459 research outputs found

    Simulation study of scaling design, performance characterization, statistical variability and reliability of decananometer MOSFETs

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    This thesis describes a comprehensive, simulation based scaling study – including device design, performance characterization, and the impact of statistical variability – on deca-nanometer bulk MOSFETs. After careful calibration of fabrication processes and electrical characteristics for n- and p-MOSFETs with 35 nm physical gate length, 1 nm EOT and stress engineering, the simulated devices closely match the performance of contemporary 45 nm CMOS technologies. Scaling to 25 nm, 18 nm and 13 nm gate length n and p devices follows generalized scaling rules, augmented by physically realistic constraints and the introduction of high-k/metal-gate stacks. The scaled devices attain the performance stipulated by the ITRS. Device a.c. performance is analyzed, at device and circuit level. Extrinsic parasitics become critical to nano-CMOS device performance. The thesis describes device capacitance components, analyzes the CMOS inverter, and obtains new insights into the inverter propagation delay in nano-CMOS. The projection of a.c. performance of scaled devices is obtained. The statistical variability of electrical characteristics, due to intrinsic parameter fluctuation sources, in contemporary and scaled decananometer MOSFETs is systematically investigated for the first time. The statistical variability sources: random discrete dopants, gate line edge roughness and poly-silicon granularity are simulated, in combination, in an ensemble of microscopically different devices. An increasing trend in the standard deviation of the threshold voltage as a function of scaling is observed. The introduction of high-k/metal gates improves electrostatic integrity and slows this trend. Statistical evaluations of variability in Ion and Ioff as a function of scaling are also performed. For the first time, the impact of strain on statistical variability is studied. Gate line edge roughness results in areas of local channel shortening, accompanied by locally increased strain, both effects increasing the local current. Variations are observed in both the drive current, and in the drive current enhancement normally expected from the application of strain. In addition, the effects of shallow trench isolation (STI) on MOSFET performance and on its statistical variability are investigated for the first time. The inverse-narrow-width effect of STI enhances the current density adjacent to it. This leads to a local enhancement of the influence of junction shapes adjacent to the STI. There is also a statistical impact on the threshold voltage due to random STI induced traps at the silicon/oxide interface

    Near-Threshold Computing

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    Valmistustekniikoiden kehittyessä IC-piireille saadaan mahtumaan yhä enemmän transistoreja. Monimutkaisemmat piirit mahdollistavat suurempien laskutoimitusmäärien suorittamisen aikayksikössä. Piirien aktiivisuuden lisääntyessä myös niiden energiankulutus lisääntyy, ja tämä puolestaan lisää piirin lämmöntuotantoa. Liiallinen lämpö rajoittaa piirien toimintaa. Tämän takia tarvitaan tekniikoita, joilla piirien energiankulutusta saadaan pienennettyä. Uudeksi tutkimuskohteeksi ovat tulleet pienet laitteet, jotka seuraavat esimerkiksi ihmiskehon toimintaa, rakennuksia tai siltoja. Tällaisten laitteiden on oltava energiankulutukseltaan pieniä, jotta ne voivat toimia pitkiä aikoja ilman akkujen lataamista. Near-Threshold Computing on tekniikka, jolla pyritään pienentämään integroitujen piirien energiankulutusta. Periaatteena on käyttää piireillä pienempää käyttöjännitettä kuin piirivalmistaja on niille alunperin suunnitellut. Tämä hidastaa ja haittaa piirin toimintaa. Jos kuitenkin laitteen toiminnassa pystyään hyväksymään huonompi laskentateho ja pienentynyt toimintavarmuus, voidaan saavuttaa säästöä energiankulutuksessa. Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan Near-Threshold Computing -tekniikkaa eri näkökulmista: aluksi perustuen kirjallisuudesta löytyviin aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin, ja myöhemmin tutkimalla Near-Threshold Computing -tekniikan soveltamista kahden tapaustutkimuksen kautta. Tapaustutkimuksissa tarkastellaan FO4-invertteriä sekä 6T SRAM -solua piirisimulaatioiden avulla. Näiden komponenttien käyttäytymisen Near-Threshold Computing –jännitteillä voidaan tulkita antavan kattavan kuvan suuresta osasta tavanomaisen IC-piirin pinta-alaa ja energiankulusta. Tapaustutkimuksissa käytetään 130 nm teknologiaa, ja niissä mallinnetaan todellisia piirivalmistusprosessin tuotteita ajamalla useita Monte Carlo -simulaatioita. Tämä valmistuskustannuksiltaan huokea teknologia yhdistettynä Near-Threshold Computing -tekniikkaan mahdollistaa matalan energiankulutuksen piirien valmistaminen järkevään hintaan. Tämän diplomityön tulokset näyttävät, että Near-Threshold Computing pienentää piirien energiankulutusta merkittävästi. Toisaalta, piirien nopeus heikkenee, ja yleisesti käytetty 6T SRAM -muistisolu muuttuu epäluotettavaksi. Pidemmät polut logiikkapiireissä sekä transistorien kasvattaminen muistisoluissa osoitetaan tehokkaiksi vastatoimiksi Near- Threshold Computing -tekniikan huonoja puolia vastaan. Tulokset antavat perusteita matalan energiankulutuksen IC-piirien suunnittelussa sille, kannattaako käyttää normaalia käyttöjännitettä, vai laskea sitä, jolloin piirin hidastuminen ja epävarmempi käyttäytyminen pitää ottaa huomioon.Siirretty Doriast

    Transistor Degradations in Very Large-Scale-Integrated CMOS Technologies

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    The historical evolution of hot carrier degradation mechanisms and their physical models are reviewed and an energy-driven hot carrier aging model is verified that can reproduce 62-nm-gate-long hot carrier degradation of transistors through consistent aging-parameter extractions for circuit simulation. A long-term hot carrier-resistant circuit design can be realized via optimal driver strength controls. The central role of the V GS ratio is emphasized during practical case studies on CMOS inverter chains and a dynamic random access memory (DRAM) word-line circuit. Negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) mechanisms are also reviewed and implemented in a hydrogen reaction-diffusion (R-D) framework. The R-D simulation reproduces time-dependent NBTI degradations interpreted into interface trap generation, Δ N it with a proper power-law dependency on time. The experimental evidence of pre-existing hydrogen-induced Si–H bond breakage is also proven by the quantifying R-D simulation. From this analysis, a low-pressure end-of-line (EOL) anneal can reduce the saturation level of NBTI degradation, which is believed to be caused by the outward diffusion of hydrogen from the gate regions and therefore prevents further breakage of Si–H bonds in the silicon-oxide interfaces

    Modeling and Simulation of Non-Classical MOSFETs for HP and LSTP Applications at 20 nm Gate Length

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    The endless miniaturization of Si-based Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) has the key for urging the electronic uprising. How-ever, scaling of the channel length is the enormous challenge to preserve the per-formance in terms of speed, power, and electrostatic integrity at each technologynodes. From the commencement of CMOS scaling, the simple planar MOSFETs are not up to the performance because of the increased SCEs and leakage cur-rent. To slacken the SCEs and leakage currents, different types of structures i.e.Multi-Gate MOSFETs like double-gate (DG), triple-gate (TG), FinFETs have in-troduced in the literature. Fully Depleted (FD) Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) devices have shown potentially significant scalability when compared to bulk MOSFETs.In spite of, the introduced structures in literature are not offering concurrent SCE repression and improved circuit implementation. And some involve tangled processing not suggested for smooth integration into the here and now CMOS technology. The scaling capability of nanoscale ultra-thin (UT) silicon directly on insula-tor (SDOI) single gate (SG) and DG MOSFETs is investigated to overcome SCEs and improve power consumption. Dependence of underlap length on drain cur-rent, Subthreshold Slope (SS), transition frequency, delay, Energy Delay Product (EDP), etc. is studied for DG MOSFET and FinFET, to find the optimum value of underlap length for low power consumption. DG MOSFET is an excellent can-didate for high current drivability whereas FinFET provides better immunity toleakage currents and hence improved delay, EDP over DG MOSFET. Furthermore,FinFET provides a high value of transition frequency which indicates that it is faster than DG MOSFET. III-V channel materials are proposed for the discussed two structures to improve the On current at the same integration density as in Si-based channel FETs. The role of geometry parameters in sub 20 nm SOI Fin-FET is studied to find the optimum value of height and width of Fin for analogand RF circuit design. This work provides the influence of the height and width of Fin disparity on different performance matrices that comprises of static as well as dynamic figures of merit (FoMs). Based on the Aspect Ratio (WF in/HF in),the device can be divided into three parts, i.e., FinFET, Tri-gate, and PlanarMOSFET.CMOS for SG and DG is made using the combination of NMOS and PMOS by engineering the work function in order to have same threshold voltage for N-channel and P-channel MOS. The inverter is without doubt the core of all digital applications. Once its operation and characteristics are understood with clarity,designing more complicated structures such as NAND gates, multipliers, adders, and microprocessors are significantly explained. The performance of CMOS is articulated. All the dimensions are according to the ITRS 2013 datasheet. Thework provided here is requisited to give the purpose for forward experimental in-vestigation

    Design of a reliability methodology: Modelling the influence of temperature on gate Oxide reliability

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    An Integrated Reliability Methodology (IRM) is presented that encompasses the changes that technology growth has brought with it and includes several new device degradation models. Each model is based on a physics of failure approach and includes on the effects of temperature. At all stages the models are verified experimentally on modern deep sub-micron devices. The research provides the foundations of a tool which gives the user the opportunity to make appropriate trade-offs between performance and reliability, and that can be implemented in the early stages of product development

    Statistical modelling of nano CMOS transistors with surface potential compact model PSP

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    The development of a statistical compact model strategy for nano-scale CMOS transistors is presented in this thesis. Statistical variability which arises from the discreteness of charge and granularity of matter plays an important role in scaling of nano CMOS transistors especially in sub 50nm technology nodes. In order to achieve reasonable performance and yield in contemporary CMOS designs, the statistical variability that affects the circuit/system performance and yield must be accurately represented by the industry standard compact models. As a starting point, predictive 3D simulation of an ensemble of 1000 microscopically different 35nm gate length transistors is carried out to characterize the impact of statistical variability on the device characteristics. PSP, an advanced surface potential compact model that is selected as the next generation industry standard compact model, is targeted in this study. There are two challenges in development of a statistical compact model strategy. The first challenge is related to the selection of a small subset of statistical compact model parameters from the large number of compact model parameters. We propose a strategy to select 7 parameters from PSP to capture the impact of statistical variability on current-voltage characteristics. These 7 parameters are used in statistical parameter extraction with an average RMS error of less than 2.5% crossing the whole operation region of the simulated transistors. Moreover, the accuracy of statistical compact model extraction strategy in reproducing the MOSFET electrical figures of merit is studied in detail. The results of the statistical compact model extraction are used for statistical circuit simulation of a CMOS inverter under different input-output conditions and different number of statistical parameters. The second challenge in the development of statistical compact model strategy is associated with statistical generation of parameters preserving the distribution and correlation of the directly extracted parameters. By using advanced statistical methods such as principal component analysis and nonlinear power method, the accuracy of parameter generation is evaluated and compared to directly extracted parameter sets. Finally, an extension of the PSP statistical compact model strategy to different channel width/length devices is presented. The statistical trends of parameters and figures of merit versus channel width/length are characterized

    Quantum Mechanical Effects on MOSFET Scaling

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    This thesis describes advanced modeling of nanoscale bulk MOSFETs incorporating critical quantum mechanical effects such as gate direct tunneling and energy quantization of carriers. An explicit expression of gate direct tunneling for thin gate oxides has been developed by solving the Schroinger equation analytically. In addition, the impact of different gate electrode as well as gate insulation materials on the gate direct tunneling is explored. This results in an analytical estimation of the potential solutions to excessive gate leakage current. The energy quantization analysis involves the derivation of a quantum mechanical charge distribution model by solving the coupled Poisson and Schroinger equations. Based on the newly developed charge distribution model, threshold voltage and subthreshold swing models are obtained. A transregional drain current model which takes into account the quantum mechanical correction on device parameters is derived. Results from this model show good agreement with numeric simulation results of both long-channel and short-channel MOSFETs.The models derived here are used to project MOSFET scaling limits. Tunneling and quantization effects cause large power dissipation, low drive current, and strong sensitivities to process variation, which greatly limit CMOS scaling. Developing new materials and structures is imminent to extend the scaling process.Ph.D.Committee Chair: James D. Meindl; Committee Member: Ian F. Akyildiz; Committee Member: Philip First; Committee Member: Russell Dupuis; Committee Member: Willianm R. Calle

    높은 전류 구동능력을 가지는 SiGe 나노시트 구조의 터널링 전계효과 트랜지스터

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    학위논문 (박사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2021. 2. 박병국.The development of very-large-scale integration (VLSI) technology has continuously demanded smaller devices to achieve high integration density for faster computing speed or higher capacity. However, in the recent complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology, simple downsizing the dimension of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) no longer guarantees the boosting performance of IC chips. In particular, static power consumption is not reduced while device size is decreasing because voltage scaling is slowed down at some point. The increased off-current due to short-channel effect (SCE) of MOSFET is a representative cause of the difficulty in voltage scaling. To overcome these fundamental limits of MOSFET, many researchers have been looking for the next generation of FET device over the last ten years. Tunnel field-effect transistor (TFET) has been intensively studied for its steep switching characteristics. Nevertheless, the poor current drivability of TFET is the most serious obstacle to become competitive device for MOSFET. In this thesis, TFET with high current drivability in which above-mentioned problem is significantly solved is proposed. Vertically-stacked SiGe nanosheet channels are used to boost carrier injection and gate control. The fabrication technique to form highly-condensed SiGe nanosheets is introduced. TFET is fabricated with MOSFET with the same structure in the CMOS-compatible process. Both technology-computer-aided-design (TCAD) simulation and experimental results are utilized to support and examine the advantages of proposed TFET. From the perspective of the single device, the improvement in switching characteristics and current drivability are quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. In addition, the device performance is compared to the benchmark of previously reported TFET and co-fabricated MOSFET. Through those processes, the feasibility of SiGe nanosheet TFET is verified. It is revealed that the proposed SiGe nanosheet TFET has notable steeper switching and low leakage in the low drive voltage as an alternative to conventional MOSFET.초고밀도 집적회로 기술의 발전은 고집적도 달성을 통해 단위 칩의 연산 속도 및 용량 향상에 기여할 소형의 소자를 끊임없이 요구하고 있다. 하지만 최신의 상보형 금속-산화막-반도체 (CMOS) 기술에서 금속-산화막-반도체 전계 효과 트랜지스터 (MOSFET) 의 단순한 소형화는 더 이상 집적회로의 성능 향상을 보장해 주지 못하고 있다. 특히 소자의 크기가 줄어드는 반면 정적 전력 소모량은 전압 스케일링의 둔화로 인해 감소되지 않고 있는 상황이다. MOSFET의 짧은 채널 효과로 인해 증가된 누설 전류가 전압 스케일링의 어려움을 주는 대표적 원인으로 꼽힌다. 이러한 근본적인 MOSFET의 한계를 극복하기 위하여 지난 10여년간 새로운 단계의 전계 효과 트랜지스터 소자들이 연구되고 있다. 그 중 터널 전계 효과 트랜지스터(TFET)은 그 특유의 우수한 전원 특성으로 각광받아 집중적으로 연구되고 있다. 많은 연구에도 불구하고, TFET의 부족한 전류 구동 능력은 MOSFET의 대체재로 자리매김하는 데 가장 큰 문제점이 되고 있다. 본 학위논문에서는 상기된 문제점을 해결할 수 있는 우수한 전류 구동 능력을 가진 TFET이 제안되었다. 반송자 유입과 게이트 컨트롤을 향상시킬 수 있는 수직 적층된 실리콘저마늄(SiGe) 나노시트 채널이 사용되었다. 또한, 제안된 TFET은 CMOS 기반 공정을 활용하여 MOSFET과 함께 제작되었다. 테크놀로지 컴퓨터 지원 설계(TCAD) 시뮬레이션과 실제 측정 결과를 활용하여 제안된 소자의 우수성을 검증하였다. 단위 CMOS 소자의 관점에서, 전원 특성과 전류 구동 능력의 향상을 정량적, 정성적 방법으로 분석하였다. 그리고, 제작된 소자의 성능을 기존 제작 및 보고된 TFET 및 함께 제작된 MOSSFET과 비교하였다. 이러한 과정을 통해, 실리콘저마늄 나노시트 TFET의 활용 가능성이 입증되었다. 제안된 실리콘저마늄 나노시트 소자는 주목할 만한 전원 특성을 가졌고 저전압 구동 환경에서 한층 더 낮은 누설 전류를 가짐으로써 향후 MOSFET을 대체할만한 충분한 가능성을 보여주었다.Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1. Power Crisis of Conventional CMOS Technology 1 1.2. Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor (TFET) 6 1.3. Feasibility and Challenges of TFET 9 1.4. Scope of Thesis 11 Chapter 2 Device Characterization 13 2.1. SiGe Nanosheet TFET 13 2.2. Device Concept 15 2.3. Calibration Procedure for TCAD simulation 17 2.4. Device Verification with TCAD simulation 21 Chapter 3 Device Fabrication 31 3.1. Fabrication Process Flow 31 3.2. Key Processes for SiGe Nanosheet TFET 33 3.2.1. Key Process 1 : SiGe Nanosheet Formation 34 3.2.2. Key Process 2 : Source/Drain Implantation 41 3.2.3. Key Process 3 : High-κ/Metal gate Formation 43 Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 53 4.1. Measurement Results 53 4.2. Analysis of Device Characteristics 56 4.2.1. Improved Factors to Performance in SiGe Nanosheet TFET 56 4.2.2. Performance Comparison with SiGe Nanosheet MOSFET 62 4.3. Performance Evaluation through Benchmarks 64 4.4. Optimization Plan for SiGe nanosheet TFET 66 4.4.1. Improvement of Quality of Gate Dielectric 66 4.4.2. Optimization of Doping Junction at Source 67 Chapter 5 Conclusion 71 Bibliography 73 Abstract in Korean 81 List of Publications 83Docto

    Fast short-circuit protection for SiC MOSFETs in extreme short-circuit conditions by integrated functions in CMOS-ASIC technology

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    Wide bandgap power transistors such as SiC MOSFETs and HEMTs GaN push furthermore the classical compromises in power electronics. Briefly, significant gains have been demonstrated: better efficiency, coupled with an increase in power densities offered by the increase in switching frequency. HV SiC MOSFETs have specific features such as a low short-circuit SC withstand time capability compared to Si IGBTs and thinner gate oxide, and a high gate-to-source switching control voltage. The negative bias on the gate at the off-state creates additional stress which reduces the reliability of the SiC MOSFET. The high positive bias on the gate causes a large drain saturation current in the event of a SC. Thus, this technology gives rise to specific needs for ultrafast monitoring and protection. For this reason, the work of this thesis focuses on two studies to overcome these constraints, with the objective of reaching a good performance compromise between “CMS/ASIC-CMOS technological integration level-speed–robustness”. The first one, gathers a set of new solutions allowing a detection of the SC on the switching cycle, based on a conventional switch control architecture with two voltage levels. The second study is more exploratory and is based on a new gate-driver architecture, called multi-level, with low stress level for the SiC MOSFET while maintaining dynamic performances. The manuscript covers firstly the SiC MOSFET environment, (characterization and properties of SC behavior by simulation using PLECS and LTSpice software) and covers secondly a bibliographical study on the Gate drivers. And last, an in-depth study was carried out on SC type I & II (hard switch fault) (Fault under Load) and their respective detection circuits. A test bench, previously carried out in the laboratory, was used to complete and validate the analysis-simulation study and to prepare test stimuli for the design stage of new solutions. Inspired by the Gate charge method that appeared for Si IGBTs and evoked for SiC MOSFETs, this method has therefore been the subject of design, dimensioning and prototyping work, as a reference. This reference allows an HSF type detection in less than 200ns under 400V with 1.2kV components ranging from 80 to 120mOhm. Regarding new rapid and integrated detection methods, the work of this thesis focuses particularly on the design of a CMOS ASIC circuit. For this, the design of an adapted gate driver is essential. An ASIC is designed in X-Fab XT-0.18 SOICMOS technology under Cadence, and then packaged and assembled on a PCB. The PCB is designed for test needs and adaptable to the main bench. The design of the gate driver considered many functions (SC detection, SSD, segmented buffer, an "AMC", ...). From the SC detection point of view, the new integrated monitoring functions concern the VGS time derivative method which is based on a detection by an RC analog shunt circuit on the plateau sequence with two approaches: the first approach is based on a dip detection, i.e. the presence or not of the Miller plateau. The second approach is based on slope detection, i.e. the variability of the input capacitance of the power transistor under SC-HSF compared to normal operation. These methods are compared in the third chapter of the thesis, and demonstrate fault detection times between 40ns and 80ns, and preliminary robustness studies and critical cases are presented. A second new method is partially integrated in the ASIC, was designed. This method is not developed in the manuscript for valorization purposes. In addition to the main study, an exploratory study has focused on a modular architecture for close control at several bias voltage levels taking advantage of SOI isolation and low voltage CMOS transistors to drive SiC MOSFETs and improve their reliability through active and dynamic multi-level selection of switching sequences and on/off states