17 research outputs found

    Lower-Bound on Blocking Probability of A Class of Crosstalkfree Optical Cross-connects(OXCs)

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    Blocking performance of extended pruned vertically stacked optical banyan structure under different link failure conditions

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    The blocking performance of extended pruned vertically stacked optical banyan (VSOB) networks under different link failure conditions has been analyzed in this paper. We applied plane fixed routing with linear search and plane fixed routing with random search algorithms to route the optical data through the network in our simulation. Our simulation results show that adding one or two extra planes to the pruned VSOB network reduces the blocking probability significantly. Beyond two extra planes, the decrease of blocking probability is not so significant. A close approximation of the minimum number of planes required to make the extended pruned vertically stacked optical banyan networks nonblocking has been presented

    A new scheme to realize crosstalk-free permutations in optical MINs with vertical stacking

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    ©2002 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.Vertical stacking is an alternative for constructing nonblocking multistage interconnection networks (MINs). In this paper, we study the crosstalk-free permutation in rearrangeable, self-routing Banyan-type optical MINs built on vertical stacking and propose a new scheme for realizing permutations in this class of optical MINs crosstalk-free. The basic idea of the new scheme is to classify permutations into permutation classes such that all permutations in one class share the same crosstalk-free decomposition pattern. By running the Euler-Split based crosstalk-free decomposition only once for a permutation class and applying the obtained crosstalk-free decomposition pattern to all permutations in the class, crosstalk-free decomposition of permutations can be realized in a more efficient way. We show that the number of permutations in a permutation class is huge, enabling the average time complexity of the new scheme to realize a crosstalk-free permutation in an N by N network to be reduced to O(N) from previously O(NlogN).Xiaohong Jiang, Hong Shen, Md. Mamun-ur-Rashid Khandker, Susumu Horiguch

    Stencils and problem partitionings: Their influence on the performance of multiple processor systems

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    Given a discretization stencil, partitioning the problem domain is an important first step for the efficient solution of partial differential equations on multiple processor systems. Partitions are derived that minimize interprocessor communication when the number of processors is known a priori and each domain partition is assigned to a different processor. This partitioning technique uses the stencil structure to select appropriate partition shapes. For square problem domains, it is shown that non-standard partitions (e.g., hexagons) are frequently preferable to the standard square partitions for a variety of commonly used stencils. This investigation is concluded with a formalization of the relationship between partition shape, stencil structure, and architecture, allowing selection of optimal partitions for a variety of parallel systems

    Performance of hypercube routing schemes with or without buffering

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 34-35).Supported by the NSF. NSF-DDM-8903385 Supported by the ARO. DAAL03-92-G-0115by Emmanouel A. Varvarigos and Dimitri P. Bertsekas

    Lower-Bound on Blocking Probability of a Class of Crosstalk-Free Optical Cross-Connects (OXCs)

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