103,702 research outputs found

    Information and communications technologies (ICT) in Higher Education teaching – a tale of gradualism rather than revolution

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    The widespread adoption of information and communications technologies (ICT) in higher education (HE) since the mid 1990s has failed to produce the radical changes in learning and teaching than many anticipated. Activity theory and Rogers’ model of the adoption of innovations provide analytic frameworks that help develop our understanding of the actual impact of ICT upon teaching practices. This paper draws on a series of large-scale surveys carried out over a 10 year period with distance education tutors at the UK Open University to explore the changing role of ICT in the work of teachers. It investigates how HE teachers in one large distance learning university have, over time, appropriated ICT applications as teaching tools, and the gradual rather than revolutionary changes that have resulted

    New technology and labour Markets: Entrants, outsourcing and matching

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    The impact of new technology (ICT) on labour markets and welfare is analyzed in a model of matching. First, ICT lowers cost and speed of market access, thus reducing frictions in matching a searching worker to an opportunity. It raises output and lowers the cost of entry for a new firm. The rise in scale of aggregate employment raises productivity. Second, since the net effect of ICT raises the probability of a successful search by workers relative to a successful search by firms, workers share of the match surplus rises. Third, it induces more learning and innovation. Fourth, ICTs allows hitherto excluded segments to access new networks. This reduces the ability of members of an existing network to extract the entire surplus from a new entrant. Finally, it encourages cumulative improvements in technology and skills. More labour-using technological progress is induced. Multiple equilibria are possible, however, due to endogenous choice of training and technology. Therefore investment in training and technology may be at less than socially optimal levels. Policy implications follow.outsourcing, distance labour, matching, technology, multiple equilibria

    Skills, Usage and Perception of ICT and Their Impact on E-Learning in an Open and Distance Learning Institution

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    Open and distance learning (ODL) institutions have long recognized the need for their learners to participate in education programmes through a flexible delivery of instructions. One of the key elements of a flexible delivery mode is the use of information and communications technology (ICT). However, the potential of ICT will only be fully realized if learners have the ability and capacity to use them, and at the same time possess a positive attitude towards learning with ICT. This study aims to determine not only learners’ skills and use of ICT but also their perception towards the use of ICT in learning and their views on opportunities that can be enhanced by ICT. The research instrument used in the study is a questionnaire adapted from the SPOT-PLUS Project, 2004, conducted by the Directorate General for Education and Culture of the European Commission (ECEC) in 2004 (http://www.spotplus.odl.org/ questionnaire). A random sample of 482 undergraduate learners was asked to rate themselves in terms of their own ability to use four well-known software applications, followed by how frequent they use three ICT tools. Another section teased out learners’ attitudes towards the use of ICT in learning and finally, learners were asked to rate areas where they believed ICT could add value. The overall results indicate that OUM learners are quite skilful, as shown by the overall (restrictive and permissive) ICT skills index of 3.5 out of 4.0 and a medium usage level of ICT tools. To learners, traditional face-to-face methods are still desirable, even though they prefer the use of ICT in learning. An important result derived from this study was that ICT skills index and perception are two significant factors that have an impact on the odds of using e-learning. Towards this end, OUM continuously monitors learners’ use of ICT and e-learning to ensure that real learning takes place so that its graduates are adequately equipped to compete in today’s technology-driven and information-rich work environment. (Authors' abstract

    Resilience and the switch to distance learning:how the secondary school girls experienced the use of information technology during the COVID19 pandemic

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    Abstract. In recent years, upper secondary education in Finland has undergone a plethora of changes that have increased the use of ICT in upper secondary education. Despite the general assumption that young people are digitally skilled, there is also a known digital divide, which at worst, will create a digital inequality. The coronavirus pandemic required a rapid response by global governments. As such, secondary education was shifted from traditional classrooms to virtual settings, which increased the use of ICT even more. Moreover, resilience has a well-established positive association with academic performance, and especially when facing adversities and overcoming them. Therefore, exploring the students’ experiences during the coronavirus pandemic through the lens of resilience was chosen. The research questions were as follows: How is ICT used in upper secondary school during distance education? How did teenage girls studying in upper secondary school experience distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic? What kind of coping strategies did the teenage girls use to overcome the challenges faced when using ICT? What kind of factors of resilience are coming up when discussing the adversities related to the use of ICT in school? This thesis used qualitative research methods. Semi-structured theme interviews were conducted to determine answers to the research questions. Coping strategies related to ICT-related challenges were categorised using Brief COPE by Carver (1997), whereas factors of resilience were analysed using the READ Scale (von Soest, Mossige, Stefansen & Hjemdal, 2010). The findings were further analysed using nexus analysis by Scollon & Scollon (2004). Based on the qualitative analysis, the teenagers adapted well to distance learning. However, they were affected by their historical bodies. Reported challenges during distance education were related to teaching, communication, technology, environment, wellbeing, and examinations. In addition, all the students interviewed were analysed to possess many factors of resilience, although at different levels. For example, variation in personal competence, social resources, and family coherence came up. Regarding coping, the students were analysed to employ different coping strategies in similar situations. Moreover, distance education had an impact on which coping strategy to use. The most common coping strategy discussed were problem-focused coping. The use of coping was affected by, for example, access to social resources

    Distance Learners’ Attitude and Use Behaviour of Electronic Information Resources: A study at Kuvempu University

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    The main focus of the study is to discover the use behaviour of electronic Information resources among students pursuing higher education through distance education mode at Kuvempu University, Shivamogga. The researcher has of data adopted survey method for collection. Questionnaires were served to the students during their contact classes of Kuvempu University. 1650 questionnaires were distributed and 1435 completely filled questionnaires were received obtaining a response rate of 87.0 %. The questionnaires were distributed among the respondents when they attended the contact classes conducted by the Kuvempu University. The findings of the study focused on the impact of ICT on implementing successful frameworks of introducing e-learning in the university educational system, creating awareness during the contact classes about the importance of Information and Communication Technologies for distance learning

    Role of online supportive environment in professional development of in-service teachers : Case of TELMAE

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    The paper provides a structured overview drawing on the results of the first four years of a country-wide activity focused on professional development of science teachers. This activity, organized by the Laboratory of Distance Education, Charles University in Prague within the framework of the State Information Policy (SIP) in Education Program, started in 2001, and it has become one of the top online learning activities in the country. The paper introduces the whole developed system of in-service teacher training on a “voluntary basis” and focuses on the TELMAE Science Teachers’ Online Supportive Environment, developed also at the Laboratory of Distance Education at Charles University. The TELMAE supportive environment incorporates several features and communication, information, monitoring and controlling tools used for management and coordination of distributed systems of online courses. The key factors of the project are discussed at the end of the paperEducation for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources ConferenceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Distance Learning In Time Of Crisis: A Case Study At The School Of Agricultural Engineering And Environment Of Universitat Politècnica De València

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    [EN] Higher education is continuously evolving to keep up with the challenges posed by the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) to education. In this sense, distance learning is booming, with an increasing number of higher education students taking advantage of the flexibility remote learning provides. The School of Agricultural Engineering and Environment (ETSIAMN) of Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) has been gradually incorporating ICT tools in its bachelor and master degrees for the last two decades. As a result, many college students and university instructors are familiar with ICT techniques. However, the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis has put distance learning in the spotlight like never before, forcing students, faculty, and staff to adapt to the new situation with hardly any preparation time. For that reason, it is convenient to analyse in depth the results and impact of the teaching and evaluation methodologies developed and applied during this critical period, as a way to detect and amend potential inefficiencies in the learning process. The specific goal of this study was to analyse the teaching period during the COVID-19 crisis in ETSIAMN, which covered the spring semester of the academic year 2019-2020. To this purpose, 114 instructors and 274 students were surveyed in July 2020, belonging to four bachelor degrees (agricultural and biological engineering; forestry engineering; food engineering; and biotechnology), and three master degrees (agricultural and biological engineering; forestry engineering, and oenology). Regarding the experimental design for the survey, three main blocks were identified: the first block corresponds to teaching methodologies, comparing students and faculty preferences for distance lecturing; the second block focuses on evaluation modalities and exam configurations; and the final block centers on the difficulties found by both students and lecturers along the adaptation process from conventional to distance teaching. Results showed that instructors and students preferred a combination of live streaming with recorded lectures, being multiple choice the favourite examination type, although many students rated first a project-based evaluation. Overall, students rejected tests with no possibilities to go back on already answered questions, and instructors mostly preferred limiting the time to complete the on-line tests. The lack of motivation was the main barrier encountered by students to achieve an effective learning. Finally, a set of counterweighting measures to improve and promote the successful implementation of distance learning in engineering colleges is proposed.Clemente Polo, G.; Garcia-Prats, A.; Lisón, P.; Rubio Michavila, C.; Ricarte Benedito, B.; Estruch-Guitart, V.; Fenollosa Ribera, ML.... (2020). Distance Learning In Time Of Crisis: A Case Study At The School Of Agricultural Engineering And Environment Of Universitat Politècnica De València. IATED Academy. 3938-3945. https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2020.0889S3938394

    ICTE and E-Learning: The Case of Private Higher Education Institutions in Morocco

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    The objective of this research is to identify the factors that influence students' attitudes towards the use of information technology and communication for education (ICTE) in their online learning activities, by using several models, specifically in private higher education in Morocco. Several models have been used to examine the determinants of students' behavioral intention to use ICT in the learning process. Some of these popular models include the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and its extension, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model (UTAUT). In this research, the methodology used is that of a structural equation model in empirical testing and validation of the different hypotheses of our model based on a sample of 400 private higher education students and with the use of software tools for this purpose. The results showed that the intent of learners to use ICT for distance learning was significantly positively influenced by perceived usefulness, ICT quality, ICT output quality, ease of use, and hedonic motivation. Contrary to our previous expectations, facilitative conditions and social influence had no influence on the intention to use. Theoretically, this research aims to contribute to an improved understanding of the determinants of ICTE adoption by learners, by proposing a model that is part of a socio-technical analysis framework. Thus, the expected impact on management objectives is important. Managers will have a good tool, easy and quick to implement, allowing them to evaluate either one or all of the to evaluate either one or all of the variables in the model. The proposed model aims to identify not only the variables operationalized for ICT in a private higher education institution, but should also provide insight into the pathway that leads to its use by learners. The model can be contextualized within Moroccan public universities, contextualized at the regional level in the kingdom, our model can also be studied in other Arab or African countries or those with similar economies. The major limitations of our research are firstly the use of a conceptual model insufficiently based on causal relationships and secondly the failure to use moderating variables (age, level of education, experience)   JEL Classification: A2 Paper type: Empirical researchThe objective of this research is to identify the factors that influence students' attitudes towards the use of information technology and communication for education (ICTE) in their online learning activities, by using several models, specifically in private higher education in Morocco. Several models have been used to examine the determinants of students' behavioral intention to use ICT in the learning process. Some of these popular models include the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and its extension, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model (UTAUT). In this research, the methodology used is that of a structural equation model in empirical testing and validation of the different hypotheses of our model based on a sample of 400 private higher education students and with the use of software tools for this purpose. The results showed that the intent of learners to use ICT for distance learning was significantly positively influenced by perceived usefulness, ICT quality, ICT output quality, ease of use, and hedonic motivation. Contrary to our previous expectations, facilitative conditions and social influence had no influence on the intention to use. Theoretically, this research aims to contribute to an improved understanding of the determinants of ICTE adoption by learners, by proposing a model that is part of a socio-technical analysis framework. Thus, the expected impact on management objectives is important. Managers will have a good tool, easy and quick to implement, allowing them to evaluate either one or all of the to evaluate either one or all of the variables in the model. The proposed model aims to identify not only the variables operationalized for ICT in a private higher education institution, but should also provide insight into the pathway that leads to its use by learners. The model can be contextualized within Moroccan public universities, contextualized at the regional level in the kingdom, our model can also be studied in other Arab or African countries or those with similar economies. The major limitations of our research are firstly the use of a conceptual model insufficiently based on causal relationships and secondly the failure to use moderating variables (age, level of education, experience)   JEL Classification: A2 Paper type: Empirical researc
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