40 research outputs found

    Power Production Analysis of the OE Buoy WEC for the CORES Project

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    Application profiles:interoperable friend or foe?

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    StreamOnTheFly: a Peer-to-peer network for radio stations and podCasters

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    The StreamOnTheFly network demonstrates new ways of management and personalisation technologies for audio. The architecture is based on a decentralized network of software components using automatic metadata replication in a peer-to-peer manner. The network also promotes a new common metadata schema and content exchange format. Content reuse and content exchange is made possible by StreamOnTheFly in several use cases

    Accessible lifelong learning at higher education:outcomes and lessons Learned at two different PilotSites in the EU4ALL Project

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    [EN] The EU4ALL project (IST-FP6-034778) has developed a general framework to address the needs of accessible lifelong learning at Higher Education level consisting of several standards-based interoperable components integrated into an open web service architecture aimed at supporting adapted interaction to guarantee students' accessibility needs. Its flexibility has supported the project implementation at several sites with different settings and various learning management systems. Large-scale evaluations involving hundreds of users, considering diverse disability types, and key staff roles have allowed obtaining valuable lessons with respect to "how to adopt or enhance eLearning accessibility" at university. The project was evaluated at four higher education institutions, two of the largest in Europe and two mediumsized. In this paper, we focus on describing the implementation and main conclusions at the largest project evaluation site (UNED), which was involved in the project from the beginning, and thus, in the design process, and a medium-sized university that adopted the EU4ALL approach (UPV). This implies dealing with two well-known open source learning environments (i.e. dotLRN and Sakai), and considering a wide variety of stakeholders and requirements. Thus the results of this evaluation serve to illustrate the coverage of both the approach and developments.The authors would like to thank the European Commission for the financial support of the EU4ALL project (IST-2006-034478). The work at aDeNu is also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2008-06862-C04-01/TSI “A2UN@”). Authors would also like to thank all the EU4ALL partners for their collaboration.Boticario, JG.; Rodriguez-Ascaso, A.; Santos, OC.; Raffenne, E.; Montandon, L.; Roldán Martínez, D.; Buendía García, F. (2012). Accessible lifelong learning at higher education:outcomes and lessons Learned at two different PilotSites in the EU4ALL Project. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 18(1):62-85. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/37117628518


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    International audienceMost oscillating wave energy converters without significant amounts of energy storage capacity generate significant electrical power fluctuations in the range of seconds. Because of these fluctuations, a wave farm may have a negative impact on the power quality of the local grid to which it is connected. Hence, the impact of these devices on both distribution and transmission networks needs to be well understood, before large scale wave farms can be allowed to connect to the grid. This paper details a case study on the impact of a wave farm on the distribution grid around the national wave test site of Ireland. The electrical power output of the oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converters was derived from experimental time series produced in the context of the FP7 project " CORES ". The results presented in this paper consider voltage fluctuation levels and flicker levels for a typical time series. Simulations were performed using DIgSILENT simulation tool " PowerFactory "

    Metadata schema registries in the partially Semantic Web: The CORES experience

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    The CORES metadata schemas registry is designed to enable users to discover and navigate metadata element sets. The paper reflects on some of the experiences of implementing the registry, and examines some of the issues of promoting such services in the context of a "partially Semantic Web" where metadata applications are evolving and many have not yet adopted the RDF model

    Assessment of entanglement risk to marine megafauna due to offshore renewable energy mooring systems

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    This paper defines a methodology to compare different offshore renewable energy (ORE) mooring configurations in terms of the risk of entanglement they present to marine megafauna. Currently, the entanglement of large marine animals is not explicitly considered in environmental impact studies. Recommendations need to be developed, assessing the risk of entanglement of ORE mooring configurations at the beginning of their design process. Physical parameters of the mooring system affecting the relative risk of entanglement have been identified as tension characteristics, swept volume ratio and mooring line curvature. These have been investigated further through six different mooring configurations: catenary with chains only, catenary with chains and nylon ropes, catenary with chains and polyester ropes, taut, catenary with accessory buoys, taut with accessory buoys. Results indicate that the taut configuration has the lowest relative risk of entanglement, while the highest relative risk occurs with catenary moorings with chains and nylon ropes or with catenary moorings with accessory buoys. However, the absolute risk of entanglement is found to be low, regardless of the mooring configuration. This methodology can also be applied to other mooring configurations, arrays or power cables.Scottish National Heritag