10 research outputs found

    Checking experiments for stream X-machines

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    This article is a post-print version of the published article which may be accessed at the link below. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Stream X-machines are a state based formalism that has associated with it a particular development process in which a system is built from trusted components. Testing thus essentially checks that these components have been combined in a correct manner and that the orders in which they can occur are consistent with the specification. Importantly, there are test generation methods that return a checking experiment: a test that is guaranteed to determine correctness as long as the implementation under test (IUT) is functionally equivalent to an unknown element of a given fault domain Ψ. Previous work has show how three methods for generating checking experiments from a finite state machine (FSM) can be adapted to testing from a stream X-machine. However, there are many other methods for generating checking experiments from an FSM and these have a variety of benefits that correspond to different testing scenarios. This paper shows how any method for generating a checking experiment from an FSM can be adapted to generate a checking experiment for testing an implementation against a stream X-machine. This is the case whether we are testing to check that the IUT is functionally equivalent to a specification or we are testing to check that every trace (input/output sequence) of the IUT is also a trace of a nondeterministic specification. Interestingly, this holds even if the fault domain Ψ used is not that traditionally associated with testing from a stream X-machine. The results also apply for both deterministic and nondeterministic implementations

    Extended Finite State Machine based Test Derivation Strategies for Telecommunication Protocols

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    Parallel algorithms for generating harmonised state identifiers and characterising sets

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Many automated finite state machine (FSM) based test generation algorithms require that a characterising set (CS) or a set of harmonised state identifiers (HSIs) is first produced.The only previously published algorithms for partial FSMs were brute-force algorithms with exponential worst case time complexity. This paper presents polynomial time algorithms and also massively parallel implementations of both the polynomial time algorithms and the brute-force algorithms. In the experiments the parallel algorithms scaled better than the sequential algorithms and took much less time. Interestingly, while the parallel version of the polynomial time algorithm was fastest for most sizes of FSMs, the parallel version of the brute-force algorithm scaled better due to lower memory requirements.This work was supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under grant 1059B191400424 and by the NVIDIA corporation

    Aplicaciones de la teoría de la información y la inteligencia artificial al testing de software

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas lnformáticos y de Computación, leída el 4-05-2022Software Testing is a critical field for the software industry, as it has the main tools used to ensure the reliability of the produced software. Currently, mor then 50% of the time and resources for creating a software product are diverted to testing tasks, from unit testing to system testing. Moreover, there is a huge interest into automatising this field, as software gets bigger and the amount of required testing increases. however, software Testing is not only an industry oriented field; it is also a really interesting field with a noble goal (improving the reliability of software systems) that at the same tieme is full of problems to solve....Es Testing Software es un campo crítico para la industria del software, ya que éste contienen las principales herramientas que se usan para asegurar la fiabilidad del software producido. Hoy en día, más del 50% del tiempo y recursos necesarios para crear un producto software son dirigidos a tareas de testing, desde el testing unitario al testing a nivel de sistema. Más aún, hay un gran interés en automatizar este campo, ya que el software cada vez es más grande y la cantidad de testing requerido crece. Sin embargo, el Testing de Software no es solo un campo orientado a la industria; también es un campo muy interesante con un objetivo noble (mejorar la fiabilidad de los sistemas software) que al mismo tiempo está lleno de problemas por resolver...Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Testing and Active Learning of Resettable Finite-State Machines

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    This thesis proposes novel active-learning algorithms and testing methods for deterministic finite-state machines that (i) have a specified transition from every state on each input of the (fixed) alphabet and (ii) can be reliably reset to the initial state on request. These algorithms rely on the novel methods of construction of separating sequences. Extensive evaluation demonstrates that the described testing and learning methods are the most efficient in terms of the amount of interaction by a tester with the system under test