382 research outputs found

    CBR and MBR techniques: review for an application in the emergencies domain

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    The purpose of this document is to provide an in-depth analysis of current reasoning engine practice and the integration strategies of Case Based Reasoning and Model Based Reasoning that will be used in the design and development of the RIMSAT system. RIMSAT (Remote Intelligent Management Support and Training) is a European Commission funded project designed to: a.. Provide an innovative, 'intelligent', knowledge based solution aimed at improving the quality of critical decisions b.. Enhance the competencies and responsiveness of individuals and organisations involved in highly complex, safety critical incidents - irrespective of their location. In other words, RIMSAT aims to design and implement a decision support system that using Case Base Reasoning as well as Model Base Reasoning technology is applied in the management of emergency situations. This document is part of a deliverable for RIMSAT project, and although it has been done in close contact with the requirements of the project, it provides an overview wide enough for providing a state of the art in integration strategies between CBR and MBR technologies.Postprint (published version

    A knowledge acquisition tool to assist case authoring from texts.

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    Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is a technique in Artificial Intelligence where a new problem is solved by making use of the solution to a similar past problem situation. People naturally solve problems in this way, without even thinking about it. For example, an occupational therapist (OT) that assesses the needs of a new disabled person may be reminded of a previous person in terms of their disabilities. He may or may not decide to recommend the same devices based on the outcome of an earlier (disabled) person. Case-based reasoning makes use of a collection of past problem-solving experiences thus enabling users to exploit the information of others successes and failures to solve their own problem(s). This project has developed a CBR tool to assist in matching SmartHouse technology to the needs of the elderly and people with disabilities. The tool makes suggestions of SmartHouse devices that could assist with given impairments. SmartHouse past problem-solving textual reports have been used to obtain knowledge for the CBR system. Creating a case-based reasoning system from textual sources is challenging because it requires that the text be interpreted in a meaningful way in order to create cases that are effective in problem-solving and to be able to reasonably interpret queries. Effective case retrieval and query interpretation is only possible if a domain-specific conceptual model is available and if the different meanings that a word can take can be recognised in the text. Approaches based on methods in information retrieval require large amounts of data and typically result in knowledge-poor representations. The costs become prohibitive if an expert is engaged to manually craft cases or hand tag documents for learning. Furthermore, hierarchically structured case representations are preferred to flat-structured ones for problem-solving because they allow for comparison at different levels of specificity thus resulting in more effective retrieval than flat structured cases. This project has developed SmartCAT-T, a tool that creates knowledge-rich hierarchically structured cases from semi-structured textual reports. SmartCAT-T highlights important phrases in the textual SmartHouse problem-solving reports and uses the phrases to create a conceptual model of the domain. The model then becomes a standard structure onto which each semi-structured SmartHouse report is mapped in order to obtain the correspondingly structured case. SmartCAT-T also relies on an unsupervised methodology that recognises word synonyms in text. The methodology is used to create a uniform vocabulary for the textual reports and the resulting harmonised text is used to create the standard conceptual model of the domain. The technique is also employed in query interpretation during problem solving. SmartCAT-T does not require large sets of tagged data for learning, and the concepts in the conceptual model are interpretable, allowing for expert refinement of knowledge. Evaluation results show that the created cases contain knowledge that is useful for problem solving. An improvement in results is also observed when the text and queries are harmonised. A further evaluation highlights a high potential for the techniques developed in this research to be useful in domains other than SmartHouse. All this has been implemented in the Smarter case-based reasoning system

    Case-Based Decision Support for Disaster Management

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    Disasters are characterized by severe disruptions of the society’s functionality and adverse impacts on humans, the environment, and economy that cannot be coped with by society using its own resources. This work presents a decision support method that identifies appropriate measures for protecting the public in the course of a nuclear accident. The method particularly considers the issue of uncertainty in decision-making as well as the structured integration of experience and expert knowledge

    Knowledge Extraction and Summarization for Textual Case-Based Reasoning: A Probabilistic Task Content Modeling Approach

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    Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) technique that has been successfully used for building knowledge systems for tasks/domains where different knowledge sources are easily available, particularly in the form of problem solving situations, known as cases. Cases generally display a clear distinction between different components of problem solving, for instance, components of the problem description and of the problem solution. Thus, an existing and explicit structure of cases is presumed. However, when problem solving experiences are stored in the form of textual narratives (in natural language), there is no explicit case structure, so that CBR cannot be applied directly. This thesis presents a novel approach for authoring cases from episodic textual narratives and organizing these cases in a case base structure that permits a better support for user goals. The approach is based on the following fundamental ideas: - CBR as a problem solving technique is goal-oriented and goals are realized by means of task strategies. - Tasks have an internal structure that can be represented in terms of participating events and event components. - Episodic textual narratives are not random containers of domain concept terms. Rather, the text can be considered as generated by the underlying task structure whose content they describe. The presented case base authoring process combines task knowledge with Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to perform the needed knowledge extraction and summarization

    Improving the Relevance of Cyber Incident Notification for Mission Assurance

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    Military organizations have embedded Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into their core mission processes as a means to increase operational efficiency, improve decision making quality, and shorten the kill chain. This dependence can place the mission at risk when the loss, corruption, or degradation of the confidentiality, integrity, and/or availability of a critical information resource occurs. Since the accuracy, conciseness, and timeliness of the information used in decision making processes dramatically impacts the quality of command decisions, and hence, the operational mission outcome; the recognition, quantification, and documentation of critical mission-information resource dependencies is essential for the organization to gain a true appreciation of its operational risk. This research identifies existing decision support systems and evaluates their capabilities as a means for capturing, maintaining and communicating mission-to-information resource dependency information in a timely and relevant manner to assure mission operations. This thesis answers the following research question: Which decision support technology is the best candidate for use in a cyber incident notification system to overcome limitations identified in the existing United States Air Force cyber incident notification process

    A Case-Based Reasoning Method for Locating Evidence During Digital Forensic Device Triage

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    The role of triage in digital forensics is disputed, with some practitioners questioning its reliability for identifying evidential data. Although successfully implemented in the field of medicine, triage has not established itself to the same degree in digital forensics. This article presents a novel approach to triage for digital forensics. Case-Based Reasoning Forensic Triager (CBR-FT) is a method for collecting and reusing past digital forensic investigation information in order to highlight likely evidential areas on a suspect operating system, thereby helping an investigator to decide where to search for evidence. The CBR-FT framework is discussed and the results of twenty test triage examinations are presented. CBR-FT has been shown to be a more effective method of triage when compared to a practitioner using a leading commercial application

    Case reuse in textual case-based reasoning.

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    Text reuse involves reasoning with textual solutions of previous problems to solve new similar problems. It is an integral part of textual case-based reasoning (TCBR), which applies the CBR problem-solving methodology to situations where experiences are predominantly captured in text form. Here, we explore two key research questions in the context of textual reuse: firstly what parts of a solution are reusable given a problem and secondly how might these relevant parts be reused to generate a textual solution. Reasoning with text is naturally challenging and this is particularly so with text reuse. However significant inroads towards addressing this challenge was made possible with knowledge of problem-solution alignment. This knowledge allows us to identify specific parts of a textual solution that are linked to particular problem attributes or attribute values. Accordingly, a text reuse strategy based on implicit alignment is presented to determine textual solution constructs (words or phrases) that needs adapted. This addresses the question of what to reuse in solution texts and thereby forms the first contribution of this thesis. A generic architecture, the Case Retrieval Reuse Net (CR2N), is used to formalise the reuse strategy. Functionally, this architecture annotates textual constructs in a solution as reusable with adaptation or without adaptation. Key to this annotation is the discovery of reuse evidence mined from neighbourhood characteristics. Experimental results show significant improvements over a retrieve-only system and a baseline reuse technique. We also extended CR2N so that retrieval of similar cases is informed by solutions that are easiest to adapt. This is done by retrieving the top k cases based on their problem similarity and then determining the reusability of their solutions with respect to the target problem. Results from experiments show that reuse-guided retrieval outperforms retrieval without this guidance. Although CR2N exploits implicit alignment to aid text reuse, performance can be greatly improved if there is explicit alignment. Our second contribution is a method to form explicit alignment of structured problem attributes and values to sentences in a textual solution. Thereafter, compositional and transformational approaches to text reuse are introduced to address the question of how to reuse textual solutions. The main idea in the compositional approach is to generate a textual solution by using prototypical sentences across similar authors. While the transformation approach adapts the retrieved solution text by replacing sentences aligned to mismatched problem attributes using sentences from the neighbourhood. Experiments confirm the usefulness of these approaches through strong similarity between generated text and human references. The third and final contribution of this research is the use of Machine Translation (MT) evaluation metrics for TCBR. These metrics have been shown to correlate highly with human expert evaluation. In MT research, multiple human references are typically used as opposed to a single reference or solution per test case. An introspective approach to create multiple references for evaluation is presented. This is particularly useful for CBR domains where single reference cases (or cases with a single solution per problem) typically form the casebase. For such domains we show how multiple references can be generated by exploiting the CBR similarity assumption. Results indicate that TCBR systems evaluated with these MT metrics are closer to human judgements

    Towards case-based medical learning in radiological decision making using content-based image retrieval

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Radiologists' training is based on intensive practice and can be improved with the use of diagnostic training systems. However, existing systems typically require laboriously prepared training cases and lack integration into the clinical environment with a proper learning scenario. Consequently, diagnostic training systems advancing decision-making skills are not well established in radiological education.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We investigated didactic concepts and appraised methods appropriate to the radiology domain, as follows: (i) Adult learning theories stress the importance of work-related practice gained in a team of problem-solvers; (ii) Case-based reasoning (CBR) parallels the human problem-solving process; (iii) Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) can be useful for computer-aided diagnosis (CAD). To overcome the known drawbacks of existing learning systems, we developed the concept of image-based case retrieval for radiological education (IBCR-RE). The IBCR-RE diagnostic training is embedded into a didactic framework based on the Seven Jump approach, which is well established in problem-based learning (PBL). In order to provide a learning environment that is as similar as possible to radiological practice, we have analysed the radiological workflow and environment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We mapped the IBCR-RE diagnostic training approach into the Image Retrieval in Medical Applications (IRMA) framework, resulting in the proposed concept of the IRMAdiag training application. IRMAdiag makes use of the modular structure of IRMA and comprises (i) the IRMA core, i.e., the IRMA CBIR engine; and (ii) the IRMAcon viewer. We propose embedding IRMAdiag into hospital information technology (IT) infrastructure using the standard protocols Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) and Health Level Seven (HL7). Furthermore, we present a case description and a scheme of planned evaluations to comprehensively assess the system.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The IBCR-RE paradigm incorporates a novel combination of essential aspects of diagnostic learning in radiology: (i) Provision of work-relevant experiences in a training environment integrated into the radiologist's working context; (ii) Up-to-date training cases that do not require cumbersome preparation because they are provided by routinely generated electronic medical records; (iii) Support of the way adults learn while remaining suitable for the patient- and problem-oriented nature of medicine. Future work will address unanswered questions to complete the implementation of the IRMAdiag trainer.</p

    Introspective knowledge acquisition for case retrieval networks in textual case base reasoning.

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    Textual Case Based Reasoning (TCBR) aims at effective reuse of information contained in unstructured documents. The key advantage of TCBR over traditional Information Retrieval systems is its ability to incorporate domain-specific knowledge to facilitate case comparison beyond simple keyword matching. However, substantial human intervention is needed to acquire and transform this knowledge into a form suitable for a TCBR system. In this research, we present automated approaches that exploit statistical properties of document collections to alleviate this knowledge acquisition bottleneck. We focus on two important knowledge containers: relevance knowledge, which shows relatedness of features to cases, and similarity knowledge, which captures the relatedness of features to each other. The terminology is derived from the Case Retrieval Network (CRN) retrieval architecture in TCBR, which is used as the underlying formalism in this thesis applied to text classification. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) generated concepts are a useful resource for relevance knowledge acquisition for CRNs. This thesis introduces a supervised LSI technique called sprinkling that exploits class knowledge to bias LSI's concept generation. An extension of this idea, called Adaptive Sprinkling has been proposed to handle inter-class relationships in complex domains like hierarchical (e.g. Yahoo directory) and ordinal (e.g. product ranking) classification tasks. Experimental evaluation results show the superiority of CRNs created with sprinkling and AS, not only over LSI on its own, but also over state-of-the-art classifiers like Support Vector Machines (SVM). Current statistical approaches based on feature co-occurrences can be utilized to mine similarity knowledge for CRNs. However, related words often do not co-occur in the same document, though they co-occur with similar words. We introduce an algorithm to efficiently mine such indirect associations, called higher order associations. Empirical results show that CRNs created with the acquired similarity knowledge outperform both LSI and SVM. Incorporating acquired knowledge into the CRN transforms it into a densely connected network. While improving retrieval effectiveness, this has the unintended effect of slowing down retrieval. We propose a novel retrieval formalism called the Fast Case Retrieval Network (FCRN) which eliminates redundant run-time computations to improve retrieval speed. Experimental results show FCRN's ability to scale up over high dimensional textual casebases. Finally, we investigate novel ways of visualizing and estimating complexity of textual casebases that can help explain performance differences across casebases. Visualization provides a qualitative insight into the casebase, while complexity is a quantitative measure that characterizes classification or retrieval hardness intrinsic to a dataset. We study correlations of experimental results from the proposed approaches against complexity measures over diverse casebases
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