37 research outputs found

    Temporal Prolog

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    A Temporal extension of Prolog

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    AbstractTemporal Prolog, a temporal logic extension of PROLOG, is presented. The primary criterion for the model selection has been its natural embedment into the logic programming paradigm. Under strong efficiency constraints, a first-order “reified” logic has been taken as a basis for the implementation. Allen's temporal constraint algorithm has been extended for treatment of retractable constraints. Their embedment into Temporal Prolog can be viewed as an instance of the Constraint Logic Programming paradigm. An example inspired by K. Forbus's Qualitative Process Theory illustrates how qualitative simulation and related tasks can be formulated in Temporal Prolog in a transparent and declarative way


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    Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Knowledge Representation with Multiple Logical Theories and Time

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    We present a knowledge representation framework where a collection of logic programs can be combined together by means of meta-level program composition operations. Each object-level program is composed of a collection of extended clauses, equipped with a time interval representing the time period in which they hold. The interaction between program composition operations and time yields a powerful knowledge representation language in which many applications can be naturally developed. The language is given a meta-level semantics which also provides an executable specification. Moreover, we define an abstract semantics by extending the immediate consequence operator from a single logic program to compositions of logic programs and taking into account time intervals. The operational, meta-level semantics is proven sound and complete with respect to the abstract bottom-up semantics. The approach is further extended in order to cope with the problem of reasoning over joined intervals of time. Three applications in the field of business regulations are shown

    An extension to EMTPL

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    The development of languages allowing a proper handling of time is important in many areas of computer science because the capability to deal with the notions of change and time are essential to solve their problems. In the development of EMTPL [CA99a] we focused the research work in making the languages useful in the area of databases, where some problems demand the possibility to represent and use temporal information. We achieve that goal, although we managed the negation in a way that causes the lost of some properties of the underlying logic. This logic was deeply studied and it is one of the most famous metric temporal logics [Pri67a]. The main idea of this work is to extend EMTPL by the addition of a new operator, and also grant the negation with its logic meaning.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    EMTPL and its relation to first order logic

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    Time and change are notions that seems unavoidable in some areas of work and investigation, languages that can deal with these notions are necessary. At the same time, methods for a proper time handling are quite complex, mainly because problem’s complexity and variety of solutions. Between the languages developed to cover these expectations, under a specific view of time, are [Cobo and Augusto, 1999a] EMTLP and a metric temporal logic’s fragment, bounded universal Horn formulae analyzed by Brzoska [Brzoska, 1998]. Although both of them performed metric temporal programming, they face this fact from different perspectives. In this work we are going to try a comparison between them after a short overview over each. In this first stage we present a way of representing EMTPL’s in first order logic using Brzoska’s approximation as a bridge, and we also compare some aspects of both programming languages.Eje: I - Workshop de Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Towards a unified theory of intensional logic programming

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    AbstractIntensional Logic Programming is a new form of logic programming based on intensional logic and possible worlds semantics. Intensional logic allows us to use logic programming to specify nonterminating computations and to capture the dynamic aspects of certain problems in a natural and problem-oriented style. The meanings of formulas of an intensional first-order language are given according to intensional interpretations and to elements of a set of possible worlds. Neighborhood semantics is employed as an abstract formulation of the denotations of intensional operators. Then we investigate general properties of intensional operators such as universality, monotonicity, finitariness and conjunctivity. These properties are used as constraints on intensional logic programming systems. The model-theoretic and fixpoint semantics of intensional logic programs are developed in terms of least (minimum) intensional Herbrand models. We show in particular that our results apply to a number of intensional logic programming languages such as Chronolog proposed by Wadge and Templog by Abadi and Manna. We consider some elementary extensions to the theory and show that intensional logic program clauses can be used to define new intensional operators. Intensional logic programs with intensional operator definitions are regarded as metatheories

    On the representation of temporal knowledge

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    The growing interest in an adequate modelling of time in Artificial Intelligence has given rise to the research discipline of Temporal Reasoning (TR). Due to different views, different approaches towards TR such as PL1, modal logics or Allen\u27s intervall logic have been investigated. It was realized at an early stage that each of this approaches has some strong points whereas it suffers from certain drawbacks. Thus recently, a number of research activities have emerged aiming at a combination of the classical paradigms for representing time. In the first part of this paper, we present an overview of the most important approaches to the integration of temporal knowledge into logic programming. In the second part, we present the CRONOLOG temporal logic programming language which has been developed to cover the quintessence of the approaches presented before. The third part of the paper describes TRAM, which it is an extension of CRONOLOG to a temporal knowledge representation system. Using TRAM it is possible to represent knowledge depending on time and to reason about this knowledge. TRAM has been conceptually based on a combination of modal logics with Allen\u27s interval logic. We present the Extended Modal Logics (EML) which establishes the theoretical framework for TRAM. We define an operational semantics and a horizontal compilation scheme for TRAM

    An extension to EMTPL

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    The development of languages allowing a proper handling of time is important in many areas of computer science because the capability to deal with the notions of change and time are essential to solve their problems. In the development of EMTPL [CA99a] we focused the research work in making the languages useful in the area of databases, where some problems demand the possibility to represent and use temporal information. We achieve that goal, although we managed the negation in a way that causes the lost of some properties of the underlying logic. This logic was deeply studied and it is one of the most famous metric temporal logics [Pri67a]. The main idea of this work is to extend EMTPL by the addition of a new operator, and also grant the negation with its logic meaning.Eje: Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Temporal reasoning in a logic programming language with modularity

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    Actualmente os Sistemas de Informação Organizacionais (SIO) lidam cada vez mais com informação que tem dependências temporais. Neste trabalho concebemos um ambiente de trabalho para construir e manter SIO Temporais. Este ambiente assenta sobre um linguagem lógica denominada Temporal Contextua) Logic Programming que integra modularidade com raciocínio temporal fazendo com que a utilização de um módulo dependa do tempo do contexto. Esta linguagem é a evolução de uma outra, também introduzida nesta tese, que combina Contextua) Logic Programming com Temporal Annotated Constraint Logic Programming, na qual a modularidade e o tempo são características ortogonais. Ambas as linguagens são formalmente discutidas e exemplificadas. As principais contribuições do trabalho descrito nesta tese incluem: • Optimização de Contextua) Logic Programming (CxLP) através de interpretação abstracta. • Sintaxe e semântica operacional para uma linguagem que combina de um modo independente as linguagens Temporal Annotated Constraint Logic Programming (TACLP) e CxLP. É apresentado um compilador para esta linguagem. • Linguagem (sintaxe e semântica) que integra de um modo inovador modularidade (CxLP) com raciocínio temporal (TACLP). Nesta linguagem a utilização de um dado módulo está dependente do tempo do contexto. É descrito um interpretador e um compilador para esta linguagem. • Ambiente de trabalho para construir e fazer a manutenção de SIO Temporais. Assenta sobre uma especificação revista da linguagem ISCO, adicionando classes e manipulação de dados temporais. É fornecido um compilador em que a linguagem resultante é a descrita no item anterior. ABSTRACT- Current Organisational Information Systems (OIS) deal with more and more Infor-mation that, is time dependent. In this work we provide a framework to construct and maintain Temporal OIS. This framework builds upon a logical language called Temporal Contextual. Logic Programming that deeply integrates modularity with tem-poral reasoning making the usage of a module time dependent. This language is an evolution of another one, also introduced in this thesis, that combines Contextual Logic Programming with Temporal Annotated Constraint Logic Programming where modularity and time are orthogonal features. Both languages are formally discussed and illustrated. The main contributions of the work described in this thesis include: • Optimisation of Contextual Logic Programming (CxLP) through abstract interpretation. • Syntax and operational semantics for an independent combination of the temporal framework Temporal Annotated Constraint Logic Programming (TACLP) and CxLP. A compiler for this language is also provided. • Language (syntax and semantics) that integrates in a innovative way modularity (CxLP) with temporal reasoning (TACLP). In this language the usage of a given module depends of the time of the context. An interpreter and a compiler for this language are described. • Framework to construct and maintain Temporal Organisational Information Systems. It builds upon a revised specification of the language ISCO, adding temporal classes and temporal data manipulation. A compiler targeting the language presented in the previous item is also given