13 research outputs found

    Utilizing cable winding and industrial robots to facilitate the manufacturing of electric machines

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    AbstractCable wound electric machines are used mainly for high voltage and direct-drive applications. They can be found in areas such as wind power, hydropower, wave power and high-voltage motors. Compared to conventional winding techniques, cable winding includes fewer manufacturing steps and is therefore likely to be better suited for automated production. Automation of the cable winding production step is a crucial task in order to lower the manufacturing costs of these machines. This article presents a production method using industrial robots for automation of cable winding of electric machine stators. The concept presented is validated through computer simulations and full-scale winding experiments, including a constructed robot-held cable feeder tool prototype. A cable wound linear stator section of an Uppsala University Wave Energy Converter and its winding process is used as a reference in this article. From this example, it is shown that considerable production cycle time and manufacturing cost savings can be anticipated compared to manual winding. The suggested automation method is very flexible. It can be used for the production of cable wound stators with different shapes and sizes, for different cable dimensions and with different winding patterns

    Älykkäät teollisuusrobotit

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    Tiivistelmä. Työssä tutustutaan teollisuusrobotteihin, ja niihin elementteihin, joiden avulla robotit saadaan toimimaan älykkäästi. Tavoitteena on ymmärtää, kuinka älykäs teollisuusrobotti toimii, ja mitä asioita sen toimintaan liittyy. Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tiivistyy perustietous älykkäistä teollisuusroboteista siten, että lukija kykenee ymmärtämään, mitä asioita hänen tulee osata ja tietää, kun tavoitteena on implementoida älykäs robotti teollisuuden sovelluskohteeseen. Työhön on koottu perustietoutta muun muassa teollisuusrobottien mekaniikasta, ohjelmoimisesta ja simuloimisesta. Tutkielmassa esitellään robotiikan tärkeimmät termit ja teollisuusrobottityypit, sekä tutustaan robottien hallitsemiseen tarvittavaan matematiikkaan, sisältäen perustietoutta manipulaattoreiden kinematiikasta, dynamiikasta ja singulariteeteista. Ohjelmointiosuudessa käydään lävitse teollisuusrobottien ohjelmointi- ja opetustapoja, sekä esitellään uusia, lähitulevaisuuden ohjelmointimetodeja. Lopuksi tutustutaan erilaisiin simulointiympäristöihin, ja pyritään ymmärtämään ROS-ympäristön tuomia hyötyjä älykkäiden robottien kehityksessä. Tavoitteena on ymmärtää, miten älykkäitä robotteja ohjelmoidaan, ja mitä asioita tulee tietää ja hallita, jotta älykäs robotti saadaan implementoitua teollisuuden sovellukseen.Intelligent industry robotics. Abstract. The purpose of this thesis was to introduce the elements, needed for making industrial robots intelligent, and provide the basic knowledge of industrial robots. The work is a literature review, explaining what basic knowledge is needed for implementing an intelligent robot for an industrial application. The scope includes the basic knowledge of mechanics, programing, mathematical modeling, and controlling the robots. The thesis introduces the fundamentals of industrial robotics, covering the different manipulator types and the basic mathematics, including the manipulator kinematics, dynamics, and singularities. At the programming section, the basics of robotic programming is discussed, covering the programming languages, teaching methods and the near future trends. At the end, the different simulation environments are explored, and the significance of ROS is recognized. The goal is to understand, how the intelligent industrial robots could be programmed and simulated, and what knowledge is needed at the implementation of intelligent industrial robots for the industrial application

    SW Tools for Creation of Complex Simulation Models of Robotic Workstations and their Basic Characteristics

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá softwarovými nástroji pro tvorbu simulačních modelů robotizovaných pracovišť. V úvodu je vytvořen přehled existujících softwarových nástrojů, které jsou dále porovnávány. Na základě informací z odborných publikací jsou popsány hlavní funkcionality těchto softwarů. Je provedena analýza četnosti výskytu jednotlivých softwarů v publikačních databázích. Dále jsou popsány nejvíce citované publikace a příklady použití jednotlivých softwarů. Poslední kapitola obsahuje přehled potřebných parametrů k vytvoření simulačního modelu robotického systému.Bachelor thesis is dealing with software tools for creation of simulation models of robotics workstations. The introduction provides an overview of existing software tools, which are further compared. Based on information from professional publications, the main functionalities of these software are described. An analysis of the frequency of occurrence of individual software in publication databases is performed. The most cited publications and examples of the use of individual software are then described. The last chapter contains an overview of the necessary parameters to create a simulation model of a robotic system.354 - Katedra robotikyvýborn

    Industrial, Collaborative and Mobile Robotics in Latin America: Review of Mechatronic Technologies for Advanced Automation

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    Mechatronics and Robotics (MaR) have recently gained importance in product development and manufacturing settings and applications. Therefore, the Center for Space Emerging Technologies (C-SET) has managed an international multi-disciplinary study to present, historically, the first Latin American general review of industrial, collaborative, and mobile robotics, with the support of North American and European researchers and institutions. The methodology is developed by considering literature extracted from Scopus, Web of Science, and Aerospace Research Central and adding reports written by companies and government organizations. This describes the state-of-the-art of MaR until the year 2023 in the 3 Sub-Regions: North America, Central America, and South America, having achieved important results related to the academy, industry, government, and entrepreneurship; thus, the statistics shown in this manuscript are unique. Also, this article explores the potential for further work and advantages described by robotic companies such as ABB, KUKA, and Mecademic and the use of the Robot Operating System (ROS) in order to promote research, development, and innovation. In addition, the integration with industry 4.0 and digital manufacturing, architecture and construction, aerospace, smart agriculture, artificial intelligence, and computational social science (human-robot interaction) is analyzed to show the promising features of these growing tech areas, considering the improvements to increase production, manufacturing, and education in the Region. Finally, regarding the information presented, Latin America is considered an important location for investments to increase production and product development, taking into account the further proposal for the creation of the LATAM Consortium for Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics, which could support and work on roboethics and education/R+D+I law and regulations in the Region. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-04-025 Full Text: PD

    Towards realizing robotic potential in future intelligent food manufacturing systems

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    This paper provides a comprehensive review of the robotic potential that is foreseen by researchers in designing future food manufacturing plant. The present day food handling and packaging setup is limited in capacity and output due to manual processing. An optimized protocol to fetch various ingredients and shape them in a final product by passing through various stages in an automated processing plant while simultaneously ensuring high quality and hygienic environment is merely possible by using robotized processing. The review also highlights the possibilities and limitations of introducing these high technology robots in the food sector. A comparison of several robots from different classes is listed with major technical parameters. However, as predicted, a food cyber-physical production system (CPPS) visualizes a closed loop system for the desired output keeping in view various constraints and risks. Human machine interface (HMI) for these machines complies with the industrial safety standards to provide a fail safe production cycle. Various new horizons in research and development of food robots are also highlighted in the upcoming industrial paradigm

    Aprendizaje de programación de robots en el sector educativo

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    El objetivo de la presente memoria es la creación de una herramienta que permita a los alumnos de ciclos de grado medio o superior de las ramas de automatización y electrónica, profundizar en el conocimiento de los principios básicos de funcionamiento de los Robots industriales, así como iniciarse en el manejo de una herramienta de programación profesional que les permita incrementar sus posibilidades de integración en el mundo profesional una vez finalizados sus estudios. Por tanto, ésta memoria se construye con el objetivo de ser un complemento a la formación académica recibida durante su formación, pero también con la posibilidad de ser integrada dentro de la programación reglada de los diferentes ciclos descritos en ésta memoria. La memoria está diseñada cómo si fuera una unidad didáctica con sus objetivos didácticos, contenidos, resultados de aprendizaje, metodología utilizada y su temporalización. Dentro de los contenidos el autor ha decidido incluir aquellos conceptos teóricos que, bajo su experiencia profesional, considera claves para la formación del estudiante, explicados siempre de una forma sencilla y lo más visual posible, apoyándonos siempre en el software profesional en cuestión, de modo que cada concepto siempre tenga una aplicación inmediata. Ésta memoria se completa con seis actividades realizadas en modalidad de “video learning”, dónde el estudiante repasará los conocimientos teóricos adquiridos y a su vez se iniciará en el manejo de una herramienta profesional de programación utilizada en el mundo de la Robótica Industrial.The main goal of this report is the creation of a tool that allows students of middle o higher degree cycles of the branches of automation and electronics increase their knowledge of the basics principles of operation of industrial robots. In addition, to start in the management of a professional programming tool that allows them to increase their possibilities of integration into the professional world. Therefore, this report is built with the aim of being a complement to the academic formation received during their training stage, but also with the possibility to be integrated into the regulated programming of the different cycles described in this report. The memory is designed like a didactic unit including objectives, contents, learning results, methodology used and scheduling. Within the contents, the author has decided to include the main theoretical concepts that under his professional experience he considers keys to the student’s training developed always in a simple and visual way. This report is completed with six activities carried out in a “video learning” mode, by which the students will be able to review the main concepts included in this report as well as take their first steps managing a professional programming tool used in the world of Industrial Robots.Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y AutomáticaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    Projeto e montagem de célula flexível de montagem com colaboração homem/robô

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    Atualmente, os mercados são bastante exigentes e procuram produtos diversificados, de elevada qualidade e com prazos de entrega bastante reduzidos. Estes requisitos impõem novos desafios à indústria mundial, e também portuguesa. Neste âmbito, surge a 4a revolução industrial onde novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, assim como de inteligência artificial, são utilizadas para realizar a digitalização dos sistemas produtivos, considerando a elevada quantidade de dados disponíveis para realizar monitorização, previsão e otimização dos processos. A adoção destes princípios e das tecnologias emergentes associadas encontra-se ainda numa fase precoce. Os motivos deste atraso são essencialmente, o investimento necessário à sua implementação, o conhecimento das possíveis vantagens, a elevada dependência por parte da indústria no uso de processos manuais, exigindo uma elevada especialização de mão-de-obra e pouca automatização de processos. O projeto I4.0@TMAD foca esta temática através da promoção da Indústria 4.0 na Região de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, tendo um papel fundamental em criar abertura no seio das empresas da região para abraçar esses novos conceitos e tecnologias. No âmbito deste projeto, surge então a necessidade de desenvolver uma célula demonstrativa que considere conceitos, equipamentos e abordagens inovadoras. Desta forma, foi construida uma célula robótica colaborativa que demonstra a potencialidade de colaboração entre o humano e o robô. Este trabalho contemplou, entre outros aspetos, o dimensionamento dos componentes, nomeadamente os estruturais, mecânicos e de controlo, a sua implementação, testes e validação da solução desenvolvida. De forma a demonstrar os conceitos de uma forma simplificada e abrangente, optou-se por implementar dois cenários de interação colaborativa homem-robô. Para finalizar, foram realizadas varias demonstrações a empresários de vários setores da região de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (TMAD).Currently, the markets are quite demanding and are looking for diversified products, high quality and with very short lead times. These requirements pose new challenges to the world industry, as well as portuguese. In this context, the 4th industrial revolution emerges, where new information and communication technologies, as well as artificial intelligence, are used to perform the digitization of production systems, considering the high amount of data available to perform monitoring, forecasting and optimization of processes. The adoption of these principles and associated emerging technologies is still at an early stage. The reasons for this delay are essentially the investment needed to implement it, the knowledge of the possible advantages, the high dependence of the industry on the use of manual processes, requiring a high labor specialization and little automation of processes. The I4.0@TMAD project focuses on this theme through the promotion of Industry 4.0 in the Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro Region of Portugal, playing a key role in creating openness within the region’s companies to embrace these new concepts and technologies. Within this project, the need arises to develop a demonstration cell that considers innovative concepts, equipment and approaches. In this way, a collaborative robotic cell was built that demonstrates the potential for collaboration between the human and the robot. This work included, among other aspects, the dimensioning of the components, namely structural, mechanical and control, its implementation, testing and validation of the developed solution. In order to demonstrate the concepts in a simplified and comprehensive way, it was decided to implement two scenarios of human-robot collaborative interaction. To conclude, several demonstrations were held for entrepreneurs from various sectors of the TMAD region