525 research outputs found

    Analisis Rantai Pasokan (Supplay Chain) Pada CV Biojanna Nusantara Karanganyar

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    The aims of this study are; 1. To obtain forecasting demand according to customer needs, 2. To get the lowest production costs in the design of the CV Biojanna Nusantara, 3. To get the lowest inventory cost on CV Biojanna Nusantara, 4. To get the right transport models in CV Biojanna Nusantara, 5. To generate the application of supply chain management in CV Biojanna Nusantara.This study uses quantitative methods to the modeling system. data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and documents. The data analysis technique used is demand forecasting, aggregate planning, EOQ, transportation, and supply chain management. The results showed demand forecast for the period of 2015 as many as 444 685 bottles, raw materials inventory management requires a fee of Rp 12,371,327,650, the results of Rp 96,784,275 aggregate planning, the management of inventories of finished products amounted to USD 69 140, and the results of the calculation of the transport of Rp 1,017. 053 450. The total cost to run the flow of supply chain management of Rp 13,485,234,515. After compared with the previously applicable calculation will result in a fee of Rp 13,803,224,736 be obtained savings of Rp 317 990 221. The results of this study demonstrate the application of supply chain management can provide cost and time efficien cy, and to improve services to the consumers better, so companies gain higher profits

    Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering: Perspectives on Paperless System for Highway Automatic Tollgate (HAT) through Industry 4.0. in Indonesia

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    This paper elaborates discourse on Highway Automatic Tollgate (HAT) within logistics and supply chain engineering perspectives. The aforementioned HAT and its implementation are complying with the Product Design Engineering’s perspectives within theoretical and industrial implementation through Industry 4.0 in Indonesia. The objective of this paper is to intertwine the theoretical perspectives with industrial implementation. The industrial implementation constitutes the effort to implement paperless system for HAT in order to reduce wasted papers that are necessarily needed by user of this HAT, as transaction proof. The result and discussion of this paper comprise several discussions to be considered. To begin with, the result of this paperless system helps the cleaning service officers to reduce their cleaning duty. Furthermore, the result of this paperless system integrates the concept of industry 4.0 within scope of internet of things (IoT) and internet of everything (IoE). Subsequently, the discussion on this paper refers to the discourse on logistics and supply chain engineering perspectives, to ease the transaction proof involving big data. As a result, it reduces significantly the vehicle traffic and time needed to proceed to transaction in the aforementioned HAT. This paper refers to the research methodology within quantitative approach. As future research, it is indispensable to intertwine both aforementioned theoretical and industrial implementation. Both implementation, as future research, need to be integrated within the Asia Region. Keywords: big data analytics; internet of things; making Indonesia 4.0; paperless mechanism; product design engineerin

    The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Model Canvas Framework and Use Cases

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has grown increasingly in the past decade. The growth and development bring up several issues for a successful AI project. The AI project requires communication across different domains, like specialists, engineers, data scientists, stakeholders, and ecosystem partners (analytic, storage, labeling, and open-source platforms). It offers numerous vital qualities to give deeper insights into user behavior and give recommendations based on the data. The AI project is hard to define, it requires more than mastery of data, and every enterprise needs guidance and a simple plan on how to use AI. This research creates a wide-view approach of different types of AI Model Canvas for companies that do projects, produce, promote and provide AI technology to organizations. We selected three canvases that represented AI, Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL) method. We illustrate and interpret those canvas along with some case studies. We conclude our research by writing the final case report for each use case from the AI model canvas. By filling the one-page Canvas, it will help us explain what AI will provide, how it will interact with humans judgment, and how it will be used to influence decisions, how you will measure success & outcome, and the type of data needed to train, operate, and improve AI. The AI Model Canvas purposed a clear description and differentiation of the roles of stakeholders, customers, and AI strategy. This canvas also can be used in analytical and assembly projects in making new product lines

    Smart agriculture for optimizing photosynthesis using internet of things and fuzzy logic

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    Photosynthesis is a process that plants need. Plant growth requires sunlight to carry out photosynthesis. At night photosynthesis cannot be carried out by plants. This research proposes an internet of things (IoT) model that can work intelligently to maximize photosynthesis and plant growth using fuzzy logic. The plants used in this research are mustard plants because mustard plants are plants that have broad leaves and require more photosynthesis. The outputs of this proposed model are the activation of light emitting diodes (LED) lights and automatic watering based on input sensors such as soil moisture, temperature, and light intensity which are processed with fuzzy logic. The results show that the use of the IoT model that has been proposed can provide faster and better growth of mustard plants compared with mustard plants without an IoT system and fuzzy logic. This result is also strengthened by comparing the t-test between the two groups, with a significant 95% confidence level. The proposed model in this research is also compared with similar research models carried out previously. This research resulted in a plant height difference of 30.43% higher than the previous research. So, it can conclude that the proposed model can accelerate the growth of mustard plants


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    Revolusi Industri 4.0 adalah suatu fenomena yang menggabungkan teknologi siber dan teknologi otomatisasi. Fokus utamanya adalah pada otomatisasi, dengan memanfaatkan teknologi seperti Internet of Things (IoT), big data, augmented reality, keamanan siber, dan kecerdasan buatan (AI). Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi selama proses aplikasi, tingkat keterlibatan manusia dapat dikurangi, sehingga produktivitas dan efisiensi di tempat kerja meningkat. Salah satu aspek penting dari Revolusi Industri 4.0 adalah munculnya berbagai inovasi teknologi baru di berbagai bidang, termasuk industri pertahanan maritim di Indonesia. Revolusi ini membawa perubahan signifikan di berbagai sektor, mengubah industri, meningkatkan produktivitas, dan menciptakan peluang kerja baru. Revolusi Industri 4.0 ditandai dengan integrasi sistem fisik dan digital, memungkinkan mesin dan komputer berkomunikasi dan membuat keputusan tanpa campur tangan manusia. Di Indonesia, pengembangan Industri 4.0 sedang aktif dipromosikan oleh Kementerian Perindustrian dengan tujuan meningkatkan daya saing industri Indonesia secara global. Namun, pengembangan industri pertahanan di Indonesia masih menghadapi tantangan dalam mewujudkan sistem pertahanan yang maju, dan pemanfaatan optimal teknologi Industri 4.0 masih harus dicapai. Secara keseluruhan, Revolusi Industri 4.0 menandai era transformasi di mana otomatisasi dan kemajuan teknologi memainkan peran penting. Ini memiliki potensi untuk mengubah industri, meningkatkan produktivitas, dan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi. Namun, juga menimbulkan tantangan dalam beradaptasi dengan perubahan dan memastikan kesiapan sumber daya manusia untuk memenuhi tuntutan revolusi tersebut

    The Development of Pantiku Application Business Strategy Using Business Model Canvas Approach

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    Based on data from the Ministry of Social Affairs, there are 7,000 more orphanages in Indonesia and 500-600 thousand people are living in the orphanage. To make efficient operational activities and monitoring activities of the orphanage and to facilitate the provision of assistance, the orphanage uses the PantiKu application. The PantiKu application currently does not have an optimal business model so that the right strategy is needed to develop the business model. The objectives of this study are (1) To map the current PantiKu business model; (2) Analyze SWOT of current PantiKu business model; (3) Formulate and determine the strategy for developing the PantiKu business model. The method used in this study is the Business Model Canvas approach and SWOT Analysis. This research produces strategies for each BMC element including element (1) customer segment: serving orphanage volunteers by adding special volunteer features; (2) value proposition: providing ease of logistics processes and transactions by developing IoT technology and Fintech features; (3) channels: adding application tutorials using e-learning; (4) customer relationship: take advantage of opportunities for grants and business incubation and work together in CSR programs; (5) revenue stream: utilizing the use of digital financial instruments; (6) key resources: adding relationship development staff; (7) key activities: developing a data management dashboard and evaluate expenses; (8) key partners: adding strategic partner & collaborate with competitors; (9) cost structure: cost of research.Keywords: pantiku, business model, business strategy, bmc, application developmen

    Smart system for maintaining aquascape environment using internet of things based light and temperature controller

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    The purpose of this research is to create a smart system based on internet of things (IoT) application for a plant aquarium. This smart system helps users to maintain the environment's parameters of the plant aquarium. In this study, the parameters to be controlled by the system are light intensity and temperature. The hardware used to develop this system is the ESP32 as the microcontroller, BH1750FVI as the light sensor, high power led (HPL) light-emitting diodes (LED) lamp as the light source, DS18B20 as temperature sensor, the heater, and the 220 VAC fan that is used to raise and lower the temperature. In this study also developed an application that is used by the user to provide input to the system. The developed application is then installed on the user's smartphone and used to connect the user to the system via the internet. The ease of adding and removing devices used on the system is a capability that is also being developed in this smart system. The developed system can produce light intensity with accuracy rate of 96% and always manage to keep the temperature within the predetermined range

    Challenges and Opportunities for Community Empowerment in The Era of Society 5.0

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    Society 5.0 is a technology-based human-centered society concept. In this case, there has been rapid technological development, including human roles being replaced by intelligent robots. Artificial intelligence will transform millions of data collected through the internet in all areas of life through Society 5.0. It is to increase human capacity in opening up opportunities for humanity. This article was qualitative research with a literature review method to assist a researcher in providing an overview of the context of or current issues. Research data sources were journals, articles, books, and other relevant references. Data collection techniques were carried out by using literature study and documentation. The data analysis technique began with accessing the data, organizing, sorting, categorizing, and classifying the collected documentation studies. Various problems arose in the Era of Society as an extraordinary challenge in preparing the existing human resources. If human resources were fulfilled, then the various opportunities for sustainable advancement of IT would be more easily felt by the community so that they could face humans to live, grow, and prosper through collaboration between machines and co-creation. Therefore, it was necessary to strengthen community empowerment through cooperation between elements, including government, non-governmental organizations, political parties, community organizations, and educational institutions, as provisions for the development process in facing the challenges of entering Society 5.0

    Challenges and Opportunities for Community Empowerment in The Era of Society 5.0

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    Society 5.0 is a technology-based human-centered society concept. In this case, there has been rapid technological development, including human roles being replaced by intelligent robots. Artificial intelligence will transform millions of data collected through the internet in all areas of life through Society 5.0. It is to increase human capacity in opening up opportunities for humanity. This article was qualitative research with a literature review method to assist a researcher in providing an overview of the context of or current issues. Research data sources were journals, articles, books, and other relevant references. Data collection techniques were carried out by using literature study and documentation. The data analysis technique began with accessing the data, organizing, sorting, categorizing, and classifying the collected documentation studies. Various problems arose in the Era of Society as an extraordinary challenge in preparing the existing human resources. If human resources were fulfilled, then the various opportunities for sustainable advancement of IT would be more easily felt by the community so that they could face humans to live, grow, and prosper through collaboration between machines and co-creation. Therefore, it was necessary to strengthen community empowerment through cooperation between elements, including government, non-governmental organizations, political parties, community organizations, and educational institutions, as provisions for the development process in facing the challenges of entering Society 5.0
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