37 research outputs found

    Проблемите в обучението на начинаещите програмисти и възможности за тяхното преодоляване

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    Доклад, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май, 2011 г.Начинаещите програмисти намират въведението в програмирането за доста трудно. Множеството от нови знания, които трябва да бъдат усвоени, действат демотивиращо. На по-късен етап от обучението се регистрира наличие на пропуски в познанията относно основните алгоритмични конструкции и парадигми. Представя се една възможност за повишаване на способностите за решаване на задачи чрез среда за анимирано представяне на алгоритми.Асоциация "Развитие на информационното общество", Институт по математика и информатика при БАН, Пловдивски университе

    Objektum orientált programozás tanítása vizualizációs eszközökkel

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    Ez a cikk bemutatja az algoritmus - vizualizáció t, mint segédeszközt az objektum orientált programozás tanítása során. A z algoritmus - vizualizáció elméleti bevezetése és né hány oktatási vonatkozású eredmény közlése után, a z írás pél dát mutat két jól használható v izualizációs eszközre : a BlueJ - re és a Jeli ot ra , végül értékeli az oka t

    Inductive Reasoning and Programming Visualization, an Experiment Proposal

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    We lay down plans to study how Inductive Reasoning Ability (IRA) affects the analyzing and understanding of Program Visualization (PV) systems. Current PV systems do not take into account the abilities of the user but show always the same visualization independently of the changing knowledge or abilities of the student. Thus, we propose IRA as an important skill when comprehending animation, which can be used to model the students and thus to adapt the visualization for different students. As an initial step we plan to check if IRA correlates with ability to answer program related questions during program visualization. We discuss the possible benefits of using IRA modeling in adaptive PV

    Algorithm visualization in programming education

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    This paper introduces the theory of algorithm visualization and its education-related results obtained so far, then an algorithm visualization tool is going to be presented as an example, which we will finally evaluate. This article illustrates furthermore how algorithm visualization tools can be used by teachers and students during the teaching and learning process of programming, and equally evaluates teaching and learning methods. Two tools will be introduced: Jeliot and TRAKLA2

    Algoritmus-vizualizáció a programozásoktatásban

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    Ez a cikk bemutatja az algoritmus-vizualizáció elméletét és eddig oktatási vonatkozású eredményeit, majd példát mutat egy jól használható algoritmus-vizualizációs eszközre, végül értékeli azt. A cikk bemutatja továbbá, hogyan lehet felhasználni oktatóként és tanulóként az algoritmus-vizualizációs eszközöket, konkrétan a programozási tételek tanítása és tanulása közben, illetve értékeli a tanulási és tanítási módszert. Két eszközt fog példaként felhozni: a Jeliot-ot és a TRAKLA2-t

    Studi Komparatif Program Visual Dinamis untuk Pembelajaran Algoritma dan Pemograman Berorientasi Objek

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    As beginners, many first-year students have difficulty understanding object-oriented programming material. To help students learn algorithmic and object-oriented programming material researchers have developed visual programming (PV). Visual programming is a tool to facilitate learning programming. The concept of learning to use PV visualizes the work processes of algorithms and programming. This research aims to compare three dynamic PV tools for object-oriented learning programming that are the most studied. To determine the PV to be compared, a survey was conducted in an online journal database, such as IEEE explore, ACM, and several well-known online publishers. From the survey results, three dynamic PVs were chosen, most widely discussed, namely Jeliot 3, Ville and Jive. All three tools are installed and studied. Comparison results show that each dynamic PV has advantages on certain characteristics. The instructor can choose visual programming by considering the advantages of each PV

    Identificando algunas causas del fracaso en el aprendizaje de la recursividad: análisis experimental en las asignaturas de programación

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    La recursividad es una herramienta muy potente para la solución de problemas complejos, sin embargo constituye uno de los conceptos más difíciles de entender por los alumnos cuando están aprendiendo a programar. En este artículo se describe una experiencia desarrollada en las asignaturas de Fundamentos de Programación I y de Metodología de la Programación en la Escuela Superior de Informática en Ciudad Real, que tenía como objetivo identificar las necesidades del alumnado a la hora de enfrentarse a la asimilación del concepto de recursividad. El hecho de haber realizado la experiencia en distintos cursos nos ha servido para identificar empíricamente los aspectos que más dificultades les suponen en distintas etapas de su aprendizaje. El estudio que se presenta en este artículo nos ha permitido contrastar la opinión y experiencia de los distintos grupos de estudiantes. Las conclusiones de esta experiencia y las lecciones aprendidas permitirán diseñar en el futuro una herramienta para la visualización de la recursividad que se adapte a las distintas necesidades del alumno, dependiendo de la etapa de aprendizaje en la que se encuentre.SUMMARY -- Recursion is a powerful tool for solving complex problems but it really is one of the most difficult concepts for students to understand when learning to program. This article describes the experience developed in the subjects of Fundamentals of Programming I and Programming Methodology in the School of Informatics in Ciudad Real in order to identify the needs of students when faced with the assimilation of recursion. The fact that the experience has been carried out in different courses has allowed us to identify empirically those aspects more difficult for the understanding of recursive algorithms at different stages of the learning. The study presented in this article allows us to contrast the opinion and experience of different groups of students. The conclusions of this experience and the lessons learned will enable design a tool for visualization of recursion to suit different needs depending on the student's learning stage

    Algoritmus vizualizáció a tanítási gyakorlatban

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    Ez az előadás bemutatja az algoritmus vizualizáció (AV) történetét, külön kiemelve az oktatásmódszertani kérdéseket. Egy alapozó programozás kurzus hallgatóival elvégzett kétcsoportos pedagógiai vizsgálat is közlésre kerül, amely az AV eredményességét és az absztrakt gondolkodásra gyakorolt hatását mérte. A vizsgálat eredményei szerint eredményesebbek voltak az AV-t használó hallgatók

    Exploring second life as a learning environment for computer programming

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    Computer programming can be challenging for beginners because of the need to understand abstract programming concepts. In this paper, we study the use of the Second Life (SL) virtual world for learning computer programming concepts. We conduct an empirical study for learning computer programming in SL by addressing affordances of SL for experiential problem-based learning pedagogies. We present preliminary findings, the promises and the limitations of Second Life as an environment for learning computer programming