25 research outputs found

    Hyperoxic Brain Effects Are Normalized by Addition of CO2

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    Hyperoxic ventilation leads to responses in brain areas that modify hypothalamus-mediated sympathetic and hormonal outflow; these responses can be diminished by addition of CO2 to the gas mixture

    The Influence of Moderate Hypercapnia on Neural Activity in the Anesthetized Nonhuman Primate

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    Hypercapnia is often used as vasodilatory challenge in clinical applications and basic research. In functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), elevated CO2 is applied to derive stimulus-induced changes in the cerebral rate of oxygen consumption (CMRO2) by measuring cerebral blood flow and blood-oxygenation-level–dependent (BOLD) signal. Such methods, however, assume that hypercapnia has no direct effect on CMRO2. In this study, we used combined intracortical recordings and fMRI in the visual cortex of anesthetized macaque monkeys to show that spontaneous neuronal activity is in fact significantly reduced by moderate hypercapnia. As expected, measurement of cerebral blood volume using an exogenous contrast agent and of BOLD signal showed that both are increased during hypercapnia. In contrast to this, spontaneous fluctuations of local field potentials in the beta and gamma frequency range as well as multiunit activity are reduced by ∼15% during inhalation of 6% CO2 (pCO2 = 56 mmHg). A strong tendency toward a reduction of neuronal activity was also found at CO2 inhalation of 3% (pCO2 = 45 mmHg). This suggests that CMRO2 might be reduced during hypercapnia and caution must be exercised when hypercapnia is applied to calibrate the BOLD signal

    The relationship between magnetic and electrophysiological responses to complex tactile stimuli

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Magnetoencephalography (MEG) has become an increasingly popular technique for non-invasively characterizing neuromagnetic field changes in the brain at a high temporal resolution. To examine the reliability of the MEG signal, we compared magnetic and electrophysiological responses to complex natural stimuli from the same animals. We examined changes in neuromagnetic fields, local field potentials (LFP) and multi-unit activity (MUA) in macaque monkey primary somatosensory cortex that were induced by varying the rate of mechanical stimulation. Stimuli were applied to the fingertips with three inter-stimulus intervals (ISIs): 0.33s, 1s and 2s.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Signal intensity was inversely related to the rate of stimulation, but to different degrees for each measurement method. The decrease in response at higher stimulation rates was significantly greater for MUA than LFP and MEG data, while no significant difference was observed between LFP and MEG recordings. Furthermore, response latency was the shortest for MUA and the longest for MEG data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The MEG signal is an accurate representation of electrophysiological responses to complex natural stimuli. Further, the intensity and latency of the MEG signal were better correlated with the LFP than MUA data suggesting that the MEG signal reflects primarily synaptic currents rather than spiking activity. These differences in latency could be attributed to differences in the extent of spatial summation and/or differential laminar sensitivity.</p

    Seizure epicenter depth and translaminar field potential synchrony underlie complex variations in tissue oxygenation during ictal initiation

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    Whether functional hyperemia during epileptic activity is adequate to meet the heightened metabolic demand of such events is controversial. Whereas some studies have demonstrated hyperoxia during ictal onsets, other work has reported transient hypoxic episodes that are spatially dependent on local surface microvasculature. Crucially, how laminar differences in ictal evolution can affect subsequent cerebrovascular responses has not been thus far investigated, and is likely significant in view of possible laminar-dependent neurovascular mechanisms and angioarchitecture. We addressed this open question using a novel multi-modal methodology enabling concurrent measurement of cortical tissue oxygenation, blood flow and hemoglobin concentration, alongside laminar recordings of neural activity, in a urethane anesthetized rat model of recurrent seizures induced by 4-aminopyridine. We reveal there to be a close relationship between seizure epicenter depth, translaminar LFP synchrony and tissue oxygenation during the early stages of recurrent seizures, whereby deep layer seizures are associated with decreased cross laminar synchrony and prolonged periods of hypoxia, and middle layer seizures are accompanied by increased cross-laminar synchrony and hyperoxia. Through comparison with functional activation by somatosensory stimulation and graded hypercapnia, we show that these seizure-related cerebrovascular responses occur in the presence of conserved neural-hemodynamic and blood flow-volume coupling. Our data provide new insights into the laminar dependency of seizure-related neurovascular responses, which may reconcile inconsistent observations of seizure-related hypoxia in the literature, and highlight a potential layer-dependent vulnerability that may contribute to the harmful effects of clinical recurrent seizures. The relevance of our findings to perfusion-related functional neuroimaging techniques in epilepsy are also discussed

    Development and Localization of Spike-Wave Seizures in Animal Models

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    Animal models allow for detailed investigation of neuronal function, particularly invasive localization and developmental studies not possible in humans. This thesis will review the technical challenges of simultaneous EEG-fMRI, and epileptogenesis studies in animal models, including issues related to anesthesia, movement, signal artifact, physiology, electrode compatibility, data acquisition, and data analysis, and review recent findings from simultaneous EEG-fMRI studies in epilepsy and other fields. Original research will be presented on the localization of neuronal networks involved during spike-and-wave seizures in the WAG/Rij rat, a model of human absence epilepsy. Simultaneous EEG-fMRI at 9 Tesla, complimented by parallel electrophysiology, including Multiple Unit Activity (MUA), Local Field Potential (LFP), and Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) measurements were employed to investigate the functioning of neuronal networks. This work indicates that while BOLD signal increases in the Somaotsensory Cortex and Thalamus during SWD are associated with MUA, LFP, and CBF increases, BOLD signal decreases in the Caudate are associated with CBF decreases and relatively larger increase in LFP and smaller increase in MUA. Complimenting the localization studies, original research will also be presented on the development of spike-and-wave epilepsy in the C3H/Hej mouse, a model which will allow for more advanced genetic and molecular investigation. This work shows seizure development progressing though immature, transitional, and mature stages

    Multiparametric measurement of cerebral physiology using calibrated fMRI

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    The ultimate goal of calibrated fMRI is the quantitative imaging of oxygen metabolism (CMRO2), and this has been the focus of numerous methods and approaches. However, one underappreciated aspect of this quest is that in the drive to measure CMRO2, many other physiological parameters of interest are often acquired along the way. This can significantly increase the value of the dataset, providing greater information that is clinically relevant, or detail that can disambiguate the cause of signal variations. This can also be somewhat of a double-edged sword: calibrated fMRI experiments combine multiple parameters into a physiological model that requires multiple steps, thereby providing more opportunity for error propagation and increasing the noise and error of the final derived values. As with all measurements, there is a trade-off between imaging time, spatial resolution, coverage, and accuracy. In this review, we provide a brief overview of the benefits and pitfalls of extracting multiparametric measurements of cerebral physiology through calibrated fMRI experiments

    A primer on functional magnetic resonance imaging

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    Abstract In this manuscript, basic principles of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) are reviewed. In the first section, two intrinsic mechanisms of magnetic resonance image contrast related to the longitudinal and transverse components of relaxing spins and their relaxation rates, T 1 and T 2 , are described. In the second section, the biophysical mechanisms that alter the apparent transverse relaxation time, T * 2 , in blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) studies and the creation of BOLD activation maps are discussed. The physiological complexity of the BOLD signal is emphasized. In the third section, arterial spin labeling (ASL) measures of cerebral blood flow are presented. Arterial spin labeling inverts or saturates the magnetization of flowing spins to measure the rate of delivery of blood to capillaries. In the fourth section, calibrated fMRI, which uses BOLD and ASL to infer alterations of oxygen utilization during behavioral activation, is reviewed. The discussion concludes with challenges confronting studies of individual cases. Keywords Functional magnetic resonance imaging . Perfusion magnetic resonance imaging . Regional blood flow . Cerebral oxygen metabolism G. G. Brown ( ) Psychology Service (MC 116B), VA San Diego Healthcare System, 3350 La Jolla Village Drive