187,739 research outputs found

    Alternative Approaches to the Empirical Validation of Agent-Based Models

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    This paper draws on the metaphor of a spectrum of models ranging from the most theory-driven to the most evidence-driven. The issue of concern is the practice and criteria that will be appro- priate to validation of different models. In order to address this concern, two modelling approaches are investigated in some detailed – one from each end of our metaphorical spectrum. Windrum et al. (2007) (http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/10/2/8.html) claimed strong similarities between agent based social simulation and conventional social science – specifically econometric – approaches to empirical modelling and on that basis considered how econometric validation techniques might be used in empirical social simulations more broadly. An alternative is the approach of the French school of \'companion modelling\' associated with Bousquet, Barreteau, Le Page and others which engages stakeholders in the modelling and validation process. The conventional approach is con- strained by prior theory and the French school approach by evidence. In this sense they are at opposite ends of the theory-evidence spectrum. The problems for validation identified by Windrum et al. are shown to be irrelevant to companion modelling which readily incorporate complexity due to realistically descriptive specifications of individual behaviour and social interaction. The result combines the precision of formal approaches with the richness of narrative scenarios. Companion modelling is therefore found to be practicable and to achieve what is claimed for it and this alone is a key difference from conventional social science including agent based computational economics.Social Simulation, Validation, Companion Modelling, Data Generating Mechanisms, Complexity

    Computational complexity of the landscape I

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    We study the computational complexity of the physical problem of finding vacua of string theory which agree with data, such as the cosmological constant, and show that such problems are typically NP hard. In particular, we prove that in the Bousso-Polchinski model, the problem is NP complete. We discuss the issues this raises and the possibility that, even if we were to find compelling evidence that some vacuum of string theory describes our universe, we might never be able to find that vacuum explicitly. In a companion paper, we apply this point of view to the question of how early cosmology might select a vacuum.Comment: JHEP3 Latex, 53 pp, 2 .eps figure

    Linear Precoding Based on Polynomial Expansion: Large-Scale Multi-Cell MIMO Systems

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    Large-scale MIMO systems can yield a substantial improvement in spectral efficiency for future communication systems. Due to the finer spatial resolution achieved by a huge number of antennas at the base stations, these systems have shown to be robust to inter-user interference and the use of linear precoding is asymptotically optimal. However, most precoding schemes exhibit high computational complexity as the system dimensions increase. For example, the near-optimal RZF requires the inversion of a large matrix. This motivated our companion paper, where we proposed to solve the issue in single-cell multi-user systems by approximating the matrix inverse by a truncated polynomial expansion (TPE), where the polynomial coefficients are optimized to maximize the system performance. We have shown that the proposed TPE precoding with a small number of coefficients reaches almost the performance of RZF but never exceeds it. In a realistic multi-cell scenario involving large-scale multi-user MIMO systems, the optimization of RZF precoding has thus far not been feasible. This is mainly attributed to the high complexity of the scenario and the non-linear impact of the necessary regularizing parameters. On the other hand, the scalar weights in TPE precoding give hope for possible throughput optimization. Following the same methodology as in the companion paper, we exploit random matrix theory to derive a deterministic expression for the asymptotic SINR for each user. We also provide an optimization algorithm to approximate the weights that maximize the network-wide weighted max-min fairness. The optimization weights can be used to mimic the user throughput distribution of RZF precoding. Using simulations, we compare the network throughput of the TPE precoding with that of the suboptimal RZF scheme and show that our scheme can achieve higher throughput using a TPE order of only 3

    High-speed shear driven dynamos. Part 2. Numerical analysis

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    This paper aims to numerically verify the large Reynolds number asymptotic theory of magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) flows proposed in the companion paper Deguchi (2019). To avoid any complexity associated with the chaotic nature of turbulence and flow geometry, nonlinear steady solutions of the viscous-resistive magneto-hydrodynamic equations in plane Couette flow have been utilised. Two classes of nonlinear MHD states, which convert kinematic energy to magnetic energy effectively, have been determined. The first class of nonlinear states can be obtained when a small spanwise uniform magnetic field is applied to the known hydrodynamic solution branch of the plane Couette flow. The nonlinear states are characterised by the hydrodynamic/magnetic roll-streak and the resonant layer at which strong vorticity and current sheets are observed. These flow features, and the induced strong streamwise magnetic field, are fully consistent with the vortex/Alfv\'en wave interaction theory proposed in Deguchi (2019). When the spanwise uniform magnetic field is switched off, the solutions become purely hydrodynamic. However, the second class of `self-sustained shear driven dynamos' at the zero-external magnetic field limit can be found by homotopy via the forced states subject to a spanwise uniform current field. The discovery of the dynamo states has motivated the corresponding large Reynolds number matched asymptotic analysis in Deguchi (2019). Here, the reduced equations derived by the asymptotic theory have been solved numerically. The asymptotic solution provides remarkably good predictions for the finite Reynolds number dynamo solutions

    Book Review: Unified architectural theory: Form, language, complexity, Nikos A. Salingaros

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    Unified Architectural Theory: Form, Language, Complexity is a compendium of scientific knowledge and practical insight into architectural theory and how it is taught to students. In this guide, Nikos Salingaros, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Texas, offers a succinct summary of his extensive course focusing on how to intelligently approach architectural design by aid of scientific evidence. Unified Architectural Theory seeks to establish a clear articulation of the perdurable framework behind “all of architecture” through centuries that is based on hard scientific facts rather than personal sentiments. The book contains 44 sections and is organised in two parts that respectively give an overview of the course lectures and assignments. The concise format of the sections as well as the apprehensible writing tailored to meet students’ needs make it a great companion for anyone who wants to learn

    On the complexity of optimal homotopies

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    In this article, we provide new structural results and algorithms for the Homotopy Height problem. In broad terms, this problem quantifies how much a curve on a surface needs to be stretched to sweep continuously between two positions. More precisely, given two homotopic curves Îł1\gamma_1 and Îł2\gamma_2 on a combinatorial (say, triangulated) surface, we investigate the problem of computing a homotopy between Îł1\gamma_1 and Îł2\gamma_2 where the length of the longest intermediate curve is minimized. Such optimal homotopies are relevant for a wide range of purposes, from very theoretical questions in quantitative homotopy theory to more practical applications such as similarity measures on meshes and graph searching problems. We prove that Homotopy Height is in the complexity class NP, and the corresponding exponential algorithm is the best one known for this problem. This result builds on a structural theorem on monotonicity of optimal homotopies, which is proved in a companion paper. Then we show that this problem encompasses the Homotopic Fr\'echet distance problem which we therefore also establish to be in NP, answering a question which has previously been considered in several different settings. We also provide an O(log n)-approximation algorithm for Homotopy Height on surfaces by adapting an earlier algorithm of Har-Peled, Nayyeri, Salvatipour and Sidiropoulos in the planar setting

    Algorithmic information and incompressibility of families of multidimensional networks

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    This article presents a theoretical investigation of string-based generalized representations of families of finite networks in a multidimensional space. First, we study the recursive labeling of networks with (finite) arbitrary node dimensions (or aspects), such as time instants or layers. In particular, we study these networks that are formalized in the form of multiaspect graphs. We show that, unlike classical graphs, the algorithmic information of a multidimensional network is not in general dominated by the algorithmic information of the binary sequence that determines the presence or absence of edges. This universal algorithmic approach sets limitations and conditions for irreducible information content analysis in comparing networks with a large number of dimensions, such as multilayer networks. Nevertheless, we show that there are particular cases of infinite nesting families of finite multidimensional networks with a unified recursive labeling such that each member of these families is incompressible. From these results, we study network topological properties and equivalences in irreducible information content of multidimensional networks in comparison to their isomorphic classical graph.Comment: Extended preprint version of the pape
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