class, the use of student-based assessment such as self and peer assessments has been increasingly promoted in addition to the teacher-assessment (Alias, Masek, & Salleh, 2015; Chang, Tseng, & Lou, 2012; Esfandiari & Myford, 2013) to help the students make a good writing product (Andrade, Du, & Mycek, 2010). Nevertheless, the inclusion of the student-based assessment result in determining the students’ final score still becomes a controversial matter since some studies prove that the student-based assessment and teacher assessment are not in agreement and tend to be questionable (Alias et al., 2015; Panadero, Romero, & Strijbos, 2013). Therefore, to bridge the gap, this study aims at investigating the level of consistency among self-assessment, peer assessment, and teacher assessment in a writing course. Through a correlational research design, the current study involved 21 students who took a paragraph writing course and experienced in self and peer assessing.  To collect the data, the students were asked to write an expository paragraph that was assessed through self, peer and teacher assessments.  After collecting the data, then the data analysis is done by using Spearman Rank Order Correlation to answer whether or not there is consistency among self-assessment, peer assessment, and instructor assessment. The results reveal that the students provided the same score in self, peer and teacher assessment. However, the correlations in both self and peer-assessment, as well as self and teacher assessment, are not considered statistically significant. The significant difference occurs in the correlation between peer and teacher assessment result only. From this finding, it can be recommended to the teacher to include the result of peer assessment in determining the students' final grade

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek dengan Peer Assessment pada Konsep Klasifikasi Makhluk Hidup

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    Aim of this research is to know the effect of project based learning with peer assessment implementation to learning achievements in bio clasification, matter and the change of matter classification concepts. This research used mixed methods with embedded design. The instrument used 10 questions of learning achievements test with reliability score is 0,605 (high level). This research held on November to December 2016 in 7\u27th class at SMPN 3 Batu. The results of this research showed that PjBL with PA could increase the student\u27s learning achievements in nature of science (t test = 12,121, p-value 0,000, effect size = 2,110). Based on questionnaires and interviews, the students had positive responses of PBP with PA sustainability to held on the next matter.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan pembelajaran berbasis proyek dengan peer assessment terhadap hasil belajar pada konsep klasifikasi makhluk hidup, materi serta Perubahannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed methods dengan embedded design. Instrumen menggunakan 10 soal tes hasil belajar dengan reliabilitas 0,605, masuk kategori tinggi. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan November—Desember 2016 pada kelas VII SMPN 3 Batu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan PBP dengan PA mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik dalam pembelajaran IPA (t hitung = 12,121, p-value 0,000, effect size = 2,110). Berdasarkan angket dan wawancara, peserta didik merespon positif akan keberlanjutan PBP dengan PA untuk diadakan dalam pembelajaran materi berikutnya

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek dengan Peer Assessment pada Konsep Klasifikasi Makhluk Hidup

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    Aim of this research is to know the effect of project based learning with peer assessment implementation to learning achievements in bio clasification, matter and the change of matter classification concepts. This research used mixed methods with embedded design. The instrument used 10 questions of learning achievements test with reliability score is 0,605 (high level). This research held on November to December 2016 in 7\u27th class at SMPN 3 Batu. The results of this research showed that PjBL with PA could increase the student\u27s learning achievements in nature of science (t test = 12,121, p-value 0,000, effect size = 2,110). Based on questionnaires and interviews, the students had positive responses of PBP with PA sustainability to held on the next matter.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan pembelajaran berbasis proyek dengan peer assessment terhadap hasil belajar pada konsep klasifikasi makhluk hidup, materi serta Perubahannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed methods dengan embedded design. Instrumen menggunakan 10 soal tes hasil belajar dengan reliabilitas 0,605, masuk kategori tinggi. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan November—Desember 2016 pada kelas VII SMPN 3 Batu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan PBP dengan PA mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik dalam pembelajaran IPA (t hitung = 12,121, p-value 0,000, effect size = 2,110). Berdasarkan angket dan wawancara, peserta didik merespon positif akan keberlanjutan PBP dengan PA untuk diadakan dalam pembelajaran materi berikutnya

    EIA- A Teacher Education Project in Bangladesh: An Analysis from Diversified Perspectives

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    English in Action (EIA) is an ongoing teacher education project which places mobile technology at the centre of its action. Most of the studies carried out focused on the changes EIA brought in teachers’ classroom actions. Along with this, they also explored the classroom to observe whether the input given during training program is implemented in real life. No study has been conducted that compares and contrasts the components of mobile learning in general and the components EIA is using. This study, particularly, drew a comparative analysis between the mobile learning and EIA initiated mobile learning to reveal the extent it matched or mismatched to the components of mobile learning. It also scrutinized teachers’ behavior in the classroom after participating in EIA. It also penetrated to find the contents to be reviewed. Qualitative method was used to conduct this study. The result revealed that the components of EIA match to the mobile learning ones to the extent that EIA entails those suiting the context. Few elements were seemed absent as they are less suitable in such context. Besides, teachers were found bringing changes in their classrooms. The introduction of action research and reflective teaching were suggested to add to EIA’s program


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    This study focused on the implementation of self assessment, peer assessment, and instructor assessment in writing course. This focus was taken in order to investigate the consistency among self assessment, peer assessment, and instructor assessment in university level, particularly in University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The previous study examined those three assessments in pre-service teacher in one of Turkey Universities, while in this current study was applied for students in Indonesian University. The researcher wants to reveal the level of consistency among self assessment, peer assessment, and instructor assessment in writing course. The level of consistency was taken because some researchers only investigate the level of agreement, the similarity and different among those three assessments. The objective of this study was considered in order to know level of consistency when those assessments were conducted for students in university level. Research method had been considered as quantitative method. This method was chosen because the data in the form of number. The instrument used test and rubric assessment. A test was used because the researcher wanted to compare among self-peer, self-instructor, and peer-instructor. After data collected, the researcher analyzed the data by using SPSS 17 with Shapiro-Wilk Test to know the normality of the data. Wilcoxon Ranked Sum Test was applied to answer whether or not there was consistency among self assessment, peer assessment, and instructor assessment. The research subject was the students in second semester from English Department. The subject research experienced in assessment and this study conducted by involving one class. The result based on Wilcoxon Ranked Sum Test revealed, there was inconsistency both among self-instructor assessment or peer-instructor assessment. Score based on p value 0.002 and 0.026 that was lower than 0.05 or (p0.05)

    The differential impact of observational learning and practice-based learning on the development of oral presentation skills in higher education

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    The present study focuses on the design and evaluation of an innovative instructional approach to developing oral presentation skills. The intervention builds on the observational learning theoretical perspective. This perspective is contrasted with the traditional training and practice approach. Two sequencing approaches – learners starting with observational learning versus learners starting with practice opportunities only – were compared. It was hypothesised that learners starting with observational learning would outperform learners in the practice only condition. The results suggest a significant differential impact on development of oral presentation skills. This impact of the observational learning training approach is only found in a limited number of evaluation criteria. Results additionally suggest that students are highly motivated to learn this type of skill. Interaction effects between student characteristics and instructional interventions were not significant