561,048 research outputs found

    Assessing collaborative and experiential learning

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    Collaborative and experiential learning has many proven merits. Team projects with real clients motivate students to put in the time for successfully completing demanding projects. However, assessing student performance where individual student contributions are separated from the collective contribution of the team as a whole is not a straightforward, simple task. Assessment data from multiple sources, including students as assessors of their own work and peers\u27 work, is critical to measuring certain student learning outcomes, such as responsible team work and timely communication. In this paper we present our experience with assessing collaborative and experiential learning in five Computer Information Systems courses. The courses were scheduled over three semesters and enrolled 57 students. Student performance and student feedback data were used to evaluate and refine our assessment methodology. We argue that assessment data analysis improved our understanding of (1) the assessment measures that support more closely targeted learning outcomes and (2) how those measures should be implemented

    How can I learn more when I collaborate in a virtual group?

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    Learning in virtual groups has been a process studied and analysed long from multiple perspectives. However, the literature is scarce when we look for models to explain information problem solving skills in online collaboration. A descriptive model of cognitive skills involved in individual information problem solving while using internet information can be found in recent research. The purpose of this study was to find out what information problem solving skills (IPS) students apply when working collaboratively online, and secondly, to analyse what differentiates students who do well on their knowledge tests after collaboration, in relation to these IPS skills. We conducted a research with more than 40 students in 10 virtual groups to analyse the correlation between learning and IPS skills applied by students during an online task that lasted more than 4 weeks. Students completed a weekly self-report with actions related to IPS skills and time devoted to the collaborative task. Findings show that students applied more frequently the skill to check the communication (30%), secondly, read de information (22%), in the third place exchange information (20%), followed by write the information (15%), analyze the information (8%), and finally, search for information (5%). However, only three skills correlate with learning: information exchange, analysis of information and checking communication. Two of them (exchange and check) are collaborative skills and one of them (analysis) is an information problem-solving skill. The conclusions of this study may provide guidelines for instructors and students on ways to improve learning in online collaborative group work

    A Framework for Collaborative Multi-task, Multi-robot Missions

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    Robotics is a transformative technology that will empower our civilization for a new scale of human endeavors. Massive scale is only possible through the collaboration of individual or groups of robots. Collaboration allows specialization, meaning a multirobot system may accommodate heterogeneous platforms including human partners. This work develops a unified control architecture for collaborative missions comprised of multiple, multi-robot tasks. Using kinematic equations and Jacobian matrices, the system states are transformed into alternative control spaces which are more useful for the designer or more convenient for the operator. The architecture allows multiple tasks to be combined, composing tightly coordinated missions. Using this approach, the designer is able to compensate for non-ideal behavior in the appropriate space using whatever control scheme they choose. This work presents a general design methodology, including analysis techniques for relevant control metrics like stability, responsiveness, and disturbance rejection, which were missing in prior work. Multiple tasks may be combined into a collaborative mission. The unified motion control architecture merges the control space components for each task into a concise federated system to facilitate analysis and implementation. The task coordination function defines task commands as functions of mission commands and state values to create explicit closed-loop collaboration. This work presents analysis techniques to understand the effects of cross-coupling tasks. This work analyzes system stability for the particular control architecture and identifies an explicit condition to ensure stable switching when reallocating robots. We are unaware of any other automated control architectures that address large-scale collaborative systems composed of task-oriented multi-robot coalitions where relative spatial control is critical to mission performance. This architecture and methodology have been validated in experiments and in simulations, repeating earlier work and exploring new scenarios and. It can perform large-scale, complex missions via a rigorous design methodology

    Robotic Grasping of Large Objects for Collaborative Manipulation

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    In near future, robots are envisioned to work alongside humans in professional and domestic environments without significant restructuring of workspace. Robotic systems in such setups must be adept at observation, analysis and rational decision making. To coexist in an environment, humans and robots will need to interact and cooperate for multiple tasks. A fundamental such task is the manipulation of large objects in work environments which requires cooperation between multiple manipulating agents for load sharing. Collaborative manipulation has been studied in the literature with the focus on multi-agent planning and control strategies. However, for a collaborative manipulation task, grasp planning also plays a pivotal role in cooperation and task completion. In this work, a novel approach is proposed for collaborative grasping and manipulation of large unknown objects. The manipulation task was defined as a sequence of poses and expected external wrench acting on the target object. In a two-agent manipulation task, the proposed approach selects a grasp for the second agent after observing the grasp location of the first agent. The solution is computed in a way that it minimizes the grasp wrenches by load sharing between both agents. To verify the proposed methodology, an online system for human-robot manipulation of unknown objects was developed. The system utilized depth information from a fixed Kinect sensor for perception and decision making for a human-robot collaborative lift-up. Experiments with multiple objects substantiated that the proposed method results in an optimal load sharing despite limited information and partial observability

    Design Methodology for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Team Coordination

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) systems, despite having no onboard human pilots, currently require extensive human involvement to accomplish successful mission operations. Further, successful operations also require extensive colalboration between mission stakeholders, including operators, mission commanders, and information consumers (e.g. ground troops relying on intelligence reports in their area). Existing UAV system interfaces provide little to no support for collaboration between remote operators or for operators to collaborate with information consumers. As reliance on UAVs continues to increase in military and civilian operations, this lack of support for collaboration will likely become a substantial limitation of existing UAV systems. In order to introduce effective collaboration support to UAV system interfaces, it is essential to understand, and be able to derive system design requirements that address, the necessary group interactions that occur in UAV task enviroments. However, few collaborative requirements analysis methods exist, and to our knowledge, no method exists that captures design requirements for collaborative decision making in complex, time-critical environments. This report describes the development of a new design requirements analysis method for deriving information and functional requirements that address the collaboration needs of UAV (and other complex task) operators, and the needs of stakeholders interacting with these operators. More specifically, theis method extends a recently developed requirements analysis method, called the Hybrid Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) method, which enables the generation of information and functional requirements for futuristic UAV system interfaces. The original Hybrid CTA method focused on deriving single user system interface requirements. This work extends this method by introducing analytic steps to identify task and decision-making dependencies between different UAV operations collaborators. This collaborative extension to the Hybrid CTA utilizes the notion of boundary objects, an analytic construct commonly used in the study of group work. Boundary objects are physical or information artifacts that cross the task boundaries between members of distinct groups. Identifying boundary objects in complex task operations help the analyst to identify task and decision-making dependencies between local and remote collaborators. Understanding these dependencies helps to identify information sharing requirements that the UAV system should support. This report describes the analytic steps of the collaborative extension, and provides background information on the original Hybrid CTA method and the boundary object construct. The report also describes a project in which the new design requirements method was used to revise a proposed set of UAV operator displays.Prepared For Boeing Phantom Work

    Assessment of e-learners' temporal patterns in an online collaborative writing task

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    E-learners are generally adults with work and family constraints who get involved in the virtual campus looking for temporary academic flexibility. However, they are often confronted with collaborative learning activities which lead to additional organizational efforts by reducing their individual time flexibility. In this paper, we argue that time is a major variable in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) activities, and that assessing students' use of time in these situations can help educational designers to propose adequate time scripting to plan these educational activities.This case study presents an exploratory analysis of time patterns for 15 groups of students (n=66), involved in a collaborative writing task. The results reveal that (a), e-learners' time-on-task increased since the beginning of the activity, (b), they work more during week days than during weekends and (c), they tend to work during "conventional" hours of the day. The identification of these patterns is the first step toward the development of new methodologies and computer-supported tools to enhance organisation of time and social aspects in CSCL

    Negotiation of software requirements in an asynchronous collaborative environment

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    The effect of task structure and negotiation sequence on collaborative software requirements negotiation is investigated. This work began with an extensive literature review that focused on current research in collaborative software engineering and, in particular, on the negotiation of software requirements and the requisite collaboration for the development of such requirements. A formal detailed experiment was then conducted to evaluate the effects of negotiation sequence and task structure in an asynchronous group meeting environment. The experiment tested the impact of these structures on groups negotiating the requirements for an emergency response information system. The results reported here show that these structures can have a positive impact on solution quality but a negative impact on process satisfaction, although following a negotiation sequence and task structure can help asynchronous groups come to agreement faster. Details of the experimental procedures, statistical analysis, and discussion of the results of the experiment are also presented, as are suggestions for improving this work and a plan for future research

    A Morphology of Theories of Emergence

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    “Emergence” – the notion of novel, unpredictable and irreducible properties developing out of complex organisational entities – is itself a complex, multi-dimensional concept. To date there is no single, generally agreed upon “theory of emergence”, but instead a number of different approaches and perspectives. Neither is there a common conceptual or meta-theoretical framework by which to systematically identify, exemplify and compare different “theories”. Building upon earlier work done by sociologist Kenneth Bailey, this article presents a method for creating such a framework, and outlines the conditions for a collaborative effort in order to carry out such a task. A brief historical and theoretical background is given both to the concept of “emergence” and to the non-quantified modelling method General Morphological Analysis (GMA)

    By hand and by computer – a video-ethnographic study of engineering students’ representational practices in a design project

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    In engineering education there has been a growing interest that the curriculum should include collaborative design projects. However, students’ collaborative learning processes in design projects have, with a few exceptions, not been studied in earlier research. Most previous studies have been performed in artificial settings with individual students using verbal protocol analysis or through interviews.  The context of this study is a design project in the fifth semester of the PBL-based Architecture and Design programme at Aalborg University. The students had the task to design a real office building in collaborative groups of 5–6 students. The preparation for an upcoming status seminar was video recorded in situ. Video ethnography, conversation analysis and embodied interaction analysis were used to explore what interactional work the student teams did and what kind of resources they used to collaborate and complete the design task. Complete six hours sessions of five groups were recorded using multiple video cameras (2 – 5 cameras per group). The different collaborative groups did not only produce and reach an agreement on a design proposal during the session – in their design practice they used, and produced, a wealth of tools and bodily-material resources for representational and modelling purposes. As an integral and seamless part of students’ interactional and representational work and the group’s collaborative thinking bodily resources such as “gestured drawings” and gestures, concrete materials such as 3D-foam and papers models, “low-tech” representations such as sketches and drawings by hand on paper and “high-tech” representations as CAD-drawings were used. These findings highlight the cognitive importance of tools and the use of bodily and material resources in students’ collaborative interactional work in a design setting. Furthermore, our study demonstrates that a focus primarily on digital technologies, as is often the case in the recent drive towards “digital learning”, would be highly problematic

    Performance in collaborative activity: contribution of intersubjectivity theory

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    Collaboration at work is a key component for activities in complex socio-technical systems. Reviewing the scientific literature showed that collaborative work activity has been well characterized, showing that perspective-taking is a crucial feature, but no study quantifies what makes the performance of collaborative activity. Analyzing performance during work activity inevitably refers to Cognitive Task Analysis paradigm (CTA). Based on digital ethnography and Intersubjectivity Theory, the study was undertaken in a nuclear power plant where cooperative activities were analyzed using a CTA process tracing method: whilst performing their activity, workers wore a miniature camera at the eye-level to record their activity from the first-person perspective and were then involved in a reflexive analysis of the activity. Results led to introduce the concept of “coherent perspective-taking” and demonstrated that it was the main variable explaining collaborative performance for cooperative activities. The related theoretical process is discussed and organizational factors favoring coherent perspective-taking are identified
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