25 research outputs found


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    To investigate the effects of Nintendo Wii Fit balance board on young adults’ balance. This experimental randomized trial included 98 participants. The participants were randomly divided into two groups, the control (54) and experimental group (44). The control group received no intervention, and was used to give reliable data to be compared with the data from the experimental group. The experimental group on the other hand played the “Table Tilt” game on the Nintendo Wii balance board. The two tests used to observe the effect of the balance board on balance were unipedal and bipedal stance tests by using Biodex stability system (BBS). These tests were performed before and after the program to study the difference. In both groups, there was a significant reduction (p \u3c 0.05) in Double Leg Stance Stability (DLSS), Dominant Single Leg Stance Stability (DSLS), and Non- Dominant Single Leg Stance Stability (NDSLS) in the post treatment condition compared with the pretreatment. Moreover, there was a significant improvement (p \u3c 0.05) in balance in favor of the study group for the Double Leg Stance Stability. However, there wasn’t a significant difference (p \u3c 0.05) between the two groups in the Dominant Single Leg Stance Stability (DSLS), and the Non-Dominant Single Leg Stance Stability(NDSLS

    A Comparison of the Effects of Balance Training and Technological Games on Balance in Hearing-Impaired Individuals

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    It is aimed to compare the effects of the two different methods as balance training and wii fit balance games based on game technology on the balance functions of hearing-impaired individuals.36 male born deaf individuals between the ages of 18-22 and playing sports actively have participated in the study. The first group consisted of the ones having balance training, the second group consisted of those playing technological games, and the third group (control group) consisted of individuals having no balance training. The first group was given balance training 3 days a week for 8 weeks. The second group was made to play 30-minute wii fit three days a week for 8 weeks.Statistical difference was between the group playing technological games and control group, and between the group having balance training and control group (p<0.01).A statistical difference was found in dynamic balance values after the study. In the after values, a statistical difference occurred between the control group and the group having balance training and the group playing technological games (p<0.05).In dynamic balance values, a statistical difference occurred in before and after values of the group having balance training and the group playing technological games (p<0.01).As a result of the study comparing the effects of the balance training and game technology based wii fit methods on hearing impaired individuals, it is considered that both practices will be efficient for hearing impaired individuals to improve movements and balance values and to increase daily life activities

    Effects of a training program on stable vs unstable surfaces on postural stability.

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    The training surface can modulate the body's response to training stimuli. The purpose of the article was to determine the influence of two types of training programs on stable/unstable surfaces on postural stability. 20 physically active participants with no history of lower limb injuries were randomly assigned to 3 groups (Control, Unstable Training, Stable Training), and performed supervised training in 16 sessions. Dynamic postural stability and static stability were assessed and tests were performed at baseline after completion of the training and 1, 2 and 4 weeks after the training process. The stable surface training group improved dynamic stability between the pre-test and the two first retention tests performed (p = .037, d = .780; p = .011, d = .989). The unstable training group significantly improved its dynamic stability level between the post-test and the retention test (2). The improvements found after the training session for the unstable training group do not mean an increase in stability higher than that obtained by the stable surface training group. The dynamic postural stability test seems more appropriate than the static tests for analyzing small changes related to the training of postural stability in healthy young people

    Mobile learning vs. traditional classroom lessons: A comparative study

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    Different methods can be used for learning, and they can be compared in several aspects, especially those related to learning outcomes. In this paper, we present a study in order to compare the learning effectiveness and satisfaction of children using an iPhone game for learning the water cycle vs. the traditional classroom lesson. The iPhone game includes multiple interaction forms and combined augmented reality (AR) mini-games with non-AR mini-games. The traditional classroom lesson had the same learning content as the iPhone game. Thirty-eight children participated in the study. The analyses showed that the children made significant learning gains about the water cycle, regardless of the method used. Even though the results showed that the iPhone method achieved higher knowledge results than the traditional classroom lesson, no statistically significant differences were found between the iPhone and the classroom lesson. When analysing the motivational outcomes, the results showed that the children found the iPhone game to be more satisfying than the classroom lessons. Since the iPhone game achieved similar learning results and a higher motivational effect than the classroom lesson, this suggests that games of this kind could be used as a tool in primary schools to reinforce students lessons.This work was funded by the Spanish Government, APRENDRA project (TIN2009-14319-C02). We would like to thank the following for their contributions: Noemi Rando, Encarna Torres, Sonia, Severino Gonzalez, M. Jose Vicent, Patricia Liminana, Tamara Aguilar, Alfonso Lopez, Yolanda Martinez, Enrique Daunis, M. Jose Martinez, and Eloy Hurtado for their help. The Engeba school of Valencia (Spain). The children who participated in the study.Furió Ferri, D.; Juan, M.; Segui, I.; Vivó Hernando, RA. (2015). Mobile learning vs. traditional classroom lessons: A comparative study. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 31(3):189-201. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12071S18920131

    Using Wii Technology and Experiential Learning to Teach Newtonian Mechanics to Rural Middle School Students

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    This study looked at the effects of an experiential learning activity using the accelerometer in the Wii Remote to teach basic concepts of Newtonian mechanics, e.g., acceleration, to middle school students in a rural school district. A major prerequisite for students at the mid-level in biosystems engineering programs is that they have a good knowledge of basic science, including physics. Education in these concepts must begin before college, such as at the middle school level. Improvements in science education are vitally necessary to achieve essential learning outcomes for middle school students in the U.S. and to prepare these students for college and STEM careers. The experiential learning activity evaluated in this study used hands-on experiments involving Wii Remotes in conjunction with a classroom lesson to teach basic concepts of Newtonian mechanics: acceleration, gravity, force, velocity, friction, speed, and motion. This activity used readily available equipment and was integrated into the classroom curriculum so that it has been possible to continue the activity every year without further support from the program that sponsored this study. The specific objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of this experiential learning activity with regard to learning outcomes and interest generated in science and engineering. Ninety-two percent (92%) of the students improved their knowledge from pre-test to post-test during the activity. When the students were surveyed about the activity, the kinesthetic/hands-on aspects of the project were the parts they liked most. Fifty-four percent (54%) of the students also indicated that the activity made them more interested in science and engineering. The positive outcomes from the activity combined with the readily available equipment make similar activities an excellent option for biosystems and agricultural engineering departments looking for outreach opportunities at the middle school level. This study showed that experiential learning, in middle school science classes, is significant in increasing students‘ knowledge of acceleration and interest in science and engineering

    Examining the effects of active video games and balance training on static balance in 6 years old children6 yaş grubu çocuklarda aktif video oyunları ve denge antrenmanlarının statik dengeye etkisinin incelenmesi

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of active video games Nintendo Wii and Wobel Board balance exercises on static balance development in children aged 6 years.          54 children, participated in the research voluntarily on informed consents from according to Helsinki criteria by taking permission from Mersin University Ethics Committe. The study was carried out with 3 groups with similar physical characteristics (mean age = 6,21, mean weight= 21,3, mean height = 116,8). The balance training were applied to a group with a 'wobble board' and another group with a 'nintendo wii game console' from active video games. The pre and post test static balance measurements of all groups were measured using the 'Balance Error Scoring System' and the differences between the groups were examined. For parametric results, 3x2 repetitive measurements were performed with anova analysis, and for non-parametric results kruskall wallis test was applied.         There was no significant difference between the groups participating in active video game and wobble board balance training in the measurements made after the study (p&gt;,05). The difference between the experimental group and the foot and tandem position were found statistically significant. (p &lt;,01). There was no significant difference between the two groups in paired feet values (p&gt;, 05).         Both the wobbel board and the active video game training have been found to improve the static balance in children. It has been seen that there is no meaningful development in the control group. This result shows us that active video games are as effective as balance training in 6 years old children. In this context, active video games can be proposed as an alternative method to improve balance.Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. Özet Bu çalışmanın amacı, 6 yaş çocuklarda aktif video oyunları nintendo wii ve wobble board denge antrenmanlarının statik denge gelişimleri üzerine etkisini incelemektir.        Araştırmaya, 54 çocuk, Mersin Üniversitesi etik kurulundan izin alınarak Helsinki kriterlerine uygun olarak katılmıştır. Çalışma benzer fiziksel özellikte (yaş ort.=6,21, kilo ort.=21,3, boy ort.=116,8) 3 grupla  yürütülmüştür. Denge antrenmanları haftada üç gün 8 hafta ‘wobble board’ denge tahtası ve aktif video oyunları ‘nintendo wii oyun konsolu’ ile uygulanmıştır. Kontrol grubuna ise herhangi bir uygulama yaptırılmamıştır. Tüm grupların statik denge ölçümleri ‘Denge Hata Skoru Sistemi’ kullanılarak ölçülmüştür.Parametrik sonuçlar için, çalışmada 3x2 tekrarlı ölçümler anova analizi yapılmış, non-parametrik sonuçlar için ise kruskall wallis testi uygulanmıştır.       Araştırma sonrasında aktif video oyunu ve wobble board denge antrenmanına katılan gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak manidar fark bulunmamıştır (p&gt;,05). Deney gruplarının, zeminde ve köpükte tek ayak ve tandem duruşlarda bulunan fark kontrol grubuna göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı (p&lt;,01) iken, çift ayak değerlerinde, üç grup arasında da anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır (p&gt;,05).       Hem wobble board hem de aktif video oyunları nintendo wii denge antrenmanlarının çocuklarda statik dengeyi geliştirdiği bulunmuştur. Kontrol gurubunda ise anlamlı bir gelişimin olmadığı görülmüştür. Bu sonuç bize aktif video oyunlarının 6 yaş grubu çocuklarda denge antrenmanları kadar etkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu bağlamda aktif video oyunları dengeyi geliştirmek için alternatif bir yöntem olarak önerilebilir

    Exploring whole body interaction and design for museums

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    Museums increasingly use digital technology to enhance exhibition experiences for families, notably in relation to physically mediated installations for young children through natural user interfaces. Yet little is known about how families and children engage with such installations and the kinds of interactive experiences they engender in museum spaces. This paper addresses a pressing need for research to adopt an analytical focus on the body during such digitally mediated interactions in order to understand how bodily interaction contributes to meaning making in the museum context. It reports an observation study of families and children interacting with a whole-body interface (using Kinect) in the context of an installation in a museum exhibit on rare Chinese paintings. The study shows how the installation design engenders particular forms of bodily interaction, collaboration and meaning making. It also contributes design insights into whole-body interaction installations in museums and public spaces

    Exploring whole body interaction and design for museums

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    Museums increasingly use digital technology to enhance exhibition experiences for families, notably in relation to physically mediated installations for young children through natural user interfaces. Yet little is known about how families and children engage with such installations and the kinds of interactive experiences they engender in museum spaces. This paper addresses a pressing need for research to adopt an analytical focus on the body during such digitally mediated interactions in order to understand how bodily interaction contributes to meaning making in the museum context. It reports an observation study of families and children interacting with a whole-body interface (using Kinect) in the context of an installation in a museum exhibit on rare Chinese paintings. The study shows how the installation design engenders particular forms of bodily interaction, collaboration and meaning making. It also contributes design insights into whole-body interaction installations in museums and public spaces