1,724 research outputs found

    AGMIAL: implementing an annotation strategy for prokaryote genomes as a distributed system

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    We have implemented a genome annotation system for prokaryotes called AGMIAL. Our approach embodies a number of key principles. First, expert manual annotators are seen as a critical component of the overall system; user interfaces were cyclically refined to satisfy their needs. Second, the overall process should be orchestrated in terms of a global annotation strategy; this facilitates coordination between a team of annotators and automatic data analysis. Third, the annotation strategy should allow progressive and incremental annotation from a time when only a few draft contigs are available, to when a final finished assembly is produced. The overall architecture employed is modular and extensible, being based on the W3 standard Web services framework. Specialized modules interact with two independent core modules that are used to annotate, respectively, genomic and protein sequences. AGMIAL is currently being used by several INRA laboratories to analyze genomes of bacteria relevant to the food-processing industry, and is distributed under an open source license

    MoKCa database - mutations of kinases in cancer

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    Members of the protein kinase family are amongst the most commonly mutated genes in human cancer, and both mutated and activated protein kinases have proved to be tractable targets for the development of new anticancer therapies The MoKCa database (Mutations of Kinases in Cancer, http://strubiol.icr.ac.uk/extra/mokca) has been developed to structurally and functionally annotate, and where possible predict, the phenotypic consequences of mutations in protein kinases implicated in cancer. Somatic mutation data from tumours and tumour cell lines have been mapped onto the crystal structures of the affected protein domains. Positions of the mutated amino-acids are highlighted on a sequence-based domain pictogram, as well as a 3D-image of the protein structure, and in a molecular graphics package, integrated for interactive viewing. The data associated with each mutation is presented in the Web interface, along with expert annotation of the detailed molecular functional implications of the mutation. Proteins are linked to functional annotation resources and are annotated with structural and functional features such as domains and phosphorylation sites. MoKCa aims to provide assessments available from multiple sources and algorithms for each potential cancer-associated mutation, and present these together in a consistent and coherent fashion to facilitate authoritative annotation by cancer biologists and structural biologists, directly involved in the generation and analysis of new mutational data

    Recent improvements to the PROSITE database

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    The PROSITE database consists of a large collection of biologically meaningful signatures that are described as patterns or profiles. Each signature is linked to documentation that provides useful biological information on the protein family, domain or functional site identified by the signature. The PROSITE web page has been redesigned and several tools have been implemented to help the user discover new conserved regions in their own proteins and to visualize domain arrangements. We also introduced the facility to search PDB with a PROSITE entry or a user's pattern and visualize matched positions on 3D structures. The latest version of PROSITE (release 18.17 of November 30, 2003) contains 1676 entries. The database is accessible at http://www.expasy.org/prosit

    Molecular mechanisms of the non-coenzyme action of thiamin in brain. Biochemical, structural and pathway analysis

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    Thiamin (vitamin B1) is a pharmacological agent boosting central metabolism through the action of the coenzyme thiamin diphosphate (ThDP). However, positive effects, including improved cognition, of high thiamin doses in neurodegeneration may be observed without increased ThDP or ThDPdependent enzymes in brain. Here, we determine protein partners and metabolic pathways where thiamin acts beyond its coenzyme role. Malate dehydrogenase, glutamate dehydrogenase and pyridoxal kinase were identified as abundant proteins binding to thiamin- or thiazolium-modified sorbents. Kinetic studies, supported by structural analysis, revealed allosteric regulation of these proteins by thiamin and/or its derivatives. Thiamin triphosphate and adenylated thiamin triphosphate activate glutamate dehydrogenase. Thiamin and ThDP regulate malate dehydrogenase isoforms and pyridoxal kinase. Thiamin regulation of enzymes related to malate-aspartate shuttle may impact on malate/citrate exchange, responsible for exporting acetyl residues from mitochondria. Indeed, bioinformatic analyses found an association between thiamin- and thiazolium-binding proteins and the term acetylation. Our interdisciplinary study shows that thiamin is not only a coenzyme for acetyl-CoA production, but also an allosteric regulator of acetyl-CoA metabolism including regulatory acetylation of proteins and acetylcholine biosynthesis. Moreover, thiamin action in neurodegeneration may also involve neurodegeneration-related 14-3-3, DJ-1 and β-amyloid precursor proteins identified among the thiamin- and/or thiazolium-binding proteins

    ProRule: a new database containing functional and structural information on PROSITE profiles

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    Motivation: Increase the discriminatory power of PROSITE profiles to facilitate function determination and provide biologically relevant information about domains detected by profiles for the annotation of proteins. Summary: We have created a new database, ProRule, which contains additional information about PROSITE profiles. ProRule contains notably the position of structurally and/or functionally critical amino acids, as well as the condition they must fulfill to play their biological role. These supplementary data should help function determination and annotation of the UniProt Swiss-Prot knowledgebase. ProRule also contains information about the domain detected by the profile in the Swiss-Prot line format. Hence, ProRule can be used to make Swiss-Prot annotation more homogeneous and consistent. The format of ProRule can be extended to provide information about combination of domains. Availability: ProRule can be accessed through ScanProsite at http://www.expasy.org/tools/scanprosite. A file containing the rules will be made available under the PROSITE copyright conditions on our ftp site (ftp://www.expasy.org/databases/prosite/) by the next PROSITE release. Contact: [email protected]

    mFISHER: a new approach for discovering protein motifs

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    Motif recognition is a powerful homology based sequence analysis tool for clustering new protein sequences into different families based on characteristic motifs. Compared to BLAST, these approaches typically have lower false positive rates and can reveal more remotely related family members. However, the current motif databases do not cover all the sequences in protein sequence databases. One of the major reasons for the low coverage of motif databases is that there is only a small set of known member sequences available for constructing protein motifs for many gene families. I have designed a new algorithm, mFISHER , to detect protein motifs from only 2-5 known member sequences by artificial evolution of given sequences based on a position specific PAM evolution model. Based on my test results on 160 motif families, the overall average recall rate or sensitivity (true/(true + false negative)) and specificity (true/(true + false positive)) are 88% and 95%, respectively. Compared with MEME (Multiple EM for Motif Extraction), mFISHER is better based on the recall rate, especially when only 2 or 3 members are available. Both approaches have the similar sensitivity. MFISHER is promising for constructing protein motifs when only a few known members

    ScanProsite: detection of PROSITE signature matches and ProRule-associated functional and structural residues in proteins

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    ScanProsite——is a new and improved version of the web-based tool for detecting PROSITE signature matches in protein sequences. For a number of PROSITE profiles, the tool now makes use of ProRules—context-dependent annotation templates—to detect functional and structural intra-domain residues. The detection of those features enhances the power of function prediction based on profiles. Both user-defined sequences and sequences from the UniProt Knowledgebase can be matched against custom patterns, or against PROSITE signatures. To improve response times, matches of sequences from UniProtKB against PROSITE signatures are now retrieved from a pre-computed match database. Several output modes are available including simple text views and a rich mode providing an interactive match and feature viewer with a graphical representation of results

    Lipoproteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis : an abundant and functionally diverse class of cell envelope components

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis remains the predominant bacterial scourge of mankind. Understanding of its biology and pathogenicity has been greatly advanced by the determination of whole genome sequences for this organism. Bacterial lipoproteins are a functionally diverse class of membrane-anchored proteins. The signal peptides of these proteins direct their export and post-translational lipid modification. These signal peptides are amenable to bioinformatic analysis, allowing the lipoproteins encoded in whole genomes to be catalogued. This review applies bioinformatic methods to the identification and functional characterisation of the lipoproteins encoded in the M. tuberculosis genomes. Ninety nine putative lipoproteins were identified and so this family of proteins represents ca. 2.5% of the M. tuberculosis predicted proteome. Thus, lipoproteins represent an important class of cell envelope proteins that may contribute to the virulence of this major pathogen