125 research outputs found

    Synthesising Novel Movements through Latent Space Modulation of Scalable Control Policies

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    We propose a novel methodology for learning and synthesising whole classes of high dimensional movements from a limited set of demonstrated examples that satisfy some underlying ’latent’ low dimensional task constraints. We employ non-linear dimensionality reduction to extract a canonical latent space that captures some of the essential topology of the unobserved task space. In this latent space, we identify suitable parametrisation of movements with control policies such that they are easily modulated to generate novel movements from the same class and are robust to perturbations. We evaluate our method on controlled simulation experiments with simple robots (reaching and periodic movement tasks) as well as on a data set of very high-dimensional human (punching) movements.We verify that we can generate a continuum of new movements from the demonstrated class from only a few examples in both robotic and human data

    Latent Spaces for Dynamic Movement Primitives

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    Dynamic movement primitives (DMPs) have been proposed as a powerful, robust and adaptive tool for planning robot trajectories based on demonstrated example movements. Adaptation of DMPs to new task requirements becomes difficult when demonstrated trajectories are only available in joint space, because their parameters do not in general correspond to variables meaningful for the task. This problem becomes more severe with increasing number of degrees of freedom and hence is particularly an issue for humanoid movements. It has been shown that DMP parameters can directly relate to task variables, when DMPs are learned in latent spaces resulting from dimensionality reduction of demonstrated trajectories. As we show here, however, standard dimensionality reduction techniques do not in general provide adequate latent spaces which need to be highly regular. In this work we concentrate on learning discrete (point-topoint) movements and propose a modification of a powerful nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique (Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model). Our modification makes the GPLVM more suitable for the use of DMPs by favouring latent spaces with highly regular structure. Even though in this case the user has to provide a structure hypothesis we show that its precise choice is not important in order to achieve good results. Additionally, we can overcome one of the main disadvantages of the GPLVM with this modification: its dependence on the initialisation of the latent space. We motivate our approach on data from a 7-DoF robotic arm and demonstrate its feasibility on a high-dimensional human motion capture data set

    Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction for Motion Synthesis and Control

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    Synthesising motion of human character animations or humanoid robots is vastly complicated by the large number of degrees of freedom in their kinematics. Control spaces become so large, that automated methods designed to adaptively generate movements become computationally infeasible or fail to find acceptable solutions. In this thesis we investigate how demonstrations of previously successful movements can be used to inform the production of new movements that are adapted to new situations. In particular, we evaluate the use of nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques to find compact representations of demonstrations, and investigate how these can simplify the synthesis of new movements. Our focus lies on the Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model (GPLVM), because it has proven to capture the nonlinearities present in the kinematics of robots and humans. We present an in-depth analysis of the underlying theory which results in an alternative approach to initialise the GPLVM based on Multidimensional Scaling. We show that the new initialisation is better suited than PCA for nonlinear, synthetic data, but have to note that its advantage shrinks on motion data. Subsequently we show that the incorporation of additional structure constraints leads to low-dimensional representations which are sufficiently regular so that once learned dynamic movement primitives can be adapted to new situations without need for relearning. Finally, we demonstrate in a number of experiments where movements are generated for bimanual reaching, that, through the use of nonlinear dimensionality reduction, reinforcement learning can be scaled up to optimise humanoid movements

    WiFi-Based Human Activity Recognition Using Attention-Based BiLSTM

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    Recently, significant efforts have been made to explore human activity recognition (HAR) techniques that use information gathered by existing indoor wireless infrastructures through WiFi signals without demanding the monitored subject to carry a dedicated device. The key intuition is that different activities introduce different multi-paths in WiFi signals and generate different patterns in the time series of channel state information (CSI). In this paper, we propose and evaluate a full pipeline for a CSI-based human activity recognition framework for 12 activities in three different spatial environments using two deep learning models: ABiLSTM and CNN-ABiLSTM. Evaluation experiments have demonstrated that the proposed models outperform state-of-the-art models. Also, the experiments show that the proposed models can be applied to other environments with different configurations, albeit with some caveats. The proposed ABiLSTM model achieves an overall accuracy of 94.03%, 91.96%, and 92.59% across the 3 target environments. While the proposed CNN-ABiLSTM model reaches an accuracy of 98.54%, 94.25% and 95.09% across those same environments

    Learning dynamic motor skills for terrestrial locomotion

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    The use of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has received significantly increased attention from researchers within the robotics field following the success of AlphaGo, which demonstrated the superhuman capabilities of deep reinforcement algorithms in terms of solving complex tasks by beating professional GO players. Since then, an increasing number of researchers have investigated the potential of using DRL to solve complex high-dimensional robotic tasks, such as legged locomotion, arm manipulation, and grasping, which are difficult tasks to solve using conventional optimization approaches. Understanding and recreating various modes of terrestrial locomotion has been of long-standing interest to roboticists. A large variety of applications, such as rescue missions, disaster responses and science expeditions, strongly demand mobility and versatility in legged locomotion to enable task completion. In order to create useful physical robots, it is necessary to design controllers to synthesize the complex locomotion behaviours observed in humans and other animals. In the past, legged locomotion was mainly achieved via analytical engineering approaches. However, conventional analytical approaches have their limitations, as they require relatively large amounts of human effort and knowledge. Machine learning approaches, such as DRL, require less human effort compared to analytical approaches. The project conducted for this thesis explores the feasibility of using DRL to acquire control policies comparable to, or better than, those acquired through analytical approaches while requiring less human effort. In this doctoral thesis, we developed a Multi-Expert Learning Architecture (MELA) that uses DRL to learn multi-skill control policies capable of synthesizing a diverse set of dynamic locomotion behaviours for legged robots. We first proposed a novel DRL framework for the locomotion of humanoid robots. The proposed learning framework is capable of acquiring robust and dynamic motor skills for humanoids, including balancing, walking, standing-up fall recovery. We subsequently improved upon the learning framework and design a novel multi-expert learning architecture that is capable of fusing multiple motor skills together in a seamless fashion and ultimately deploy this framework on a real quadrupedal robot. The successful deployment of learned control policies on a real quadrupedal robot demonstrates the feasibility of using an Artificial Intelligence (AI) based approach for real robot motion control

    White Paper on Digital and Complex Information

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    Information is one of the main traits of the contemporary era. Indeed there aremany perspectives to define the present times, such as the Digital Age, the Big Dataera, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the fourth Paradigm of science, and in all ofthem information, gathered, stored, processed and transmitted, plays a key role.Technological developments in the last decades such as powerful computers, cheaperand miniaturized solutions as smartphones, massive optical communication, or theInternet, to name few, have enabled this shift to the Information age. This shift hasdriven daily life, cultural and social deep changes, in work and personal activities,on access to knowledge, information spreading, altering interpersonal relations orthe way we interact in public and private sphere, in economy and politics, pavingthe way to globalizationPeer reviewe

    The organisation of excess : movement, analysis and alter-globalisation

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    This thesis involves a reading of the political problematics of the alter- globalisation movement. The thesis suggests that some of the fundamental problems faced by the alter-globalisation movement can be traced to its emergence in the crucible of intensive moments of political activity, at, for example, anti-summit protests. The expansion of political possibilities experienced during such moments, stands in contrast to the constricted sense of political possibility experienced during more quotidian times. To analyse the relationship between the two sets of political experiences we examine Deleuze and Guattari’s concepts of antiproduction, the Body without Organs, and the socius; which we will argue carries the inheritance of Bataille’s concept of nonproductive expenditure. In the light of this theory we conceptualise intensive moments of political activity as moments of excess. We then examine the concept of an analytical war machine as a mode of organisation that can operate across the ruptures and discontinuities produced by moments of excess. The aim is, in part, to provide a mode of analysis that can operate across periods of transformation, even when the very presuppositions of the analysis are themselves subject to change. To do so we develop the concept of an analytical territory and examine the practices of the alter-globalisation movement through Deleuze and Guattari’s territorial concept of the refrain. This thesis, then, provides a novel and innovative reading of the political problematics of the alter-globalisation movement, and fundamentally reconceptualises some familiar repertoires and practices. At the same time, however, the thesis can be read as a novel and innovative interpretation of the political problematics contained in Deleuze and Guattari’s work

    Structured manifolds for motion production and segmentation : a structured Kernel Regression approach

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    Steffen JF. Structured manifolds for motion production and segmentation : a structured Kernel Regression approach. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2010

    Motion planning and reactive control on learnt skill manifolds

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    We propose a novel framework for motion planning and control that is based on a manifold encoding of the desired solution set. We present an alternate, model-free, approach to path planning, replanning and control. Our approach is founded on the idea of encoding the set of possible trajectories as a skill manifold, which can be learnt from data such as from demonstration. We describe the manifold representation of skills, a technique for learning from data and a method for generating trajectories as geodesics on such manifolds. We extend the trajectory generation method to handle dynamic obstacles and constraints. We show how a state metric naturally arises from the manifold encoding and how this can be used for reactive control in an on-line manner. Our framework tightly integrates learning, planning and control in a computationally efficient representation, suitable for realistic humanoid robotic tasks that are defined by skill specifications involving high-dimensional nonlinear dynamics, kinodynamic constraints and non-trivial cost functions, in an optimal control setting. Although, in principle, such problems can be handled by well understood analytical methods, it is often difficult and expensive to formulate models that enable the analytical approach. We test our framework with various types of robotic systems – ranging from a 3-link arm to a small humanoid robot – and show that the manifold encoding gives significant improvements in performance without loss of accuracy. Furthermore, we evaluate the framework against a state-of-the-art imitation learning method. We show that our approach, by learning manifolds of robotic skills, allows for efficient planning and replanning in changing environments, and for robust and online reactive control