7 research outputs found

    Refinement type contracts for verification of scientific investigative software

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    Our scientific knowledge is increasingly built on software output. User code which defines data analysis pipelines and computational models is essential for research in the natural and social sciences, but little is known about how to ensure its correctness. The structure of this code and the development process used to build it limit the utility of traditional testing methodology. Formal methods for software verification have seen great success in ensuring code correctness but generally require more specialized training, development time, and funding than is available in the natural and social sciences. Here, we present a Python library which uses lightweight formal methods to provide correctness guarantees without the need for specialized knowledge or substantial time investment. Our package provides runtime verification of function entry and exit condition contracts using refinement types. It allows checking hyperproperties within contracts and offers automated test case generation to supplement online checking. We co-developed our tool with a medium-sized (\approx3000 LOC) software package which simulates decision-making in cognitive neuroscience. In addition to helping us locate trivial bugs earlier on in the development cycle, our tool was able to locate four bugs which may have been difficult to find using traditional testing methods. It was also able to find bugs in user code which did not contain contracts or refinement type annotations. This demonstrates how formal methods can be used to verify the correctness of scientific software which is difficult to test with mainstream approaches

    An environment for sustainable research software in Germany and beyond: current state, open challenges, and call for action

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    Research software has become a central asset in academic research. It optimizes existing and enables new research methods, implements and embeds research knowledge, and constitutes an essential research product in itself. Research software must be sustainable in order to understand, replicate, reproduce, and build upon existing research or conduct new research effectively. In other words, software must be available, discoverable, usable, and adaptable to new needs, both now and in the future. Research software therefore requires an environment that supports sustainability. Hence, a change is needed in the way research software development and maintenance are currently motivated, incentivized, funded, structurally and infrastructurally supported, and legally treated. Failing to do so will threaten the quality and validity of research. In this paper, we identify challenges for research software sustainability in Germany and beyond, in terms of motivation, selection, research software engineering personnel, funding, infrastructure, and legal aspects. Besides researchers, we specifically address political and academic decision-makers to increase awareness of the importance and needs of sustainable research software practices. In particular, we recommend strategies and measures to create an environment for sustainable research software, with the ultimate goal to ensure that software-driven research is valid, reproducible and sustainable, and that software is recognized as a first class citizen in research. This paper is the outcome of two workshops run in Germany in 2019, at deRSE19 - the first International Conference of Research Software Engineers in Germany - and a dedicated DFG-supported follow-up workshop in Berlin

    A partial oracle for uniformity statistics

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    This paper investigates the problem of testing implementations of uniformity statistics. In this paper we used Metamorphic Testing to address the oracle problem, of checking the output of one or more test executions, for uniformity statistics. We defined a partial oracle that uses regression analysis (a Regression Model based Metamorphic Relation). We investigated the effectiveness of our partial oracle. We found that the technique can achieve mutation scores ranging from 77.78% to 100%, and tends towards higher mutation scores in this range. These results are promising, and suggest that the Regression Model based Metamorphic Relation approach is a viable method of alleviating the oracle problem in implementations of uniformity statistics, and potentially other classes of statistics e.g. correlation statistics

    A Survey on Metamorphic Testing

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    Testing scientific software: techniques for automatic detection of metamorphic relations

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    2015 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Scientific software plays an important role in critical decision making in fields such as the nuclear industry, medicine, and the military. Systematic testing of such software can help to ensure that it works as expected. Comprehensive, automated software testing requires an oracle to check whether the output produced by a test case matches the expected behavior of the program. But the challenges in creating suitable oracles limit the ability to perform automated testing of scientific software. For some programs, creating an oracle may be not possible since the correct output is not known a priori. Further, it may be impractical to implement an oracle for an arbitrary input due to the complexity of a program. The software testing community refers to such programs as non-testable. Many scientific programs fall into this category of non-testable programs, since they are either written to find answers that are previously unknown or they perform complex calculations. In this work, we developed techniques to automatically predict metamorphic relations by analyzing the program structure. These metamorphic relations can serve as automated partial test oracles in scientific software. Metamorphic testing is a method for automating the testing process for programs without test oracles. This technique operates by checking whether a program behaves according to a certain set of properties called metamorphic relations. A metamorphic relation is a relationship between multiple input and output pairs of the program. It specifies how the output should change following a specific change made to the input. A change in the output that differs from what is specified by the metamorphic relation indicates a fault in the program. Metamorphic testing can be effective in testing machine learning applications, bioinformatics programs, health-care simulations, partial differential equations and other programs. Unfortunately, finding appropriate metamorphic relations for use in metamorphic testing remains a labor intensive task that is generally performed by a domain expert or a programmer. In this work we applied novel machine learning based approaches to automatically derive metamorphic relations. We first evaluated the effectiveness of modeling the metamorphic relation prediction problem as a binary classification problem. We found that support vector machines are the most effective binary classifiers for predicting metamorphic relations. We also found that using walk-based graph kernels for feature extraction from graph-based program representations further improves the prediction accuracy. In addition, incorporating mathematical properties of operations in the graph kernel computation improves the prediction accuracy. Further, we found that control flow information of a function are more effective than data dependency information for predicting metamorphic relations. Finally we investigated the possibility of creating multi-label classifiers that can predict multiple metamorphic relations using a single classifier. Our empirical studies show that multi-label classifiers are not effective as binary classifiers for predicting metamorphic relations. Automated testing will make the testing process faster, reduce the testing cost and make it more reliable. Automated testing requires automated test oracles. Automatically discovering metamorphic relations is an important step towards automating oracle creation. Work presented here is the first attempt towards developing automated techniques for deriving metamorphic relations. Our work contributes toward automating the testing process of programs that face oracle problems