7 research outputs found

    Vide-omics : a genomics-inspired paradigm for video analysis

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    With the development of applications associated to ego-vision systems, smart-phones, and autonomous cars, automated analysis of videos generated by freely moving cameras has become a major challenge for the computer vision community. Current techniques are still not suitable to deal with real-life situations due to, in particular, wide scene variability and the large range of camera motions. Whereas most approaches attempt to control those parameters, this paper introduces a novel video analysis paradigm, 'vide-omics', inspired by the principles of genomics where variability is the expected norm. Validation of this new concept is performed by designing an implementation addressing foreground extraction from videos captured by freely moving cameras. Evaluation on a set of standard videos demonstrates both robust performance that is largely independent from camera motion and scene, and state-of-the-art results in the most challenging video. Those experiments underline not only the validity of the 'vide-omics' paradigm, but also its potential

    Evaluating Copyright Protection in the Data-Driven Era: Centering on Motion Picture\u27s Past and Future

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    Since the 1910s, Hollywood has measured audience preferences with rough industry-created methods. In the 1940s, scientific audience research led by George Gallup started to conduct film audience surveys with traditional statistical and psychological methods. However, the quantity, quality, and speed were limited. Things dramatically changed in the internet age. The prevalence of digital data increases the instantaneousness, convenience, width, and depth of collecting audience and content data. Advanced data and AI technologies have also allowed machines to provide filmmakers with ideas or even make human-like expressions. This brings new copyright challenges in the data-driven era. Massive amounts of text and data are the premise of text and data mining (TDM), as well as the admission ticket to access machine learning technologies. Given the high and uncertain copyright violation risks in the data-driven creation process, whoever controls the copyrighted film materials can monopolize the data and AI technologies to create motion pictures in the data-driven era. Considering that copyright shall not be the gatekeeper to new technological uses that do not impair the original uses of copyrighted works in the existing markets, this study proposes to create a TDM and model training limitations or exceptions to copyrights and recommends the Singapore legislative model. Motion pictures, as public entertainment media, have inherently limited creative choices. Identifying data-driven works’ human original expression components is also challenging. This study proposes establishing a voluntarily negotiated license institution backed up by a compulsory license to enable other filmmakers to reuse film materials in new motion pictures. The film material’s degree of human original authorship certified by film artists’ guilds shall be a crucial factor in deciding the compulsory license’s royalty rate and terms to encourage retaining human artists. This study argues that international and domestic policymakers should enjoy broad discretion to qualify data-driven work’s copyright protection because data-driven work is a new category of work. It would be too late to wait until ubiquitous data-driven works block human creative freedom and floods of data-driven work copyright litigations overwhelm the judicial systems

    Slice Matching for Accurate Spatio-Temporal Alignment

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    International audienceVideo synchronization and alignment is a rather recent topic in computer vision. It usually deals with the problem of aligning sequences recorded simultaneously by static, jointly- or independently-moving cameras. In this paper, we investigate the more difficult problem of matching videos captured at different times from independently-moving cameras, whose trajectories are approximately co-incident or parallel. To this end, we propose a novel method that pixel-wise aligns videos and allows thus to automatically highlight their differences. This primarily aims at visual surveillance but the method can be adopted as is by other related video applications, like object transfer (augmented reality) or high dynamic range video. We build upon a slice matching scheme to first synchronize the sequences, while we develop a spatio-temporal alignment scheme to spatially register corresponding frames and re- fine the temporal mapping. We investigate the performance of the proposed method on videos recorded from vehicles driven along different types of roads and compare with related previous works

    Learning From Multi-Frame Data

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    Multi-frame data-driven methods bear the promise that aggregating multiple observations leads to better estimates of target quantities than a single (still) observation. This thesis examines how data-driven approaches such as deep neural networks should be constructed to improve over single-frame-based counterparts. Besides algorithmic changes, as for example in the design of artificial neural network architectures or the algorithm itself, such an examination is inextricably linked with the consideration of the synthesis of synthetic training data in meaningful size (even if no annotations are available) and quality (if real ground-truth acquisition is not possible), which capture all temporal effects with high fidelity. We start with the introduction of a new algorithm to accelerate a nonparametric learning algorithm by using a GPU adapted implementation to search for the nearest neighbor. While the approaches known so far are clearly surpassed, this empirically reveals that the data generated can be managed within a reasonable time and that several inputs can be processed in parallel even under hardware restrictions. Based on a learning-based solution, we introduce a novel training protocol to bridge the need for carefully curated training data and demonstrate better performance and robustness than a non-parametric search for the nearest neighbor via temporal video alignments. Effective learning in the absence of labels is required when dealing with larger amounts of data that are easy to capture but not feasible or at least costly to label. In addition, we show new ways to generate plausible and realistic synthesized data and their inevitability when it comes to closing the gap to expensive and almost infeasible real-world acquisition. These eventually achieve state-of-the-art results in classical image processing tasks such as reflection removal and video deblurring