10 research outputs found

    The constrained-monad problem

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    In Haskell, there are many data types that would form monads were it not for the presence of type-class constraints on the operations onthat data type. This is a frustrating problem in practice, because there is a considerable amount of support and infrastructure for monads that these data types cannot use. Using several examples,we show that a monadic computation can be restructured into a normal form such that the standard monad class can be used. The technique is not specific to monads, and we show how it can also be applied to other structures, such as applicative functors. One significant use case for this technique is domain-specific languages,where it is often desirable to compile a deep embedding of a computation to some other language, which requires restricting the types that can appear in that computation

    The remote monad design pattern

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    Remote Procedure Calls are expensive. This paper demonstrates how to reduce the cost of calling remote procedures from Haskell by using the remote monad design pattern, which amortizes the cost of remote calls. This gives the Haskell community access to remote capabilities that are not directly supported, at a surprisingly inexpensive cost. We explore the remote monad design pattern through six models of remote execution patterns, using a simulated Internet of Things toaster as a running example. We consider the expressiveness and optimizations enabled by each remote execution model, and assess the feasibility of our approach. We then present a full-scale case study: a Haskell library that provides a Foreign Function Interface to the JavaScript Canvas API. Finally, we discuss existing instances of the remote monad design pattern found in Haskell libraries

    Supermonads: one notion to bind them all

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    Several popular generalizations of monads have been implemented in Haskell. Unfortunately, because the shape of the associated type constructors do not match the standard Haskell monad interface, each such implementation provides its own type class and versions of associated library functions. Furthermore, simultaneous use of different monadic notions can be cumbersome as it in general is necessary to be explicit about which notion is used where. In this paper we introduce supermonads: an encoding of monadic notions that captures several different generalizations along with a version of the standard library of monadic functions that work uniformly with all of them. As standard Haskell type inference does not work for supermonads due to their generality, our supermonad implementation is accompanied with a language extension, in the form of a plugin for the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC), that allows type inference for supermonads, obviating the need for manual annotations

    Partial type constructors: Or, making ad hoc datatypes less ad hoc

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Functional programming languages assume that type constructors are total. Yet functional programmers know better: counterexamples range from container types that make limiting assumptions about their contents (e.g., requiring computable equality or ordering functions) to type families with defining equations only over certain choices of arguments. We present a language design and formal theory of partial type constructors, capturing the domains of type constructors using qualified types. Our design is both simple and expressive: we support partial datatypes as first-class citizens (including as instances of parametric abstractions, such as the Haskell Functor and Monad classes), and show a simple type elaboration algorithm that avoids placing undue annotation burden on programmers. We show that our type system rejects ill-defined types and can be compiled to a semantic model based on System F. Finally, we have conducted an experimental analysis of a body of Haskell code, using a proof-of-concept implementation of our system; while there are cases where our system requires additional annotations, these cases are rarely encountered in practical Haskell code

    Domain-Specific Tensor Languages

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    The tensor notation used in several areas of mathematics is a useful one, but it is not widely available to the functional programming community. In a practical sense, the (embedded) domain-specific languages (DSLs) that are currently in use for tensor algebra are either 1. array-oriented languages that do not enforce or take advantage of tensor properties and algebraic structure or 2. follow the categorical structure of tensors but require the programmer to manipulate tensors in an unwieldy point-free notation. A deeper issue is that for tensor calculus, the dominant pedagogical paradigm assumes an audience which is either comfortable with notational liberties which programmers cannot afford, or focus on the applied mathematics of tensors, largely leaving their linguistic aspects (behaviour of variable binding, syntax and semantics, etc.) for the reader to figure out by themselves. This state of affairs is hardly surprising, because, as we highlight, several properties of standard tensor notation are somewhat exotic from the perspective of lambda calculi. We bridge the gap by defining a DSL, embedded in Haskell, whose syntax closely captures the index notation for tensors in wide use in the literature. The semantics of this EDSL is defined in terms of the algebraic structures which define tensors in their full generality. This way, we believe that our EDSL can be used both as a tool for scientific computing, but also as a vehicle to express and present the theory and applications of tensors

    A functional approach to heterogeneous computing in embedded systems

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    Developing programs for embedded systems presents quite a challenge; not only should programs be resource efficient, as they operate under memory and timing constraints, but they should also take full advantage of the hardware to achieve maximum performance. Since performance is such a significant factor in the design of embedded systems, modern systems typically incorporate more than one kind of processing element to benefit from specialized processing capabilities. For such heterogeneous systems the challenge in developing programs is even greater.In this thesis we explore a functional approach to heterogeneous system development as a means to address many of the modularity problems that are typically found in the application of low-level imperative programming for embedded systems. In particular, we explore a staged hardware software co-design language that we name Co-Feldspar and embed in Haskell. The staged approach enables designers to build their applications from reusable components and skeletons while retaining control over much of the generated source code. Furthermore, by embedding the language in Haskell we can exploit its type classes to write not only hardware and software programs, but also generic programs with overloaded instructions and expressions. We demonstrate the usefulness of the functional approach for co-design on a cryptographic example and signal processing filters, and benchmark software and mixed hardware-software implementations. Co-Feldspar currently adopts a monadic interface, which provides an imperative functional programming style that is suitable for explicit memory management and algorithms that rely on a certain evaluation order. For algorithms that are better defined as pure functions operating on immutable values, we provide a signal and array library that extends a monadic language, like Co-Feldspar. These extensions permit a functional style of programming by composing high-level combinators. Our compiler transforms such high-level code into efficient programs with mutating code. In particular, we show how to execute an FFT safely in-place, and how to describe a FIR and IIR filter efficiently as streams. Co-Feldspar’s monadic interface is however quite invasive; not only is the burden of explicit memory management quite heavy on the user, it is also quite easy to shoot on eself in the foot. It is for these reasons that we also explore a dynamic memory management discipline that is based on regions but predictable enough to be of use for embedded systems. Specifically, this thesis introduces a program analysis which annotates values with dynamically allocated memory regions. By limiting our efforts to functional languages that target embedded software, we manage to define a region inference algorithm that is considerably simpler than traditional approaches

    Everything old is new again: Quoted Domain Specific Languages

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    We describe a new approach to domain specific languages (DSLs), called Quoted DSLs (QDSLs), that resurrects two old ideas: quotation, from McCarthy's Lisp of 1960, and the subformula property, from Gentzen's natural deduction of 1935. Quoted terms allow the DSL to share the syntax and type system of the host language. Normalising quoted terms ensures the subformula property, which guarantees that one can use higher-order types in the source while guaranteeing first-order types in the target, and enables using types to guide fusion. We test our ideas by re-implementing Feldspar, which was originally implemented as an Embedded DSL (EDSL), as a QDSL; and we compare the QDSL and EDSL variants


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    筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201

    Domain Specific Languages for Small Embedded Systems

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    Resource limited embedded systems provide a great challenge to programming using functional languages. Although these embedded systems cannot be programmed directly with Haskell, I show that an embedded domain specific language is able to be used to program them, and provides a user friendly environment for both prototyping and full development. The Arduino line of microcontroller boards provide a versatile, low cost and popular platform for development of these resource limited systems, and I use these boards as the platform for my DSL research. First, I provide a shallowly embedded domain specific language, and a firmware interpreter, allowing the user to program the Arduino while tethered to a host computer. Shallow EDSLs allow a programmer to program using many of the features of a host language and its syntax, but sacrifice performance. Next, I add a deeply embedded version, allowing the interpreter to run standalone from the host computer, as well as allowing the code to be compiled to C and then machine code for efficient operation. Deep EDSLs provide better performance and flexibility, through the ability to manipulate the abstract syntax tree of the DSL program, but sacrifice syntactical similarity to the host language. Using Haskino, my EDSL designed for Arduino microcontrollers, and a compiler plugin for the Haskell GHC compiler, I show a method for combining the best aspects of shallow and deep EDSLs. The programmer is able to write in the shallow EDSL, and have it automatically transformed into the deep EDSL. This allows the EDSL user to benefit from powerful aspects of the host language, Haskell, while meeting the demanding resource constraints of the small embedded processing environment

    The Constrained-Monad Problem

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