3,503 research outputs found

    A Holistic Approach to Functional Safety for Networked Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Functional safety is a significant concern in today's networked cyber-physical systems such as connected machines, autonomous vehicles, and intelligent environments. Simulation is a well-known methodology for the assessment of functional safety. Simulation models of networked cyber-physical systems are very heterogeneous relying on digital hardware, analog hardware, and network domains. Current functional safety assessment is mainly focused on digital hardware failures while minor attention is devoted to analog hardware and not at all to the interconnecting network. In this work we believe that in networked cyber-physical systems, the dependability must be verified not only for the nodes in isolation but also by taking into account their interaction through the communication channel. For this reason, this work proposes a holistic methodology for simulation-based safety assessment in which safety mechanisms are tested in a simulation environment reproducing the high-level behavior of digital hardware, analog hardware, and network communication. The methodology relies on three main automatic processes: 1) abstraction of analog models to transform them into system-level descriptions, 2) synthesis of network infrastructures to combine multiple cyber-physical systems, and 3) multi-domain fault injection in digital, analog, and network. Ultimately, the flow produces a homogeneous optimized description written in C++ for fast and reliable simulation which can have many applications. The focus of this thesis is performing extensive fault simulation and evaluating different functional safety metrics, \eg, fault and diagnostic coverage of all the safety mechanisms

    Constraint-driven RF test stimulus generation and built-in test

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    With the explosive growth in wireless applications, the last decade witnessed an ever-increasing test challenge for radio frequency (RF) circuits. While the design community has pushed the envelope far into the future, by expanding CMOS process to be used with high-frequency wireless devices, test methodology has not advanced at the same pace. Consequently, testing such devices has become a major bottleneck in high-volume production, further driven by the growing need for tighter quality control. RF devices undergo testing during the prototype phase and during high-volume manufacturing (HVM). The benchtop test equipment used throughout prototyping is very precise yet specialized for a subset of functionalities. HVM calls for a different kind of test paradigm that emphasizes throughput and sufficiency, during which the projected performance parameters are measured one by one for each device by automated test equipment (ATE) and compared against defined limits called specifications. The set of tests required for each product differs greatly in terms of the equipment required and the time taken to test individual devices. Together with signal integrity, precision, and repeatability concerns, the initial cost of RF ATE is prohibitively high. As more functionality and protocols are integrated into a single RF device, the required number of specifications to be tested also increases, adding to the overall cost of testing, both in terms of the initial and recurring operating costs. In addition to the cost problem, RF testing proposes another challenge when these components are integrated into package-level system solutions. In systems-on-packages (SOP), the test problems resulting from signal integrity, input/output bandwidth (IO), and limited controllability and observability have initiated a paradigm shift in high-speed analog testing, favoring alternative approaches such as built-in tests (BIT) where the test functionality is brought into the package. This scheme can make use of a low-cost external tester connected through a low-bandwidth link in order to perform demanding response evaluations, as well as make use of the analog-to-digital converters and the digital signal processors available in the package to facilitate testing. Although research on analog built-in test has demonstrated hardware solutions for single specifications, the paradigm shift calls for a rather general approach in which a single methodology can be applied across different devices, and multiple specifications can be verified through a single test hardware unit, minimizing the area overhead. Specification-based alternate test methodology provides a suitable and flexible platform for handling the challenges addressed above. In this thesis, a framework that integrates ATE and system constraints into test stimulus generation and test response extraction is presented for the efficient production testing of high-performance RF devices using specification-based alternate tests. The main components of the presented framework are as follows: Constraint-driven RF alternate test stimulus generation: An automated test stimulus generation algorithm for RF devices that are evaluated by a specification-based alternate test solution is developed. The high-level models of the test signal path define constraints in the search space of the optimized test stimulus. These models are generated in enough detail such that they inherently define limitations of the low-cost ATE and the I/O restrictions of the device under test (DUT), yet they are simple enough that the non-linear optimization problem can be solved empirically in a reasonable amount of time. Feature extractors for BIT: A methodology for the built-in testing of RF devices integrated into SOPs is developed using additional hardware components. These hardware components correlate the high-bandwidth test response to low bandwidth signatures while extracting the test-critical features of the DUT. Supervised learning is used to map these extracted features, which otherwise are too complicated to decipher by plain mathematical analysis, into the specifications under test. Defect-based alternate testing of RF circuits: A methodology for the efficient testing of RF devices with low-cost defect-based alternate tests is developed. The signature of the DUT is probabilistically compared with a class of defect-free device signatures to explore possible corners under acceptable levels of process parameter variations. Such a defect filter applies discrimination rules generated by a supervised classifier and eliminates the need for a library of possible catastrophic defects.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Chatterjee, Abhijit; Committee Member: Durgin, Greg; Committee Member: Keezer, David; Committee Member: Milor, Linda; Committee Member: Sitaraman, Sures

    Fault-based Analysis of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems

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    The fourth industrial revolution called Industry 4.0 tries to bridge the gap between traditional Electronic Design Automation (EDA) technologies and the necessity of innovating in many indus- trial fields, e.g., automotive, avionic, and manufacturing. This complex digitalization process in- volves every industrial facility and comprises the transformation of methodologies, techniques, and tools to improve the efficiency of every industrial process. The enhancement of functional safety in Industry 4.0 applications needs to exploit the studies related to model-based and data-driven anal- yses of the deployed Industrial Cyber-Physical System (ICPS). Modeling an ICPS is possible at different abstraction levels, relying on the physical details included in the model and necessary to describe specific system behaviors. However, it is extremely complicated because an ICPS is com- posed of heterogeneous components related to different physical domains, e.g., digital, electrical, and mechanical. In addition, it is also necessary to consider not only nominal behaviors but even faulty behaviors to perform more specific analyses, e.g., predictive maintenance of specific assets. Nevertheless, these faulty data are usually not present or not available directly from the industrial machinery. To overcome these limitations, constructing a virtual model of an ICPS extended with different classes of faults enables the characterization of faulty behaviors of the system influenced by different faults. In literature, these topics are addressed with non-uniformly approaches and with the absence of standardized and automatic methodologies for describing and simulating faults in the different domains composing an ICPS. This thesis attempts to overcome these state-of-the-art gaps by proposing novel methodologies, techniques, and tools to: model and simulate analog and multi-domain systems; abstract low-level models to higher-level behavioral models; and monitor industrial systems based on the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) paradigm. Specifically, the proposed contributions involve the exten- sion of state-of-the-art fault injection practices to improve the ICPSs safety, the development of frameworks for safety operations automatization, and the definition of a monitoring framework for ICPSs. Overall, fault injection in analog and digital models is the state of the practice to en- sure functional safety, as mentioned in the ISO 26262 standard specific for the automotive field. Starting from state-of-the-art defects defined for analog descriptions, new defects are proposed to enhance the IEEE P2427 draft standard for analog defect modeling and coverage. Moreover, dif- ferent techniques to abstract a transistor-level model to a behavioral model are proposed to speed up the simulation of faulty circuits. Therefore, unlike the electrical domain, there is no extensive use of fault injection techniques in the mechanical one. Thus, extending the fault injection to the mechanical and thermal fields allows for supporting the definition and evaluation of more reliable safety mechanisms. Hence, a taxonomy of mechanical faults is derived from the electrical domain by exploiting the physical analogies. Furthermore, specific tools are built for automatically instru- menting different descriptions with multi-domain faults. The entire work is proposed as a basis for supporting the creation of increasingly resilient and secure ICPS that need to preserve functional safety in any operating context

    Trojans in Early Design Steps—An Emerging Threat

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    Hardware Trojans inserted by malicious foundries during integrated circuit manufacturing have received substantial attention in recent years. In this paper, we focus on a different type of hardware Trojan threats: attacks in the early steps of design process. We show that third-party intellectual property cores and CAD tools constitute realistic attack surfaces and that even system specification can be targeted by adversaries. We discuss the devastating damage potential of such attacks, the applicable countermeasures against them and their deficiencies

    A model-based reasoning architecture for system-level fault diagnosis

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    This dissertation presents a model-based reasoning architecture with a two fold purpose: to detect and classify component faults from observable system behavior, and to generate fault propagation models so as to make a more accurate estimation of current operational risks. It incorporates a novel approach to system level diagnostics by addressing the need to reason about low-level inaccessible components from observable high-level system behavior. In the field of complex system maintenance it can be invaluable as an aid to human operators. The first step is the compilation of the database of functional descriptions and associated fault-specific features for each of the system components. The system is then analyzed to extract structural information, which, in addition to the functional database, is used to create the structural and functional models. A fault-symptom matrix is constructed from the functional model and the features database. The fault threshold levels for these symptoms are founded on the nominal baseline data. Based on the fault-symptom matrix and these thresholds, a diagnostic decision tree is formulated in order to intelligently query about the system health. For each faulty candidate, a fault propagation tree is generated from the structural model. Finally, the overall system health status report includes both the faulty components and the associated at risk components, as predicted by the fault propagation model.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Vachtsevanos, George; Committee Member: Liang, Steven; Committee Member: Michaels, Thomas; Committee Member: Vela, Patricio; Committee Member: Wardi, Yora

    The 1992 4th NASA SERC Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the fourth annual NASA Symposium on VLSI Design, co-sponsored by the IEEE, are presented. Each year this symposium is organized by the NASA Space Engineering Research Center (SERC) at the University of Idaho and is held in conjunction with a quarterly meeting of the NASA Data System Technology Working Group (DSTWG). One task of the DSTWG is to develop new electronic technologies that will meet next generation electronic data system needs. The symposium provides insights into developments in VLSI and digital systems which can be used to increase data systems performance. The NASA SERC is proud to offer, at its fourth symposium on VLSI design, presentations by an outstanding set of individuals from national laboratories, the electronics industry, and universities. These speakers share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design

    Automated Model Generation Approach Using MATLAB

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    Designing reliable cyber-physical systems overview associated to the special session at FDL’16

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    CPS, that consist of a cyber part – a computing system – and a physical part – the system in the physical environment – as well as the respective interfaces between those parts, are omnipresent in our daily lives. The application in the physical environment drives the overall requirements that must be respected when designing the computing system. Here, reliability is a core aspect where some of the most pressing design challenges are: • monitoring failures throughout the computing system, • determining the impact of failures on the application constraints, and • ensuring correctness of the computing system with respect to application-driven requirements rooted in the physical environment. This paper provides an overview of techniques discussed in the special session to tackle these challenges throughout the stack of layers of the computing system while tightly coupling the design methodology to the physical requirements.</p