360 research outputs found

    The Penetration of Mobile Technology and Its Implementation on Learning in Indonesian High School

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    The use of a smartphone as a mobile learning tool in schools is controversial. On the one hand, the teacher prohibits it because it would interfere with the learning process in the classroom; and on the other hand, the teacher saw a lot of potentials can be used from mobile technology. The goal of this study is to describe how the development of secondary schools in Indonesia can facilitate students through the use of mobile learning with the hope that it can be taken at the school level policies to strengthen the existing learning system so that students can achieve optimal learning competencies. This research used descriptive qualitative evaluations to make observations on the application of mobile learning in several secondary schools in several regions in Indonesia during 2015. The results of this study indicate that some of the schools that have implemented mobile learning have a tendency that mobile learning was not planned and structured as a school program; so that the advantages of mobile technology has not been effectively used. Two important things to solve this condition are the availability of government policy and improving teachers literacy in managing mobile learning application


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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pada dekade terakhir telah turut mempengaruhi praktek pembelajaran di sekolah, termasuk pada mata pelajaran fisika di sekolah menengah kejuruan. Pemanfaatan teknologi ini menjadi peluang bagi guru untuk memperbaiki hasil belajar yang pada level tertentu masih menjadi permasalahan pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh pembelajaran secara elektronik atau e-learning terhadap hasil belajar siswa ditinjau dari motivasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pretest-posttest control group design. Variabel bebas penelitian ini adalah strategi pembelajaran. Variabel terikat yang diukur adalah hasil belajar, dengan variabel motivasi sebagai variabel penjelas atau prediktor. Teknik analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah Anacova. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran dengan menggunakan e-learning menunjukkan hasil belajar yang lebih baik secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan siswa yang diajar dengan tatap muka di kelas. Selain itu, motivasi dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa. Kata kunci: e-learning, pendidikan fisika, sekolah kejuruan, hasil belajar, motivasi

    Which Mobile Learning is More Suitable on

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    The Development of Mobile Learning

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    Kelas Kita Based Blended Learning: Biology Learning Model to Improve Student Activities, Attitudes, and Achievements

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    In the current era of technological development, the flow of information and knowledge is very quickly updated, so that facilities are needed to compensate, especially in the field of education. Conventional learning models can support interactions between teachers and students, but on the other hand, this model is less able to provide facilities in the form of access to information anytime and anywhere. These weaknesses can be overcome by online learning, so that a blended learning solution appears, which still considers the interaction of teachers and students and expands learning opportunities because it is not limited to time and place. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of blended learning based on kelas kita network sites in improving student achievement, activities, and learning attitudes. The subjects of this study were two classes of MA students (experimental class of 33 students and control class of 34 students) in Cirebon, Indonesia. The biological material chosen in this study was environmental change. The study design used a Pretest-Posttest control group. Data collection techniques employed observation, tests, and questionnaires. From the results of the study, it provides information that the experimental class applied blended learning model had significantly different achievements, activities, and learning attitudes (sig 0.05) compared to the control class. Students had an enthusiastic attitude because they were given the opportunity to explore their potential in studying literature based on kelas kita network. The implication of this research is that a blended learning model can be developed and applied to other materials, even in other subjects

    Simple identification tools in FishBase

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    Simple identification tools for fish species were included in the FishBase information system from its inception. Early tools made use of the relational model and characters like fin ray meristics. Soon pictures and drawings were added as a further help, similar to a field guide. Later came the computerization of existing dichotomous keys, again in combination with pictures and other information, and the ability to restrict possible species by country, area, or taxonomic group. Today, www.FishBase.org offers four different ways to identify species. This paper describes these tools with their advantages and disadvantages, and suggests various options for further development. It explores the possibility of a holistic and integrated computeraided strategy

    Cooperative-blended learning using Moodle as an

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    Learning Connections 2019: Spaces, People, Practice

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    incite Change | Change insight

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    This was the theme of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) 2015 National Meeting and Conference, hosted by Kansas State University, March 23 – 28, 2015. The call for papers addressing this theme noted: “When we teach, design and serve, we incite change. When we observe change it informs our insight; deepening our understanding, broadening application of acts, processes, representations and the results of creating difference. How do you incite change? How do you change insight? Our CELA 2015 theme and questions might appear dichotomous or formulaic given the conventions of printed text but we perceive the words and ideas as constantly cyclic and representing a single construct rather than opposite sides of the coin. This document contains accepted, peer-reviewed papers which address the theme: incite Change| Change insight within the teaching, creative inquiry, research, outreach, and practice of landscape architecture, its allied arts and sciences. Each paper presented was reviewed by experts in the respective area of concern and authors of accepted papers worked with the editor to revise and re-submit their manuscripts. The final products of this rigorous, blind, peer review process are presented here. This document represents a beginning, a change in the development of the discourse on creative inquiry within the discipline of landscape architecture. The papers suggest that this discipline may indeed be changing in how it teaches, researches, and serves its students and its larger community of concern. It is our hope that future CELA conferences continue the practice of a “special conference theme publication”. We also hope that the papers presented here change insight, and incite change. The editor and the authors welcome your feedback and inquiries.https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Exploring interactive narrative for science communication: a design approach using interactive documentary as a proposal XploreDesign4SciComm

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    This study explores interactive narrative, manifested through multimodality in the format of the interactive documentary (i-doc), as a proposal to science communication, in a specific context. The oldest botanical garden in Portugal celebrates, in 2018, 250 years of existence and is the scenario for that proposal. This choice was preponderant because the subject to be communicated is in the ambit of Botany and Biodiversity Conservation and point out the importance of citizenship in the mobilization of efforts that can minimize the complex problems and challenges associated with those fields. In science communication the format of the interactive documentary has been little explored and in this sense this work has been developed to produce an original empirical contribution that opens the way to new approaches in this sense. 360 video, virtual reality and augmented reality can be explored and remixed with traditional media trying to promote more engagement of people with Botany and related sciences. Transdisciplinarity is a key component of this project that aims to explore Design, not only in the several perspectives as a discipline, but also as a scientific area of extreme utility and that enables to build bridges between different areas. Articulating storytelling, gaming and multimodality, one prototype was produced and its respective proof of concept was carried out in two classes: Biology and Geology students from regular secondary school and Journalism students from university level, and the respective teachers were involved in the process. Action-research was applied in an original way that intends to add value to practical case studies, and plan targeted actions. Bibliographic review, questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, participation observation and focus group were the used techniques to test and evaluate the inherent project concept. The results obtained are favorable to the usefulness and viability of the idea and it will be interesting to investigate in a more systematic way, to better understand opportunities in the intersection between science, technology and art. Emotions, cognition, and human-centered design are very interesting fields to investigate. The author argues that i-doc rather than being only a media or digital media channel, which represents reality, can be interpreted as a builder and enabler of knowledge. Besides i-doc can facilitate the teaching and understanding of the curricular contents, the exploitation of i-doc can be also a great method to develop innovative contents that promote a differentiating journalism and that reinforce its social function, as this project proposed in environmental education. Another point of view suggested by the author, is that UX Design is essential to the planning of communicative relations between people, digital objects and real life. At the present, with all the technological evolutions established more and more faster, will be important to understand better how users interact, immerse and participate with those evolutions. Digital and physical interactions are both essential, and the author intends to interconnect them, creating one digital object about Ajuda botanical garden, that may promote the interest of users to visit it, physically, and be more awareness for its importance.Este estudo explora a narrativa interactiva utilizando a multimodalidade no formato do documentário interactivo (i-doc), que se materializa numa proposta para comunicar ciência, num contexto específico. O jardim botânico mais antigo de Portugal celebra, em 2018, 250 anos de existência e é o cenário dessa proposta. Essa escolha foi preponderante, pois o assunto a ser comunicado é no âmbito da Botânica e da Conservação da Biodiversidade e salienta a importância da cidadania na mobilização de esforços que possam minimizar os problemas complexos e os desafios associados a essas temáticas. Em Comunicação de Ciência, o formato i-doc tem sido pouco explorado e, nesse sentido, este trabalho pretende obter uma contribuição empírica original que abra caminho a novas abordagens, nesse sentido. Vídeos 360, realidade virtual e realidade aumentada podem ser explorados e remixados com os meios tradicionais, com vista à promoção de um maior envolvimento das pessoas com a Botânica e ciências relacionadas. A transdisciplinaridade é uma componente chave deste projecto que interpreta o Design, não apenas nas diversas perspectivas como disciplina, mas também como uma área científica de extrema utilidade e que permite construir pontes entre diferentes áreas. Articulando narrativa, jogos e multimodalidade, foi produzido um protótipo e realizada a sua prova de conceito, em duas turmas: estudantes de Biologia e Geologia do ensino secundário e estudantes de mestrado em Jornalismo e Novos Media, e os respectivos professores estiveram envolvidos no processo. A pesquisa-acção foi aplicada de uma maneira original, pretendendo agregar valor a contextos práticos e planear acções direccionadas. A revisão bibliográfica, questionários, entrevistas semiestruturadas, observação participante e focus group foram as técnicas utilizadas para testar e avaliar o conceito inerente ao projecto. Os resultados obtidos são favoráveis à utilidade e viabilidade da ideia e será interessante investigar de forma mais sistemática, para compreender melhor as oportunidades na intersecção entre ciência, tecnologia e arte. As emoções, cognição e design centrado no ser humano são áreas de estudo muito interessantes para investigar. O autor argumenta que o i-doc, em vez de ser apenas um canal ou um meio digital, que representa a realidade, pode ser interpretado como um construtor e um facilitador do conhecimento. Além de poder facilitar o ensino e a compreensão dos conteúdos curriculares, a exploração do i-doc também pode ser um método muito útil para desenvolver conteúdos inovadores que promova um jornalismo diferenciador e reforce sua função social, como é proposto na educação ambiental. Outro ponto de vista sugerido pelo autor, é que o UX Design é essencial para o planeamento das relações comunicativas entre as pessoas, os objectos digitais e a vida real. No presente, com todas as evoluções tecnológicas estabelecidas cada vez mais rápidas, será importante entender melhor como os utilizadores interagem, imergem e participam nos conteúdos, com todas essas evoluções. Interacções físicas e digitais são essenciais, e este projecto pretende interligá-las, criando um objecto digital sobre o jardim botânico da Ajuda, que possa promover o interesse dos utilizadores em visitá-lo pessoalmente e uma maior consciência da sua importância e valorização