18 research outputs found

    Colour emotion effects in creating product preference in advertisements: Predicting purchase intent of blue and yellow colors, in advertisements of low-involvement products

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    The purpose of the present study was to investigate factors influencing colour preference and product preference. The HSL colour system was used to pick out varying degrees of saturation for a typical blue and a typical yellow at medium lightness. A black and white -coloured advertisement was predominantly coloured to one of these 6 hue-saturation combinations. In the carried out online survey, the advertisements were rated by participants on a 7-point scale in dimensions of preference, arousal, sadness, and their purchase intent. A quantitative analysis and discussion was carried out for the combined preference scale, combined arousal scale, sadness, and purchase intent. The results suggest that blueness is more important than yellowness for making an advertisement sadder, as well as that sadness is important in influencing purchase intent. No clear relationships were found between the other cross-compared variables

    How colors affect web usability

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    Thesis submitted to the Department of Computer Science, Ashesi University College, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Management Information Systems, April 2016The web is rapidly becoming the most preferred media option for entertainment, information search and many others. In light of this development, it is important that ones website is able to stand out from the other sites providing the user with the best experience possible in order to ensure customer satisfactory and retainability. Colors have been known to influence customers’ decision on a webpage and also influence a user’s decision to undertake activities on the web.Ashesi University Colleg

    Reassessing the effect of colour on attitude and behavioural intentions in promotional activities: The moderating role of mood and involvement

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    The present research examines the effect of background colour on attitude and behavioural intentions in various promotional activities taking into consideration the moderating role of mood and involvement. Three experiments reflecting different promotional activities (window display, consumer trade show, guerrilla marketing) were conducted for this purpose. Overall, findings indicate that cool background colours, in contrast to warm colours, induce more positive attitudes and behavioural intentions mainly in positive mood, and low involvement conditions. Implications are also discussed

    The Effects of Information and Visual Website Design on User Frustration

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    When shopping online, customers may be less likely to buy a product if they feel frustrated with the website’s interface. However, few studies have investigated what attributes contribute to frustration with websites’ design. The goal of this study was to determine whether deficiencies in the information and visual design of a website can cause frustration. In a within-subjects design, participants were asked to do several tasks on four different versions of a website and afterwards were asked to complete a survey for each version. The results showed that color and information deficiency did cause frustration in users. These results will likely help website designers (or even marketing researchers) in designing more effective websites, as well as ways that can help the consumer have a more enjoyable online experience

    Country-of-origin and customer purchasing decision

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    2020 was a year of many challenges in business world from presidential elections, Covid-19 crisis to the moral conflict between Turkey and EU. Those crises differ in nature but led many individuals to question the importance of national industries and supply chain. Country-of-origin effect (to be called COO) argues that some factors are operating at the individual consumer’s psychological level when it comes to purchase a product, or judge someone. Stereotypes have a lot to play in this concept and will be looked at when it comes to understand the roots or this psychological bias. This paper addresses the concept and the roots of the country-of-origin effect, then will look at the concept of customer purchasing decision and how it can be influenced by the COO. This study will be conducted with concerns for the food industry as it has become a hot topic for managers in this sector. In addition to narrowing on the food industry, this paper will try to demonstrate that generational segmentation is to consider when looking at that impact COO has on purchasing decision. To do so we will be launching a questionnaire so to gather data regarding people purchasing behaviour in the light of country-of-origin. This paper found out that even though COO is one of the major factor people consider when buying food related goods, the impact of COO effect differs depending on generations individuals belong to and the region the food-related good originates from.2020 foi um ano de muitos desafios no mundo dos negócios. Essas crises diferem em natureza, mas levaram muitos indivíduos a questionar a importância das indústrias nacionais e da cadeia de suprimentos. O efeito do país de origem (COO) argumenta que alguns fatores estão operando no nível psicológico do consumidor individual quando se trata de comprar um produto ou julgar alguém. Os estereótipos têm muito a jogar neste conceito e serão examinados quando se trata de compreender as raízes ou esse viés psicológico. Este artigo aborda o conceito e as raízes do efeito país de origem e, em seguida, examinará o conceito de decisão de compra do cliente e como ela pode ser influenciada pelo COO. Este estudo será conduzido com preocupações para a indústria de alimentos, uma vez que se tornou um tema quente para os gestores deste setor. Além de estreitar na indústria de alimentos, este artigo tentará demonstrar que a segmentação geracional deve ser considerada quando se olha o impacto que o COO tem na decisão de compra. Para isso, lançaremos um questionário com o objetivo de reunir dados sobre o comportamento de compra das pessoas em função do país de origem. Este artigo descobriu que, embora o COO seja um dos principais fatores que as pessoas consideram ao comprar bens relacionados a alimentos, o impacto do efeito COO difere dependendo da geração a que os indivíduos pertencem e da região de origem do bem relacionado a alimentos

    Influência das cores, vermelho e azul na performance motora e na perceção de saúde

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    Influência das cores, vermelho e azul na performance motora e na perceção de saúde O presente trabalho estudou o efeito das cores vermelha e azul na performance motora e na perceção de saúde. Para o efeito foram efetuadas duas experiências. Na experiência 1 participaram 100 indivíduos (20.8 ± 2.1 anos) de ambos os géneros, os quais realizaram 4 tarefas motoras: tempo de reação, lançamento em precisão, tarefa manual de velocidade-precisão e tarefa de força manual. Metade dos participantes realizaram as tarefas motoras com materiais em que a cor azul era predominante e a outra metade com materiais em que a cor vermelho era predominante. Na experiência 2, relativamente à perceção de saúde, aplicou-se a escala EuroQol EQ-5D-5L a um grupo de 170 jovens adultos (20.4 ± 2.4 anos) e um grupo de 159 idosos (68.1 ± 5.5 anos). Cada um dos grupos foi dividido aleatoriamente em três subgrupos e cada um deles respondeu a uma escala impressa numa cor específica, designadamente vermelho, azul e preto. Na experiência 1 não foram encontrados resultados estatisticamente significativos quanto à influência das cores, vermelho e azul na performance das tarefas motoras. Na experiência 2 verificaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas na perceção de saúde dos jovens adultos entre os subgrupos que responderam à escala impressa em cor azul e em cor preta, respetivamente, nos idosos encontraram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as cores azul e vermelho. Em ambos os casos, os participantes que responderam à escala EuroQol EQ-5D-5L impressa em cor azul, foram os que avaliaram a sua saúde de um modo mais positivo. Concluiu-se que as cores vermelho e azul não influenciam a performance motora, mas influenciam a perceção de saúde, nomeadamente, a cor azul invoca perceções de saúde mais positivas por parte dos indivíduos estudados; #### Abstrat: Influence of colours, red and blue in motor performance and health perception The present work studied the effect of the colors red and blue on both motor performance and health perception. For this purpose, two experiments were conducted. The first experiment included 100 male and female participants (20.8 ± 2.1 years), which performed 4 different motor tasks: reaction time, precision throwing, manual speed-precision task and hand strength. Half of the participants performed the motor tasks using materials in which the color blue was predominant whereas the other half performed the same tests using materials in which the color red was predominant. For the second experiment, regarding the health state perception, the EuroQol EQ-5D-5L scale was apllied to a group of 170 young adults (20.35 ± 2.43 years) and a group of 159 elderly people (68.11 ± 5.5 years). Each group was randomly divided into three subgroups and each one responded to a printed scale in a specific color, namely red, blue and black. No statistically significant results were found on the first experiment concerning the influence of the colors red and blue on the motor task performance. Conversely, on the second experiment there were statistically significant differences on the health perception scores of young adults health, namely in the subgroups that responded to the blue and black printed scale, respectively. For the elderly group there were statistically significant differences between the colors red and blue. In both cases, the individuals which responded to the EuroQol EQ-5D-5L scale printed in blue were the ones who evaluated their health in a more positive way. It can be concluded that the colors red and blue do not influence motor performance. However, they have an effect on health perception, namely the color blue invokes more positive health perceptions among the studied individuals

    Effective persuasion in restaurant services

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    Bakalářská práce je věnována psychologickému tématu přesvědčování, přičemž předkládá poznatky z teoretické roviny a návrh praktické aplikace v oblasti pohostinství. Teoretická část je zaměřena na vymezení pojmu přesvědčování, jeho etické aspekty a faktory, které se v persvazivním procesu projevují. Zvláštní důraz je kladen na představení těchto poznatků v kontextu pohostinství, výzkumy jsou proto prezentovány na příkladu návštěvy fiktivní restaurace. Praktická část práce se zaměřuje na návrh výzkumného projektu. Popisuje návrh experimentu srovnávající účinnost principu sociálního schválení v prostředí kolektivistické a individualistické kultury. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)This bachelor thesis is dedicated to the psychological topic of persuasion and it brings findings from the theoretical background of the topic as well as a design of a practical application in the field of restaurant services. The theoretical part is focused on the definition of persuasion, ethical aspects and factors which appear in the proces of persuasion. The main stress is put on the presentation of these findings in the context of restaurant services; the studies are therefore presented on the example of a visit of an imaginary restaurant. The practical part of the thesis is focused on a design of a specific project. It desribes an experiment which would compare the efficacy of the principle known as social proof in both idividualistic and collectivistic cultures. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Katedra psychologieDepartment of PsychologyFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Why Do I Want to Be Your Friend? Engaging with Brands in Ephemeral Media

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    This study investigated the effects of ephemerality and marketing orientation on consumer engagement. Ephemeral applications, particularly in social media, constitute an emerging technology that allows marketers and users the capability to predetermine the lifespan of their online content. Since many consumers are adopting ephemeral applications, the purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of ephemerality and marketing orientation on consumer engagement with brands as well as to explore fan engagement of sports teams relative to other product categories. Explicitly, an ephemeral environment and relational orientation of the marketer were hypothesized to increase consumer engagement with a chosen brand. A quantitative, 2 marketing orientation (relational/transactional) x 2 medium (ephemeral/non-ephemeral) x 4 category of brand (sports teams/restaurants/clothing/musicians) experimental research design was used in this study. Participants (N=281) received random assignment into one of the four orientation x medium groups and self-selected the category of brand. The manipulations involved consumers’ choice of favorite brand within the chosen category in the context of a hypothetical new mobile app. After receiving the condition, the questionnaire was completed using online software. Univariate analysis of variance was used to examine the hypotheses. Results revealed that consumers are more likely to engage in an ephemeral context, regardless of the marketing orientation, yet an interaction occurred that shows ephemeral, relational messages regarding musicians prompted the highest level of consumer engagement. The research, including the implications, future paths, and limitations are detailed in subsequent chapters

    Rice and beans cracker : a food product for the celiac and vegan public, with evaluation of sensory acceptance of the product under musical stimuli

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    Orientador: Helena Maria André BoliniTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de AlimentosResumo: Feijão e arroz cozidos compõem a base central do principal prato brasileiro e representam a capacidade nutricional das sementes como fontes mais acessíveis, provedoras de energia e nutrição à população brasileira. Entretanto, o brasileiro vem substituindo o consumo habitual de feijão e arroz, por outros alimentos mais convenientes ao estilo de vida moderno, porém com desvantagens para a saúde. Este estudo teve por objetivo desenvolver um biscoito elaborado a partir dessa matriz alimentar, totalmente vegetal e naturalmente sem glúten, a fim de verificar se, em novo formato, as vantagens nutricionais daquele simples e eficiente prato podem estar associadas à conveniência e aceitação de um produto alternativo, longamente preservável e prático para todos, e especialmente aos públicos celíaco e vegano; bem como relacionar a variabilidade dessa aceitação sob influência de audição simultânea para quatro diferentes estilos musicais (blues, clássico, rock e samba); e ainda encontrar atributos físico-químicos e sensoriais associados aos níveis de preferência do produto pelos consumidores. Para isso, foram elaboradas cinco variações de formulações do biscoito, em combinações alternadas com arroz polido cozido (AC), feijão cozido (FC), farinhas de arroz integral e arroz polido (FAI e FAP), e farinha de feijão branco (FFB). Como controle, uma formulação com farinha integral de trigo (FIT) foi utilizada. Os biscoitos produzidos foram avaliados por testes de aceitação em 120 consumidores. Diversas análises físico-químicas foram realizadas. Os biscoitos foram bem aceitos. Notas médias quanto aos atributos aparência, aroma e impressão global dos biscoitos não indicaram qualquer rejeição na preferência do consumidor, mas sabor e principalmente textura, foram impactados negativamente (p0,05) mesmo após 60 dias. Resultados dos testes de aceitação sob audição de diferentes estilos musicais evidenciaram um aumento (p0.05) under instrumental analysis even after 60 days. Acceptance tests results under audition of different musical styles showed positive modulation (p<0.05) in 40% of mean notes in relation to the control test¿s (without music). In quantity, the impact reached up to 25%. Nevertheless, Internal Preference Maps confirmed that samples B2 and B5 (BRF+CpR+WBF) were a little less sensory accepted. By sharing an exclusive ingredient to both formulations, the effect of less acceptance stayed visible in relation to the others, meaning that simple simultaneaous musical audition is not enough to mask some undesirable characteristics in the food product under consumer¿s evaluation. Furthermore, it was shown that the rice and beans biscuit can contribute to a good protein nutritional balance for all publics, disposing combinedly of indispensable amino acids, by following formulation B6 (BRF+CpR+CrB), or if having minimal adjustments to other formulationsDoutorad