307 research outputs found

    ЗНАЧЕННЯ ОСОБИСТОСТІ ПЕДАГОГА У ФОРМУВАННІ ДУХОВНО-МОРАЛЬНОГО ПОТЕНЦІАЛУ УЧНІВ ( The Value of a Teacher’s Personality in Forming the Spiritual and Moral Potential of the Students)

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    Метою статті є дослідження значення особистості педагога у формуванні духовного потенціалу учнів. Розглядається роль та основні завдання сучасного педагога (The purpose of paper is to investigate the value of the teacher in shaping of students’ moral and intellectual potential. The role and main tasks of the modern educator are examined

    Training of the Educators of Preschool Educational Institutions to the Authenticity Formation of the Preschoolers

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    The development of the personality-oriented model of the Ukrainian education system based on the principle of child-centeredness, maximum consideration of the abilities, needs and interests of each child, its age-specific features of physical, mental and mental development actualizes the problem of the formation and development of authenticity of preschoolers. The essence of the author's technology of authenticity facilitation of the preschooler's personality as a system of scientifically substantiated procedures for the gradual development of the educational process in the unity of content, principles, methods, forms, organizational and pedagogical conditions for the interaction of its subjects, the purpose of which is the ability of the preschooler's personality to live in harmony with its inner world, to act without changing your true "I". The technology is aimed at helping each child to realize itself as a self-worth, knowledge of its capabilities and natural potential in all spheres of life. The totality of the motivational-value, cognitive, operational and reflexive-personal criteria and their corresponding indicators for diagnosing the level of readiness of teachers of pre-school education institutions to form the authenticity of pupils are presented. The results of approbation of the author's elective course for the system of postgraduate pedagogical education "Theoretical and practical bases for the authenticity formation of preschoolers" are presented for the training of teachers of pre-school institutions for the effective implementation of this process

    Личность педагога: историческая ретростектива и современный контекст

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    У статті досліджуються соціально-філософські основи дефініції «особистість сучасного педагога», відповідно до філософсько-педагогічної думки, парадигми освіти, в основі якої - глобальні проблеми локального, національного, регіонального розвитку .Автори дійшли висновку , що сучасна парадигма освіти вимагає деякої зміни пріоритетів, де в центрі уваги стає особистість педагога, його культура, професіоналізм, а знання та вміння, якими він володіє, перетворюються з самоцілі навчання в засіб його професійного розвитку.The article examines the social and philosophical foundations of the definition of "personality of the modern educator", according to the philosophical and pedagogical thought paradigm of education, based on - global issues of local, national, regional development. The authors concluded that the current paradigm of education requires a change of priorities, where the focus becomes the personality of the teacher, his culture, professionalism, and knowledge and skills that he has, become an end in itself of his training in professional development too

    Pedagogical Conditions for The Formation of Professional Culture of Future Educators of Preschool Educational Institutions

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    The article reveals the essence of the phenomenon “professional culture of future educators of preschool educational institutions” viewed as a complex integral formation within a holistic structure of a personality. It is characterized by a positive attitude to the subjects and objects of pedagogical activity (axiological component), deep and systematized professional knowledge, skills and competencies (cognitive component), as well as personal and professional qualities that reflect the level of mastery of a special area of knowledge (personal component) and find their manifestation in pedagogical activity (reflexive component). Criteria (specified by indicators) that characterize levels of professional culture development of future preschool educators have been determined, including: informational, motivational, behavioral and appraisal-creative. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional culture of future preschool educators in the process of their professional training have been substantiated. The above-mentioned pedagogical conditions presuppose: activation of educational activities of future preschool educators in the cultural and educational environment of a higher pedagogical institution; provision of interactive technological support for the educational process of future preschool educators; integration of the content of normative professional disciplines. The technique of forming the professional culture of future educators of preschool educational institutions is presented

    Pedagogical Conditions for The Formation of Professional Culture of Future Educators of Preschool Educational Institutions

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    The article reveals the essence of the phenomenon “professional culture of future educators of preschool educational institutions” viewed as a complex integral formation within a holistic structure of a personality. It is characterized by a positive attitude to the subjects and objects of pedagogical activity (axiological component), deep and systematized professional knowledge, skills and competencies (cognitive component), as well as personal and professional qualities that reflect the level of mastery of a special area of knowledge (personal component) and find their manifestation in pedagogical activity (reflexive component). Criteria (specified by indicators) that characterize levels of professional culture development of future preschool educators have been determined, including: informational, motivational, behavioral and appraisal-creative. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional culture of future preschool educators in the process of their professional training have been substantiated. The above-mentioned pedagogical conditions presuppose: activation of educational activities of future preschool educators in the cultural and educational environment of a higher pedagogical institution; provision of interactive technological support for the educational process of future preschool educators; integration of the content of normative professional disciplines. The technique of forming the professional culture of future educators of preschool educational institutions is presented

    Children's preferences in types of assignments

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit