9 research outputs found

    TVB-EduPack: An interactive learning and scripting platform for The Virtual Brain

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    The Virtual Brain (TVB; thevirtualbrain.org) is a neuroinformatics platform for full brain network simulation based on individual anatomical connectivity data. The framework addresses clinical and neuroscientific questions by simulating multi-scale neural dynamics that range from local population activity to large-scale brain function and related macroscopic signals like electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging. TVB is equipped with a graphical and a command-line interface to create models that capture the characteristic biological variability to predict the brain activity of individual subjects. To enable researchers from various backgrounds a quick start into TVB and brain network modeling in general, we developed an educational module: TVB-EduPack. EduPack offers two educational functionalities that seamlessly integrate into TVB's graphical user interface (GUI): (i) interactive tutorials introduce GUI elements, guide through the basic mechanics of software usage and develop complex use-case scenarios; animations, videos and textual descriptions transport essential principles of computational neuroscience and brain modeling; (ii) an automatic script generator records model parameters and produces input files for TVB's Python programming interface; thereby, simulation configurations can be exported as scripts that allow flexible customization of the modeling process and self-defined batch- and post-processing applications while benefitting from the full power of the Python language and its toolboxes. This article covers the implementation of TVB-EduPack and its integration into TVB architecture. Like TVB, EduPack is an open source community project that lives from the participation and contribution of its users. TVB-EduPack can be obtained as part of TVB from thevirtualbrain.org

    Bridging structure and function with brain network modeling

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    High-throughput neuroimaging technology enables rapid acquisition of vast amounts of structural and functional data on multiple spatial and temporal scales. While novel methods to extract information from these data are continuously developed, there is no principled approach for the systematic integration of distinct experimental results into a common theoretical framework, yet. The central result of this dissertation is a biophysically-based framework for brain network modeling that links structural and functional data across scales and modalities and integrates them with dynamical systems theory. Specifically, the publications in this thesis i. introduce an automated pipeline that extracts structural and functional information from multimodal imaging data to construct and constrain brain models, ii. link whole-brain models with empirical EEG-fMRI (simultaneous electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging) data to integrate neural signals with simulated activity, iii. propose a framework for reverse-engineering neurophysiological dynamics and mechanisms underlying commonly observed features of neural activity, iv. document a software module that makes users acquainted with theory and practice of brain modeling, v. associate aging with structural and functional connectivity and vi. examine how parcellation size and short-range connectivity affect model dynamics. Taken together, these results form a novel approach that enables reverse-engineering of neurophysiological processes and mechanisms on the basis of biophysically-based brain models.Zusammenfassung Hochdurchsatzverfahren zur neuronalen Bildgebung ermöglichen die schnelle Erfassung großer Mengen an strukturellen und funktionellen Daten ĂŒber verschiedenen rĂ€umlichen und zeitlichen Skalen. Obwohl stĂ€ndig neue Methoden zur Verarbeitung der in diesen Daten enthaltenen Informationen entwickelt werden gibt es bisher kein systematisches Verfahren um experimentelle Ergebnisse in einem gemeinsamen theoretischen Rahmenwerk zu integrieren und zu verknĂŒpfen. Das Hauptergebnis dieser Dissertation ist ein biophysikalisch basiertes Gehirn- Netzwerkmodell das strukturelle und funktionelle Daten ĂŒber verschiedene Skalen und ModalitĂ€ten hinweg verknĂŒpft und mit dynamischer Systemtheorie vereint. Die hier zusammengefassten Publikationen i. stellen eine automatische Software-Pipeline vor die strukturelle und funktionelle Informationen aus multimodalen Bilddaten extrahiert um Gehirnmodelle zu konstruieren und zu parametrisieren, ii. verknĂŒpfen Ganzhi rnmodel le mi t empi r i schen EEG- fMRT ( s imul tane Elektroenzephalographie und funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie) Daten um neuronale Signale mit simulierter AktivitĂ€t zu integrieren, iii. schlagen ein Rahmenwerk vor um neurophysiologische Dynamiken und Mechanismen die hĂ€ufig beobachteten Eigenschaften neuronaler AktivitĂ€t zu Grunde liegen zu rekonstruieren, iv. dokumentieren ein Software-Modul das Benutzer mit Theorie und Praxis der Gehirnmodellierung vertraut macht, v. assoziieren Alterungsprozesse mit struktureller und funktioneller KonnektivitĂ€t und vi. untersuchen wie Gehirn-Parzellierung und lokale KonnektivitĂ€t die Modelldynamik beeinflussen. Zusammengenommen ergibt sich ein neuartiges Verfahren das die Rekonstruktion neurophysiologischer Prozesse und Mechanismen ermöglicht und mit dessen Hilfe neuronale AktivitĂ€t auf verschiedenen rĂ€umlichen und zeitlichen Skalen anhand biophysikalisch basierter Modelle vorhersagt werden kann

    The development of cognitive workload management framework based on neuronal dynamics principle to maintain train driver’s health and railway safety

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    Fatigue increases the tendency of poor train driving strategy decision. Decision making in cognitive overload and cognitive underload situation mostly outputs bad decisions. Accordingly, train driver’s cognitive function is required to be sTable during travel so that they can give correct response at a given situation. This study constructs a conceptual framework for cognitive workload management (CWM) of train driver by taking the energy expenses from cognition into the account. This study combines objective and subjective cognitive workload analysis to evaluate train driver duty readiness. The objective load analysis was performed through energy level approximation based on neuronal dynamics simulation from 76 brain regions. The cognitive energy expenditure (CEE) calculated from neuron action potential (NAP) and the ion-membrane current (IMC) from the simulation results. The cognitive load (CL) approximated by converts the continuous time-based CEE to discrete frequency-based CL using Fourier series. The subjective cognitive workload obtained from train simulation results followed by 27 participants. The participants fill the questionnaire based on their simulated journey experience. The results of the evaluation used to build readiness evaluation classifier based on control chart. The control chart evaluation helps the management to determine weekly rest period and daily short rest period treatment base on each train driver workload. The CWM framework allows different recovery treatment to be applied to each train driver. The impact of the CWM application is the performance of train drivers are kept stable. Thus, the CWM framework based on CEE is useful to prevent physical and mental fatigu

    Brain simulation as a cloud service: The Virtual Brain on EBRAINS

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    open access articleThe Virtual Brain (TVB) is now available as open-source services on the cloud research platform EBRAINS (ebrains.eu). It offers software for constructing, simulating and analysing brain network models including the TVB simulator; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) processing pipelines to extract structural and functional brain networks; combined simulation of large-scale brain networks with small-scale spiking networks; automatic con- version of user-specified model equations into fast simulation code; simulation-ready brain models of patients and healthy volunteers; Bayesian parameter optimization in epilepsy patient models; data and software for mouse brain simulation; and extensive educational material. TVB cloud services facilitate reproducible online collabo- ration and discovery of data assets, models, and software embedded in scalable and secure workflows, a precondition for research on large cohort data sets, better generalizability, and clinical translation

    Brain simulation as a cloud service: The Virtual Brain on EBRAINS

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    The Virtual Brain (TVB) is now available as open-source services on the cloud research platform EBRAINS (ebrains.eu). It offers software for constructing, simulating and analysing brain network models including the TVB simulator; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) processing pipelines to extract structural and functional brain networks; combined simulation of large-scale brain networks with small-scale spiking networks; automatic conversion of user-specified model equations into fast simulation code; simulation-ready brain models of patients and healthy volunteers; Bayesian parameter optimization in epilepsy patient models; data and software for mouse brain simulation; and extensive educational material. TVB cloud services facilitate reproducible online collaboration and discovery of data assets, models, and software embedded in scalable and secure workflows, a precondition for research on large cohort data sets, better generalizability, and clinical translation

    TVB-EduPack - An interactive learning and scripting platform for The Virtual Brain

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    The Virtual Brain (TVB; www.thevirtualbrain.org) is a neuroinformatics platform for full brain network simulation based on individual anatomical connectivity data. The framework addresses clinical and neuroscientific questions by simulating multi-scale neural dynamics that range from local population activity to large-scale brain function and related macroscopic signals like electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging. TVB is equipped with a graphical and a command-line interface to create models that capture the characteristic biological variability to predict the brain activity of individual subjects. To enable researchers from various backgrounds a quick start into TVB and brain network modelling in general, we developed an educational module: TVB-EduPack. EduPack offers two educational functionalities that seamlessly integrate into TVB’s graphical user interface (GUI): (i) interactive tutorials introduce GUI elements, guide through the basic mechanics of software usage and develop complex use-case scenarios; animations, videos and textual descriptions transport essential principles of computational neuroscience and brain modelling; (ii) an automatic script generator records model parameters and produces input files for TVB’s Python programming interface; thereby, simulation configurations can be exported as scripts that allow flexible customization of the modelling process and self-defined batch- and post-processing applications while benefitting from the full power of the Python language and its toolboxes. This article covers the implementation of TVB-EduPack and its integration into TVB architecture. Like TVB, EduPack is an open source community project that lives from the participation and contribution of its users. TVB-EduPack can be obtained as part of TVB from thevirtualbrain.org