72 research outputs found

    Lexical Polysemy: Lexicographic Implications

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    This paper intends to show the importance of having linguistic instruments, principally semantic ones, for determining the meaning of words with the greatest precision and, consequently, managing to meticulously establish the different meanings of a dictionary's entry words. As an example, a new definition of the Spanish verb mezclar ('to mix') will be proposed

    Simulation Subsumption or Déjà vu on the Web

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    Simulation unification is a special kind of unification adapted to retrieving semi-structured data on the Web. This article introduces simulation subsumption, or containment, that is, query subsumption under simulation unification. Simulation subsumption is crucial in general for query optimization, in particular for optimizing pattern-based search engines, and for the termination of recursive rule-based web languages such as the XML and RDF query language Xcerpt. This paper first motivates and formalizes simulation subsumption. Then, it establishes decidability of simulation subsumption for advanced query patterns featuring descendant constructs, regular expressions, negative subterms (or subterm exclusions), and multiple variable occurrences. Finally, we show that subsumption between two query terms can be decided in O(n!n) where n is the sum of the sizes of both query terms

    Intrinsic Simulations between Stochastic Cellular Automata

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    The paper proposes a simple formalism for dealing with deterministic, non-deterministic and stochastic cellular automata in a unifying and composable manner. Armed with this formalism, we extend the notion of intrinsic simulation between deterministic cellular automata, to the non-deterministic and stochastic settings. We then provide explicit tools to prove or disprove the existence of such a simulation between two stochastic cellular automata, even though the intrinsic simulation relation is shown to be undecidable in dimension two and higher. The key result behind this is the caracterization of equality of stochastic global maps by the existence of a coupling between the random sources. We then prove that there is a universal non-deterministic cellular automaton, but no universal stochastic cellular automaton. Yet we provide stochastic cellular automata achieving optimal partial universality.Comment: In Proceedings AUTOMATA&JAC 2012, arXiv:1208.249


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    The paper deals with the studying of means of expression of the predicative centre of sentences with pronominal-infinitive complex on the semantic-syntactical and the formal-grammatical levels. Different approaches to the determination of syntactical matter of such constructions are defined, the fact of non-belonging of the infinitive to their predicative centre is revealed. The predicative centre of every type of sentences with pronominal-infinitive complex (two-member and mononuclear) is determined, the ways (structural-semantic and semantic) and means (modal and phasal lexemes) of their complication are described.KEYWORDS: sentence with pronominal-infinitive complex, infinitive, pronominal component, two-member sentence, mononuclear sentence, predicative centre, predicate, valency, modal verb, phasal verb.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/ rh.v0i16.101

    Актантність в безособових реченнях (на матеріалі французької мови)

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    У статті досліджено функціональні особливості актантності в безособових реченнях. Актантність визначає певну кількість актантів у реченні-висловленні, їхні комбінаторні можливості, функціональні ролі та засоби реалізації у мовленні. Аналіз комбінаторних особливостей елементів речення є необхідним для розуміння структурної і семантичної організації висловлення, адже функціонування слів у мовленні відбувається не ізольовано, а залежно від їхніх семантико-граматичних позицій. Кількість актантів у реченні залежить від валентності дієслова, яка визначає їх форму та реалізується у поверхневій структурі факультативно чи обов’язково. Через своєрідну синтагматичну валентність дієслово-предикат потребує кореляції з певними синтаксичними умовами, наявності суб’єктно-об’єктних елементів / актантів для заповнення позицій підмета і комплементів дієслова (чи суб’єкта й об’єктів). Не всі дієслова мають однакову кількість актантів. Крім того, одне і те саме дієслово може мати їх різну кількість залежно від ситуації. Досліджено різні типи безособових речень на матеріалі французької мови і виявлено способи вираження семантичного суб’єкта у таких конструкціях. This paper investigates the functional features of the actancy in impersonal sentences. The actancy specifies the number of actants in a sentence, expressing their combinatorial possibilities, functional roles and means of implementation in speech. Analysis of combinatorial features of elements of the sentence is necessary to understand the structural and semantic organization of expression, because the functioning of words in speech is not isolated, but depending on their semantic and grammatical items. Number of actants in a sentence depends on the valency of the verb that determines their shape and it is implemented in the surface structure in optional or mandatory form. Due to the specific syntagmatic valency, verb-predicate requires correlation with certain syntactic conditions, availability of subject-object elements / actants to fill positions of subject and verb complement (or subject and object). Not all the verbs have the same number of actants. In addition, the same verb can have a different number of them depending on the situation. Different types of impersonal sentences in French language were investigated, and the ways of expressing semantic subject in such structures were found

    Facts from Text—Is Text Mining Ready to Deliver?

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    The mining of information from scientific literature using computational tools has tremendous potential for knowledge discovery, but how close are we to realizing this potential


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    У статті розглянуто специфіку функціонування давньоанглійських претерито-презентних дієслів, які виступають у позиції першої частини складеного дієслівного присудка. Відмічаються різні етапи становлення семантико-функціонального типу і розвитку модального компонента в семантичній структурі цих дієслів. У деяких дієслів домінує модальний компонент значення, деякі при домінантності модального значення зберігають конкретне лексичне значення як реліктове і периферійне, а деякі функціонують у двох базових синтаксичних варіантах і виявляють різний характер валентності

    Modular termination of C programs

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    In this paper we describe a general method to prove termination of C programs in a scalable and modular way. The program to analyse is reduced to the smallest relevant subset through a termination-specific slicing technique. Then, the program is divided into pieces of code that are analysed separately, thanks to an external engine for termination. The result is implemented in the prototype \stoptool over our previous toolsuite WTC [compsys-termination-sas10] and preliminary results shows the feasibility of the method


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    Purpose of the study: This study is undertaken to identify the similarities and differences of synonymous relations in the medical terminology of English, Russian and Tatar languages. Methodology: To identify the common and special in the compared languages, a comparative method is used. The basis of comparison in the medical terminology of genetically unrelated languages was established. In this study, the method of feature comparison was used, i.e. the phenomenon of synonymy was studied in a comparative aspect. Main Findings: The results of this study contribute to the selection of the correct, appropriate synonym for the term when translating into medical texts. Comparative analysis of three languages in the matter of synonyms in medical terminology has shown that English and Russian languages have more similarities than English and Tatar ones and Russian and Tatar ones. Application of the study: This study is of great importance in compiling dictionaries. At the same time, it will help students of the medicine faculty with the translation of medical texts, taking into account the peculiarities of the synonymy of terms in each language. Novelty: The synonymy in the medical terminology of genetically unrelated languages, in particular, English and Tatar languages, Russian and Tatar languages has not been studied to date in a comparative aspect