30,866 research outputs found

    The role of multiple intelligences (MI) in listening proficiency

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    Not many studies have so far quantitatively investigated the role of Multiple Intelligences (MI) in language teaching and almost no research has explored the role of MI in listening proficiency. In this study, the role of MI was investigated by giving one hundred and fifty-one junior and senior English language students an actual TOEFL listening comprehension test and a Multiple Intelligences Development Assessment Scales (MIDAS) questionnaire. The results suggest that, although all the intelligences positively correlate with performance on TOEFL listening comprehension, only linguistic intelligence has a statistically significant but low correlation with TOEFL listening. Furthermore, the results of regression analysis indicate that linguistic intelligence is included as a predictor of listening proficiency while other intelligences are excluded. The results provide quantitative data that, except for linguistic intelligence that has a small role, other intelligences do not make any contribution to performance in listening proficiency and learners with different intelligences have equal chances and only those with low linguistic intelligence need more help

    The Effect of TOEFL Preparation Course on EFL Undergraduate Students’ TOEFL Scores

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    TOEFL is important to measure one’s English proficiency, especially for higher education students. This test is frequently used for many purposes such as applying for a job and scholarship. Several universities in Indonesia use TOEFL as a graduation requirement, which means the students must take the TOEFL test before graduation. In mastering TOEFL, some students got difficulties because of some reasons. Therefore, the TOEFL preparation program was needed for students to increase their TOEFL scores. This study aimed to find out the effectiveness of the TOEFL preparation course on students’ TOEFL scores. This research was quantitative experimental research. There were 80 EFL students from various study programs in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA who participated in this study. Before conducting the preparation program, the students took a TOEFL pre-test. After that, they took a TOEFL preparation class for seven meetings. The TOEFL post-test was used to see participants’ different scores after the preparation course was held and the result revealed that the students’ scores increased from the previous pre-test. Thus, TOEFL preparation classes are significant in improving students’ TOEFL scores and therefore recommended for students who want to take the TOEFL test.   Keywords: TOEFL, TOEFL Preparation, TOEFL Score, EFL Student


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    TOEFL is a standardised test that measures your English skills, and how well you can use English inan academic setting. Therefore, TOEFL scores are often used in the university admission process.. Thepurpose of this research are to find out TOEFL test score using Genius software able to increase TOEFLscore and to find out wheter Genius software is effective in increasing the TOEFL Score. This researchused qualitative descriptive in conducting the research, a case study used to describe the effectivity andto reach TOEFL score based on the standard Analysis of the improvement of TOEFL Value by usingdata selection between the pretest and post test scores (Gain). Seeing the significance in the increase inTOEFL scores that occur before and after learning using Genius TOEFL using N-Gain data From theresults of the comparison test the average initial and final ability of the TOEFL students, wherethe average pretest score is 360.56 and the post-test score is 8422.69. the data for the pretestand posttest scores were sig. 0.002 <0.05 by using SPSS Software , the data are not normallydistributed It can be concluded that students' final TOEFL ability is different the sig value isobtained. 0.000 <0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that there are differences in students' initialand final TOEFL abilities. So that learning using the TOEFL Genius is effective in increasingstudents' TOEFL abilities.Key words: TOEFL, TOEFL score, Genius Softwar


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    ABSTRAKKuota pelatihan gratis yang diberikan UPN Veteran Jawa Timur hanya memenuhi 1,11 % dari keseluruhan mahasiswa. Pelatihan TOEFL ini memberikan solusi bagi mahasiswa tingkat akhir dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan TOEFL untuk memenuhi standarisasi syarat kelulusan di UPN Veteran Jawa Timur. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mahasiswa agar mendapatkan strategi, trik dan ketrampilan dalam mengerjakan soal tes TOEFL. Metode pengabdian ini yaitu pelatihan sebagai proses pembelajaran dan praktik partisipatif (Participatory Learning and Action). Pelaksanaan pelatihan TOEFL online ini melalui tahapan pengantar TOEFL dan pre-test; ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab, dan latihan soal; serta post-test. Hasil adanya pelatihan ini pengetahuan dan pemahaman tes TOEFL peserta semakin meningkat terlihat dari hasil skor TOEFL post-test lebih baik dibanding dengan skor TOEFL pre-test. Secara keseluruhan 50% peserta pelatihan sudah memperoleh skor TOEFL sesuai standar kelulusan dari yang semula hanya sebesar 32%. Hasil rata-rata skor TOEFL saat pre-test sebesar 381 meningkat signifikan menjadi 462 saat post-test. Kata kunci: pelatihan; TOEFL; mahasiswa tingkat akhir. ABSTRACTThe free training quota provided by UPN Veteran Jawa Timur only fulfills 1.11% of the total students. This TOEFL training offers a solution for final-year students to improve their TOEFL knowledge and skill to standardize graduation requirements at UPN Veteran Jawa Timur. This community service aims to help students get strategies, tricks, and skills for the TOEFL test. The method used in this service is training as a learning process and participatory practice (Participatory Learning and Action). This online TOEFL training is implemented through the introductory of TOEFL and pre-test stages; lectures, discussions, questions and answers, exercises; and post-test. The result of this training was that participants' knowledge and understanding of the TOEFL test increased, as seen from the post-test TOEFL scores, which were better than the pre-test TOEFL scores. 50% of the trainees obtained a TOEFL score according to the passing standard, from the original 32%. The average TOEFL score during the pre-test was 381, which increased significantly to 462 during the post-test. Keywords: training; TOEFL; final year students

    The Students’ Preference on Using TOEFL Applications for Grammar IV Course At Universitas PGRI Wiranegara.

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    This study was conducted for discovering the students’ preference of learning Grammar using TOEFL Applications; 1) NST TOEFL Explorer and 2) Genius TOEFL. This research was important in order to evaluate the effective media for learning grammar TOEFL. The researchers used descriptive research which was conducted on 29th March 2019 until 28th May 2019. The subject of this study was the students’ who joined in ICT-Based learning of Grammar IV Course at Universitas PGRI Wiranegara Pasuruan. To get the data, the researchers used some instruments. Those were observation, questionnaire, interview, and documentation. The finding from the questionnaire showed that there were 32% of students class A had choosen NST TOEFL Explorer application, but 68% of them had preferred using Genius TOEFL application. There were 17% of students class B choosen NST TOEFL Explorer application and 83% of students class B had preferred using Genius TOEFL application. From this percentage, it can be shown that Genius TOEFL was more preferred to use for Grammar IV Course in Universitas PGRI Wiranegara Pasuruan. It was also found that the students average score after using NST TOEFL application was 20, whereas they got 65 by using Genius TOEFL. This result did not claim that Genius TOEFL was better than NST TOEFL explorer, but this contributed how an application could enhance the students’ interest in using it for learnig and support their achievement. Future researchers are suggested to justify this research result to formulate best criteria of effective ICT-based media.Keywords: ICT, learning Media, NST TOEFL Explorer, Genius TOEFL, Students’ Preference


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    Abstract: The requirement for all Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University students to achieve at least 450 TOEFL score is really hard since they are non-English department students and lack of vocabulary. Students get difficult to understand the meaning of sentences and vocabulary in the TOEFL test. Moreover, students tend to hang their hope to get high TOEFL score only to the teacher who teaches them TOEFL only in 13 meetings in their fourth semester through Intensive English program held by English Center UIN Malang. Hence, it is really important to help them to improve their TOEFL scores by enriching their vocabulary mastery using TOEFL IBT practice android application in which this application is free to be downloaded, practice to be operated in hand phone, and contains thousands words frequently used in TOEFL. Furthermore, this application helps students to be more autonomous to learn various fields of vocabulary in TOEFL. Keywords: TOEFL, Vocabulary, Android Applicatio

    Aplikasi Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) pada Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut Berbasis Web

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    Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) di Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut dilaksanakan untuk mahasiswa semester akhir agar mendapatkan sertifikat pendamping ijazah. TOEFL dilaksanakan oleh Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) Bahasa dan beberapa tim pengajar. UPT Bahasa selama  ini  mengalami  kesulitan  dalam  pelaksanaan  TOEFL,  seperti  pembagian  jadwal, pembagian sertifikat dan proses perhitungan skor TOEFL yang menggunakan Microsoft Excel, sehingga mengakibatkan proses perhitungan menjadi kurang cepat dari waktu yang ditentukan. Soal dan jawaban untuk TOEFL masih menggunakan media kertas atau yang disebut Paper- Based Test sehingga mengakibatkan pemborosan kertas. Solusi untuk permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan membangun Aplikasi TOEFL pada Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut Berbasis Web, dengan tujuan untuk membantu menangani proses TOEFL agar menjadi lebih efisien. Aplikasi TOEFL ini menggunakan bahasa PHP, database MySQL dan menggunakan metode Waterfall. Data yang digunakan yaitu data soal TOEFL, data nilai, data mahasiswa, dan data sertifikat dari tahun 2017-2019. Hasil implementasi dari Aplikasi TOEFL berbasis web pada Politeknik Negeri Tanah Laut dapat mempermudah UPT Bahasa dalam proses perhitungan nilai, mempermudah kepala UPT dalam melihat data nilai, pembagian jadwal dan pencetakan sertifikat. Kata kunci: Aplikasi TOEFL, UPT Bahasa, Web


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      Abstrak TOEFL adalahujian yang dikelolaolehEducational Testing Sevice (ETS - www.ets.org), sebuahperusahaanswasta yang terletak di Princeton, New Jersey, yang mendirikan TOEFL, dandigunakanuntukmengevaluasikemampuanaslibahasaInggrispembicara non natifbahasaInggris (Gear, Jolene: 2009). KemahiranpembicarabahasaInggrisyang bukannatifdinyatakandalambentukangka (skor). Skortersebutditerimadenganmengambiltes TOEFL. Tesitusendiri, termasuksemuakegiatan yang berkaitandengantes TOEFL, ditanganioleh ETS, dan / ataulembagaapa pun yang telahditunjukoleh ETS. Namun, ETS tidakmenetapkannilai yang diperlukanuntukmasukkeuniversitastertentu, perguruantinggi, sekolah, ataudepartemen. Keputusan yang dibuatolehlembaga-lembagapendidikanindividu (Hinkel, Eli: 2004). TOEFL Paper-Based (PBT) adalahtespensildankertas (J. Sharpe, Pamela: 2008). Inimenuntutkertassebagai media danpensilsepertimenulisalat. Kertas-kertastersebutadalahlembarpertanyaandanjawabansementarapensil yang digunakanuntukmenjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaandenganmenyilangkandan / ataumengarsirpilihanjawaban di lembarjawaban. Hal inisepertitestertulisbiasa yang sangatumum di sekolah-sekolah, khususnya di Indonesia. Irham Ali Saifuddin (2007) mengatakanbahwa PBT adalahtes TOEFL yang paling umumdandigunakan di negaraini. Kota tempatpenelitiandilakukan, Gresik, menggunakan PBT. SehinggapenelitianiniadalahtentangpengajaranTOEFL PBT. PenelitianinimerupakanpenelitiandeskriptifkualitatifdanbertujuanuntukmendeskripsikanInstruktur TOEFL RAM English Course dalammengajarkanpersiapan TOEFL. Penelitimenggunakan Survey, Kuesioner, danWawancarasebagaiinstrumenpenelitianini. Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwainstruktur TOEFL RAM English Course memilikimetodesendiridalammengajarpersiapan TOEFL. Responsiswajugapositif. Merekamendapatpeningkatannilai di pos-testerakhirtentusajadibandingkandenganpra-tesmereka. Kata Kunci: Pengajaran, TOEFL, persiapan, PBT, RAM English Course.                            Abstract TEOFL is an examination that is administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS – www.ets.org), a private company that is located on Princeton, New Jersey, that found TOEFL, and is used to evaluate a nonnative English speaker’s proficiency in the English language (Gear, Jolene: 2009). The proficiency of the nonnative English speakers is expressed in the form of number (score). The score is received by taking the TOEFL test. The test itself, including the all activities related to the TOEFL test, is handled by ETS, and/or any institutions that has been designated by ETS. However, the ETS does not establish the scores necessary for admission to particular universities, colleges, schools, or departments. The decisions are made by the individual education institutions (Hinkel, Eli: 2004). The Paper-Based TOEFL (PBT) is a pencil-and-paper test (J. Sharpe, Pamela: 2008). It demands papers as the media and pencils as writing tool. The papers would be the question and answer sheets while pencils are used to answer the questions by crossing and/or shading the multiple choice answer in the answer sheet. It is like the ordinary written tests that are very common in schools, especially in Indonesia. Irham Ali Saifuddin (2007) said that PBT is the most prevalent and used TOEFL test in this country. The city where the research was conducted, Gresik, uses PBT. So that the research was about TOEFL PBT Teaching. This is a descriptive qualitative research and this research aimed to describe the TOEFL Instructor of RAM English Course teach the TOEFL preparation. The researcher used Survey, Questionnaire, and Interview as the instrument of this research. The results of the study showed that the TOEFL instructor of RAM English Course has his own method in teaching TOEFL preparation. The students’ response is also positive. They got increased score in the last post-test of the course compared with their pre-test Keywords: Teaching, TOEFL, preparation, PBT, RAMEnglish Cours


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    ABSTRAKLISTIA WINDA SARI,2015TINJAUAN KRIMINOLOGIS TERHADAP PERBUATAN MEMALSUKAN SURAT KETERANGAN TEST OF ENGLISH AS FOREIGN LANGUAGE (SUATU PENELITIAN DI UNIVERSITAS SYIAH KUALA )Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala(v, 50) pp, tabl, bibl, app.Nurhafifah, S.H., M.Hum.Perbuatan pemalsuan adalah suatu kejahatan yang didalamnya mengandung ketidakbenaran atau palsu atas suatu hal (objek) yang sesuatunya itu nampak dari luar seolah-olah benar adanya padahal sesungguhnya bertentangan dengan yang sebenarnya. Pemalsuan surat di atur didalam Pasal 263 ayat (1) dan (2). Meskipun pemalsuan surat merupakan kejahatan, namun pada kenyataannya di Universitas Syiah Kuala ditemukan adanya pemalsuan berupa surat keteragan TOEFL di Lembaga Bahasa Unsyiah Tahun 2014 yang tidak diproses melalui jalur hukum sebagaimana yang diterapkan dalam Pasal 263.Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan modus operandi pemalsuan surat keterangan TOEFL, Penerapan sanksi terhadap mahasiswa dan oknum pemalsuan surat keterangan TOEFL, dan Penyebab dan upaya mengantisipasi pemalsuan surat keterangan TOEFL yang dilakukan oleh pihak Lab Bahasa terhadap pemalsuan TOEFL yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dan oknum yang mengatasnamakan Lab Bahasa. Data penulisan skripsi ini diperoleh melalui penelitian kepustakaan dan lapangan. Data sekunder diperoleh dengan cara mempelajari kitab undang-undang hukum pidana, buku yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. Penelitian lapangan diperoleh untuk mendapatkan data primer melalui wawancara dengan responden dan informan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemalsuan TOEFL tersebut dilakukan oleh mahasiswa karena ada ajakan dari teman-teman yang bernasib sama untuk melakukan pemalsuan TOEFL agar dapat mengikuti ujian akhir. Pemalsuan TOEFL dengan cara scan surat TOEFL yang asli dan menggantikan dengan nama mahasiswa yang memalsukan. Dan pihak akademik tidak melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap hasil TOEFL palsu yang diberikan oleh mahasiswa. Pihak Lab Bahasa tidak menerapkan sanksi terhadap oknum yang mengatasnamakan Lab Bahasa dikarenakan oknum tersebut tidak dikenal, tetapi pihak fakultas memberikan sanksi melalui upaya represif untuk mahasiswa pengguna hasil TOEFL palsu, yaitu dibatalkan yudisium, membayar uang SPP, mengikuti test TOEFL ulang, dan membuat surat pernyataan bahwa mahasiswa melakukan pemalsuan TOEFL. Upaya pencegahan yang dilakukan oleh pihak Lab Bahasa adalah dengan upaya preventif, yaitu mahasiswa harus mendaftar melalui situs online, tidak secara manual (slip) lagi, kerja sama dengan fakultas untuk dapat memeriksa nama mahasiswa yang mengikuti test, tanggal test, serta nomor surat, dan pengambilan surat hasil TOEFL tidak diserahkan pada mahasiswa, setiap pengambilan hasil TOEFL di fakultas masing-masing.Diharapkan kepada pihak Lab Bahasa dan Fakultas untuk berhati-hati terhadap oknum yang memalsukan surat keterangan TOEFL dengan scan surat asli.Diharapkan dengan adanya sanksi yang diterapkan bagi mahasiswa, maka bagi mahasiswa untuk tidak melakukan pemalsuan surat keterangan TOEFL. namun bagi pihak Lab Bahasa sendiri untuk lebih berhati-hati terhadap oknum luar yang dapat melakukan pemalsuan dengan mengatasnamakan lab bahasa. Diharapkan pihak Lab Bahasa untuk terus melakukan upaya pencegahan terhadap kasus pemalsuan surat keterangan TOEFL agar tidak terulang lagi
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