1,689 research outputs found

    Adaptation of the Online Disinhibition Effect Scale

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    The phenomenon of online disinhibition prompts individuals to relax their internal boundaries, as they can deviate from social norms, particularly in virtual environments. Individuals tend to engage in behaviors that may cause disruption to others and pose potential harm to themselves. We assume that internet usage is expected to remain significant in the coming years, so a tool is needed to assess this phenomenon. We use The Confirmatory Factor Analysis tool to test adapted version of The Online Disinhibition Effect scale from English to Bahasa Indonesia. The analysis findings indicated that the tool is suitable for characterizing the online disinhibition effect X2 (6, 252)=.48, p=.49. It means that this instrument is suitable for use in Indonesia. Keywords: Instruments, ODE, onlin

    Exploring personality-targeted UI design in online social participation systems

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    We present a theoretical foundation and empirical findings demonstrating the effectiveness of personality-targeted design. Much like a medical treatment applied to a person based on his specific genetic profile, we argue that theory-driven, personality-targeted UI design can be more effective than design applied to the entire population. The empirical exploration focused on two settings, two populations and two personality traits: Study 1 shows that users' extroversion level moderates the relationship between the UI cue of audience size and users' contribution. Study 2 demonstrates that the effectiveness of social anchors in encouraging online contributions depends on users' level of emotional stability. Taken together, the findings demonstrate the potential and robustness of the interactionist approach to UI design. The findings contribute to the HCI community, and in particular to designers of social systems, by providing guidelines to targeted design that can increase online participation. Copyright © 2013 ACM

    The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community online: discussions of bullying and self-disclosure in YouTube videos

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    Computer-mediated communication has become a popular platform for identity construction and experimentation as well as social interaction for those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). The creation of user-generated videos has allowed content creators to share experiences on LGBT topics. With bullying becoming more common amongst LGBT youth, it is important to obtain a greater understanding of this phenomenon. In our study, we report on the analysis of 151 YouTube videos which were identified as having LGBT- and bullying-related content. The analysis reveals how content creators openly disclose personal information about themselves and their experiences in a non-anonymous rhetoric with an unknown public. These disclosures could indicate a desire to seek friendship, support and provide empathy

    Is students' qualitative feedback changing, now it is online?

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    The current state of ecological safety evaluation problem in design stage is analysed. Procedure of ecological safety estimation on the basis of index of objects danger and ecological risk is offered.Проанализирован современное состояние проблемы оценки экологической безопасности на этапе проектирования. Предлагаемая процедура оценки экологической безопасности на основе индекса опасности объектов и экологического риска.Проаналізований сучасний стан проблеми оцінки екологічної безпеки на етапі проектування. Запропонована процедура оцінки екологічної безпеки на основі індексу небезпечності об’єктів та екологічного ризику

    Why do people share online? Online disinhibition effect in the context of the virtual community of Reddit

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    For the past two decades, the growth of Internet has been truly exponential. Although there is nothing deterministic about the effects of this technological revolution, it is evident that the Internet is changing our behavior in fundamental ways. One recent expression of the Internet culture is the website reddit.com, which describes itself as "the front page of Internet". In their personal stories the users of Reddit share everything from their financial problems to their illegal venture. And to every touching story about struggling with depression there is a startlingly rude joke about the said depression. What motivates people to share their stories in Reddit even though not necessarily a single user will remember their username? One of the biggest influencers on how we behave online is the online disinhibition effect. To unerstand the site and its communications in a fundamental way, I decided to study the online disinhibition effect in the virtual community of Reddit through netnography. For a period of one year, I participated in the community, aiming to document the experiences of others and myself on the site. According to my research the characteristics typical to Reddit communications: anonymity, lack of cues, and text-basedness affect change the way we communicate on the site, compared to how we communicate face-to-face. When communicating on the site, redditors are able to dissociate themselves from their daily life and identity and assume instead communications' culture, values and morals associated with the virtual community of Reddit. Thus, online disinhibition effect in Reddit means not abandoning all norms but conforming to new ones. All of this is meaningful for the community members because disinhibited behavior gives redditors feelings of empowerment or perceived capabilities in coping with various challenges and overcoming obstacles. Online disinhibition can create empowering experiences through venting, finding similar others, and heightened feelings of self-efficacy as well as receiving emotional support. Thus, people behave disinhibitedly online to feel more powerful and capable. My research contributes to the field of consumer research, although I borrow concepts and ideas vastly from the fields of social psychology and communications studies. Through understanding the phenomena of online disinhibition better, I hope to contribute to the discourse on virtual communities and brand communitie


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    Nowadays, many celebrities use Instagram to connect with their fans. Unfortunately, for some celebrities, their popularity may not necessarily mean that they are liked by the public. The keyboard warriors, i.e. haters can freely hit the keyboard and leave hate comments as cyber communication does not require face-to-face interactions. Some of them even go so far by creating haters’ accounts of certain public figures, as can be found on @mulanjameelaqueen, created by the haters of Mulan Jameela, an Indonesian singer known for her affairs and unregistered marriage with her friend’s husband. This paper explores how being “another” woman is perceived in Indonesia. Mateo and Yus’ (2013) pragmatic taxonomy of insults was used as the framework of analysis. The data were taken from the captions and the comments of 10 of the most commented posts of @mulanjameelaqueen. They were processed by using AntConc to obtain the most frequently used words and their collocations, and the word clusters. The results show that the most commonly used lexicons to refer to Mulan are: cireng ‘traditional snack’, lonte ‘whore’, Jamilonte or Mulonte (coined from Mulan Jameela and lonte ‘prostitute’), and iblis ‘devil’. The malicious comments are mostly related to Mulan’s physical appearance, death threat to Mulan, divorce, and nikah siri ‘unregistered marriage’. The comments may also reflect most of the haters’ (mostly females) negative perception and judgement on unregistered marriage, divorced female, and “another” woman