5,170 research outputs found

    E-commerce in Morocco in the era of COVID-19: Ephemeral or lasting trend

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    Assessing the adoption intention of new markets and new technologies is key to their success. Thus, it is important to identify the reasons behind individuals’ acceptance and use of a particular technology. For this, the current study aims at investigating Moroccan consumers’ behavior toward using e-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic. An empirical study has been conducted to understand the factors that influence the intention to adopt online shopping in Morocco, all while highlighting the change in behavior caused by the coronavirus. These factors include perceived risk, trust, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norm. An online questionnaire was distributed to gather data. A total of 296 answers were collected and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results revealed a positive and significant impact of subjective norms, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness on Moroccan’s intention to purchase online during the health crisis. The findings can help marketers and online business owners to grasp the motives behind Moroccan consumers’ online purchase intention in the new context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The main limitation is that most of the survey respondents have a higher education, which is not representative of the Moroccan population.   Keywords: COVID-19, E-commerce, TPB, Purchase intention, Morocco JEL Classification: 033, 055 Paper type: Empirical researchAssessing the adoption intention of new markets and new technologies is key to their success. Thus, it is important to identify the reasons behind individuals’ acceptance and use of a particular technology. For this, the current study aims at investigating Moroccan consumers’ behavior toward using e-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic. An empirical study has been conducted to understand the factors that influence the intention to adopt online shopping in Morocco, all while highlighting the change in behavior caused by the coronavirus. These factors include perceived risk, trust, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norm. An online questionnaire was distributed to gather data. A total of 296 answers were collected and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results revealed a positive and significant impact of subjective norms, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness on Moroccan’s intention to purchase online during the health crisis. The findings can help marketers and online business owners to grasp the motives behind Moroccan consumers’ online purchase intention in the new context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The main limitation is that most of the survey respondents have a higher education, which is not representative of the Moroccan population.   Keywords: COVID-19, E-commerce, TPB, Purchase intention, Morocco JEL Classification: 033, 055 Paper type: Empirical researc

    Assessing factors of behavioral intention to use Big Data Analytics (BDA) in banking and insurance sector: proposition of an integrated model

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    Banking and insurance sectors have long been largely data-driven by nature. However, with the rise in the predominance of data flooding from several sources resulting from the introduction of new customers and markets, with the help of Big Data Analytics, value can be extracted more effectively, and analysis of this type of unstructured data combined with a wide range of datasets can be used to efficiently and precisely extract commercial value. The aim of this paper is to develop a conceptual framework to explain the intention of information technology practitioners in banks and insurance companies to use Big Data Analytics by exploiting the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) joined by the Task-Technology-Fit paradigm, information quality, security, trust, and the moderating effect of managerial commitment by top management on the relationship between users’ perception and their intention to use, in order to conceptualize and test an integrated framework for analyzing and measuring attitudes toward the usage of Big Data Analytics. This paper contributes by proposing the model to assess the factors that influence users’ intention towards the use of Big Data Analytics, by asserting users’ perception towards the technology, trust factor, security and the effect of managerial commitment. Although the model we developed in this paper is conceptual and still needs to be tested empirically, it will serve as a basic framework for further research that is designed to evaluate factors affecting IT practitioners’ attitudes towards the adoption of Big Data Analytics within the finance sector.   Keywords: Big Data Analytics, TAM, TTF, Security, Trust, Managerial commitment, Bank, Insurance  JEL Classification: O32 Paper type: Theoretical ResearchLes secteurs de la banque et de l'assurance sont depuis longtemps largement axĂ©s sur les donnĂ©es par nature. Cependant, avec l'augmentation de la prĂ©dominance de l'inondation de donnĂ©es provenant de plusieurs sources rĂ©sultant de l'introduction de nouveaux clients et marchĂ©s, avec l'aide du Big Data Analytics, la valeur peut ĂŞtre obtenue plus efficacement, et l'analyse de ce type de donnĂ©es non structurĂ©es combinĂ©es Ă  un large Ă©ventail d'ensembles de donnĂ©es peut ĂŞtre utilisĂ©e pour extraire efficacement et prĂ©cisĂ©ment la valeur commerciale. L'objectif de cet article est de dĂ©velopper un cadre conceptuel pour expliquer l'intention des praticiens des technologies de l'information dans les banques et les compagnies d'assurance d'utiliser le Big Data Analytics en exploitant le Modèle d'Acceptation de la Technologie (TAM) associĂ© au paradigme AdĂ©quation Tache-Technologie, la qualitĂ© de l'information, la sĂ©curitĂ©, la confiance et l'effet modĂ©rateur de l'engagement du management sur la relation entre la perception des utilisateurs et leur intention d'utilisation, afin de conceptualiser et de tester un cadre intĂ©grĂ© pour analyser et mesurer les attitudes envers l'utilisation du Big Data Analytics. Cet article contribue en proposant un modèle pour Ă©valuer les facteurs qui influencent l'intention des utilisateurs vers l'utilisation du Big Data Analytics, en affirmant la perception des utilisateurs envers la technologie, le facteur de confiance, la sĂ©curitĂ© et l'effet de l'engagement managĂ©rial. Bien que le modèle que nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© dans cet article soit conceptuel et nĂ©cessite encore d'ĂŞtre testĂ© empiriquement, il servira de cadre de base pour des recherches ultĂ©rieures conçues pour Ă©valuer les facteurs affectant les attitudes des informaticiens envers l'adoption du Big Data Analytics dans le secteur financier.   Keywords: Big Data Analytics, TAM, TTF, Security, Trust, Managerial commitment, Bank, Insurance  JEL Classification: O32 Paper type: Theoretical Researc

    Determinants of the continuous use of E-GOV information systems and services in Morocco : Proposing an integrative model

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    The digital transformation of public administration is a strategic project that has been initiated by Morocco several years ago. It is a very ambitious project that is of great importance for the development and growth of the country. Yet, its success depends highly on the involvement and participation of citizens. However, in Morocco, there is a lack of comprehensive information regarding the adoption and usage of these solutions, as well as the e-gov satisfaction levels among citizens. This research aligns with theories of information system usage behavior in a post-adoption context and focuses on the user's perspective, emphasizing the importance of studying the peculiarities of their usage behavior in order to promote the success of the systems and solutions offered to them. After addressing the situation of e-gov services in Morocco and presenting the theoretical basis of the research, this article proposes, in its third part, an integrative model composed of a fusion between several theories with the objective to study the continuous use behavior of e-gov services and systems in Morocco. This model includes motivation and satisfaction constructs to explain usage continuance. The proposed model will be the starting point of an empirical study whose goal is to explore all the assumed relationships in the model and to analyze them

    Attitudes and Behaviors of Egyptians Towards E-Payment Services

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    Because of the increasing prevalence of e-payment services across the globe, it is vital to understand what affects how and to what extent people utilize them. A survey was distributed to students and staff at Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt. Theoretically, the TAM model, TRA model, and social norms play a role in technology adoption. Most of the survey results are found to be consistent with those of western societies. Specifically, six constructs relating to adoption and four demographic backgrounds were tested. Usage was measured by three questions. A bivariate analysis indicates all constructs, i.e., incentive, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, social influence, perceived risk, and perceived trust, are significant. Regarding demographic variables, it is also found that age, working status, education, and gender relate to e-payment usage. However, gender and perceived usefulness are most important from the multivariate analysis. Since the study was conducted in a university environment and in English, a larger, more diverse sample is recommended for further research in Egypt

    Systematic literature review on islamic bank customer adoption

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    The development of Islamic banking has been widespread in Muslim-majority and non-Muslim countries. In the process of such developments, it is known that the adoption of Islamic banking products and services is an interesting phenomenon to study. This study aims to uncover the supporting factors for adopting Islamic banking in various countries. With a systematic literature review approach to publications in databases of reputable journals, this study has recognized that the adoption process of Islamic banking can be understood through the Diffusion of Innovation theory, Theory of Planned Behaviour, and Theory of Reasoned Action, including modifications. The religiosity aspect is a factor that exerts internal influence in the adoption of Islamic banking, while the environmental support factor is an external factor that supports adoption. This study has confirmed that adoption theories have become a powerful platform for understanding the acceptance of religiously motivated products for consumers with different backgrounds of religiosity


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    The purpose of this research is to identify the factors that affect the behavioural intention to adopt digital banking among senior citizens in Malaysia. The adoption of digital banking among senior citizens is relatively low compared to the younger generation. Therefore, a survey was conducted to evaluate the factors that affect the behavioural intention to adopt digital banking among senior citizens in Malaysia. 390 questionnaires were collected from senior citizens in Malaysia's Klang Valley. Based on the data collected, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to evaluate the responses. The findings suggested that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, price value, habit, social influence, and hedonic motivation significantly influence the behavioural intention to adopt digital banking among senior citizens in Malaysia. This study's findings will allow banks, financial institutions, and policymakers to broaden their understanding of what drives the adoption of digital banking services and the obstacles that stand in the way of adopting these services. The results from this study can aid financial institutions and the banking sector in improving or enhancing these factors so that elderly banking consumers can benefit and experience the total value offered by the banking sector. The banking sector should develop digital banking services appropriately to entice senior citizens to use digital banking services. The digital banking platform should be aesthetically designed to improve senior citizens' experiences. The marketing of digital banking could be strategized based on the factors studied in this research.  Article visualizations

    E-Banking acceptance in Thailand: An emphasis on Islamic banks' customers

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    The objective of the paper is to examine the level of acceptance of E-banking services in Thailand, with a special focus on Islamic banks' customers. The study also attempts to identify the main dimensions that would contribute to the acceptance and proper usage of E-banking services by Islamic banks' customers. A survey questionnaire was distributed to 500 Islamic banks' customers in Thailand.  The survey covered the capital city of Bangkok and surrounding areas, but focused mostly on the southern part of Thailand, which is majority Muslim area. The collected data was subsequently analysed using descriptive statistics, one sample t-test, and structural equation modelling (SEM). The findings revealed that the Islamic banks' customers in Thailand have a high tendency of adopting E-banking services across-groups. Furthermore, the results showed that perceived ease of use has a significant positive impact on perceived usefulness. In addition, both perceived ease of use and usefulness have a significant positive impact on customers' adoption of E-banking services. These findings have a significant contribution to the theory, policymakers, as well as the practitioners and regulators in the banking and Islamic banking areas.

    A Short Review of the Electronic Banking System

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    The necessity of E-Banking services with the new generation’s lifestyle today is reached at different levels of technology innovations. This paper aims at directing and contributing to E-Banking by exploring and analyzing the current situation of commencement on E-Banking and its acceptance confidently. This paper presents an intensive summary review of a doctorate research by the author about E-Banking acceptance in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in which 38 studies among 110 published papers were selected on E-Banking between 2002-2016. The studies seek to draw reliable conclusions from their data to identify the influenced factors on the acceptance and adopting of E-Banking system. To analyze the capacity and results of these studies, an analysis was conducted on the most influenced factors, powerful acceptance theories employed in these studies, thesample unit, respondent size and the location of the investigation. The results showed that the factors of security, perceived ease of use and trust had the higher frequencies among the others. The most used model in these studies was TAM model with a great satisfaction results by the researchers and bank institutions. The respondents of these studies were between 44 and 3000 and the major sample unit is bank customers and the majority of studies were from Iran, which are 13 studies. It was found that other theories (UTAUT and UTAUT 2) were less attractive to researchers in their studies. Therefore, the most results are based on the outcomes of TAM models. However, there are limitations of the outcomes by this study for reviewing limited papers, someshortcomings in constructing the links between the E-Banking channels with the influenced factors and there is supremacy of the higher frequency of using TAM on the results. Further works are recommended to study security, perceived ease, and trust using (UTAUT and UTAUT 2) in the countries with large population strata.The necessity of E-Banking services with the new generation’s lifestyle today is reached at differentlevels of technology innovations. This paper aims at directing and contributing to E-Banking byexploring and analyzing the current situation of commencement on E-Banking and its acceptanceconfidently. This paper presents an intensive summary review of a doctorate research by the authorabout E-Banking acceptance in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in which 38 studies among 110published papers were selected on E-Banking between 2002-2016. The studies seek to drawreliable conclusions from their data to identify the influenced factors on the acceptance and adoptingof E-Banking system. To analyze the capacity and results of these studies, an analysis wasconducted on the most influenced factors, powerful acceptance theories employed in these studies, thesample unit, respondent size and the location of the investigation. The results showed that thefactors of security, perceived ease of use and trust had the higher frequencies among the others. Themost used model in these studies was TAM model with a great satisfaction results by theresearchers and bank institutions. The respondents of these studies were between 44 and 3000 andthe major sample unit is bank customers and the majority of studies were from Iran, which are 13studies. It was found that other theories (UTAUT and UTAUT 2) were less attractive toresearchers in their studies. Therefore, the most results are based on the outcomes of TAM models.However, there are limitations of the outcomes by this study for reviewing limited papers, someshortcomings in constructing the links between the E-Banking channels with the influenced factorsand there is supremacy of the higher frequency of using TAM on the results. Further works arerecommended to study security, perceived ease, and trust using (UTAUT and UTAUT 2) in thecountries with large population strata

    Conceptual Framework for Adoption of Islamic Banking in Nigeria: The Role of Customer Involvement

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    The purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual design to study and investigate the factors influencing the adoption of Islamic banking products and services among customers in Nigeria. The research employs the innovation diffusion theory developed by Rogers (2003) to investigate the influence of the perceived attributes of innovation (relative advantage, compatibility, complexity and perceived risk) on customers’ usage of Islamic banking products and services in Nigeria. The study also intends to integrate customer involvement in the Rogers Model and investigate its influence on the usage of Islamic banking products and service. Besides that, the study also examines the moderating effect of customer involvement on the relationship between the perceived attributes - relative advantage, compatibility, complexity and perceived risk and the adoption of Islamic banking products and services. This is due to the fact that literatures on the Islamic banking usage have investigated the influence of the customer involvement. Islamic banking advocates profit and loss sharing in contrast to interest dealing practiced by conventional banking system which formed the major separation between the two banking systems. Another important demarcation between the Islamic and conventional system of banking has been the way and manner they relate with their customers. Whereas creditor-debtor relation is prevalent in the conventional banking, Islamic banking treats its customer in more than a creditor-debtor relationship but also as a partner in business and investment. This relation therefore made the customer involvement a potential factor and hence its influence on customers’ usage of Islamic banking products and services would be investigated. It is expected that the study will help to enhance our understanding on how customer involvement may influence the adoption of Islamic banking products and services among the customers in Nigeria. It is hopeful that upon validating the framework, findings from the study will provide useful insight and especially firsthand information on the role of customer involvement. This would be useful to the providers in gaining and retaining the existing customer, and to the policy makers, regulators and other relevant stakeholders to strategize in accordance with their respective roles towards development and sustainment of the industry. Keywords: Islamic banking Products, Perceived Attributes of Innovation, Customer Involvement, Adoption, Nigeri

    Analysis of E-Banking Acceptance in Oman: The Case of Islamic Banks’ Customers

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    The main objective of this study is to examine the factors that influence the customers’ intention to adopt E-banking services in Oman across the Islamic Banking sector. This research endeavours to assess the willingness of the Islamic banks’ customers to adopt these services rather than the traditional banking methods. Accordingly, a sample of 300 Islamic banks' customers were surveyed in different districts of Oman. Afterwards, linear regression and one sample t-test were utilized in order to analyse the gathered data. The findings showed that customers have high tendency of embracing and utilizing E-banking services as opposed to the conventional services. Additionally, the results revealed that relative advantage, self-efficacy, ease of use, and facilitating conditions are the fundamental factors that impact the selection of E-banking by Islamic banks' customers in Oman. However, uncertainty had no significant effect on the intention of Islamic banks’ customers to use E-banking services. These findings would significantly contribute to the theory, and the way that Islamic banking sector would be practiced and regulated
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