62 research outputs found

    Analisa Performansi MLPPP (Multilink Point to Point Potocol) pada WAN (Wide Area Network)

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    ABSTRAKSI: Multilink Point to Point Protocol (MLPPP) adalah protokol yang dikembangkan dari Point to Point Protocol (PPP). PPP merupakan metode untuk melewatkan datagram multi-protokol melalui koneksi serial. PPP umum digunakan untuk menghubungkan suatu router dengan router yang lain atau untuk menghubungkan sebuah jaringan dengan jaringan lain sehingga membentuk suatu Wide Area Network (WAN). MLPPP mempunyai fungsi yang sama dengan PPP, tetapi MLPPP mempunyai kelebihan dibandingkan dengan PPP. MLPPP mempunyai kemampuan mengatur bandwidth dari sebuah koneksi jaringan untuk menyesuaikan dengan muatan jaringan yang berubah secara dinamis. Karena dengan MLPPP, router dan peralatan akses yang lain dapat mengkombinasikan beberapa link PPP yang terhubung ke berbagai layanan WAN menjadi sebuah saluran data logis, sehingga saat sebuah koneksi membutuhkan bandwidth tambahan, dengan diatur oleh MLPPP, koneksi tersebut dapat menggunakan link PPP yang lain untuk memperoleh bandwidth tambahan yang diperlukan. Dengan demikian, performa dari jaringan juga akan meningkat.Pada Tugas Akhir (TA) ini dilakukan analisa terhadap performansi serta nilai lebih yang didapat dari penggunaan MLPPP dibandingkan penggunaan PPP pada WAN. Parameter performansi yang diuji dan dibandingkan adalah delay, throughput, dan packet loss. Diamati juga kelakuan MLPPP dan PPP saat ada perubahan kondisi jaringan, yaitu saat ada link yang putus.Penggunaan MLPPP meningkatkan availability dari koneksi PPP tetapi ada penurunan performansi dari segi delay, karena MLPPP memberikan header tambahan kepada paket sehingga memperbesar ukuran paket dan menambah waktu transfer. MLPPP menggunakan algoritma penjadwalan round robin, sehingga jika link yang berbeda throughput digabung untuk membentuk MLPPP, link dengan throughput yang lebih tinggi akan mengalami penurunan throughput menyesuaikan dengan throughput yang lebih rendah.Kata Kunci : MLPPP, PPP, WANABSTRACT: Multilink Point to Point Protocol (MLPPP) is a protocol which was developed from Point to Point Protocol (PPP). PPP provide method for transporting multi-protocol datagram’s over serial connection. PPP is commonly used for interconnecting routers or for interconnecting Networks to form a Wide Area Network (WAN). Having same function as PPP, MLPPP have better ability than PPP. MLPPP have the ability to adjust the bandwidth of a connection between two Network devices to accommodate dynamically changing Network loads. With MLPPP, routers and other access devices can combine multiple PPP links connected to various WAN services into one logical data pipe, so when a connection need some extra bandwidth, controlled by MLPPP, the connection could use another PPP link to get extra bandwidth as needed. By doing so, the Network performance will also increase.This final task analyze the performance of wide area Network which using MLPPP and also the benefit from using MLPPP than PPP. Tested and compared performance parameter is delay, throughput, and packet loss. Also MLPPP and PPP behaviour when there are change in network condition, it is when broken link happenMLPPP usage add availability to PPP connection, but there are decrease in performance on delay, because MLPPP add more header to packet that increase packet size and packet transfer time MLPPP use round robin scheduling algorithm, so we join link with different throughput to form MLPPP, link with higher throughput will decreasing its throughput in accordance to the lower throughput.Keyword: MLPPP, PPP, WA

    MPLS layer 3 VPN

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    Trabalho final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesMultiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is the principal technology used in Service Provider. Networks as this mechanism forwarding packet quickly. MPLS is a new way to increase the speed, capability and service supplying abilities for optimization of transmission resources. Service Provider networks use this technology to connect different remote sites. MPLS technology provides lower network delay, effective forwarding mechanism, ascendable and predictable performance of the services which makes it more appropriate for carry out real-time applications such as Voice and video. MPLS can be used to transport any type of data whether it is layer 2 data such as frame relay, Ethernet, ATM data etc. or layer 3 data such as IPV4, IPV6.Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) é a principal tecnologia usada no Service Provider. Redes como este mecanismo fazem o encaminhamento de pacotes de dados rapidamente. MPLS é uma nova maneira de aumentar a velocidade, a capacidades de fornecimento, a capacidade de serviço para otimização de recursos de transmissão. As redes Service Provider usam essa tecnologia para ligar diferentes sites remotos. A tecnologia MPLS oferece menor atraso de rede, mecanismo de encaminhamento eficaz, desempenho e serviços previsíveis o que o tornam mais apropriado para executar aplicativos em tempo real, como voz e vídeo. O MPLS pode ser usado para transportar qualquer tipo de dados, seja dados de camada 2, como frame relay, Ethernet, dados ATM, etc., ou dados da camada 3, como IPV4, IPV6.N/

    MPLS Technology in Network with IPv6 Protocol

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    Import 03/11/2016Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou nasazení IPv6 protokolu v prostředí MPLS. V práci je popsána technologie MPLS a MPLS VPN. Dále jsou v práci popsány řešení pro přenos IPv6 provozu přes MPLS síť a to IPv6 Provider Edge, IPv6 VPN Provider Edge a Any Transport over MPLS. Cílem práce bylo pro tyto technologie navrhnout, realizovat a otestovat sítě a v těchto navržených sítích využít směrovače od firmy Huawei a ověřit jejich kompatibilitu se směrovači od firmy Cisco.This diploma thesis deals with issues of deployment IPv6 in MPLS environment. In the thesis are described technologies MPLS and MPLS VPN. Further the thesis describes solutions for transmission IPv6 traffic over MPLS network, IPv6 Provider Edge, IPv6 VPN Provider Edge and Any Transport over MPLS. The main goal was to design, realize and test networks for these technologies, and in these networks use Huawei routers and prove compatibility with Cisco routers.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvýborn

    A testbed for developing, simulating and experimenting multipath aggregation algorithms

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    Today, electronic devices may have multiple possibilities to communicate, either through wired or wireless interfaces. Despite this diversity, devices still fail to fully use the available resources by not simultaneously using multiple channels to their full extent. This is especially true in wireless channels where the efficient aggregation of multiple channels has proved to be a difficult task, as shown in recent simulation based works. In this Work In Progress paper, we present a testbed suitable to the evaluation of aggregation algorithms under real network environments. The proposed testbed aims to simulate and experiment both existing and new aggregation algorithms, optimized for wireless heterogeneous communication channels that can be deployed in industrial environments. In order to illustrate the merits of the proposed testbed, we also describe its use in the performance assessment of two aggregation algorithms: Linux Bonding Driver and Multipath TCP

    Virtual Private Networks Using IPv6 Protocol

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    Cílem diplomové práce je návrh, realizace a testování technologie VPN v síti založené na protokolu IPv6 v laboratorním prostředí a s využitím směrovačů Huawei a Cisco.V této diplomové práci jsou zastoupeny technologie GRE VPN, IPsec VPN a MPLS L3 VPN. Práce se dále zabývá návrhem, realizací a ověřením funkčnosti těchto technologií v sítích používajících protokol IPv6, ale také zjištěním, jak se liší tato řešení VPN v internetových protokolech různých verzí, konkrétně IPv4 a IPv6The aim of this thesis is to design, implement and test VPN technology in an IPv6-based network in a laboratory environment using Huawei and Cisco routers. GRE VPN, IPsec VPN and MPLS L3 VPN technologies are represented in this thesis. The thesis also looks at the design, implementation and verification of the functionality of these technologies in networks using IPv6, but also to see how these VPN solutions differ in the different internet protocols, namely IPv4 and IPv6.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikydobř

    MPLS VPN Network Simulation Using Program Application GNS3

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    U diplomskom radu opisat će se trendovi jezgrenih mreža pružatelja Internet usluga (engl. Internet Service Provider, kratica ISP), karakteristike i funkcije MPLS-a (engl. MultiProtocol Label Switching) te aplikacijska proširenja (traffic engineering, MPLS - Transport Profile i dr.) na temelju MPLS tehnologije. Za potrebe izrade simulacija napravit će se virtualna konfiguracija MPLS okosnice u emulatoru GNS3. Analizirat će se mogućnosti planiranja i primjene MPLS mreže pomoću emulatora odnosno grafičkog mrežnog simulatora GNS3. Potrebno je provesti istraživanje performansi i mogućnosti primjene u funkciji planiranja MPLS VPN mreže na temelju različitih scenarija korištenjem emulatora/grafičkog mrežnog simulatora GNS3. U završnoj fazi rada očekuje se analiza mrežnog prometa pomoću mrežnog analizatora WireShark.In this work will be described the trends of packet core inInternet Service Providers environment, then characteristics and functions of MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) and application extensions (traffic engineering, MPLS - Transport Profile and others) based on MPLS technology. For the purposes of the network planning will be made configuration of MPLS backbone in the network simulator. There will be analyzed of possibilities for planning and implementation of MPLS VPN networks using an emulator called GNS3. In the function of planning MPLS VPN networks based on different scenarios will be also used GNS3. In the final phase of work is expected to analyze network traffic using a network analyzer Wireshark

    MPLS VPN Network Simulation Using Program Application GNS3

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    U diplomskom radu opisat će se trendovi jezgrenih mreža pružatelja Internet usluga (engl. Internet Service Provider, kratica ISP), karakteristike i funkcije MPLS-a (engl. MultiProtocol Label Switching) te aplikacijska proširenja (traffic engineering, MPLS - Transport Profile i dr.) na temelju MPLS tehnologije. Za potrebe izrade simulacija napravit će se virtualna konfiguracija MPLS okosnice u emulatoru GNS3. Analizirat će se mogućnosti planiranja i primjene MPLS mreže pomoću emulatora odnosno grafičkog mrežnog simulatora GNS3. Potrebno je provesti istraživanje performansi i mogućnosti primjene u funkciji planiranja MPLS VPN mreže na temelju različitih scenarija korištenjem emulatora/grafičkog mrežnog simulatora GNS3. U završnoj fazi rada očekuje se analiza mrežnog prometa pomoću mrežnog analizatora WireShark.In this work will be described the trends of packet core inInternet Service Providers environment, then characteristics and functions of MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) and application extensions (traffic engineering, MPLS - Transport Profile and others) based on MPLS technology. For the purposes of the network planning will be made configuration of MPLS backbone in the network simulator. There will be analyzed of possibilities for planning and implementation of MPLS VPN networks using an emulator called GNS3. In the function of planning MPLS VPN networks based on different scenarios will be also used GNS3. In the final phase of work is expected to analyze network traffic using a network analyzer Wireshark

    Configuración de servicios VPN en entorno MPLS

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    Configurar servicios VPN en un entorno de operador basado en MPLS e implementar diferentes experimentos con servicios basados en TE.The aim of the present work is to offer an approach more practise to the student on the knowledges of MPLS and traffic engineeringCano Sáez, JR. (2018). Configuración de servicios VPN en entorno MPLS. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/109389TFG

    Implementing Soak Testing for an Access Network Solution

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    Tietoliikennelaitteiden ohjelmistojen toiminnalle asetetaan erittäin kovat laatuvaatimukset. Operaattoreilla on yleensä asiakkaiden kanssa SLA sopimukset, joiden rikkomisesta operaattorit saattavat joutua maksamaan suuriakin korvauksia. Lisäksi jokainen hetki, jolloin laite ei ole toimintavalmis, tuottaa operaattorille kustannuksia menetettyjen tulojen muodossa. Tämän vuoksi on erittäin tärkeää, että laitteet ovat jatkuvasti toimintakunnossa eikä palvelukatkoksia tule. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli kehittää automatisoitu pitkän ajan testausjärjestelmä IP/MPLS pohjaiselle Tellabs 8600 reititinperheelle. Testattava järjestelmä koostuu useista verkkoelementeistä sekä graafisesta Tellabs 8000 verkonhallintajärjestelmästä. Tämän testausympäristön tavoitteena on paljastaa ongelmia, jotka eivät tule esiin normaalissa toiminnallisessa tai regressiotestauksessa vaan vaativat ilmaantuakseen pidempää ajoaikaa tai useita toistoja. Työssä kehitettiin kehys sille, kuinka testausympäristössä voidaan suorittaa automaattisesti erilaisia operaatioita sekä voidaan ohjelmallisesti havaita mahdollisia ongelmatilanteita. Testausjärjestelmä toteutettiin onnistuneesti ja täyttää sille asetetut tavoitteet. Testausjärjestelmä on otettu käyttöön Tellabsin systeemitestauksessa ja on käyttöönoton jälkeen osoittautunut hyödylliseksi ja tehokkaaksi järjestelmäksi. Systeemitestauksen käyttöön toteutettiin myös toinen täysin identtinen ympäristö.The quality requirements are extremely demanding for telecommunications software. Operators usually have SLA agreements with their customers, and violations to that contract may lead to serious compensations. Furthermore, every moment that equipment or some service is not operating correctly means lost income for the operator. For these reasons, it is extremely important for a telecommunications equipment to continue functioning properly without service affecting breaks. The purpose of this thesis was to design and implement automated soak testing for the IP/MPLS-based Tellabs 8600 router series. The system under test is composed of several network elements and a graphical Tellabs 8000 Network Management System. The purpose of this testing environment is to reveal defects that do not show up immediately in functional or regression testing but may manifest when the system is used for longer periods or operations are executed many times. A framework for automatically operating the test network and detecting problems programmatically was implemented in this thesis. The testing environment was successfully implemented and satisfies the objectives initially set for it. Testing environment has been taken into use in system testing at Tellabs and after deployment has turned out to be useful and effective. Another identical environment was also implemented for the system testing group

    Concepção e implementação de experiências laboratoriais sobre MPLS

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesO Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) é um mecanismo de transporte de dados, sob a forma de um protocolo agnóstico, com grande potencial de crescimento e adequação. Opera na “Camada 2.5” do modelo OSI e constitui um mecanismo de alto desempenho utilizado nas redes de núcleo para transportar dados de um nó da rede para outro. O sucesso do MPLS resulta do facto de permitir que a rede transporte todos os tipos de dados, desde tráfego IP a tráfego da camada de ligação de dados, devido ao encapsulamento dos pacotes dos diversos protocolos, permitindo a criação de “links virtuais” entre nós distantes. O MPLS pertence à família das “redes de comutação de pacotes”, sendo os pacotes de dados associados a “etiquetas” que determinam o seu encaminhamento, sem necessidade de examinar o conteúdo dos próprios pacotes. Isto permite a criação de circuitos “extremo-aextremo” através de qualquer tipo de rede de transporte e independentemente do protocolo de encaminhamento que é utilizado. O projecto do MPLS considera múltiplas tecnologias no sentido de prestar um serviço único de transporte de dados, tentando simultaneamente proporcionar capacidades de engenharia de tráfego e controlo “out-of-band”, uma característica muito atraente para uma implementação em grande escala. No fundo, o MPLS é uma forma de consolidar muitas redes IP dentro de uma única rede. Dada a importância desta tecnologia, é urgente desenvolver ferramentas que permitam entender melhor a sua complexidade. O MPLS corre normalmente nas redes de núcleo dos ISPs. No sentido de tornar o seu estudo viável, recorreu-se nesta dissertação à emulação para implementar cenários de complexidade adequada. Existem actualmente boas ferramentas disponíveis que permitem a recriação em laboratório de cenários bastante complicados. Contudo, a exigência computacional da emulação é proporcional à complexidade do projecto em questão, tornando-se rapidamente impossível de realizar numa única máquina. A computação distribuída ou a “Cloud Computing” são actualmente as abordagens mais adequadas e inovadoras apara a resolução deste problema. Esta dissertação tem como objectivo criar algumas experiências em laboratório que evidenciam aspectos relevantes da tecnologia MPLS, usando para esse efeito um emulador computacional, o Dynamips, impulsionado por generosas fontes computacionais disponibilizadas pela Amazon ec2. A utilização destas ferramentas de emulação permite testar cenários de rede e serviços reais em ambiente controlado, efectuando o debugging das suas configurações e optimizando o seu desempenho, antes de os colocar em funcionamento nas redes em operação.The Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a highly scalable and agnostic protocol to carry network data. Operating at "Layer 2.5" of the OSI model, MPLS is an highperformance mechanism that is used at the network backbone for conveying data from one network node to the next. The success of MPLS results from the fact that it enables the network to carry all kinds of traffic, ranging from IP to layer 2 traffic, since it encapsulates the packets of the diverse network protocols, allowing the creation of "virtual links" between distant nodes. MPLS belongs to the family of packet switched networks, where labels are assigned to data packets that are forwarded based on decisions that rely only on the label contents, without the need to examine the packets contents. This allows the creation of end-to-end circuits across any type of transport medium, using any protocol. The MPLS design takes multiform transport technologies into account to provide a unified data-carrying service, attempting simultaneously to preserve traffic engineering and out-of-band control, a very attractive characteristic for large-scale deployment. MPLS is the way to consolidate many IP networks into a single one. Due to this obvious potential, it is urgent to develop means and tools to better understand its functioning and complexity. MPLS normally runs at the backbone of Service Providers networks, being deployed across an extensive set of expensive equipment. In order to turn the study of MPLS feasible, emulation was considered as the best solution. Currently, there are very good available tools to recreate, in a lab environment, quite complicated scenarios. However, the computational demand of the emulation is proportional to the complexity of the project, becoming quickly unfeasible in a single machine. Fortunately, distributed computing or Cloud computing are suitable and novel approaches to solve this computation problem. So, this work aims to create some lab experiments that can illustrate/demonstrate relevant aspects of the MPLS technology, using the Dynamips emulator driven by the computational resources that were made available by the Amazon ec2 cloud computing facilities. The utilization of these emulation tools allows testing real networks and service scenarios in a controlled environment, being able to debug their configurations and optimize their performance before deploying them in real operating networks