299 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Learning Styles measurement tools

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    The first time the "Learning Style" construct (Gibson, 1969) appears, it does so with a meaning that denotes how a person prefers to be presented with the information to carry out the learning. This definition has evolved over the years, while numerous tools were developed to detect each of its dimensions. This study aims to develop an updated list of tools available for the detection of different learning styles; analyzing its metric characteristics and to weigh the questionnaires according to their use, as well as to analyze the relationship between the measurement tools of the learning styles. A comprehensive bibliographic search is carried out by using different internet searching engines such as Google Scholar, Web of Science (WOS), Dialnet, Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), ScienceDirect and a bibliometric analysis performed in the period from May 21, 2015 to April 30, 2017. We present an updated list of the tools available to detect learning styles, based on the four minimum criteria postulated by Coffield, Moseley, Hall y Ecclestone (2004). We analyze the metric characteristics of the questionnaires collected by them, together with others found in our research, also considering whether or not these questionnaires are validated. While the CSI questionnaire (Allison and Hayes, 1996) is presented as the most robust, if we stick to questionnaires that would fit with the original semantics of the term "Learning Styles" (Gibson, 1969), inventories VAK/VARK (Google Scholar in any language), CHAEA (Google Scholar in Spanish) and ILS (Felder y Soloman, 1997) (Web of Science and ScienceDirect) would be the most widely used. It is concluded that the percentage weight of the questionnaires, based on their presence in literature, varies according to the search language and the search engine used.La primera vez que aparece el constructo “Estilo de Aprendizaje” (Gibson, 1969), lo hace con un significado que denota el modo en que una persona prefiere que le presenten la información para llevar a cabo el aprendizaje. Esta definición ha ido evolucionando a lo largo de los años, al mismo tiempo que se desarrollaban numerosas herramientas para detectar cada una de sus dimensiones. En este estudio se pretende elaborar un listado actualizado de herramientas disponibles para la detección de los distintos estilos de aprendizaje; analizar sus características métricas, la relación entre ellos y ponderar los cuestionarios en función de su utilización. Para ello se realiza una búsqueda bibliográfica exhaustiva en distintos buscadores como Google académico, Web of Science (WOS), Dialnet Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), ScienceDirect y un análisis bibliométrico en el periodo comprendido entre el 21 de mayo de 2015 al 30 de abril de 2017. Mostramos un listado actualizado de las herramientas disponibles para detectar los estilos de aprendizaje, basándonos en los cuatro criterios mínimos postulados por Coffield, Moseley, Hall y Ecclestone (2004). Se analizan las características métricas de los cuestionarios recogidos por ellos juntamente con otros encontrados en nuestra investigación, considerando también si dichos cuestionarios están o no validados. Mientras que, el cuestionario CSI (Allison y Hayes, 1996) se presenta como el más robusto, si nos ceñimos a los cuestionarios que encajarían con la semántica original del término “Estilos de Aprendizaje” (Gibson, 1969) los que se revelan con más presencia en diferentes motores de búsqueda serían en VAK/VARK (Google Scholar en cualquier idioma), CHAEA (Google Scholar en español) e ILS (Felder y Soloman, 1997) (Web of Science y ScienceDirect). Se concluye que la ponderación porcentual de los cuestionarios basándonos en su aparición según diferentes buscadores, varía en función de la lengua de búsqueda y el buscador utilizado

    Perancangan Ulang Identitas Visual Restoran New Shangrila

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    Restoran New Shangrila adalah salah satu restoran Tionghoa tertua di Kota Batam sejak tahun 1991 yang sampai saat ini masih diminati oleh pelanggan setia yang disegmentasikan pada ruang lingkup keluarga. Akan tetapi, seiring berjalanya waktu pelanggan setia restoran New Shangrila akan digantikan oleh generasi baru yang menginginkan sesuatu yang baru (progresif). Namun dengan kondisi restoran New Shangrila saat ini masih memegang nilai konservatif, akan menimbulkan kesadaran yang rendah dan menyulitkan generasi baru dalam mengidentifikasikan keberadaan merek sebagai restoran khas Tionghoa. Selain itu, pada identitas restoran New Shangrila tidak memiliki relevansi dengan nama merek dan pengaplikasian warna serta tipografi pada identitas merek yang terlihat tidak konsisten. Oleh karena itu, perancangan identitas visual baru restoran New Shangrila dibutuhkan sebagai solusi untuk permasalahan tersebut. Perancangan identitas tersebut dilaksanakan dengan melakukan penelitian mixed-method, serta proses perancangan desain mengikuti pendekatan Wheeler (2018) dalam bukunya berjudul Designing Brand Identity. Melalui perancangan identitas visual ditujukan agar pengaplikasian identitas New Shangrila dapat terjaga nilai kekonsistenan dan menyampaikan dengan luas nilai esensi yang terkandung kepada para khalayak di zaman sekarang

    Patterns of positive selection in seven ant genomes.

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    The evolution of ants is marked by remarkable adaptations that allowed the development of very complex social systems. To identify how ant-specific adaptations are associated with patterns of molecular evolution, we searched for signs of positive selection on amino-acid changes in proteins. We identified 24 functional categories of genes which were enriched for positively selected genes in the ant lineage. We also reanalyzed genome-wide data sets in bees and flies with the same methodology to check whether positive selection was specific to ants or also present in other insects. Notably, genes implicated in immunity were enriched for positively selected genes in the three lineages, ruling out the hypothesis that the evolution of hygienic behaviors in social insects caused a major relaxation of selective pressure on immune genes. Our scan also indicated that genes implicated in neurogenesis and olfaction started to undergo increased positive selection before the evolution of sociality in Hymenoptera. Finally, the comparison between these three lineages allowed us to pinpoint molecular evolution patterns that were specific to the ant lineage. In particular, there was ant-specific recurrent positive selection on genes with mitochondrial functions, suggesting that mitochondrial activity was improved during the evolution of this lineage. This might have been an important step toward the evolution of extreme lifespan that is a hallmark of ants

    Phylotranscriptomic insights into the diversification of endothermic Thunnus tunas

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    Birds, mammals, and certain fishes, including tunas, opahs and lamnid sharks, are endothermic, conserving internally generated, metabolic heat to maintain body or tissue temperatures above that of the environment. Bluefin tunas are commercially important fishes worldwide, and some populations are threatened. They are renowned for their endothermy, maintaining elevated temperatures of the oxidative locomotor muscle, viscera, brain and eyes, and occupying cold, productive high-latitude waters. Less cold-tolerant tunas, such as yellowfin tuna, by contrast, remain in warm-temperate to tropical waters year-round, reproducing more rapidly than most temperate bluefin tuna populations, providing resiliency in the face of large-scale industrial fisheries. Despite the importance of these traits to not only fisheries but also habitat utilization and responses to climate change, little is known of the genetic processes underlying the diversification of tunas. In collecting and analyzing sequence data across 29,556 genes, we found that parallel selection on standing genetic variation is associated with the evolution of endothermy in bluefin tunas. This includes two shared substitutions in genes encoding glycerol-3 phosphate dehydrogenase, an enzyme that contributes to thermogenesis in bumblebees and mammals, as well as four genes involved in the Krebs cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, β-oxidation, and superoxide removal. Using phylogenetic techniques, we further illustrate that the eight Thunnus species are genetically distinct, but found evidence of mitochondrial genome introgression across two species. Phylogeny-based metrics highlight conservation needs for some of these species

    Columbia Chronicle (11/13/2006)

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    Student newspaper from November 13, 2006 entitled The Columbia Chronicle. This issue is 36 pages and is listed as Volume 41, Number 11. Editor-in-Chief: Hunter Clausshttps://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle/1686/thumbnail.jp

    Algoritmos, regulação e governança: uma revisão de literatura

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    Propósito – Oferecer um mapeamento selecionado da recente produção acadêmica sobre o tema de governança e regulação algorítmica, de modo a compreender como ela se conecta com as tradições teóricas de governança e regulação. Metodologia/abordagem/design – Revisão exploratória de literatura focada na detecção de temas e marcos teóricos das publicações que definem seu campo de investigação por meio de expressões como “regulação algorítmica”, “governança algorítmica”, “governamentalidade algorítmica” e “governo por algoritmo”. Resultados – Apesar de surgirem de 2013 em diante, os artigos mapeados tendem a continuar tradições de pesquisa mais antigas que também figuram nos estudos de regulação e governança. Os temas e abordagens teóricas são variados, sendo mais comuns abordagens foucaultiana, regulatória e da teoria do ator-rede. Possivelmente em razão da novidade do campo, há uma presença maior de artigos teóricos. Originalidade/relevância do texto (opcional) – Na data de escrita esta é a primeira revisão organizada de literatura com esse recorte e mapeia uma gama de estudos estrangeiros para a língua portuguesa, servindo como ponto de partida para pessoas com interesse em adentrar o campo

    Algoritmos, regulação e governança: uma revisão de literatura

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    Purpose ”“ To offer a curated mapping of the recent academic production on the topic of algorithmic governance and regulation to understand its connection to the theoretical traditions of regulation and governance. Methodology/approach/design ”“ Exploratory literature review focusing on the detection of themes and theoretical approaches in publications that define their field of investigation through expressions such as “algorithmic regulation”, “algorithmic governance”, “algorithmic governmentality”, and “govern by algorithm”. Findings ”“ Despite their appearance from 2013 onwards, surveyed papers tend to carry on older research traditions that also appear in governance and regulation studies. Research topics and theoretical approaches vary, with Foucauldian, regulatory and actor-network approaches being the most common. Possibility due to the novelty of the field, there is a stronger presence of theoretical endeavors. Originality/value ”“ This is the first organized survey with this scope and it maps a host of foreign studies to the Portuguese language, serving as a starting point for those interested in the field.Purpose ”“ To offer a curated mapping of the recent academic production on the topic of algorithmic governance and regulation to understand its connection to the theoretical traditions of regulation and governance. Methodology/approach/design ”“ Exploratory literature review focusing on the detection of themes and theoretical approaches in publications that define their field of investigation through expressions such as “algorithmic regulation”, “algorithmic governance”, “algorithmic governmentality”, and “govern by algorithm”. Findings ”“ Despite their appearance from 2013 onwards, surveyed papers tend to carry on older research traditions that also appear in governance and regulation studies. Research topics and theoretical approaches vary, with Foucauldian, regulatory and actor-network approaches being the most common. Possibility due to the novelty of the field, there is a stronger presence of theoretical endeavors. Originality/value ”“ This is the first organized survey with this scope and it maps a host of foreign studies to the Portuguese language, serving as a starting point for those interested in the field.Propósito ”“ Oferecer um mapeamento selecionado da recente produção acadêmica sobre o tema de governança e regulação algorítmica, de modo a compreender como ela se conecta com as tradições teóricas de governança e regulação. Metodologia/abordagem/design ”“ Revisão exploratória de literatura focada na detecção de temas e marcos teóricos das publicações que definem seu campo de investigação por meio de expressões como “regulação algorítmica”, “governança algorítmica”, “governamentalidade algorítmica” e “governo por algoritmo”. Resultados ”“ Apesar de surgirem de 2013 em diante, os artigos mapeados tendem a continuar tradições de pesquisa mais antigas que também figuram nos estudos de regulação e governança. Os temas e abordagens teóricas são variados, sendo mais comuns abordagens foucaultiana, regulatória e da teoria do ator-rede. Possivelmente em razão da novidade do campo, há uma presença maior de artigos teóricos. Originalidade/relevância do texto (opcional) ”“ Na data de escrita esta é a primeira revisão organizada de literatura com esse recorte e mapeia uma gama de estudos estrangeiros para a língua portuguesa, servindo como ponto de partida para pessoas com interesse em adentrar o campo