12 research outputs found

    Crossing the hurdle: the determinants of individual scientific performance

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    An original cross sectional dataset referring to a medium sized Italian university is implemented in order to analyze the determinants of scientific research production at individual level. The dataset includes 942 permanent researchers of various scientific sectors for a three year time span (2008 - 2010). Three different indicators - based on the number of publications or citations - are considered as response variables. The corresponding distributions are highly skewed and display an excess of zero - valued observations. In this setting, the goodness of fit of several Poisson mixture regression models are explored by assuming an extensive set of explanatory variables. As to the personal observable characteristics of the researchers, the results emphasize the age effect and the gender productivity gap, as previously documented by existing studies. Analogously, the analysis confirm that productivity is strongly affected by the publication and citation practices adopted in different scientific disciplines. The empirical evidence on the connection between teaching and research activities suggests that no univocal substitution or complementarity thesis can be claimed: a major teaching load does not affect the odds to be a non-active researcher and does not significantly reduce the number of publications for active researchers. In addition, new evidence emerges on the effect of researchers administrative tasks, which seem to be negatively related with researcher's productivity, and on the composition of departments. Researchers' productivity is apparently enhanced by operating in department filled with more administrative and technical staff, and it is not significantly affected by the composition of the department in terms of senior or junior researchers.Comment: Revised version accepted for publication by Scientometric

    Taiwan Vs Globalization In Data Mining: A Study Of Research Trends, Forecasts And Citations

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    Although data mining (DM) has already become more important recently, there are few comprehensive studies and categorization schemes to discuss the characteristics for DM. Applying bibliometric method, this paper explores research potential of DM in Taiwan through comparing globalization DM trends, forecasts and citations from 1993 to 2016 by locating heading “data mining” in topic in the Web of Science (WoS) database. The bibliometric analytical technique was used to examine the topic in WoS journals from 1993 to 2016, we found of 245 articles of Taiwan and 3053 articles of globalization. This paper surveys and classifies DM articles between Taiwan and globalization using the following eight categories – publication year, citation, document type, country/territory, institute name, language, source title and research area – for different distribution status in order to find the difference and how DM technologies and applications have developed in this period. Finally, the study will analyze DM technology trends, forecasts and citations based on the above results. Also, the paper performs the K-S test to check whether the distribution of author article production of Taiwan and globalization follows Lotka’s law or not. According to the analyzing results, this paper provides a roadmap for future researches, abstracts technology trend information and facilitates knowledge accumulation. Therefore, the researches of DM in Taiwan can follow and concentrate the globalization categories, and create the potential in the near future

    Bibliography of Indian bibliometric publications (1958 -1994)

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    Provides a bibliography of publications on bibliometrics and related subjects published in India as well as generated from India and published abroad during 1958 to 1994

    Random variate generation and connected computational issues for the Poisson–Tweedie distribution

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    After providing a systematic outline of the stochastic genesis of the Poisson–Tweedie distribution, some computational issues are considered. More specifically, we introduce a closed form for the probability function, as well as its corresponding integral representation which may be useful for large argument values. Several algorithms for generating Poisson–Tweedie random variates are also suggested. Finally, count data connected to the citation profiles of two statistical journals are modeled and analyzed by means of the Poisson–Tweedie distribution

    Evaluation of Institutional Research Productivity

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    The quantification of scholarly performance has become an obvious necessity in many academic pursuits. Evaluation of research output is, therefore, an integral element of R&D institutions worldwide. This paper critically scrutinizes the literature on research productivity concerning scientific institutions (include universities and departments) in an informational context. It provides a thorough review to map the quantum of knowledge relating to ‘institutional research productivity’ correlating the Indian vista. The paper also offers a few recommendations to undertake evaluative studies with caution. Thus it shows a coherent picture of this emerging area in the sociology of science

    Essays on wage inequality and mobility in Mexico

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    [eng] El objetivo de la tesis es analizar la desigualdad y la movilidad salarial en México en el periodo de 1987 a 2008. La tesis está dividida en cinco partes. En el Capítulo 1 se plantean la introducción y los objetivos de la tesis y se describen las principales bases de datos que se utilizarán en el mismo. También se aporta evidencia descriptiva sobre la evolución de la desigualdad salarial en México. En el capítulo 2, se revisa, primero la estructura salarial, teniendo en cuenta los rendimientos salariales de la educación y otras características socioeconómicas y segundo, la descomposición de las diferencias salariales a lo largo de la distribución salarial durante el periodo analizado. A continuación, el capítulo 3 analiza la relación existente entre la movilidad y la desigualdad salarial a través de un enfoque dinámico de descomposición, utilizando datos de panel. En el capítulo 4 se analiza el nexo entre el crecimiento económico y la desigualdad a nivel regional y por último, en el capítulo 5 se presentan las conclusiones más relevantes y la discusión de las mismas

    Exploring the factors related to academic publication productivity among selected Malaysian academic engineers and scientists

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    This is an exploratory study, which aims to examine the factors affecting the research publication productivity of academic engineers and scientists from the National University of Malaysia (UKM) and University of Malaya (UM). This study aims to identify problems, as well as increase the understanding of factors conducive for a productive academic research environment. [Continues.

    Dados de contagem e modelos de regressão : aplicação ao número de citações recebidas por trabalhos de instituições portuguesas

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    Mestrado em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à GestãoEste trabalho centra-se na especificação, estimação e avaliação de modelos de regressão para dados de contagem. Consideram-se apenas os casos mais comuns, os modelos de Poisson e Binomial Negativo, cuja estimação resulta do uso de métodos com diferente níveis de exigência em termos dos pressupostos distribucionais. Em todas as situações, avalia-se a validade da formalização adoptada para o valor esperado condicional e, sempre que se assume uma distribuição condicional para a variável dependente, examina-se a sua adequabilidade. Estes modelos são utilizados para descrer o número de citações que um dado documento, publicado por um ou mais investigadores filiados em instituições portuguesas, recebe num determinado horizonte temporal. Como os dados sobre publicações são geralmente tratados na área da bibliometria na primeira parte do trabalho efectua-se uma síntese das principais perspectivas bibliométricas. Contudo, a aplicação empreendida_surge como uma abordagem original desta problemática. Modelo construído cumpre os critérios de selecção estabelecidos, permitindo concluir sobre as características dos trabalhos que mais contribuem para o seu número esperado de citações. Além disso, empregando-se um processo auxiliar, é possível identificar as observações cujas particularidades incorporadas no modelo originaram uma estimativa do valor esperado condicional de citações significativamente diferente da quantidade observada e que são, portanto, merecedoras de uma análise caso a caso.This study focuses on specification, estimation and evaluation of count data regression models. The models considered are the most common ones, such as Poisson and Negative Binomial. Several estimation methods with different demands in terms of distributional assumptions were used. In ali cases, the adopted specification for the conditional expected fiinction is tested and, when a conditional distribution for the dependent variable is assumed, its goodness of fit is examined. The models considered are used to describe the number of citations that a given document, published at least by one investigator from a portuguese institution, receives in a given period of time. Regarding that the publication data are usually analysed in bibliometrics, a review about the principal bibliometric perspectives is included in the first part of this study. However, no similar approach to the constructed application could be found. The model built satisfies the selection criteria, allowing to conclude which of the work^s characteristics have a higher contribution to his expected number of citations. In addition, the observations which particularities included in the model, produced a conditional expected value of citation significantly different from the observed value, were identified using an auxiliary process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    From Psychology to Phylogeny: Bridging Levels of Analysis in Cultural Evolution

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    Cultural evolution, or change in the socially learned behavior of a population over time, is a fascinating phenomenon that is widespread in humans and present in some non-human animals. In this dissertation, I present an array of cultural evolutionary studies that bridge pattern and process in a wide range of research models including music, extremism, and birdsong. The first chapter is an introduction to the field of cultural evolution, including a bibliometric analysis of its structure. The second and third chapters are studies on the cultural dynamics of music sampling traditions in hip-hop and electronic music communities and far-right extremism in the United States, using social network analysis and epidemiological modeling, respectively. The fourth and fifth chapters are studies on how cultural transmission biases influence population-level changes in music sampling traditions and house finch song, using a combination of agent-based modeling and machine learning. The sixth chapter is a technical report on computerized birdfeeders that were used to remotely collect data on the social network structure of a wild house finch population. Lastly, the seventh chapter applies a novel phylogenetic method based on dynamic community detection to reconstruct the cultural evolution of electronic music

    Psicología iberoamericana : Estudio de su productividad e impacto en revistas internacionales a través de Bases de Datos en el periodo 1975-1990

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    La primera parte presenta una breve introducción sobre la actividad científica en psicología en España, Portugal y América latina. La segunda, un estudio empírico, estudia la visibilidad internacional de la producción científica de esos piases durante 1975-1990. Se analizan 2.438 referencias bibliográficas de artículos de revistas obtenidas de tres bases de datos (psyclit, pascal y psyndex). Se obtienen indicadores bibliométricos de productividad por periodos, piases, idiomas, autores y revistas de publicación. Se analiza el contenido temático de los documentos y de las revistas, junto con el factor de impacto esperado (fi) y se obtiene el índice de coautoría. El crecimiento de la producción es de tipo exponencial. España es el país más productivo, seguido por brasil, México, argentina y chile. Hay mas producción de temas de bio-fisico y neuro-ciencias. El idioma más utilizado es el inglés y la institución mas productiva la universidad. Se confirman las hipótesis: mayor gasto en i+d correlaciona con mayor producción; las áreas afines a las ciencias "duras" publican mas en revistas extranjeras, presentan índices de coautoría y valores fi mas altos que las afines a las ciencias sociales. Se concluye que la aportación a nivel internacional de los autores se corresponde, solo parcial o indirectamente con las publicaciones nacionales