383 research outputs found

    Pytanie o kryterium poprawności wykładni prawa w świetle neopragmatyzmu Stanley'a Fisha

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    „O pełnej znajomości prawa można mówić tylko wówczas, gdy zna się prawo i wytworzone przez praktykę reguły posługiwania się nim” – pisał swego czasu Marek Zirk-Sadowski. Pogląd ten wiąże się z niezwykle istotnym sporem o kryterium poprawności dokonywanej przez sędziów wykładni prawa. Zlokalizowanie takiego kryterium wydaje się być szczególnie ważne choćby ze względu na zawartą w naszym systemie prawnym konieczność realizowania zasady trójpodziału władzy, zgodnie z którą w procesie stosowania prawa nie może dochodzić do tzw. kryptoprawotwórstwa. Celem niniejszego tekstu jest zaprezentowanie wybranych koncepcji poprawności wykładni prawa oraz ich krytyka w świetle neopragmatyzmu Stanley'a Fisha, filozofa prawa oraz profesora literaturoznawstwa, którego głównym przedmiotem refleksji był problem interpretacji. Filozofia amerykańskiego neopragmatysty opiera się na dwóch koncepcjach: reader-response criticism i wspólnotach interpretacyjnych. Reader-response criticism polega na skupieniu się na afektywnym aspekcie procesu interpretacji, uznając czytelnika za kluczową instancję tego procesu; koncepcja wspólnot interpretacyjnych z kolei ma wytłumaczyć, dlaczego podmiot interpretuje w taki a nie inny sposób. Zaproponowana przez Fisha metoda pozwala uznać, że de facto jedynym możliwym kryterium poprawności wykładni są inne decyzje sędziowskie. W świetle powyższych uwag wydaje się zasadnym stwierdzenie, że podejście Fisha umożliwia pogłębienie refleksji na temat jednej z kluczowych kwestii zarówno dla praktyki jak i teorii prawniczej, tj. poprawności wykładni prawa

    Теоретико-методологічні положення тартусько-московської школи у контексті польських літературознавчих досліджень

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    Стаття присвячена польській школі літературознавчої семіотики. представлений аналіз зосереджено на критичній рецепції функціоналістської концепції літературознавчих досліджень й теорії літератури. Розвиток польських структурально-семіотичних досліджень представлено передусім як зміну предмета дослідження й реінтерпретацію методологічних положень Тартусько-московської школи.The article deals with the Polish literary semiotics school. The presented analyses are focus on the critical reception of the functionalist programme of literary research and theory of culture. The development of Polish semiotic-structural literary studies has been elucidates as a shifting the subject matter and as the revision of the methodological assumptions of Tartu-Moscow School

    Теоретико-методологічні положення Тартусько-московської школи

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    Стаття присвячена польській школі літературознавчої семіотики. представлений аналіз зосереджено на критичній рецепції функціоналістської концепції літературознавчих досліджень й теорії літератури. Розвиток польських структурально-семіотичних досліджень представлено передусім як зміну предмета дослідження й реінтерпретацію методологічних положень Тартусько-московської школи.The article deals with the Polish literary semiotics school. The presented analyses are focus on the critical reception of the functionalist programme of literary research and theory of culture. The development of Polish semiotic-structural literary studies has been elucidates as a shifting the subject matter and as the revision of the methodological assumptions of Tartu-Moscow School

    In the face of evil... On what unites and what separates "The Master and Marguerite" from "Mother Joan of the Angels

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    Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita and Iwaszkiewicz's Mother Joan of the Angels are concerned with the problem of evil. They examine its origins, presence in the world and impact on human beings. Bulgakov's novel is organized around the visit of Woland – a performer of black magic – and his company. The series of paranormal incidents reveal that Woland is Satan in disguise who has come to Moscow to expose the ugly side of human nature. It turns out that the citizens of the Soviet Union are greedy, hypocritical and vicious. However, the novel‟s main idea is that people are evil because the political system in which they live makes them behave like this. In a world without personal and spiritual freedom there cannot be a place for good, truth or beauty. Paradoxically, it is because of Woland's fancy tricks that people reveal their true colours. What the devil really attacks is not human nature but rather the conditions that make it corrupt. The Master and Margarita may thus be read as a philosophical allegory of good and evil as well as a harsh socio-political satire on the oppressive Communist régime and its spiritual emptiness. Iwaszkiewicz's Mother Joan of the Angels also touches upon the existence of evil in the world. However, the devil's impact on human beings is exposed quite differently than in Bulgakov's master-piece. Iwaszkiewicz's story is woven around the demonic possession of the nuns of the Abbey of Ludyń, and especially its abbess – Mother Joan. She is possessed by nine demons who make her do incredible things. Those demonic "performances" make father Suryn – the exorcist – came to save her. But the more he tries to free her from the power of the devil, the more she wants to be possessed by the dark forces. Mother Joan enjoys the state of demonic possession as it finally makes her famous, respected and admired. She becomes someone special – someone she always wanted to be. Therefore, the evil spirits are evoked here because the abbess invites them into her life. She finds evil attractive as it brings her personal fulfillment. In Mother Joan of the Angels evil is not a matter of a bad system but it is an integral part of human nature. Iwaszkiewicz's story presents then a rather pessimistic view of human condition, whereas in The Master and Margarita there is still a deep belief in the goodness of man

    "Nieskończona jest rola dźwigacza sensu" : o znaczeniu ruchu w twórczości Brunona Schulza

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    The word and the image - these two important aspects of Bruno Schulz's works are worth discussing. How does one influence the other? Which of them appeared as the first inspiration in the writer's mind? Schulz is not only a prose writer, but also a painter. For this reason it can be assumed that he thinks through both pictures and words. Both categories entail the sign. The sign leads us to the field of semiotics and poetics. We should look for answers on these two levels of language. A "metaphor" means a movement of sense. It can concern the past, the present and the future. Consequently, a metaphor means the complete expression. We might say that words give us the best possibility to express our thoughts and the image loses the battle with the word. The inadequacy of the word can be endorsed as well by the Peirce's theory of sign, which perceives the image as an index relating exclusively to the present. No progress may be achieved without the metaphor and movement. In Schulz's view, the image kills its object, depicting it as motionless. That is why the writer had to take a pen in his hand. Only through words could he look for the true sense

    Комунікативні стратегії в теорії літератури: автор, текст, читач: Навчальний посібник

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    Навчальний посібник призначений для студентів гуманітарних спеціальностей. Він містить огляд основних теоретико-літературних концепцій, спрямованих на розуміння літератури як комунікативної стратегії, основними елементами якої є «автор», «текст», читач», визначення основних понять, завдання для самопідготовки, список літератури й питання для самоперевірки. Посібник спрямований на поглиблення літературознавчої підготовки студентів-філологів, формування уявлень про форми й закономірності комунікативної природи літературного процесу, оволодіння практичними навичками аналізу метакритичних текстів, а також розширення загальногуманітарного світогляду

    A Glance at the Trilogy (edited by) Danuta Ulicka

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    The article contains a synthetic overview of the trilogy The Age of Theory, edited by Danuta Ulicka. It is the first comprehensive study of the achievements of Polish theoretical literary studies since its birth in the 1920s. The edition includes a multi-author monograph, organized according to “cultural themes” (as understood by Opler), to which the author of the article devotes most of her attention,and an extensive selection of texts preceded by factual introductions (two volumes of anthology) representative of the problem blocks discussed in the first part. Without questioning the content of the anthology, and especially the cognitive value of the monograph, which is based on innovative methodological assumptions and proves that modern literary theory was born in Central and Eastern Europe, and Polish works played an important role in its development, the author wishes it included the work of W. Borowy, the pioneer of intertextuality or J. Baudouin de Courtenay’s texts, which foresaw heteroglosia and minus-device.The article contains a synthetic overview of the trilogy The Age of Theory, edited by Danuta Ulicka. It is the first comprehensive study of the achievements of Polish theoretical literary studies since its birth in the 1920s. The edition includes a multi-author monograph, organized according to “cultural themes” (as understood by Opler), to which the author of the article devotes most of her attention,and an extensive selection of texts preceded by factual introductions (two volumes of anthology) representative of the problem blocks discussed in the first part. Without questioning the content of the anthology, and especially the cognitive value of the monograph, which is based on innovative methodological assumptions and proves that modern literary theory was born in Central and Eastern Europe, and Polish works played an important role in its development, the author wishes it included the work of W. Borowy, the pioneer of intertextuality or J. Baudouin de Courtenay’s texts, which foresaw heteroglosia and minus-device

    Na boku : pisarze teoretykami literatury? : pytanie o miejsce

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    Na boku - to potoczne określenie rozmaitych działań dodatkowych, czynności towarzyszących oraz wszelkich prac - nomen omen - "ubocznych". Fraza ta oznacza niemal to samo, co "na marginesie", z tą różnicą, że o ile "marginesowość" znamionuje miejsce usytuowane daleko od centrum, już poza linią graniczną, o tyle "na boku" wskazuje raczej czynności, jakie w tej peryferyjnej przestrzeni zwykły się rozgrywać

    Harmonia kakofonii, czyli co śpiewa Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia : (o dialogu kultur w polskim przekładzie "Ministerstwa Bólu" Dubravki Ugresić)

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    Translation relies on the recontextualisation and interpretation of the original text. Different cultural, linguistic and historical impacts determine the foundation of the translator’s interpretation. Translation enables cross-cultural communication as it mediates between two cultures and two semantic universes. The aim of such a dialog is to experience the understanding of different sensitivity and to learn new forms of expression as well as ways of perceiving the world. The object is to develope one’s own interpretations of reality. According to Y. Winkin communication is a confirmation of collective values and relations of the group members belonging to the same culture. This statement results in understanding translation as a new symbolic order discovery and affirmation of the existing one. The issue of interpretation and culture communication „in” and „through” the translation is discussed in the article on the basis of the Polish translation of a novel written by Dubravka Ugrešić titled The Ministry of Pain