9 research outputs found

    Let's Set Up Some Subgoals: Understanding Human-Pedagogical Agent Collaborations and Their Implications for Learning and Prompt and Feedback Compliance

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    International audienceResearch on collaborative learning between humans and virtual pedagogical agents represents a necessary extension to recent research on the conceptual, theoretical, methodological, analytical, and educational issues behind co-and socially-shared regulated learning between humans. This study presents a novel coding framework that was developed and used to describe collaborations between learners and a pedagogical agent (PA) during a subgoal setting activity with MetaTutor, an intelligent tutoring system. Learner-PA interactions were examined across two scaffolding conditions: prompt and feedback (PF), and control. Learners' compliance to follow the PA's prompts and feedback in the PF condition were also examined. Results demonstrated that learners followed the PA's prompts and feedback to help them set more appropriate subgoals for their learning session the majority of the time. Descriptive statistics revealed that when subgoals were set collaboratively between learners and the PA, they generally lead to higher proportional learning gains when compared to less collaboratively set goals. Taken together, the results provide preliminary evidence that learners are both willing to engage in and benefit from collaborative interactions with PAs when immediate, directional feedback and the opportunity to try again are provided. Implications and future directions for extending co-and socially-shared regulated learning theories to include learner-PA interactions are proposed

    Reflection-in-Action Markers for Reflection-on-Action in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Settings

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    International audienceWe describe an exploratory study on the use of markers set during a synchronous collaborative interaction (reflection-in-action) for later construction of reflection reports upon the collaboration that occurred (reflection-on-action). During two sessions, pairs of students used the Visu videoconferencing tool for synchronous interaction and marker setting (positive, negative or free) and then individual report building on the interaction (using markers or not). A quantitative descriptive analysis was conducted on the markers put in action, on their use to reflect on action and on the reflection categories of the sentences in these reports. Results show that the students (1) used the markers equally as a note-taking and reflection means during the interaction, (2) used mainly positive markers both to reflect in and on action; (3) paid more attention in identifying what worked in their interaction (conservative direction) rather than in planning on how to improve their group work (progressive direction); (4) used mainly their own markers to reflect on action, with an increase in the use of their partners' markers in the second reflection reports; (5) reflected mainly on their partner in the first reflection reports and more on themselves in the second reports to justify themselves and to express their satisfaction

    Social Metacognition in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environments: A Comparison in an Online and Face-To-Face Information Literacy Course

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    Because of the advances in technology for education, online learning has become more prominent, especially in higher education. Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) seems especially promising in allowing students to work together in ways that they have not been able to before, both face-to-face and online. Instructors use CSCL to engage students and to increase learning. CSCL requires that students regulate each other’s learning through social metacognition; this allows the group as a whole to make use of the knowledge and skills of the group as they learn. The purpose of this study was to compare the social metacognition of students in a CSCL environment for a face-to-face information literacy course and an online information literacy course. This allowed for the development of the Social Metacognitive Awareness Instrument (SMAI), which may be used by future researchers. When accounting for individual metacognitive scores, students in the face-to-face version of the course had significantly higher social metacognitive awareness scores than students in the online version of the course. This study also found that students in groups had some similarities in social metacognitive scores. A student’s metacognitive score was a significant predictor of their social metacognitive score. The results of this study indicate that more intervention may be needed for effective group work online. This also supports the research that social metacognition is an independent construct, and so social metacognition or socially-shared regulation should continue to be studied as an important factor in group work. The study also supports the research that indicates that individual metacognition can predict social metacognition. Thus, it is possible that improving individual metacognitive abilities will improve social metacognitive abilities

    Productive Failure in Virtual Language Learning for English

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    Vocabulary and syntax are challenges for English as Foreign Language (EFL) learners when they want to communicate in English. Task-based Language Teaching is commonly used in EFL teaching of vocabulary and syntax, which is a type of Direct Instruction (DI) that involves the initial use of explicit language instruction followed by a language learning activity. This study compared the efficacy for language learning of a different type of pedagogical approach, Productive Failure (PF), which delays instruction until after a language learning activity, to Direct Instruction (DI). There were three main language learning assessment areas: (a) students' declarative and procedural knowledge in the written production of the target language, (b) students' declarative and procedural knowledge in the spoken production of the target language, and (c) students' cognitive and metacognitive strategies in learning. English language education department freshmen in an Indonesian university (N=112) participated in the study by performing language learning activities in Second Life (SL), which is a 3-D virtual learning environment. They were randomly assigned to two language learning treatment groups. The PF group finished a communicative task on describing places prior to receiving explicit instruction. In contrast, the DI group watched an instructional video before completing a communicative task on describing places. This was followed by students in both groups finishing a similar communicative task in SL. Data from pre-and post-tests were analysed quantitatively, and video captures were transcribed and analysed qualitatively. The quantitative results found that PF group students performed significantly higher on the English syntax written assessment and both groups performed equally on the written vocabulary assessment. However, both groups performed equally on the spoken assessments of syntax and vocabulary. In the qualitative analysis, the PF students were found to use more self-regulated learning strategies and study tactics than DI students. The pattern of these findings is discussed in terms of previous research and theory. Overall, these findings suggest further research is warranted to investigate the use of PF language learning activities that involve the use of a virtual learning environment

    Matematički modeli za višekriterijumske procene u sistemima učenja na daljinu

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    Učenje na daljinu (eng. Distance Learning System - DLS) je sveprisutniji savremeni koncept obrazovanja. To je koncept zasnovan na tutorskom sistemu i njegovim modulima (moduli asistenta, tutora, moduli za praćenje i prepoznavanje emocija, motivacije, itd.) koji deluju u korelaciji sa povratnim informacijama iz sistema. Ova modularnost značajna je pre svega u korektivnoj ulozi, adaptivnom kapacitetu, automatizaciji i samoregulaciji DL sistema. Novi koncept DL sistema omogućio je lakše uvođenje, široku zastupljenost i veću funkcionalnost savremenih sistema za upravljanje učenjem (eng. Learning Management System - LMS). LMS sistemi koriste se za kreiranje, organizaciju, realizaciju, administraciju, verifikaciju kurseva u skladu sa obrazovnim okruženjem. Definisanje okruženja i priprema za nastavu počinje prepoznavanjem karakteristika studenata, nastavne grupe, podelom u podgrupe po orjentaciji, predznanju, predispozicijama, odnosno prepoznavanju idividualnih karakteristika, sklonosti i mogućnosti studenata. Pristupanjem kursu, tokom kursa, a posebno pri rešavanju problemskih zadataka, dolazi do nejasnoća i nerazumevanja, razvijaju se različite emocije, padovi koncentracije, motivacije, i sl. Tada DL sistem i pripadajući moduli moraju signalzirati nepravilnosti i slabosti koncepta učenja u skladu sa individualnim potrebama, a uz pomoć modula korektivnih funkcija prevazilaziti ih. Iz tog razloga vrlo je važno u startu indetifikovati validne činioce obrazovnog okruženja i karakteristike studenta. U skladu stim neophodno je grupi/pojedincu dodeliti adektavtan skupa modula DL sistemu za uspešno praćenje kursa i kvalitetne procene uspešnosti okončanja kursa. Različitost činioca koji definišu okruženje neophodno je definisati težinskim faktorom, obzorom na posledične efekte. Dakle, neophodno je izraditi matematičke modele za ocenjivanje rada studenata koji studiraju na daljinu, na osnovu ulaznih parametara sa jedne strane (opšti uspeh, uspeh iz srodnih predmeta prethodnog nivoa školovanja, motivisanost studenta za studije, i sl.), te na osnovu reakcija tokom kursa na zadate probleme i zadatke, dobijenih u cilju uspešnog savlađivanja gradiva, sa druge strane. Takođe, neophodno je izraditi matematičke modele višekriterijumskog (VK) ocenjivanja odgovarajućih platformi za DL studije sa ciljem da se odredi za date situacije odgovarajući način održavanja nastave za pojedine studente ili grupe. Prosta primena poznatih metoda VKA ponekad nije moguća, zbog same strukture metoda. Dakle, u cilju postizanja odgovarajućih rezultata, razvija se prilagođeni VK metoda za ocenjivanje za kokretni slučaj, tj. za kokretno obrazovno okruženje

    Supporting engagement in active video watching using quality nudges and visualisations

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    Learning by watching videos has been a popular method in e-learning. However, developing and maintaining constructive engagement is a crucial challenge in video-based learning (VBL). AVW-Space is an online VBL platform that enhances student engagement by providing note- taking and peer-reviewing. Previous studies with AVW-Space showed higher learning outcomes for students who write high-quality comments. Furthermore, an earlier study on AVW-Space suggested that visualising the student progress could help learners monitor and regulate their learning. Thus, this research aimed to increase engagement in AVW-Space by offering 1) personalised prompts, named Quality nudges, to encourage writing better comments and 2) visualisations of the student model to facilitate monitoring and controlling learning. I conducted a series of studies to investigate the effectiveness of Quality nudges and visualisations on the students’ engagement and learning. Firstly, I automated the assessment of comments quality using machine learning approaches. Then, I developed Quality nudges which encourage students to write better comments by triggering critical thinking and self-reflection. Next, I conducted a study in the context of presentation skills to analyse the effectiveness of the Quality nudges. The results showed that Quality nudges improved the quality of comments and increased learning consequently. After adding new visual learning analytics to AVW- Space, I investigated the effectiveness of the visualisations by conducting another study in the context of presentation skills. The results showed that the visualisations enhanced constructive engagement and learning even further. I also investigated the generalisability of nudges and visualisation for another transferable skill by making Quality nudges and visualisations customisable and conducting a study in the context of communication skills. Although the results showed that students used visualisations and nudges for communication skills differently from the participants in the study on presentation skills, findings indicated these interventions were still effective in increasing the quality of comments and enhancing constructive behaviour and learning. This research contributes to the development of intelligent learning environments which provide personalised interventions to encourage constructive commenting behaviours during video-based learning. The interventions proposed in this research can be applied to other domains which involve critical thinking and self-reflection. Another contribution of this research is providing visual learning analytics for students in VBL platforms to increase learning awareness and engagement. The nudges and visualisations proposed in this research could be applied to any other video-based learning platform that allows commenting

    Compréhension et stratégies d’exploration des documents pédagogiques illustrés

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    It is easier today to offer in one informative document many sources of information presented in different formats. Presenting various media can bring benefits in terms of learning performance, but dealing effectively with these different sources of information is complex. Therefore, offering documents guiding the learner when he is reading may be necessary to promote the construction of a qualitative mental model. Empirical studies that are conducted during this thesis endeavour to determine which formats are most effective while gradually increasing guidance within the document. Thus, four items are tested: the position of the picture relative to the text, the effect of the instructions, the text segmentation and the introduction of a guidance through a figure-ground contrast. Moreover, in order to bring new elements of reflection about how people explore an informative document and the impact of these strategies on performance, the eye movements of the learners were recorded. The results showed that changes in the format of information have an impact on the strategies of consultation of the document, including the increasing eye transitions between texts and illustrations. However, only the segmentation of the text in the form of semantic paragraphs brought benefits in terms of understandingIl est aujourd’hui plus aisé de proposer dans un même document d’apprentissage de nombreuses sources d’information présentées sous des formats différents. Si présenter plusieurs médias peut apporter des bénéfices en termes de performances d’apprentissage, traiter efficacement ces différentes sources d’information est une activité complexe. C’est pourquoi, proposer des documents guidant l’apprenant lors de sa consultation peut s’avérer nécessaire afin de favoriser la construction d’un modèle mental de qualité. Les études empiriques menées au cours de cette thèse se sont attachées à déterminer quels formats étaient les plus efficaces tout en augmentant progressivement le guidage au sein du document. Ainsi, ont été testés : la position de l’illustration par rapport au texte, l’effet de la consigne, la segmentation du texte et l’introduction d’un guidage via un contraste figure/fond. De plus, afin d’apporter de nouveaux éléments de réflexion quant à la manière dont les individus explorent un document d’apprentissage et l’impact de ces stratégies sur les performances, les mouvements oculaires des apprenants ont été enregistrés. Les résultats obtenus ont mis en évidence que les modifications du format de présentation des informations avaient un impact sur les stratégies de consultation du document notamment sur l’augmentation des transitions oculaires effectuées entre les textes et les illustrations. Cependant, seule la segmentation du texte sous forme de paragraphes sémantiques a permis d’obtenir des bénéfices en termes de compréhension