12 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perceived Value dan Green Packaging terhadap Purchase Intention (Studi kasus pada kafe Bat and Arrow Padang)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) Pengaruh Perceived Value terhadap Purchase Intention pada kafe Bat and Arrow Padang. 2) Pengaruh Green Packaging terhadap Purchase Intention pada kafe Bat and Arrow Padang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pelanggan kafe Bat and Arrow. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling, ukuran sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 150 repsonden. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan Perceived value berpengaruh secara positif dan siginifikan terhadap Purchase Intention. Dan Green Packaging tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap Purchase intention. Kata Kunci: Perceived value, Green Packaging, dan Purchase Intentio

    Comparación cross-cultural de las relaciones entre el riesgo percibido online, la usabilidad percibida y la satisfacción hacia un destino turístico

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    The purpose of this paper is to empirically analyze the influence of culture on the relationships among perceived risk, perceived usability and satisfaction online, in two cultures: Spain (high uncertainty avoidance and low individualism) and the United Kingdom (low uncertainty avoidance and high individualism). The sample comprised 314 Internet users, 119 of whom were Spanish and 195 British. They were asked to browse the experimental website of a fictitious tourist destination. The findings indicated that there are significant differences between the direct influence of perceived risk on perceived usability and also the indirect relationship between perceived risk and satisfaction online during browsing of the tourist website, and that these differences are moderated by the uncertainty avoidance dimension.El propósito de este trabajo es analizar empíricamente la influencia de la cultura sobre la relación entre el riesgo percibido, la usabilidad y la satisfacción percibida online, entre dos culturas: España (Alto control de incertidumbre y bajo el individualismo) y del Reino Unido (Bajo control de incertidumbre y alto individualismo). La muestra estaba compuesta por 314 usuarios de Internet. De ellos, 119 eran españoles y 195 británicos. Se les pidió que navegar por un sitio web de un destino turístico ficticio. Los resultados indicaron que existen diferencias significativas entre la influencia directa del riesgo percibido en la usabilidad percibida y también la relación indirecta entre el riesgo percibido y la satisfacción en línea durante la navegación por la página web de turismo, y que estas diferencias estaban moderadas por la dimensión control de incertidumbre.The authors appreciate the financial help provided via a research project of group ADEMAR (University of Granada) under the auspices of the Andalusian Program for R&D, number P06-SEJ02170, and Research Program from the Faculty of Education and Humanities of Ceuta

    Modelo de lealtad de los egresados universitarios. Influencia de la motivación y el empleo

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    El presente estudio formula un modelo integrado de consecuencias y antecedentes de la satisfacción determinando la formación de la lealtad en el sector universitario. Además de contrastar el modelo, se evalúan las diferencias existentes en las relaciones según motivos de elección de los egresados (vocación y salidas profesionales) y estado laboral actual (empleado o no). Basado en la literatura, se propone el modelo conceptual y se prueba a través de PLS apoyado en una muestra de 9.685 egresados de todas las ramas de conocimiento cuyas respuestas se recogieron a través de un cuestionario online auto-administrado. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que el valor percibido determina la imagen, la satisfacción y la lealtad así como la relación causal positiva de la imagen sobre la satisfacción y la lealtad. La vocación y la situación laboral determinan de forma significativa el impacto del valor sobre la imagen mientras que las salidas profesionales no producen diferencias. La influencia de estas variables no ha sido examinada anteriormente en la literatura. Dado el entorno competitivo de la educación superior, las conclusiones ayudan en la toma decisiones a directivos y gestores de instituciones de educación superior, así como a mejorar la satisfacción y lealtad del egresado o la reputación de la universidad.We present a consolidated model in this study of both the consequences and the antecedents of satisfaction that are determinative of the formation of loyalty in the university sector. In addition to testing the model, we evaluate the differences found in the relations between the motives given by the graduates for their choices (vocation and career paths) and their current employment situation (employed or unemployed). Grounded on the literature, we propose the conceptual model and test it with PLS supported by a sample of 9,685 graduates of all branches of knowledge whose answers were collected through a self-administered online questionnaire. The results highlight that perceived value determines image, satisfaction and loyalty, as well as the causal relation between image and both satisfaction and loyalty. The vocation and employement determine in a significant way the impact of the value on the image while the career options do not produce differences. Given the competitive world of Higher Education, the conclusions may assist directors and managers of Higher Education institutions in decision-making, as well as improving graduate satisfaction and loyalty and the reputation of the university


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    The background of this research is to investigate and analyze the effect of systematic fairness from internet banking services to customer satisfaction with customer trust and customer perceived value as intervening variable. The objective of this research findings in internet banking, fairness that includes distributive fairness, procedural fairness and informational fairness is positivelyrelated to customer satisfaction. Trust is identified as the key mediator of fairness to customer satisfaction. The design of this research model based on equity theory and relationship marketing theory that incorporates fairness, trust, perceived value and customer satisfaction. The participants of this sample includes 100 respondents which are the customer of bank on Jakarta. Data analysis applied measuring method on Structural Equation Method (SEM) by using the statistic Lisrel. The result of research indicated that,, systematic fairness has a positive impact to customer satisfaction as well as trust and perceived value of the customer to the satisfaction.Keywords: systematic Fairness, Customer Satisfaction, Trust, Perceived Value

    Apply Hofstede’s national cultural dimension theory to analyze chinese tourist behaviors in Portugal tourism

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    With the globalization, the development of outbound travel experience rapidly grew in recent decades. International tourism has become the largest industry in the world. It is the new engine for economic development in many countries. Cross-cultural tourism has brought great benefit to the destination countries. On the other side, it also brings some negative effects between the tourists and the natives. Culture is one of the important factors on promoting the cross-cultural tourism but also becomes one of the barriers in its development. For Chinese tourists, Portugal is an emerging travel destination. Portugal tourism has natural advantages but also market disadvantages. It is very important for Portugal, which has limited resources, to use reasonable strategies on satisfying Chinese tourists’ demands and spreading local cultures. In this study, I use Hofstede’s national cultural dimension theory and some empirical studies to analyze the cultural differences between Portugal and China, and try to find out how cultures influence tourists behaviors. Finally, I try to provide some suggestions to help Portugal develop a sustainable tourism in order to attract more Chinese tourists and increase their satisfaction. In addition, it could be a model for the travel destinations to explore new tourist markets with different cultures.Com a globalização, a viagem transnacional também se desenvolve rapidamente. Além de ser a maior indústria do mundo, a indústria da viagem internacional também é um novo motor para o desenvolvimento económico de muitos países. Enquanto que a viagem transnacional traz vários lucros para os países de destino, as diferentes culturas entre os visitantes e os países de destino também causa muitos efeitos negativos. A cultura é um fator principal que promove a viagem transnacional, mas também é um obstáculo que impede o seu desenvolvimento. Para os visitantes chineses, Portugal é um novo destino de viagem, que tem as suas vantagens e desvantagens no desenvolvimento da indústria turística. Como aproveitar de forma razoável os recursos locais para atender os visitantes chineses, proteger e divulgar a cultura local é muito importante para Portugal, que é um país com recursos limitados. O texto combina a teoria transcultural de Hofstede e as práticas de outros estudiosos para analisar a diferença cultural entre Portugal e a China, a fim de estudar os efeitos de um contexto cultural diferente no comportamento de turistas. Com base nisso, propõem-se sugestões que possam atender as necessidades de turistas chineses, aumentar a sua satisfação da viagem a Portugal e ao mesmo tempo, divulgar o desenvolvimento sustentável da indústria turística de Portugal. Além disso, este estudo também serve como um modelo de referência para os mercados emergentes com culturas diferentes dos outros destinos de viagem

    Multimodal Interaction in Electronic Customer Loyalty Management Systems: An Empirical Investigation

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    This thesis investigates the application of multimodal metaphors in electronic Customer Loyalty Management Systems (e-CLMS) in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, user satisfaction, and understandability of the customisation tasks and information communicated. The potential of users developing loyalty as a result of better usability and user satisfaction is also accessed via questionnaires. The first experiment investigated issues of usability and the users‟ views of an e-commerce platform developed for these experiments using three conditions with three independent groups. A visual group (VICLMS, n=25) that was communicated information within the platform using text with graphics, a multimodal group (MICLMS, n=25) that usedrecorded speech, earcons and auditory icons and an expressive avatars group(AICLMS, n=25) that was predominantly communicated information using avatars. The second experiment evaluated three avatar-based multimodal conditions using a dependent group (n=50). This experiment evaluated user satisfaction, perceived convenience, enjoyment, ease of use and customisation, and successful completion of user tasks. The conditions were avatars with earcons (AEICLMS), avatars with auditory icons (AAICLMS) and avatars with both earcons and auditory icons (AICLMS).The use of expressive avatars in the e-CLMS interface contributed to the positive predisposition of usersto develop loyalty. Multimodal metaphors contributed more significantly to complex customisation tasks. A set of empirically derived guidelines and a validation approach is suggested for designing multimodal E-CLMS interfaces

    A inclusão na base da pirâmide : um estudo brasileiro de aspectos motivadores e inibidores da adoção da tecnologia mobile banking pelo público de baixa renda

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2019.Quase a metade da população mundial encontra-se na linha da pobreza e a maioria nas economias emergentes. Cerca de três bilhões de pessoas constituem a base global da pirâmide econômica ou BOP. O mobile banking (m-banking) pode proporcionar oportunidades para promover a inclusão financeira, através da redução do custo fixo, liberdade, flexibilidade, reduzindo preço médio da transação, fornecendo perspectivas para bancos aumentarem sua difusão no mercado e incluindo essa parcela da população no sistema financeiro, mesmo as que vivem em áreas remotas e de difícil acesso. Apesar desses benefícios, o uso de dispositivos móveis, para realizar transações bancárias, não é difundido como seria de esperar. E isto se dá principalmente com os indivíduos da base da pirâmide, nas economias emergentes. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi explorar aspectos inibidores e motivadores da adoção da tecnologia m-banking pelo segmento Base Of Pyramid (BOP). A fim de atingir este objetivo, empreendeu-se esforço exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, com recorte transversal de coleta de dados, e além da análise da base de clientes e relatórios da instituição, entrevistaram-se indivíduos da BOP sem relacionamento bancário (n=14), indivíduos com relacionamento bancário, mas que ainda não adotaram o m-banking (n=15), indivíduos com relacionamento bancário que já adotaram o m-banking (n=15), funcionários e dirigentes de correspondentes no país (n=9), gerentes, executivos e diretores de um dos cinco maiores bancos do Brasil (n=5) e um dirigente de fintech, totalizando 59 indivíduos participantes do estudo. Por meio de análise conteúdo tanto com categorias definidas a priori, quanto categorias não definidas a priori, aliadas à saturação teórica, esta pesquisa identificou cinco categorais distintas de inibidores: expectativa de esforço, risco percebido, hábito/evitação incertezas, limitações tecnológicas e falta de percepção de utilidade e quatro categorias de motivadores: utilidade percebida, facilidade de uso percebida, capacitação e influência de terceiros e ações promocionais. Adicionalmente, este estudo também discutiu sobre fatores inibidores à bancarização, sobre a relação entre as dimensões da cultura nacional, baseadas em Hofestede et al.(2010) e das características demográficas do público da BOP, com os aspectos motivadores e inibidores da adoção do m-banking. Como principais contribuições, o presente trabalho amplia a compreensão acerca do fenômeno adoção da tecnologia m-banking para o público da BOP, a relação entre as dimensões culturais e as características demográficas, bem como aprofunda o olhar sobre os aspectos inibidores à inclusão financeira. Ao final do trabalho, além das contribuições acadêmicas e gerenciais é proposta uma agenda de pesquisa.Almost half of the world's population is in the poverty line and the majority in the developing world. About three billion people form the global base of the economic pyramid or BOP. Mobile banking (m-banking) can provide opportunities to promote financial inclusion by reducing fixed cost, freedom, flexibility, reducing average transaction price, providing prospects for banks to increase their market diffusion and including this portion of the population in the financial system, even those living in remote and hard-to-reach areas. Despite these benefits, the use of mobile devices for bank transactions is not as widespread as might be expected. And this is mainly with the bottom-of-the-pyramid individuals in the developing world. The objective of this research is to explore the inhibiting and motivating aspects of the adoption of m-banking technology by the Base Of Pyramid (BOP) segment. In order to achieve this objective, an exploratory, qualitative approach with a cross-sectional approach was undertaken and in addition to analyzing the customer base and reporting the institution, we interviewed BOP individuals without banking relationships (14), individuals with banking relationships , but have not yet adopted m-banking (15), individuals with banking relationships who have already adopted m-banking (15), employees and correspondent managers in the country (9), managers, executives and directors of one of the top five Brazilian banks (5) and a fintech manager, totaling a sample of 59 individuals. Through content analysis with both a priori and non-a priori categories combined with theoretical saturation, this research identified five distinct categories of inhibitors: effort expectation, perceived risk, habit / avoidance uncertainties, technological limitations and lack of perceived utility, and four categories of motivators: perceived utility, perceived ease of use, empowerment, and third party influence and promotional actions. Additionally, this study also discussed factors inhibiting bankarization, the relationship between the dimensions of the national culture of Hofestede et al. (2010) and the demographic characteristics of the public of BOP, with the motivating and inhibiting aspects of the adoption of m-banking. . As main contributions, the present work broadens the understanding of the phenomenon of adoption of m-banking technology for the public of BOP, the relationship with cultural dimensions and demographic characteristics, as well as deepens the view on the inhibiting aspects of financial inclusion. At the end of the work, besides the academic and managerial contributions, a research agenda is proposed

    Measuring tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction

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    Doktorski rad tematizira povezanost reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista. Cilj doktorskog rada jest istražiti i proširiti postojeće teorijske spoznaje, razviti konceptualni model za mjerenje povezanosti reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista te ispitati njegovu valjanost i pouzdanost Za potrebe empirijskog istraživanja i testiranja postavljenih hipoteza razvijen je upitnik s 23 čestice i 23 elementa turističke ponude mjerena na ordinalnoj ljestvici Likertovog tipa s pet stupnjeva. Primarni podaci prikupljeni su metodom ispitivanja, a analiza podataka provedena je na uzorku od 305 ispitanika (turista). Primjenom metode multivarijatne statističke analize i metode parcijalnih najmanjih kvadrata modeliranja strukturalnim jednadžbama (PLS-SEM) ispitana je valjanost strukturalnog modela za mjerenje povezanosti reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista te su testirane hipoteze. Rezultati istraživanja pozitivno i značajno su potvrdili tri od četiri pomoćne hipoteze, odnosno Postoji statistički značajna i pozitivna povezanost između sadržaja poruka na društvenim medijima i reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima (H1), postoji statistički značajna i pozitivna povezanost između stava prema komentarima na društvenim medijima i reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima (H2) te postoji statistički značajna i pozitivna povezanost između reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista (H4). Prema pokazateljima valjanosti, dosljednosti, kolinearnosti, značajnosti i relevantnosti težišnih vrijednosti, strukturalni model doktorskog rada smatra se valjanim i pouzdanim u mjerenju povezanosti reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista, čime se potvrđuje i glavna hipoteza doktorskog rada. Doktorski rad pružio je metodološku osnovu za buduća istraživanja i spoznaju o povezanosti reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista. Korisnost doktorskog rada ogleda se turističkom menadžmentu i kontinuiranom praćenju reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista, ali i korisnosti dizajnerima mrežnih sjedišta i gospodarstvu da potiču sve interesno-utjecajne skupine u tom smjeru, što otvara mogućnost zapošljavanja novih kadrova.Before the appearance of user-generated content (UGC), sharing personal travel experiences through social media applications was limited to a narrow circle of friends and family. For instance, if the tourist had a bad experience at the tourist destination, the image and reputation of the tourist destination would not be seriously damaged. The growth of Web 2.0 and social media has enabled the development of user-generated content and sharing comments, reviews and opinions on websites such as tripadvisor.com, facebook.com, youtube.com, instagram.com and twitter.com. Today, tourists are increasingly participating in information processes. When booking a trip, tourists (social media users) exchange opinions via modern media and shape the tourism destination reputation, thus affecting the travel decision. The advantage of user-generated content is reflected in data collected within a natural environment. Tourists share information, experiences and emotions about services, brands, tourism providers and destinations (Horster & Gottschalk, 2012). Thus, tourist reviews on social media can be considered a crucial source of information. The so-called online reputation of a tourism destination represents an open process where tourists share their reviews and opinions about tourist destinations through social media, which builds the destination image and tourist satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction, while tourism products or services have the ability to impact the tourists’ emotional state and decision to book and purchase tourist products and services (Chun, 2005). Based on the foregoing the question arises if it is possible, through deeper understanding and measuring, to determine the relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction? The main objective of this doctoral thesis is: (a) to explore and extend the existing theoretical knowledge about tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction, (b) to develop a conceptual model for measuring the relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction, and (c) to examine the validity and reliability of the structural model. Specific objectives of this doctoral thesis are observed from the conceptual, empirical and applicative point of view. Based on the previous literature review, research results and research objectives, the main hypothesis was defined: based on the theoretical and empirical scientific knowledge about the concepts tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction, and the proposed conceptual model, it is possible to determine the influence of the observed concepts using the partial least squares structural equation modeling method (PLS-SEM). In view of the proposed main hypothesis and conceptual model, the following auxiliary hypotheses are proposed: H1: There is a positive and significant relationship between message components on social media and tourism destination reputation on social media. H2: There is a positive and significant relationship between attitude towards comments on social media and tourism destination reputation on social media. H3: There is a positive and significant relationship between trust in social media and tourism destination reputation on social media. H4: There is a positive and significant relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction. In order to test the proposed research hypotheses, empirical research was conducted, which is based on primary data using the survey method. The questionnaire was designed in English, Croatian, German and Italian language and contains 46 variables and the socio-demographic profile of the respondents. In order to test the relationship between the constructs and the proposed hypotheses, a structural model was developed. The developed model consists of three exogenous and two endogenous constructs and 23 formative and 23 reflective variables. The empirical research was conducted on the western coast of Istria (Croatia), from the beginning of July to the end of September 2016 and 2017. The respondents were tourists who were informed about the tourist destination on social media before traveling to the destination. The qualitative data analysis is based on 305 valid survey questionnaires. The primary data were analysed using univariate and multivariate statistical analysis, i.e. partial least squares structural equation modeling method (PLS-SEM). The analysis of the demographic profile of the respondents indicates that 57.4 per cent were male and 42.6 per cent female. Most of the respondents were between 31 and 40 years old and had a higher education. The sample includes respondents from 17 countries, while the largest number of respondents came from Germany, Italy and Austria. More than half of the respondents (62.3 per cent) were advanced or expert users of the Internet. When searching information online, 72.8 per cent use other tourists’ comments as an information source. Furthermore, 49.8 per cent of the respondents read consumer reviews on travel review portals (for example TripAdvisor), 46.2 per cent use social media as an information source (for example Facebook), 41.6 per cent use social sharing sites (for example YouTube, Flickr, Instagram), while 13.4 per cent of the respondents search for information on blogs and microblogs (for example Twitter, TravelPod). The most reliable sources are perceived as those which provide recent information (52.5 per cent) and those which have the most votes and likes (42.6 per cent). While asking the question “Can the content (comments, audio, video) produced by other tourists change your decision in choosing a destination?”, 46.6 per cent of the respondents answered “yes”, 41.6 per cent “no” and 11.8 per cent did not know. The results related to structural model testing confirmed three out of four auxiliary hypotheses. The strongest, positive and significant relationship between the latent constructs tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction (0.590) is confirmed. A moderate, positive and significant relationship is observed between the latent constructs of message components on social media and tourism destination reputation on social media (0.469). A weak relationship is noticed between the latent construct attitude towards comments on social media and tourism destination reputation on social media (0.197), while the relationship between trust in social media and tourism destination reputation on social media almost does not exist (0.009) and is not significant. According to the indicators of validity, consistency, collinearity, significance and relevance of outer loadings, the structural model is considered as valid and reliable in measuring the relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction, thus the main scientific hypothesis is confirmed. Although the doctoral thesis aimed to provide high quality, scientifically based theoretical, methodological and practical insights that can be used to accomplish some of the most important goals of tourism management, empirical research has several limitations to be taken into consideration when generalizing the results, which refer to: The choice of tourist destination – the empirical research was conducted on the western coast of Istria, also called Blue Istria. The eastern part and the countryside of Istria (Green Istria) was not covered by the research. The question remains whether the reputation of Blue and Green Istria on social media is different, and whether the results can be generalized at the destination level? The data collection period - the research period covers the months of July, August and September 2016 and 2017, which may limit the empirical research. The data collection is restricted to tourists who stayed at the destination during the mentioned time period. Tourists staying in the destination outside the main season may or may not have different attitudes. The sample of respondents – the sample includes only respondents who voluntarily participated in the research. Due to the specific target group, a convenient sample was used which lead to the conclusion that the data cannot be generalized and representative. Also, it should be considered that the sample population is relatively small in comparison to the entire population. It accounts for only 0.01 % of the total tourist arrivals in the west and south coast of Istria, although it meets the conditions for applying a complex multivariate statistical analysis. Questionnaire design – the questionnaire design is based on previous research and consists of 46 variables and the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents, which significantly burdens the respondents when completing the questionnaire, thus compromising the quality of the obtained data. Moreover, the questionnaires were obtained with the help of multiple interviewers, which influenced the socio-demographic profile of the respondents and the sample. Measurement scale – although the ordinal Likert scale is a very popular psychometric scale that seeks to measure attitudes, interests, and perceptions, it is generally considered to violate some statistical assumptions needed to evaluate normally distributed data and parametric tests. This presents a problem because parametric statistics are generally considered more significant than nonparametric statistics. For this purpose (perhaps) it would be better to use visual analogue scales, interval scales or ration scales that can be equally effective and provide better data for parametric statistical analysis. The doctoral thesis contributes to the existing literature on the concepts of tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction with regard to conceptual, methodological and applicative terms. In terms of the conceptual research, the doctoral thesis contributes to: the development of scientific thought about the concept of tourism destination reputation on social media the development of scientific thought about the concept of tourist satisfaction the examination of the relationship between the concepts of tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction the presentation of existing methods and models for measuring the concept of tourism destination reputation on social media the presentation of existing methods and models for measuring the concept of tourist satisfaction the development of a conceptual model for measuring the relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction. In terms of the methodological part of the scientific research, the contribution is reflected in: determining the relationship of social media and tourism destination reputation determining the tourism destination reputation based on the statements of the selected tourist segments defining a model for determining the relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction applying the multivariate statistical analysis method in measuring the relationship between the concepts of tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction testing the reliability and validity of the research instrument comparing the existing model for measuring the online reputation of a tourist destination (Marchiori et al., 2013), with the aim of testing the significance of nonparametric and parametric statistical analysis methods comparing the results of previous research of domestic and foreign authors. In terms of the applicative part of the doctoral thesis, the scientific contribution is reflected in: the confirmation of significance of selected model research concepts through the structural model presentation and results to destination management and stakeholders specific recommendations for destination management. According to the PhD candidate’s best knowledge, this doctoral thesis is the first research and measurement of the relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction in Croatia. Moreover, a similar research has not been published in international literature. In conclusion, the proposed conceptual model provides a valid and reliable basis for future research and for the continuous monitoring and improving of the tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction

    Measuring tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction

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    Doktorski rad tematizira povezanost reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista. Cilj doktorskog rada jest istražiti i proširiti postojeće teorijske spoznaje, razviti konceptualni model za mjerenje povezanosti reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista te ispitati njegovu valjanost i pouzdanost Za potrebe empirijskog istraživanja i testiranja postavljenih hipoteza razvijen je upitnik s 23 čestice i 23 elementa turističke ponude mjerena na ordinalnoj ljestvici Likertovog tipa s pet stupnjeva. Primarni podaci prikupljeni su metodom ispitivanja, a analiza podataka provedena je na uzorku od 305 ispitanika (turista). Primjenom metode multivarijatne statističke analize i metode parcijalnih najmanjih kvadrata modeliranja strukturalnim jednadžbama (PLS-SEM) ispitana je valjanost strukturalnog modela za mjerenje povezanosti reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista te su testirane hipoteze. Rezultati istraživanja pozitivno i značajno su potvrdili tri od četiri pomoćne hipoteze, odnosno Postoji statistički značajna i pozitivna povezanost između sadržaja poruka na društvenim medijima i reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima (H1), postoji statistički značajna i pozitivna povezanost između stava prema komentarima na društvenim medijima i reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima (H2) te postoji statistički značajna i pozitivna povezanost između reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista (H4). Prema pokazateljima valjanosti, dosljednosti, kolinearnosti, značajnosti i relevantnosti težišnih vrijednosti, strukturalni model doktorskog rada smatra se valjanim i pouzdanim u mjerenju povezanosti reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista, čime se potvrđuje i glavna hipoteza doktorskog rada. Doktorski rad pružio je metodološku osnovu za buduća istraživanja i spoznaju o povezanosti reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista. Korisnost doktorskog rada ogleda se turističkom menadžmentu i kontinuiranom praćenju reputacije turističke destinacije na društvenim medijima i zadovoljstva turista, ali i korisnosti dizajnerima mrežnih sjedišta i gospodarstvu da potiču sve interesno-utjecajne skupine u tom smjeru, što otvara mogućnost zapošljavanja novih kadrova.Before the appearance of user-generated content (UGC), sharing personal travel experiences through social media applications was limited to a narrow circle of friends and family. For instance, if the tourist had a bad experience at the tourist destination, the image and reputation of the tourist destination would not be seriously damaged. The growth of Web 2.0 and social media has enabled the development of user-generated content and sharing comments, reviews and opinions on websites such as tripadvisor.com, facebook.com, youtube.com, instagram.com and twitter.com. Today, tourists are increasingly participating in information processes. When booking a trip, tourists (social media users) exchange opinions via modern media and shape the tourism destination reputation, thus affecting the travel decision. The advantage of user-generated content is reflected in data collected within a natural environment. Tourists share information, experiences and emotions about services, brands, tourism providers and destinations (Horster & Gottschalk, 2012). Thus, tourist reviews on social media can be considered a crucial source of information. The so-called online reputation of a tourism destination represents an open process where tourists share their reviews and opinions about tourist destinations through social media, which builds the destination image and tourist satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction, while tourism products or services have the ability to impact the tourists’ emotional state and decision to book and purchase tourist products and services (Chun, 2005). Based on the foregoing the question arises if it is possible, through deeper understanding and measuring, to determine the relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction? The main objective of this doctoral thesis is: (a) to explore and extend the existing theoretical knowledge about tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction, (b) to develop a conceptual model for measuring the relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction, and (c) to examine the validity and reliability of the structural model. Specific objectives of this doctoral thesis are observed from the conceptual, empirical and applicative point of view. Based on the previous literature review, research results and research objectives, the main hypothesis was defined: based on the theoretical and empirical scientific knowledge about the concepts tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction, and the proposed conceptual model, it is possible to determine the influence of the observed concepts using the partial least squares structural equation modeling method (PLS-SEM). In view of the proposed main hypothesis and conceptual model, the following auxiliary hypotheses are proposed: H1: There is a positive and significant relationship between message components on social media and tourism destination reputation on social media. H2: There is a positive and significant relationship between attitude towards comments on social media and tourism destination reputation on social media. H3: There is a positive and significant relationship between trust in social media and tourism destination reputation on social media. H4: There is a positive and significant relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction. In order to test the proposed research hypotheses, empirical research was conducted, which is based on primary data using the survey method. The questionnaire was designed in English, Croatian, German and Italian language and contains 46 variables and the socio-demographic profile of the respondents. In order to test the relationship between the constructs and the proposed hypotheses, a structural model was developed. The developed model consists of three exogenous and two endogenous constructs and 23 formative and 23 reflective variables. The empirical research was conducted on the western coast of Istria (Croatia), from the beginning of July to the end of September 2016 and 2017. The respondents were tourists who were informed about the tourist destination on social media before traveling to the destination. The qualitative data analysis is based on 305 valid survey questionnaires. The primary data were analysed using univariate and multivariate statistical analysis, i.e. partial least squares structural equation modeling method (PLS-SEM). The analysis of the demographic profile of the respondents indicates that 57.4 per cent were male and 42.6 per cent female. Most of the respondents were between 31 and 40 years old and had a higher education. The sample includes respondents from 17 countries, while the largest number of respondents came from Germany, Italy and Austria. More than half of the respondents (62.3 per cent) were advanced or expert users of the Internet. When searching information online, 72.8 per cent use other tourists’ comments as an information source. Furthermore, 49.8 per cent of the respondents read consumer reviews on travel review portals (for example TripAdvisor), 46.2 per cent use social media as an information source (for example Facebook), 41.6 per cent use social sharing sites (for example YouTube, Flickr, Instagram), while 13.4 per cent of the respondents search for information on blogs and microblogs (for example Twitter, TravelPod). The most reliable sources are perceived as those which provide recent information (52.5 per cent) and those which have the most votes and likes (42.6 per cent). While asking the question “Can the content (comments, audio, video) produced by other tourists change your decision in choosing a destination?”, 46.6 per cent of the respondents answered “yes”, 41.6 per cent “no” and 11.8 per cent did not know. The results related to structural model testing confirmed three out of four auxiliary hypotheses. The strongest, positive and significant relationship between the latent constructs tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction (0.590) is confirmed. A moderate, positive and significant relationship is observed between the latent constructs of message components on social media and tourism destination reputation on social media (0.469). A weak relationship is noticed between the latent construct attitude towards comments on social media and tourism destination reputation on social media (0.197), while the relationship between trust in social media and tourism destination reputation on social media almost does not exist (0.009) and is not significant. According to the indicators of validity, consistency, collinearity, significance and relevance of outer loadings, the structural model is considered as valid and reliable in measuring the relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction, thus the main scientific hypothesis is confirmed. Although the doctoral thesis aimed to provide high quality, scientifically based theoretical, methodological and practical insights that can be used to accomplish some of the most important goals of tourism management, empirical research has several limitations to be taken into consideration when generalizing the results, which refer to: The choice of tourist destination – the empirical research was conducted on the western coast of Istria, also called Blue Istria. The eastern part and the countryside of Istria (Green Istria) was not covered by the research. The question remains whether the reputation of Blue and Green Istria on social media is different, and whether the results can be generalized at the destination level? The data collection period - the research period covers the months of July, August and September 2016 and 2017, which may limit the empirical research. The data collection is restricted to tourists who stayed at the destination during the mentioned time period. Tourists staying in the destination outside the main season may or may not have different attitudes. The sample of respondents – the sample includes only respondents who voluntarily participated in the research. Due to the specific target group, a convenient sample was used which lead to the conclusion that the data cannot be generalized and representative. Also, it should be considered that the sample population is relatively small in comparison to the entire population. It accounts for only 0.01 % of the total tourist arrivals in the west and south coast of Istria, although it meets the conditions for applying a complex multivariate statistical analysis. Questionnaire design – the questionnaire design is based on previous research and consists of 46 variables and the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents, which significantly burdens the respondents when completing the questionnaire, thus compromising the quality of the obtained data. Moreover, the questionnaires were obtained with the help of multiple interviewers, which influenced the socio-demographic profile of the respondents and the sample. Measurement scale – although the ordinal Likert scale is a very popular psychometric scale that seeks to measure attitudes, interests, and perceptions, it is generally considered to violate some statistical assumptions needed to evaluate normally distributed data and parametric tests. This presents a problem because parametric statistics are generally considered more significant than nonparametric statistics. For this purpose (perhaps) it would be better to use visual analogue scales, interval scales or ration scales that can be equally effective and provide better data for parametric statistical analysis. The doctoral thesis contributes to the existing literature on the concepts of tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction with regard to conceptual, methodological and applicative terms. In terms of the conceptual research, the doctoral thesis contributes to: the development of scientific thought about the concept of tourism destination reputation on social media the development of scientific thought about the concept of tourist satisfaction the examination of the relationship between the concepts of tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction the presentation of existing methods and models for measuring the concept of tourism destination reputation on social media the presentation of existing methods and models for measuring the concept of tourist satisfaction the development of a conceptual model for measuring the relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction. In terms of the methodological part of the scientific research, the contribution is reflected in: determining the relationship of social media and tourism destination reputation determining the tourism destination reputation based on the statements of the selected tourist segments defining a model for determining the relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction applying the multivariate statistical analysis method in measuring the relationship between the concepts of tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction testing the reliability and validity of the research instrument comparing the existing model for measuring the online reputation of a tourist destination (Marchiori et al., 2013), with the aim of testing the significance of nonparametric and parametric statistical analysis methods comparing the results of previous research of domestic and foreign authors. In terms of the applicative part of the doctoral thesis, the scientific contribution is reflected in: the confirmation of significance of selected model research concepts through the structural model presentation and results to destination management and stakeholders specific recommendations for destination management. According to the PhD candidate’s best knowledge, this doctoral thesis is the first research and measurement of the relationship between tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction in Croatia. Moreover, a similar research has not been published in international literature. In conclusion, the proposed conceptual model provides a valid and reliable basis for future research and for the continuous monitoring and improving of the tourism destination reputation on social media and tourist satisfaction