17 research outputs found

    Bibliografia – gatunek z przyszłością czy gatunek zagrożony?

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    Article stresses that digitization, digitalization and its derivatives, such as electronic delivery service, full-search, open access, open data and Web 2.0 make it rethink meaning and contemporary tasks of bibliography as a link in the cycle of creating, circulating and applying knowledge

    Bibliografia – gatunek z przyszłością czy gatunek zagrożony?

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    Streszczenie: Artykuł podkreśla fakt, że cyfryzacja, digitalizacja i ich pochodne, takie jak elektroniczne dostarczanie tekstów, wyszukiwanie pełnotekstowe, otwarty dostęp, otwarte dane oraz nauka 2.0 każą przemyśleć sens i współczesne zadania bibliografii jako ogniwa w cyklu tworzenia, obiegu i stosowania wiedzy, naukowej i pozanaukowej.Abstract: Article stresses that digitization, digitalization and its derivatives, such as electronic delivery service, full-search, open access, open data and Web 2.0 make it rethink meaning and contemporary tasks of bibliography as a link in the cycle of creating, circulating and applying knowledge

    Trends in the Development of Microprocessors

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    The article describes the importance of microprocessor technologies in modern life. A brief review of the direction of development of microprocessors is given from the beginning of their appearance to the present day. In the article you can find some of the main problems facing the companies that manufacture microprocessors, on the way to their development.В статье описана значимость микропроцессорных технологий в современной жизни. Приведен краткий обзор направления развития микропроцессоров с начала их появления до настоящего момента и содержатся одни из основных проблем, вставших перед компаниями, которые производят микропроцессоры, на пути их развития

    Universal Basic Income: Inevitable future

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    Technology has been developing strongly in the last years, with impacts on the job market still to be appraised. This dissertation focus on theoretical models to show how the development of technology may lead to a replacement of labor used in production that may compromise income and consumption. We show that to deal with this new scenario, society will have to find solutions such as the Universal Basic Income (UBI) that will guarantee demand maintenance. In conclusion, it is demonstrated that in the future, once the wage share tends to be reduced because human labor becomes less necessary, it may be completely impossible to maintain the equilibrium of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply without an UBI.A tecnologia vem se desenvolvendo fortemente nos últimos anos com impactos no mercado de trabalho ainda a serem avaliados. Esta dissertação enfoca em modelos teóricos para demostrar como o desenvolvimento da tecnologia pode levar a uma substituição da mão de obra humana e que, por conseguinte, pode comprometer o rendimento e o consumo das famílias. Mostra-se que para lidar com esse novo cenário, a sociedade terá que encontrar soluções como o Rendimento Básico Universal (RBU) que garanta a manutenção e equilíbrio da procura. Em conclusão, demonstra-se que, no futuro, uma vez que a participação salarial tende a ser reduzida porque o trabalho humano se torna menos necessário, pode ser completamente impossível manter o equilíbrio da Procura Agregada e da Oferta Agregada sem um RBU

    The information society confronted with the crisis of humanity

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    ¿Es cierto que estamos en la sociedad informacional como resultado de un nuevo "modo de desarrollo", basado en las tecnologías de la información? El artículo describe el hecho de la revolución que han impuesto dichas tecnologías. Analiza sus consecuencias en orden a la solución, o no, de los grandes problemas que tiene planteados la humanidad. Señala las ambigüedades sociopolíticas y las deficiencias estructurales del pretendido nuevo modo de desarrollo (que no "modo de producción", según Manuel Castells).Is it true that we are in the information society as a result of a new "development mode", based on the information technologies? This article describes the fact of the revolution imposed by these technologies. Their consequences are analysed as a possible or impossible solution of the greater problems faced by humanity. The socio-political ambiguities and structural deficiencies of this sought new mode of development (and not "mode of production", according to Manuel Castells) are pointed out.Grupo de Investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granad

    The Future of Computing and Wisdom : Insights from Human-Computer Interaction

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    In this paper, we present a structured report on a dialogue on the Future of Computing and Wisdom. The dialogue consists of a recorded and transcribed discussion between researchers and practitioners in the field of Human- Computer Interaction that was held at workshop in conjunction with the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in September 2018. However, the dialogue also encompasses workshop participants’ preparatory work with writing “fictional abstracts” - abstracts of yet-to-be-written research papers that will be published in 2068. The polyvocal dialogue that is reported upon thus includes not just the voices of researchers and practitioners who attended the workshop, but also includes the voices of the future researchers of 2068 who wrote the abstracts in question as well as the voices of the organisms, individuals, intelligent agents and communities who are the subjects, victims, beneficiaries and bystanders of wise (or unwise) future computing systems

    La tecnología en general, las digitales en particular: vida, milagros y familia de la “Ley de Moore”

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    Este artículo tiene dos objetivos. El primero, preliminar, consiste en proponer una definición de la noción de tecnología y en base a ella construir una sencilla tipología con el fin de distinguir tres conceptos que usualmente se confunden: tecnologías, tecnologías de la información y tecnologías digitales. El segundo objetivo refiere específicamente al devenir de los procesos productivos de las tecnologías digitales. Se trata de narrar, documentar empíricamente y analizar la llamada “Ley de Moore”, una raro caso de profecía autocumplida que ejerce una incidencia notable en el conjunto de las actividades económicas del capitalismo informacional.This paper has two goals. On the one hand, to advance a definition of “Technology” and, based on it, to develop a simple typology aimed to distinguish three usually confused concepts: technology, information technologies and digital technologies. On the other hand, the paper attempts to describe, empirically document and analyze the so- called “Moore´s Law”, a weird case of self-fulfilled prophecy that exercise a powerful impact in the economic activities of informational capitalism.Universidad de Buenos Aire

    Standards Setting and Antitrust

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    Towards reliable contacts of molecular electronic devices to gold electrodes

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    SYNOPSIS OF THIS THESIS The aim of this thesis is to more fully understand and explain the binding mechanism of organic molecules to the Au(111) surface and to explore the conduction of such molecules. It consists of five discreet chapters connected to each other by the central theme of “The Single Molecule Device: Conductance and Binding”. There is a deliberate concentration on azine linkers, in particular those with a 1,10-phenanthroline-type bidentate configuration at each end. This linker unit is called a “molecular alligator clip” and is investigated as an alternative to the thiol linker unit more commonly used. Chapter 1 places the work in the broad context of Molecular Electronics and establishes the need for this research. In Chapter 2 the multiple break-junction technique (using a Scanning Tunnelling Microscope or similar device) was used to investigate the conductance of various molecules with azine linkers. A major finding of those experiments is that solvent interactions are a key factor in the conductance signal of particular molecules. Some solvents interfere with the molecule’s interaction with and attachment to the gold electrodes. One indicator of the degree of this interference is the extent of the enhancement or otherwise of the gold quantized conduction peak at 1.0 G0. Below 1.0 G0 a broad range for which the molecule enhances conduction indicates that solvent interactions contribute to a variety of structures which could bridge the electrodes, each with their own specific conductance value. The use of histograms with a Log10 scale for conductance proved useful for observing broad range features. vi Another factor which affects the conductance signal is the geometric alignment of the molecule (or the molecule-solvent structure) to the gold electrode, and the molecular alignment is explored in Chapters 3 for 1,10-phenanthroline (PHEN) and Chapter 4 for thiols. In Chapter 3 STM images, electrochemistry, and Density Functional Theory (DFT) are used to determine 1,10-phenanthroline (PHEN) structures on the Au(111) surface. It is established that PHEN binds in two modes, a physisorbed state and a chemisorbed state. The chemisorbed state is more stable and involves the extraction of gold from the bulk to form adatom-PHEN entities which are highly mobile on the gold surface. Surface pitting is viewed as evidential of the formation of the adatom-molecule entities. DFT calculations in this chapter were performed by Ante Bilic and Jeffery Reimers. The conclusions to Chapter 3 implicate the adatom as a binding mode of thiols to gold and this is explored in Chapter 4 by a timely review of nascent research in the field. The adatom motif is identified as the major binding structure for thiol terminated molecules to gold, using the explanation of surface pitting in Chapter 3 as major evidence and substantiated by emergent literature, both experimental and theoretical. Furthermore, the effect of this binding mode on conductance is explored and structures relevant to the break-junction experiment of Chapter 2 are identified and their conductance values compared. Finally, as a result of researching extensive reports of molecular conductance values, and having attempted the same, a simple method for predicting the conductance of single molecules is presented based upon the tunneling conductance formula