84 research outputs found

    IPL: Interfaced Prolog/Lisp

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    This thesis report describes the design and implementation of an interface between the two most common artificial intelligence languages, Lisp and Prolog. The interface is accomplished by small extensions to each language, and provides Prolog programs with the capability of invoking Lisp functions. The interface is simple yet powerful; it the supports passing of arbitrarily complex data objects, regardless of data type. The particular language implementations extended were C-Prolog [Pereira,85] and XLISP [Betz,86], both interpreters running under the Unix operating system

    The shared data-object model as a paradigm for programming distributed systems

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    The design and implementation of a relational programming system.

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    The declarative class of computer languages consists mainly of two paradigms - the logic and the functional. Much research has been devoted in recent years to the integration of the two with the aim of securing the advantages of both without retaining their disadvantages. To date this research has, arguably, been less fruitful than initially hoped. A large number of composite functional/logical languages have been proposed but have generally been marred by the lack of a firm, cohesive, mathematical basis. More recently new declarative paradigms, equational and constraint languages, have been advocated. These however do not fully encompass those features we perceive as being central to functional and logic languages. The crucial functional features are higher-order definitions, static polymorphic typing, applicative expressions and laziness. The crucial logic features are ability to reason about both functional and non-functional relationships and to handle computations involving search. This thesis advocates a new declarative paradigm which lies midway between functional and logic languages - the so-called relational paradigm. In a relationallanguage program and data alike are denoted by relations. All expressions are relations constructed from simpler expressions using operators which form a relational algebra. The impetus for use of relations in a declarative language comes from observations concerning their connection to functional and logic programming. Relations are mathematically more general than functions modelling non-functional as well as functional relationships. They also form the basis of many logic languages, for example, Prolog. This thesis proposes a new relational language based entirely on binary relations, named Drusilla. We demonstrate the functional and logic aspects of Drusilla. It retains the higher-order objects and polymorphism found in modern functional languages but handles non-determinism and models relationships between objects in the manner of a logic language with notion of algorithm being composed of logic and control elements. Different programming styles - functional, logic and relational- are illustrated. However, such expressive power does not come for free; it has associated with it a high cost of implementation. Two main techniques are used in the necessarily complex language interpreter. A type inference system checks programs to ensure they are meaningful and simultaneously performs automatic representation selection for relations. A symbolic manipulation system transforms programs to improve. efficiency of expressions and to increase the number of possible representations for relations while preserving program meaning

    Third Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications, part 1

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    The application of artificial intelligence to spacecraft and aerospace systems is discussed. Expert systems, robotics, space station automation, fault diagnostics, parallel processing, knowledge representation, scheduling, man-machine interfaces and neural nets are among the topics discussed

    On the efficiency of meta-level inference

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    In this thesis we will be concerned with a particular type of architecture for reasoning systems, known as meta-level architectures. After presenting the arguments for such architectures (chapter 1), we discuss a number of systems in the literature that provide an explicit meta-level architecture (chapter 2), and these systems are compared on the basis of a number of distinguishing characteristics. This leads to a classification of meta-level architectures (chapter 3). Within this classification we compare the different types of architectures, and argue that one of these types, called bilingual meta-level inference systems, has a number of advantages over the other types. We study the general structure of bilingual meta-level inference architectures (chapter 4), and we discuss the details of a system that we implemented which has this architecture (chapter 5). One of the problems that this type of system suffers from is the overhead that is incurred by the meta-level effort. We give a theoretical model of this problem, and we perform measurements which show that this problem is indeed a significant one (chapter 6). Chapter 7 discusses partial evaluation, the main technique available in the literature to reduce the meta-level overhead. This technique, although useful, suffers from a number of serious problems. We propose two further techniques, partial reflection and many-sorted logic (chapters 8 and 9), which can be used to reduce the problem of meta-level overhead without suffering from these problems

    On the definition of non-player character behaviour for real-time simulated virtual environments.

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    Computer games with complex virtual worlds, which are populated by artificial characters and creatures, are the most visible application of artificial intelligence techniques. In recent years game development has been fuelled by dramatic advances in computer graphics hardware which have led to a rise in the quality of real-time computer graphics and increased realism in computer games. As a result of these developments video games are gaining acceptance and cultural significance as a form of art and popular culture. An important factor for the attainment of realism in games is the artificially intelligent behaviour displayed by the virtual entities that populate the games' virtual worlds. It is our firm belief that to further improve the behaviour of virtual entities, game AI development will have to mirror the advances achieved in game graphics. A major contributing factor for these advancements has been the advent of programmable shaders for real-time graphics, which in turn has been significantly simplified by the introduction of higher level programming languages for the creation of shaders. This has demonstrated that a good system can be vastly improved by the addition of a programming language. This thesis presents a similar (syntactic) approach to the definition of the behaviour of virtual entities in computer games. We introduce the term behaviour definition language (BDL), describing a programming language for the definition of game entity behaviour. We specify the requirements for this type of programming language, which are applied to the development and implementation of several behaviour definition languages, culminating in the design of a new game-genre independent behaviour definition (scripting) language. This extension programming language includes several game AI techniques within a single unified system, allowing the use of different methods of behaviour definition. A subset of the language (itself a BDL) was implemented as a proof of concept of this design, providing a framework for the syntactic definition of the behaviour of virtual entities in computer games