219 research outputs found

    Symbolic Toolkit for Chaos Explorations

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    New computational technique based on the symbolic description utilizing kneading invariants is used for explorations of parametric chaos in a two exemplary systems with the Lorenz attractor: a normal model from mathematics, and a laser model from nonlinear optics. The technique allows for uncovering the stunning complexity and universality of the patterns discovered in the bi-parametric scans of the given models and detects their organizing centers -- codimension-two T-points and separating saddles.Comment: International Conference on Theory and Application in Nonlinear Dynamics (ICAND 2012

    Sensitive Dependence on Parameters of Continuous-time Nonlinear Dynamical Systems

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    We would like to thank the partial support of this work by the Brazilian agencies FAPESP (processes: 2011/19296-1 and 2013/26598-0, CNPq and CAPES. MSB acknowledges EPSRC Ref. EP/I032606/1.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Kneadings, Symbolic Dynamics and Painting Lorenz Chaos. A Tutorial

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    A new computational technique based on the symbolic description utilizing kneading invariants is proposed and verified for explorations of dynamical and parametric chaos in a few exemplary systems with the Lorenz attractor. The technique allows for uncovering the stunning complexity and universality of bi-parametric structures and detect their organizing centers - codimension-two T-points and separating saddles in the kneading-based scans of the iconic Lorenz equation from hydrodynamics, a normal model from mathematics, and a laser model from nonlinear optics.Comment: Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, 201

    Universal dynamical properties preclude standard clustering in a large class of biochemical data

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    Motivation: Clustering of chemical and biochemical data based on observed features is a central cognitive step in the analysis of chemical substances, in particular in combinatorial chemistry, or of complex biochemical reaction networks. Often, for reasons unknown to the researcher, this step produces disappointing results. Once the sources of the problem are known, improved clustering methods might revitalize the statistical approach of compound and reaction search and analysis. Here, we present a generic mechanism that may be at the origin of many clustering difficulties. Results: The variety of dynamical behaviors that can be exhibited by complex biochemical reactions on variation of the system parameters are fundamental system fingerprints. In parameter space, shrimp-like or swallow-tail structures separate parameter sets that lead to stable periodic dynamical behavior from those leading to irregular behavior. We work out the genericity of this phenomenon and demonstrate novel examples for their occurrence in realistic models of biophysics. Although we elucidate the phenomenon by considering the emergence of periodicity in dependence on system parameters in a low-dimensional parameter space, the conclusions from our simple setting are shown to continue to be valid for features in a higher-dimensional feature space, as long as the feature-generating mechanism is not too extreme and the dimension of this space is not too high compared with the amount of available data. Availability and implementation: For online versions of super-paramagnetic clustering see http://stoop.ini.uzh.ch/research/clustering. Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    Homoclinic puzzles and chaos in a nonlinear laser model

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    We present a case study elaborating on the multiplicity and self-similarity of homoclinic and heteroclinic bifurcation structures in the 2D and 3D parameter spaces of a nonlinear laser model with a Lorenz-like chaotic attractor. In a symbiotic approach combining the traditional parameter continuation methods using MatCont and a newly developed technique called the Deterministic Chaos Prospector (DCP) utilizing symbolic dynamics on fast parallel computing hardware with graphics processing units (GPUs), we exhibit how specific codimension-two bifurcations originate and pattern regions of chaotic and simple dynamics in this classical model. We show detailed computational reconstructions of key bifurcation structures such as Bykov T-point spirals and inclination flips in 2D parameter space, as well as the spatial organization and 3D embedding of bifurcation surfaces, parametric saddles, and isolated closed curves (isolas).Comment: 28 pages, 23 figure