31 research outputs found

    A Qualitative Representation of Spatial Scenes in R2 with Regions and Lines

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    Regions and lines are common geographic abstractions for geographic objects. Collections of regions, lines, and other representations of spatial objects form a spatial scene, along with their relations. For instance, the states of Maine and New Hampshire can be represented by a pair of regions and related based on their topological properties. These two states are adjacent (i.e., they meet along their shared boundary), whereas Maine and Florida are not adjacent (i.e., they are disjoint). A detailed model for qualitatively describing spatial scenes should capture the essential properties of a configuration such that a description of the represented objects and their relations can be generated. Such a description should then be able to reproduce a scene in a way that preserves all topological relationships, but without regards to metric details. Coarse approaches to qualitative spatial reasoning may underspecify certain relations. For example, if two objects meet, it is unclear if they meet along an edge, at a single point, or multiple times along their boundaries. Where the boundaries of spatial objects converge, this is called a spatial intersection. This thesis develops a model for spatial scene descriptions primarily through sequences of detailed spatial intersections and object containment, capturing how complex spatial objects relate. With a theory of complex spatial scenes developed, a tool that will automatically generate a formal description of a spatial scene is prototyped, enabling the described objects to be analyzed. The strengths and weaknesses of the provided model will be discussed relative to other models of spatial scene description, along with further refinements

    Contributions to improve the technologies supporting unmanned aircraft operations

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorUnmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), in their smaller versions known as drones, are becoming increasingly important in today's societies. The systems that make them up present a multitude of challenges, of which error can be considered the common denominator. The perception of the environment is measured by sensors that have errors, the models that interpret the information and/or define behaviors are approximations of the world and therefore also have errors. Explaining error allows extending the limits of deterministic models to address real-world problems. The performance of the technologies embedded in drones depends on our ability to understand, model, and control the error of the systems that integrate them, as well as new technologies that may emerge. Flight controllers integrate various subsystems that are generally dependent on other systems. One example is the guidance systems. These systems provide the engine's propulsion controller with the necessary information to accomplish a desired mission. For this purpose, the flight controller is made up of a control law for the guidance system that reacts to the information perceived by the perception and navigation systems. The error of any of the subsystems propagates through the ecosystem of the controller, so the study of each of them is essential. On the other hand, among the strategies for error control are state-space estimators, where the Kalman filter has been a great ally of engineers since its appearance in the 1960s. Kalman filters are at the heart of information fusion systems, minimizing the error covariance of the system and allowing the measured states to be filtered and estimated in the absence of observations. State Space Models (SSM) are developed based on a set of hypotheses for modeling the world. Among the assumptions are that the models of the world must be linear, Markovian, and that the error of their models must be Gaussian. In general, systems are not linear, so linearization are performed on models that are already approximations of the world. In other cases, the noise to be controlled is not Gaussian, but it is approximated to that distribution in order to be able to deal with it. On the other hand, many systems are not Markovian, i.e., their states do not depend only on the previous state, but there are other dependencies that state space models cannot handle. This thesis deals a collection of studies in which error is formulated and reduced. First, the error in a computer vision-based precision landing system is studied, then estimation and filtering problems from the deep learning approach are addressed. Finally, classification concepts with deep learning over trajectories are studied. The first case of the collection xviiistudies the consequences of error propagation in a machine vision-based precision landing system. This paper proposes a set of strategies to reduce the impact on the guidance system, and ultimately reduce the error. The next two studies approach the estimation and filtering problem from the deep learning approach, where error is a function to be minimized by learning. The last case of the collection deals with a trajectory classification problem with real data. This work completes the two main fields in deep learning, regression and classification, where the error is considered as a probability function of class membership.Los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAV) en sus versiones de pequeño tamaño conocidos como drones, van tomando protagonismo en las sociedades actuales. Los sistemas que los componen presentan multitud de retos entre los cuales el error se puede considerar como el denominador común. La percepción del entorno se mide mediante sensores que tienen error, los modelos que interpretan la información y/o definen comportamientos son aproximaciones del mundo y por consiguiente también presentan error. Explicar el error permite extender los límites de los modelos deterministas para abordar problemas del mundo real. El rendimiento de las tecnologías embarcadas en los drones, dependen de nuestra capacidad de comprender, modelar y controlar el error de los sistemas que los integran, así como de las nuevas tecnologías que puedan surgir. Los controladores de vuelo integran diferentes subsistemas los cuales generalmente son dependientes de otros sistemas. Un caso de esta situación son los sistemas de guiado. Estos sistemas son los encargados de proporcionar al controlador de los motores información necesaria para cumplir con una misión deseada. Para ello se componen de una ley de control de guiado que reacciona a la información percibida por los sistemas de percepción y navegación. El error de cualquiera de estos sistemas se propaga por el ecosistema del controlador siendo vital su estudio. Por otro lado, entre las estrategias para abordar el control del error se encuentran los estimadores en espacios de estados, donde el filtro de Kalman desde su aparición en los años 60, ha sido y continúa siendo un gran aliado para los ingenieros. Los filtros de Kalman son el corazón de los sistemas de fusión de información, los cuales minimizan la covarianza del error del sistema, permitiendo filtrar los estados medidos y estimarlos cuando no se tienen observaciones. Los modelos de espacios de estados se desarrollan en base a un conjunto de hipótesis para modelar el mundo. Entre las hipótesis se encuentra que los modelos del mundo han de ser lineales, markovianos y que el error de sus modelos ha de ser gaussiano. Generalmente los sistemas no son lineales por lo que se realizan linealizaciones sobre modelos que a su vez ya son aproximaciones del mundo. En otros casos el ruido que se desea controlar no es gaussiano, pero se aproxima a esta distribución para poder abordarlo. Por otro lado, multitud de sistemas no son markovianos, es decir, sus estados no solo dependen del estado anterior, sino que existen otras dependencias que los modelos de espacio de estados no son capaces de abordar. Esta tesis aborda un compendio de estudios sobre los que se formula y reduce el error. En primer lugar, se estudia el error en un sistema de aterrizaje de precisión basado en visión por computador. Después se plantean problemas de estimación y filtrado desde la aproximación del aprendizaje profundo. Por último, se estudian los conceptos de clasificación con aprendizaje profundo sobre trayectorias. El primer caso del compendio estudia las consecuencias de la propagación del error de un sistema de aterrizaje de precisión basado en visión artificial. En este trabajo se propone un conjunto de estrategias para reducir el impacto sobre el sistema de guiado, y en última instancia reducir el error. Los siguientes dos estudios abordan el problema de estimación y filtrado desde la perspectiva del aprendizaje profundo, donde el error es una función que minimizar mediante aprendizaje. El último caso del compendio aborda un problema de clasificación de trayectorias con datos reales. Con este trabajo se completan los dos campos principales en aprendizaje profundo, regresión y clasificación, donde se plantea el error como una función de probabilidad de pertenencia a una clase.I would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Innovation for granting me the funding with reference PRE2018-086793, associated to the project TEC2017-88048-C2-2-R, which provide me the opportunity to carry out all my PhD. activities, including completing an international research internship.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Antonio Berlanga de Jesús.- Secretario: Daniel Arias Medina.- Vocal: Alejandro Martínez Cav

    Hyperspectral Data Acquisition and Its Application for Face Recognition

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    Current face recognition systems are rife with serious challenges in uncontrolled conditions: e.g., unrestrained lighting, pose variations, accessories, etc. Hyperspectral imaging (HI) is typically employed to counter many of those challenges, by incorporating the spectral information within different bands. Although numerous methods based on hyperspectral imaging have been developed for face recognition with promising results, three fundamental challenges remain: 1) low signal to noise ratios and low intensity values in the bands of the hyperspectral image specifically near blue bands; 2) high dimensionality of hyperspectral data; and 3) inter-band misalignment (IBM) correlated with subject motion during data acquisition. This dissertation concentrates mainly on addressing the aforementioned challenges in HI. First, to address low quality of the bands of the hyperspectral image, we utilize a custom light source that has more radiant power at shorter wavelengths and properly adjust camera exposure times corresponding to lower transmittance of the filter and lower radiant power of our light source. Second, the high dimensionality of spectral data imposes limitations on numerical analysis. As such, there is an emerging demand for robust data compression techniques with lows of less relevant information to manage real spectral data. To cope with these challenging problems, we describe a reduced-order data modeling technique based on local proper orthogonal decomposition in order to compute low-dimensional models by projecting high-dimensional clusters onto subspaces spanned by local reduced-order bases. Third, we investigate 11 leading alignment approaches to address IBM correlated with subject motion during data acquisition. To overcome the limitations of the considered alignment approaches, we propose an accurate alignment approach ( A3) by incorporating the strengths of point correspondence and a low-rank model. In addition, we develop two qualitative prediction models to assess the alignment quality of hyperspectral images in determining improved alignment among the conducted alignment approaches. Finally, we show that the proposed alignment approach leads to promising improvement on face recognition performance of a probabilistic linear discriminant analysis approach

    Nonholonomic Motion Planning as Efficient as Piano Mover's

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    We present an algorithm for non-holonomic motion planning (or 'parking a car') that is as computationally efficient as a simple approach to solving the famous Piano-mover's problem, where the non-holonomic constraints are ignored. The core of the approach is a graph-discretization of the problem. The graph-discretization is provably accurate in modeling the non-holonomic constraints, and yet is nearly as small as the straightforward regular grid discretization of the Piano-mover's problem into a 3D volume of 2D position plus angular orientation. Where the Piano mover's graph has one vertex and edges to six neighbors each, we have three vertices with a total of ten edges, increasing the graph size by less than a factor of two, and this factor does not depend on spatial or angular resolution. The local edge connections are organized so that they represent globally consistent turn and straight segments. The graph can be used with Dijkstra's algorithm, A*, value iteration or any other graph algorithm. Furthermore, the graph has a structure that lends itself to processing with deterministic massive parallelism. The turn and straight curves divide the configuration space into many parallel groups. We use this to develop a customized 'kernel-style' graph processing method. It results in an N-turn planner that requires no heuristics or load balancing and is as efficient as a simple solution to the Piano mover's problem even in sequential form. In parallel form it is many times faster than the sequential processing of the graph, and can run many times a second on a consumer grade GPU while exploring a configuration space pose grid with very high spatial and angular resolution. We prove approximation quality and computational complexity and demonstrate that it is a flexible, practical, reliable, and efficient component for a production solution.Comment: 34 pages, 37 figures, 9 tables, 4 graphs, 8 insert

    Dynamic Switching State Systems for Visual Tracking

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    This work addresses the problem of how to capture the dynamics of maneuvering objects for visual tracking. Towards this end, the perspective of recursive Bayesian filters and the perspective of deep learning approaches for state estimation are considered and their functional viewpoints are brought together

    Dynamic Switching State Systems for Visual Tracking

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    This work addresses the problem of how to capture the dynamics of maneuvering objects for visual tracking. Towards this end, the perspective of recursive Bayesian filters and the perspective of deep learning approaches for state estimation are considered and their functional viewpoints are brought together

    Evaluation of Multi-Level Cognitive Maps for Supporting Between-Floor Spatial Behavior in Complex Indoor Environments

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    People often become disoriented when navigating in complex, multi-level buildings. To efficiently find destinations located on different floors, navigators must refer to a globally coherent mental representation of the multi-level environment, which is termed a multi-level cognitive map. However, there is a surprising dearth of research into underlying theories of why integrating multi-level spatial knowledge into a multi-level cognitive map is so challenging and error-prone for humans. This overarching problem is the core motivation of this dissertation. We address this vexing problem in a two-pronged approach combining study of both basic and applied research questions. Of theoretical interest, we investigate questions about how multi-level built environments are learned and structured in memory. The concept of multi-level cognitive maps and a framework of multi-level cognitive map development are provided. We then conducted a set of empirical experiments to evaluate the effects of several environmental factors on users’ development of multi-level cognitive maps. The findings of these studies provide important design guidelines that can be used by architects and help to better understand the research question of why people get lost in buildings. Related to application, we investigate questions about how to design user-friendly visualization interfaces that augment users’ capability to form multi-level cognitive maps. An important finding of this dissertation is that increasing visual access with an X-ray-like visualization interface is effective for overcoming the disadvantage of limited visual access in built environments and assists the development of multi-level cognitive maps. These findings provide important human-computer interaction (HCI) guidelines for visualization techniques to be used in future indoor navigation systems. In sum, this dissertation adopts an interdisciplinary approach, combining theories from the fields of spatial cognition, information visualization, and HCI, addressing a long-standing and ubiquitous problem faced by anyone who navigates indoors: why do people get lost inside multi-level buildings. Results provide both theoretical and applied levels of knowledge generation and explanation, as well as contribute to the growing field of real-time indoor navigation systems

    Registration of prostate surfaces for image-guided robotic surgery via the da Vinci System

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    Organ-confined prostate cancer represents a commonly diagnosed cancer among men rendering an early diagnosis and screening a necessity. The prostate laparoscopic surgery using the da Vinci system is a minimally invasive, computer assisted and image-guided surgery application that provides surgeons with (i) navigational assistance by displaying targeting lesions of the intraoperative prostate anatomy onto aligned preoperative high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the pelvis; and (ii) an effective clinical management of intra-abdominal cancers in real time. Such an image guidance system can improve both functional and oncological outcomes as well as augment the learning curve of the process increasing simultaneously the eligibility of patients for surgical resection. By segmenting MRI scans into 3D models of intraprostatic anatomy preoperatively, and overlaying them onto 3D stereoendoscopic images acquired intraoperatively using the da Vinci surgical system, a graphical representation of intraoperative anatomy can be provided for surgical navigation. The preoperative MRI surfaces are full 3D models and the stereoendoscopic images represent partial 3D views of the prostate due to occlusion. Hence achieving an accurate non-rigid image registration of full prostate surfaces onto occluded ones in real time becomes of critical importance, especially for use intraoperatively with the stereoendoscopic and MRI imaging modalities. This work exploits the registration accuracy that can be achieved from the application of selected state-of-the-art non-rigid registration algorithms and in doing so identifies the most accurate technique(s) for registration of full prostate surfaces onto occluded ones; a series of rigorous computational registration experiments is performed on synthetic target prostate data, which are aligned manually onto the MRI prostate models before registration is initiated. This effort extends to using real target prostate data leading to visually acceptable non-rigid registration results. A great deal of emphasis is placed on examining the capacity of the selected non-rigid algorithms to recover the deformation of the intraoperative prostate surfaces; the deformation of prostate can become pronounced during the surgical intervention due to surgical-induced anatomical deformities and pathological or other factors. The warping accuracy of the non-rigid registration algorithms is measured within the space of common overlap (established between the full MRI model and the target scene) and beyond. From the results of the registrations to occluded and deformed prostate surfaces (in the space beyond common overlap) it is concluded that the modified versions of the Kernel Correlation/Thin-plane Spline (KC/TPS) and Gaussian Mixture Model/Thin-plane Spline (GMM/TPS) methodologies can provide the clinical accuracy required for image-guided prostate surgery procedures (performed by the da Vinci system) as long as the size of the target scene is greater than ca. 30% of the full MRI surface. For the modified KC/TPS and GMM/TPS non-rigid registration techniques to be clinically acceptable when the measurement noise is also included in the simulations: (i) the size of the target model must be greater than ca. 38% of the full MRI surface; (ii) the standard deviation σ of the contributing Gaussian noise must be less than 0.345 for μ=0; and (iii) the observed deformation must not be characterized by excessively increased complexity. Otherwise the contribution of Gaussian noise must be explicitly parameterized in the objective cost functions of these non-rigid algorithms. The Expectation Maximization/Thin-plane Spline (EM/TPS) non-rigid registration algorithm cannot recover the prostate surface deformation accurately in full-model-to-occluded-model registrations due to the way that the correspondences are estimated. However, EM/TPS is more accurate than KC+TPS and GMM+TPS in recovering the deformation of the prostate surface in full-model-to-full-model registrations

    Surface-guided computing to analyze subcellular morphology and membrane-associated signals in 3D

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    Signal transduction and cell function are governed by the spatiotemporal organization of membrane-associated molecules. Despite significant advances in visualizing molecular distributions by 3D light microscopy, cell biologists still have limited quantitative understanding of the processes implicated in the regulation of molecular signals at the whole cell scale. In particular, complex and transient cell surface morphologies challenge the complete sampling of cell geometry, membrane-associated molecular concentration and activity and the computing of meaningful parameters such as the cofluctuation between morphology and signals. Here, we introduce u-Unwrap3D, a framework to remap arbitrarily complex 3D cell surfaces and membrane-associated signals into equivalent lower dimensional representations. The mappings are bidirectional, allowing the application of image processing operations in the data representation best suited for the task and to subsequently present the results in any of the other representations, including the original 3D cell surface. Leveraging this surface-guided computing paradigm, we track segmented surface motifs in 2D to quantify the recruitment of Septin polymers by blebbing events; we quantify actin enrichment in peripheral ruffles; and we measure the speed of ruffle movement along topographically complex cell surfaces. Thus, u-Unwrap3D provides access to spatiotemporal analyses of cell biological parameters on unconstrained 3D surface geometries and signals.Comment: 49 pages, 10 figure