12,836 research outputs found

    Optimizing production scheduling of steel plate hot rolling for economic load dispatch under time-of-use electricity pricing

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    Time-of-Use (TOU) electricity pricing provides an opportunity for industrial users to cut electricity costs. Although many methods for Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) under TOU pricing in continuous industrial processing have been proposed, there are still difficulties in batch-type processing since power load units are not directly adjustable and nonlinearly depend on production planning and scheduling. In this paper, for hot rolling, a typical batch-type and energy intensive process in steel industry, a production scheduling optimization model for ELD is proposed under TOU pricing, in which the objective is to minimize electricity costs while considering penalties caused by jumps between adjacent slabs. A NSGA-II based multi-objective production scheduling algorithm is developed to obtain Pareto-optimal solutions, and then TOPSIS based multi-criteria decision-making is performed to recommend an optimal solution to facilitate filed operation. Experimental results and analyses show that the proposed method cuts electricity costs in production, especially in case of allowance for penalty score increase in a certain range. Further analyses show that the proposed method has effect on peak load regulation of power grid.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    Generalized Completed Local Binary Patterns for Time-Efficient Steel Surface Defect Classification

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted ncomponent of this work in other works.Efficient defect classification is one of the most important preconditions to achieve online quality inspection for hot-rolled strip steels. It is extremely challenging owing to various defect appearances, large intraclass variation, ambiguous interclass distance, and unstable gray values. In this paper, a generalized completed local binary patterns (GCLBP) framework is proposed. Two variants of improved completed local binary patterns (ICLBP) and improved completed noise-invariant local-structure patterns (ICNLP) under the GCLBP framework are developed for steel surface defect classification. Different from conventional local binary patterns variants, descriptive information hidden in nonuniform patterns is innovatively excavated for the better defect representation. This paper focuses on the following aspects. First, a lightweight searching algorithm is established for exploiting the dominant nonuniform patterns (DNUPs). Second, a hybrid pattern code mapping mechanism is proposed to encode all the uniform patterns and DNUPs. Third, feature extraction is carried out under the GCLBP framework. Finally, histogram matching is efficiently accomplished by simple nearest-neighbor classifier. The classification accuracy and time efficiency are verified on a widely recognized texture database (Outex) and a real-world steel surface defect database [Northeastern University (NEU)]. The experimental results promise that the proposed method can be widely applied in online automatic optical inspection instruments for hot-rolled strip steel.Peer reviewe

    AI and OR in management of operations: history and trends

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    The last decade has seen a considerable growth in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for operations management with the aim of finding solutions to problems that are increasing in complexity and scale. This paper begins by setting the context for the survey through a historical perspective of OR and AI. An extensive survey of applications of AI techniques for operations management, covering a total of over 1200 papers published from 1995 to 2004 is then presented. The survey utilizes Elsevier's ScienceDirect database as a source. Hence, the survey may not cover all the relevant journals but includes a sufficiently wide range of publications to make it representative of the research in the field. The papers are categorized into four areas of operations management: (a) design, (b) scheduling, (c) process planning and control and (d) quality, maintenance and fault diagnosis. Each of the four areas is categorized in terms of the AI techniques used: genetic algorithms, case-based reasoning, knowledge-based systems, fuzzy logic and hybrid techniques. The trends over the last decade are identified, discussed with respect to expected trends and directions for future work suggested

    Surface Defect Classification for Hot-Rolled Steel Strips by Selectively Dominant Local Binary Patterns

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    Developments in defect descriptors and computer vision-based algorithms for automatic optical inspection (AOI) allows for further development in image-based measurements. Defect classification is a vital part of an optical-imaging-based surface quality measuring instrument. The high-speed production rhythm of hot continuous rolling requires an ultra-rapid response to every component as well as algorithms in AOI instrument. In this paper, a simple, fast, yet robust texture descriptor, namely selectively dominant local binary patterns (SDLBPs), is proposed for defect classification. First, an intelligent searching algorithm with a quantitative thresholding mechanism is built to excavate the dominant non-uniform patterns (DNUPs). Second, two convertible schemes of pattern code mapping are developed for binary encoding of all uniform patterns and DNUPs. Third, feature extraction is carried out under SDLBP framework. Finally, an adaptive region weighting method is built for further strengthening the original nearest neighbor classifier in the feature matching stage. The extensive experiments carried out on an open texture database (Outex) and an actual surface defect database (Dragon) indicates that our proposed SDLBP yields promising performance on both classification accuracy and time efficiencyPeer reviewe

    Survey of dynamic scheduling in manufacturing systems

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    Stability analysis of a general class of singularly perturbed linear hybrid systems

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    Motivated by a real problem in steel production, we introduce and analyze a general class of singularly perturbed linear hybrid systems with both switches and impulses, in which the slow or fast nature of the variables can be mode-dependent. This means that, at switching instants, some of the slow variables can become fast and vice-versa. Firstly, we show that using a mode-dependent variable reordering we can rewrite this class of systems in a form in which the variables preserve their nature over time. Secondly, we establish, through singular perturbation techniques, an upper bound on the minimum dwell-time ensuring the overall system's stability. Remarkably, this bound is the sum of two terms. The first term corresponds to an upper bound on the minimum dwell-time ensuring the stability of the reduced order linear hybrid system describing the slow dynamics. The order of magnitude of the second term is determined by that of the parameter defining the ratio between the two time-scales of the singularly perturbed system. We show that the proposed framework can also take into account the change of dimension of the state vector at switching instants. Numerical illustrations complete our study


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    Gearing technology in its modern form has a history of only 100 years. However, the earliest form of gearing can probably be traced back to fourth century B.C. Greece. Current gear practice and recent advances in the technology are drawn together. The history of gearing is reviewed briefly in the Introduction. Subsequent sections describe types of gearing and their geometry, processing, and manufacture. Both conventional and more recent methods of determining gear stress and deflections are considered. The subjects of life prediction and lubrication are additions to the literature. New and more complete methods of power loss predictions as well as an optimum design of spur gear meshes are described. Conventional and new types of power transmission systems are presented