143,201 research outputs found

    Egyptian Ceremony in the Virtual Temple- Avatars for Virtual Heritage

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    With Virtual Reality, students can directly interact with distant times and places, giving them greater understanding and empathy for other cultures. Egyptian religious performance and ritual were central to the culture, and monumental temples were their dramatic performance spaces. The Earth Theater at Carnegie Museum of Natural History supports the Virtual Egyptian Temple, a three-dimensional, computer-graphic simulation of a Ptolemaic Era temple. We propose to stage an important religious event from that time, the Egyptian Oracle, virtually “in” the temple at the Earth Theater and two other large-screen theaters. An expert puppeteer will control the temple virtual High Priest and lesser constructs, a live educator, and even with the audience in the role of the Egyptian public. A live puppeteer can experiment and improvise in ways no artificial intelligence can and decades of educational research show the best way to learn about a social activity is to see it and do it

    Olympiai Zeus-templom keleti oromcsoportjának rekonstrukciói = Reconstructions of the East Pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia

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    Elkészült a projekt első szakaszának (NNF 78486) eredményeit bemutató multimédiás CD-ROM (ISBN 978-963-284-196-0) Digitalizálásra került az oromcsoport mindkét korábbi, gipszből készített rekonstrukciója Drezdában. Ez utóbbi rekonstrukciók és a projekt korábbi szakaszában készült virtuális 3D rekonstrukció összehasonlításával sikerült tisztázni az eltérések okait. A virtuális 3D rekonstrukció ennek fényében helytállónak bizonyult. Az eredményeket nemzetközi fórumokon és idegennyelvű, külföldi folyóiratokban publikáltam. 2011 július 20: Nicosia, Cyprus Institute, Science and Technology in Archaeology Research Center, Scientific Seminar: ""The virtual 3D reconstruction of the east pediment of the temple of Zeus at Olympia - New technologies applied to a century-old archaeological question"". szeptember 12: Prága, XXIIIrd CIPA Symposium: “The Virtual 3D Reconstruction of the East Pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia – Presentation of an Interactive CD-ROM” november 21: Berlin, Altertumswissenschaftliches Kolloquium Institut für Klassische Archäologie der Freien Universität: „Olympia 3D – Die virtuelle Rekonstruktion des Ostgiebels” 2012. január 21: Bamberg, Tagung der AG CAA: „The Virtual 3D Reconstruction of the East Pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia” (poster) március 27: Southampton, 40th Congress of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology: „The Virtual 3D Reconstruction of the East Pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia” | The results of the previous part of the project (NNF 78486) have been published on a multimedia CD-ROM (ISBN 978-963-284-196-0) Both earlier plaster reconstructions of the pedimental group were digitized in Dresden. Comparing these models with the virtual 3D reconstruction produced during the first part of the project, the puzzling differences could be satisfactorily explained and the virtual 3D reconstruction proved to be reliable. The results were presented on international conferences and published in international periodicals. 2011 20th July: Nicosia, Cyprus Institute, Scientific Seminar: ""The virtual 3D reconstruction of the east pediment of the temple of Zeus at Olympia - New technologies applied to a century-old archaeological question"". 12th September: Prága, XXIIIrd CIPA Symposium: “The Virtual 3D Reconstruction of the East Pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia – Presentation of an Interactive CD-ROM” 21st November: Berlin, Altertumswissenschaftliches Kolloquium Institut für Klassische Archäologie der Freien Universität: „Olympia 3D – Die virtuelle Rekonstruktion des Ostgiebels” 2012. 21st January: Bamberg, Tagung der AG CAA: „The Virtual 3D Reconstruction of the East Pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia” (poster) 27th March: Southampton, 40th Congress of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology: „The Virtual 3D Reconstruction of the East Pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia


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    [EN] In this paper, according to survey damage to historic building in Meinong earthquake, five damage models for Chinese temple, the state temple of the Martial God are proposed. These temples were built during 1600s. These five damage models are separation of column from wall (M1), roof damage (M3) wall cracks (M5), surface peeling (M6), and Tilt column (M8). Taiwan free field strong earthquake network is used to analyze seismic data from three free field stations. These stations are close to the state temple of the Martial God. Due to forward directivity effect, the stations’ maximum ground acceleration amplitude is dependent of distance between epicenter and station. Modal analysis using finite element method (FEM) is used to detect weak positions of Martial God temple. Weak positions of numerical results are close to site failure positions of Martial God temple.Wang, R.; Chang, H.; Lee, M. (2016). SURVEYING DAMAGE TO HISTORIC BUILDINGS IN MEINONG EARTHQUAKE. En 8th International congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 488-491. https://doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2015.4178OCS48849


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    [EN] The digital reconstruction of the recently discovered Tuscanic temple of Uni in Marzabotto gave the chance to test the application of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) process to the combined fields of Archaeology and Engineering. In addition to the traditional historic and archaeological analysis, a new methodology in Experimental Archaeology is proposed; it proved to be original and innovative in the examination of the buried building, taking advantage of technologies focused on the architectural reliability validated by inferred digital models.Garagnani, S.; Gaucci, A.; Gruška, B. (2016). ARCHAEOBIM: AN INNOVATIVE METHOD FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF AN ETRUSCAN TEMPLE IN MARZABOTTO. En 8th International congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 314-317. https://doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2015.3539OCS31431


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    [EN] The goal of this work in progress is the virtual 3D reconstruction of one of the temples of the Ancient Ruins of Jiaohe (China). This site, considered as one of the key locations on the Silk Road, is slowly deteriorating due to erosion and human activity. One of its buildings, the Northwest Small Temple, was partially reconstructed as part of the Master plan for preservation and restoration as proposed by the UNESCO/Japan Trust Fund. Furthermore, a replica of the temple was built at the site entrance. The UNESCO master plan serves as the starting point for the 3D reconstruction, which is performed in three phases. The first phase comprises an initial 3D reconstruction of the temple based on floor plans and sections, and the placement of this reconstruction in a low-resolution 3D model of Jiaohe. The second phase consists of a field campaign at the site, in order to acquire the necessary data to complement the initial reconstruction: a high-resolution 3D model of the current state of the Northwest Small Temple, 3D models of the statues inside the replica of the temple and imagery of the murals inside the replica. After combining the data from phase one and two, a 3D model of the Northwest Small Temple, completed with textures and statues inside, will be placed on a 3D model of its surroundings. This final 3D model will then be made available to a broad audience as a virtual time machine, allowing the visitors to both experience the site as it is today, as the way it used to be at the peak of the site’s civilisation.Lonneville, B.; Vanhaeren, N.; Vandenbulcke, A.; De Wulf, A.; De Maeyer, P. (2016). BUILDING A VIRTUAL TIME MACHINE FOR THE ANCIENT RUINS OF JIAOHE. En 8th International congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 400-403. https://doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2015.3741OCS40040

    A study of unmanned mission opportunities to comets and asteroids

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    Several unmanned multiple-target mission opportunities to comets and asteroids were studied. The targets investigated include Grigg-Skjellerup, Giacobini-Zinner, Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak, Borrelly, Halley, Schaumasse, Geographos, Eros, Icarus, and Toro, and the trajectories consist of purely ballistic flight, except that powered swingbys and deep space burns are employed when necessary. Optimum solar electric rendezvous trajectories to the comets Giacobini-Zinner/85, Borrelly/87, and Temple (2)/83 and /88 employing the 8.67 kw Sert III spacecraft modified for interplanetary flight were also investigated. The problem of optimizing electric propulsion heliocentric trajectories, including the effects of geocentric launch asymptote declination on launch vehicle performance capability, was formulated, and a solution developed using variational calculus techniques. Improvements were made to the HILTOP trajectory optimization computer program. An error analysis of high-thrust maneuvers involving spin-stabilized spacecraft was developed and applied to a synchronous meteorological satellite mission

    Measurement System of Biomechanical Properties for Portable Use

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    It is difficult to evaluate a biomechanical properties quantitatively. The authors developed the measurement system of biomechanical properties formerly but it is on a large scale because of the use of personal computer. In this study, the portable measurement system of biomechanical impedance/mobility is developed. To establish a rapid measurement, a random vibration is adopted in input signal. The system consists of the measuring probe, amplifier, and a note-typed personal computer. The measurement probe is developed newly, and has an overall length of 9 ㎝ (without a handle) and a total weight of about 500 g. The measurement program is also developed and is available to any computer which is worked under MS DOS compatible in Windows 95/98 operating system. The biomechanical spectra of thigh, temple and forehead are obtained and they show three typical spectrum patterns

    The Community College of Philadelphia: Educating Teachers for a Changing World

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