14 research outputs found

    Conformance relations for distributed testing based on CSP

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    Copyright @ 2011 Springer Berlin HeidelbergCSP is a well established process algebra that provides comprehensive theoretical and practical support for refinement-based design and verification of systems. Recently, a testing theory for CSP has also been presented. In this paper, we explore the problem of testing from a CSP specification when observations are made by a set of distributed testers. We build on previous work on input-output transition systems, but the use of CSP leads to significant differences, since some of its conformance (refinement) relations consider failures as well as traces. In addition, we allow events to be observed by more than one tester. We show how the CSP notions of refinement can be adapted to distributed testing. We consider two contexts: when the testers are entirely independent and when they can cooperate. Finally, we give some preliminary results on test-case generation and the use of coordination messages. Ā© 2011 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing

    Fault-based refinement-testing for CSP

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    A Suspension-Trace Semantics for CSP

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    CSP is well established as a process algebra for refinement. Most refinement relations for CSP do not differentiate between inputs and outputs, and so are unsuitable for testing. This paper provides CSP with a denotational semantics based on suspension traces; it gives the traditional CSP operators a novel view, catering for the differences between inputs and outputs. We identify healthiness conditions for the suspension-Traces model and include a treatment of termination not contemplated in the context of input-output labelled transition systems. Using our suspension-Traces semantics, we provide for CSP a characterisation of the conformance relation ioco, which is widely used in testing. Finally, we propose a strategy to mechanise the verification of conformance according to ioco and suspension-Trace refinement using CSP tools. This work provides the basis for a theory of testing for CSP with inputs and outputs, and opens up the possibility of studying algebraic laws and compositional reasoning techniques based on ioco. Ultimately, it contributes to making CSP models useful for both design and testing of systems.We thank Bill Roscoe for useful discussions. The work was carried out with the support of EPSRC hiJaC project, the CNPq (Brazil), INES, and the grants FACEPE 573964/2008-4, APQ-1037-1.03/08, CNPq 573964/2008-4, 476821/2011-8 and 249710/2013-7

    The Best of Both Worlds: Model-Driven Engineering Meets Model-Based Testing

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    We study the connection between stable-failures refinement and the ioco conformance relation. Both behavioural relations underlie methodologies that have gained traction in industry: stable-failures refinement is used in several commercial Model-Driven Engineering tool suites, whereas the ioco conformance relation is used in Model-Based Testing tools. Refinement-based Model-Driven Engineering approaches promise to generate executable code from high-level models, thus guaranteeing that the code upholds specified behavioural contracts. Manual testing, however, is still required to gain confidence that the model-to-code transformation and the execution platform do not lead to unexpected contract violations. We identify conditions under which also this last step in the design methodology can be automated using the ioco conformance relation and the associated tools

    Formal mutation testing for Circus

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    International audienceContext: The demand from industry for more dependable and scalable test-development mechanisms has fostered the use of formal models to guide the generation of tests. Despite many advancements having been obtained with state-based models, such as Finite State Machines (FSMs) and Input/Output Transition Systems (IOTSs), more advanced formalisms are required to specify large, state-rich, concurrent systems. Circus, a state-rich process algebra combining Z, CSP and a refinement calculus, is suitable for this; however, deriving tests from such models is accordingly more challenging. Recently, a testing theory has been stated for Circus, allowing the verification of process refinement based on exhaustive test sets. Objective: We investigate fault-based testing for refinement from Circus specifications using mutation. We seek the benefits of such techniques in test-set quality assertion and fault-based test-case selection. We target results relevant not only for Circus, but to any process algebra for refinement that combines CSP with a data language. Method: We present a formal definition for fault-based test sets, extending the Circus testing theory, and an extensive study of mutation operators for Circus. Using these results, we propose an approach to generate tests to kill mutants. Finally, we explain how prototype tool support can be obtained with the implementation of a mutant generator, a translator from Circus to CSP, and a refinement checker for CSP, and with

    On the whereabouts of CSP-CASL ā€“ A survey

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    CSP-CASL is but one of the many languages for which Bernd Krieg-Brueckner (BKB) had a great deal of influence throughout its development process: from the initial idea of working towards an integration of the process algebra CSP with the algebraic specification language CASL, to the design of the concrete syntax, and also to tool support for CSP-CASL, where the theorem prover Isabelle should provide the common platform. In all this, BKB provided inspiration and guidance, funding, and also a helping hand when needed. This paper provides a survey on the technology developed so far for CSP-CASL, covering results of a theoretical nature, an industrial case study, theorem proving support as well as a testing approach. In honour of BKBā€™s 60th birthday, this survey documents what has become out of one of BKBā€™s visions

    Testing robots using CSP

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    This paper presents a technique for automatic generation of tests for robotic systems based on a domain-specific notation called RoboChart. This is a UML-like diagrammatic notation that embeds a component model suitable for robotic systems, and supports the definition of behavioural models using enriched state machines that can feature time properties. The formal semantics of RoboChart is given using tockCSP, a discrete-time variant of the process algebra CSP. In this paper, we use the example of a simple drone to illustrate an approach to generate tests from RoboChart models using a mutation tool called Wodel. From mutated models, tests are generated using the CSP model checker FDR. The testing theory of CSP justifies the soundness of the tests

    A development method for deriving reusable concurrent programs from verified CSP models

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    This work proposes and demonstrates a novel method for software development that applies formal verification techniques to the design and implementation of concurrent programs. This method is supported by a new software tool, CSPIDER, which translates machine-readable Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) models into encapsulated, reusable components coded in the Go programming language. In relation to existing CSP implementation techniques, this work is only the second to implement a translator and it provides original support for some CSP language constructs and modelling approaches. The method is evaluated through three case studies: a concurrent sorting array, a trialdivision prime number generator, and a component node for the Ricart-Agrawala distributed mutual exclusion algorithm. Each of these case studies presents the formal verification of safety and functional requirements through CSP model-checking, and it is shown that CSPIDER is capable of generating reusable implementations from each model. The Ricart-Agrawala case study demonstrates the application of the method to the design of a protocol component. This method maintains full compatibility with the primary CSP verification tool. Applying the CSPIDER tool requires minimal commitment to an explicitly defined modelling style and a very small set of pre-translation annotations, but all of these measures can be instated prior to verification. The Go code that CSPIDER produces requires no intervention before it may be used as a component within a larger development. The translator provides a traceable, structured implementation of the CSP model, automatically deriving formal parameters and a channel-based client interface from its interpretation of the CSP model. Each case study demonstrates the use of the translated component within a simple test development